

Apr 22nd, 2014
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  1. from math import*
  2. from numbers import*
  3. def roots(pol):
  4. pol=[float(n) for n in pol]
  5. deg=max([i for i in range(len(pol)) if pol[i]<>0])
  6. if deg==0: return None
  7. elif deg==1: return [-pol[0]/pol[1]]
  8. elif deg==2:
  9. a,b,c=pol[2],pol[1],pol[0]
  10. D=b*b-4*a*c
  11. if D<0: return [(-b-(0+1j)*(-D)**0.5)/(2*a), (-b+(0+1j)*(-D)**0.5)/(2*a)]
  12. else: return [(-b-D**0.5)/(2*a), (-b+D**0.5)/(2*a)]
  13. #Given ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0. Reduce to x^3+ax^2+bx+c=0. Substitute x=y-a/3.
  14. #Reduce to y^3+yp+q=0. Substitute y=z-p/3z. Got z^6+qz^3-p^3/27=0
  15. elif deg==3: #kinda mystics why half of solutions can be omitted
  16. a,b,c=pol[2]/pol[3],pol[1]/pol[3],pol[0]/pol[3]
  17. p,q=b-a*a/3, c+2*a*a*a/27-a*b/3
  18. unity=[cos(2*pi*i/3)+sin(2*pi*i/3)*(0+1j) for i in range(3)]
  19. solve_z=(roots([-p*p*p/27, q, 1])[0]+0j)**(1./3) #solved for z
  20. zs=[solve_z*unity[i] for i in range(3)]
  21. ys=[z-p/(3*z) for z in zs]
  22. return [y-a/3 for y in ys]
  23. elif deg==4: #Reduce to y^4=py^2+qy+r
  24. a,b,c,d=pol[3]/pol[4],pol[2]/pol[4],pol[1]/pol[4], pol[0]/pol[4]
  25. p,q,r=3*a*a/8-b, a*b/2-a*a*a/8-c,3*a**4/256-a*a*b/16+a*c/4-d
  26. #print p,q,r, [4*p*r-q*q,8*r,4*p,8]
  27. D=roots([4*p*r-q*q,8*r,4*p,8]) #solving cubics for a constant :)
  28. if D[0].imag<D[1].imag: t=D[0].real
  29. else: t=D[1].real #choosing real root
  30. pre=((2*t+p+0j)**0.5).real
  31. return [x-a/4 for x in roots([t+pre*q/(2*(2*t+p)),pre,1])+roots([t-pre*q/(2*(2*t+p)),-pre,1])]
  32. else:
  33. print "I can't solve for big degrees cuz I don't know how to approximate complex roots efficiently"
  34. return None
  36. print roots([1,-3,0,4,1])
  37. #print roots([-1.0, 40.0, 24.0, 8])
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