
Nomont: Vindica Corvus

May 21st, 2021
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  1. [21:10] Asura Nomont says, "Please, come in."
  2. [21:10] Asura Nomont says, "The door is unlocked."
  3. [21:11] Alexander Vol Hellstrom says, "I'm here to observe, mostly. There isn't much I can do as either a medic, or an apprentice in craftsmanship."
  4. [21:12] Alexander Vol Hellstrom says, "-... Apprentice in fleshcrafting. slip of the tongue."
  5. [21:13] Asura Nomont says, "All you have to do is watch. I'm certain the design I have in mind, and molds I've had put together will work out just fine."
  6. [21:13] Asura Nomont says, "Now then..."
  7. [21:24] The backroom was as busy as always -- though, today, was going to be a different project.
  8. Given he was down to a single arm? His employees would head the project in his stead, with him merely as their guide.
  9. Their leading voice: The visionary, as he always was.
  11. Then again, how would this change things from when he had both arms.
  13. "Alright, men... You know what you're to do."
  14. He passed a look across them all.
  16. It was time, to get to work.
  18. "Is the forge ready?" He asked of his men, to which the three employees manning it turned for him.
  20. ''Ready, boss.''
  22. The Nomont's eye sifted over for those at the stone anvil.
  23. "And tools acquired, pre-inspected, and prepared?" He asked of the next station.
  24. In reverence, another party revealed the man leading their station, bringing rise to a hammer.
  26. ''Ready, Mister Nomont!''
  28. Alas, the alchemist's table, filled with notes and... The Discontinued battery! As well as a beaker filled with the vantablack substance formerly dubbed Nethesium by Asura Nomont himself. It appears as though his men were studying it, with an entire array of tools set aside, specifically for safely getting it open.
  30. "--and small tools section is set?" He asked, to which he received an audible 'Yes, sir!'
  32. Then, at last? A new creation! Perhaps, this was why he delayed the production of such an undertaking until now. This was a new machine -- something that must've taken months to put together. It looked like a giant metal box with buttons on the side, but looking at it from uptop its six foot height would reveal the many heavy-duty serrated iron blades: A material shredder of industrial measure.
  34. "Is the industrial cutter, ready?" Asura asked towards the employees manning the construct -- three of them, it'd seem like. One to spectate the settings and conditions, one to man the entry point, and a final to observe the exit point.
  36. Near that very station? The Nethradin Fragment.
  38. The nonmagi took the moment for pause, replaying the procedures in his head. Yet, he could find no glaring flaws.
  40. "Then, let's begin."
  42. (Asura Nomont)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [21:32] It is impressive to see just how uniform Asura had his men trained. He knows that there are capable artificers & blacksmiths out there that can make works of wonder with their own two hands.
  47. Asura, on the other hand? Instead of relying on the one hand he still has, he uses the hands of all his fellow works to compensate, organized to perfection.
  49. Each man and woman in his employ, like a well-oiled cog in a machine- The end goal for Achyon as a whole.
  51. It is, truly, a beautiful sight.
  53. A curious gaze is given towards the new machine that has been made since he was last in Asura's workshop: A giant metal box with buttons on the side, six foot height, with serrated iron blades at the top.
  55. This is the first time he is going to see an industrial cutter in action!
  57. "You've certainty adjusted yourself to Achyon tech well." The captain says with a smile, complimenting Asura's ingenuity.
  59. "I doubt I'll be able to assist, but if there is anything you need me for? I'll be around."
  60. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [22:03] First Step: Treatment
  65. Arcanium, the precious ore of Eternia… Surely, the most powerful of any material... Which meant it would be the hardest for even the greatest of nonmagus smiths to smelt. Naturally, they could never... But Nomont Industries had prepared for such an occasion.
  67. Small blowtorch devices equipped to the forge-masters were used on the lumps of ore as they were plopped onto lengthy moulds. Blasted with heat along the surface slowly gleamed the metal for a soft saffron along the fringe. The devices siphoned from fire crystals -- using former pyromantic-based magus lifeforce as their fuel.
  69. It was going to take a lot of heat to melt down Arcanium…
  70. A lot of time to melt down Arcanium…
  71. A lot of treating, to ensure it took shape.
  72. No room for error.
  74. Thus, they hunkered over and laid their torches upon it, witness its occasional shift and irk away from its breadth.
  76. A Digression For Commentary
  78. Asura turned over for Hellstrom. "Achyon Tech? I admit, the only technology I've had hand in was that of Benedict's own. I admit, I have... Far too much..."
  80. Hiss...
  81. Purr...
  83. "Pride, to take from another... Without trying to develop my own solutions." The claim was his own to bear -- whether or not the Captain opted to accept it? Was up to them.
  85. "That said... Tell me, when you fight, mag--…" He stopped himself, "Alexander." A correction -- He was not like the others... Perhaps. "Is it entirely from the distance? How do you confront threats that... Charge you?" He asked, bringing his left up to his chest reflexively... Only to realize his arm-crossing habit had been... Squandered long ago.
