

Jun 12th, 2019
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  1. Be me.
  2. Be trusted to moderate small but loyal fanbase discord for a game no one really cares about.
  3. It's so tiny the creator of the franchise is in there with us. He's a cool guy.
  4. Reach 150 members. Be proud, because that's still a bigger fanbase than I thought was possible for this game no one bothers to remember.
  5. Have experience so i'm not worried too much and they're pretty easy to handle.
  6. Warn admin that troublemakers will be dealt with swiftly and with prejudice.
  7. Get warned about old drama.
  8. It turns out there was a problematic community member (we'll call him 'Dave') who started trying to take down other fansites so his would be the only one.
  9. holyfuckingshit.jpg
  10. Spend next few days preparing for shitstorm 2.0 knowing it will inevitably come.
  11. Sit here, not having to do much for a few days because everyone's on the same page and it's great.
  12. New user I never heard of or saw before speaks up.
  13. We'll call him Sam.
  14. Sam tries to start political discourse in the server when we have a very strict no-drama policy.
  15. Some of our users have chronic health issues and can't handle the stress, so the policy really helps them too.
  16. I chime in, telling Sam to stop being a regressive little shit and to change topics immediately.
  17. Sam gets mad.
  18. Sam accuses me of abusing my status.
  19. Sam has a superiority complex on top of this.
  20. Sam claims he's making a VR game, and thinks this gives him superiority.
  21. lolwhatever.gif
  22. Two other members of the server are actively making games, so he's not as special as he thinks.
  23. We both know Sam stole the idea of a VR game from another game. Very original, Sam.
  24. Anyways, this little fucknut is coming at me with the rage of a thousand angry midgets for telling him to change topics.
  25. Sam is throwing insults at me and I sat there laughing at how futile his attempts were.
  26. Another user joins in at this point, I'll call her Lisa.
  27. Sam goes quiet, and Lisa starts vigorously white knighting for Sam. I never saw either of them before this specific incident so I had my suspicions about the two.
  28. mfw sockpuppet.png
  29. Lisa and Sam are both haughty and sarcastic, talking down to me as I try to dismiss their accusations (primarily coming from Lisa at this point, Sam fucked off, probably to go grab a cup of soy milk or something.)
  30. Eventually I get tired of it and just ban the two.
  31. At this point other server members thought I made a mistake before I explained the fact that Sam was about to start a massive amount of drama and infighting we didn't want anything to do with.
  32. Other users begin to realize I was right and conversation slows to a grind.
  33. Head admin joins and shuts down the remaining discussion. The ban on the two members was lifted 24 hours later.
  34. Hear from a user that Sam was close friends with Dave.
  35. Everything now makes sense.
  36. Skip forwards a week
  37. New user gets promoted to moderator.
  38. I never saw this person before, and head admin tells me they volunteered (They asked) and he trusts them.
  39. I get an instant bad feeling about this, experience told me you don't promote new members who just show up and ask.
  40. Ignore my feelings and try to trust head admin's choice. Surely he knows what he's doing, right?
  41. A few days later, get DM about a user's sense of humor making various other people uncomfortable.
  42. It's the new mod.
  43. Head Admin and I tell him to stop.
  44. He stops... for now.
  45. Five days later, popular member and artist DMs me. I know her, we're pretty good friends. I'll call her Sarah.
  46. I also get DMs from another user and mutual of Sarah and I. I didn't notice before but I instantly see what's going on when I check the server.
  47. New admin is making offensive jokes at Sarah, who asked him to stop. I step in.
  48. I got screenshots, Sarah is livid and hates this guy at this point, apparently he had been making subtle remarks like this at her for the past few days and she got real tired of it.
  49. Mutual also get mad about this, we discuss it in DMs.
  50. Sarah is blowing up my DMs saying all kinds of things about this guy and how much she absolutely hates him.
  51. Head admin is offline. Can't change roles/mute this other mod in the meantime.
  52. I'm getting angry, I've known Sarah for almost ten years. She's a nice person and the fact that this new moderator is targeting her just makes me see red.
  53. Get angry at new moderator. Send screenshots of coversations with Sarah and mutual as well as the offending statements to head Admin.
  54. Straight up textfight new moderator telling him what he punishments will be and what his offenses were.
  55. Head Admin logs on, sees what happened.
  56. Apparently head admin had family trouble but he agrees to help handle things when he gets home.
  57. New guy tried to argue i'm missing his whole point.
  58. New guy eventually sits there and tries to threaten me with a report, saying i'm threatening him.
  59. mfw Discord staff is so bad you can get banned for a false report.
  60. Third strike.
  61. New guy ragequits the server before I could ban him.
  62. New guy gets banned anyways.
  63. Promote three new moderators who have proven capable of handling themselves.
  64. Promote a fourth who is preetty cool.
  65. tmw one moderator's display name is literally "Ass Cheeks"
  66. Announcement is fucking hilarious because of this.
  67. Half of server is laughing at the announcement due to this.
  68. People begin having fun and cracking jokes again.
  69. Peace at last.
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