  87. "That, was the question I wondered when I started working on the schematics of this weapon of yours." Asura claimed, finding home for his only functional arm, at his hip, sifting his thumb into the available pocket.
  88. "The answer? A simple one. The blade -- A deterrent, weapon and defense... All in one." He claimed.
  90. Though, as he spoke of it, he had yet to demonstrate. The product was -far- from finished.
  91. "Of course, you want a staff, something to amplify your magic prowess... But some basic means of defense should such not keep them afar, seems... Absolutely paramount.
  93. Thus, I compromised."
  95. Second Step: The Mould
  97. A glance back at the work on the arcanium would reveal that it was slowly beginning to breakdown, resembling a golden syrup that offered its best impression of melting butter within its own molten substance.
  99. Though, it was still some ways to go before it's be properly melted down. At the same time, the forge itself was given the same treatment radiating heat that choked at the room with an oppressive aura. It was necessary.
  101. ''I hope erryone drunk up today!'' joked one of the forge-masters, toiling away at the pyre that surged the vertical scales of the chimney to escape the undergrowth of Achyon's subterranean residency wing. The chortles abroad were weak, but present -- a potential claim that some of the workers both admired and tired of their fellow kin.
  103. It was a job, naught more.
  105. The hearth was ready, but the arcanium was not -- thus, the moulding with the half-molten ore was slid into the depths of the roaring flame, before the sheath to it was dropped, sealing the oppressive heat away to concentrate upon the ore within. As soon as it was done, they'd take to a swift departure.
  107. Asura spoke up, "They are taking the opportunity to switch into something to withstand the heat, when the forge is opened once more." He claimed. "Perhaps, it would be wise, if we did the--"
  109. Hiss...
  110. Purr...
  112. "Same..."
  114. The nonmagi lead took a moment to mull on the matter as the workers returned in layers of leather. It certainly wasn't the most comfortable when heated, but it served as a better layer than anything metallic.
  116. "It takes mana crystals to obtain heat that extreme... and a lot of it, to get it concentrated. Think of it as... Getting a bunch of fire magi, and activating all of their magic at once in the same spot." He explained, though it was likely obvious that Alexander knew that much by now.
  118. "I don't think there's anything we'll -need- you for, but I can certainly ask of you generic questions."
  120. Hiss...
  121. Purr...
  123. "Assuming, you are alright with that. I can also answer any questions."
  124. (Asura Nomont)
  125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. [22:25] Alexander had reflexively attempted to cross his arms over his chest at the sight of Asura trying to do the same- Only for the arms to awkwardly move back to the sides when he notices Asura had only one arm.
  129. Having your arms crossed in front of someone who just tried but was unable to can make one feel guilty.
  131. "How I fight?" Alexander puts his hand on his chin to think. "It often depends on who I fight. You could say I'm the type of fighter that adapts, and switches ranges depending on who I deal with and the situation I am in. It is not uncommon for me to also change distances mid-fight."
  133. Alexander explains, thinking back of all his previous battles over the years. Like the time he charged headfirst and brace the icy storm that is August, one of his former teachers back in Starfall.
  135. Or the many times he has fought Ky, relying on keeping distance from Ky's blade and magics until the optimal distance came to go in and strike back.
  137. It isn't a fool proof strategy however, and he does make mistakes- All he needs to do think of a reminder is recall the day Augustus died due to Torgon adapting to Alexander's fighting style, without the then Sergeant of Achyon able to think of a counter strategy in time...
  139. Shaking off the thought in his head, Alexander nods to Asura's solution for the question.
  141. "There were times I've used the beak on my staff like a piercing weapon. A blade on the staff could prove useful to me."
  143. With luck, he might be able to use the blade to pierce Torgon's non-existent heart.
  145. Once the second phase started, the incoming heat began to ebb throughout the workplace soon after.
  146. A visible frown can be seen on Alexander due to the worker's job, but the captain holds his tongue from responding.
  148. He can't complain towards those that work so hard in front of such heat when all he does is stand and observe.
  150. "Agreed, we should get changed." They really should, otherwise the heat would be too oppressive. A bad day to come in with clothes in the shades of dark gray and black.
  152. Moving with the rest of the workers, Alexander comes back with a leather suit like theirs. Thankfully, they had a spare for him to use.
  154. "The part about the mana crystals is intriguing to me, how did you manage to collect enough?" Alexander ends up asking in return.
  155. He is no blacksmith, true. That does not mean he is not aware of just how durable Arcanium really is.
  157. It takes an immense amount of heat to even begin to melt it, and Asura has managed to do it without relying on the powers of fire magi.
  158. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  159. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [22:40] Step Three: The Core
  162. As the metal melted down? One had to assure that it could be enabled beyond an expensive stick.
  163. Slowly...
  164. Carefully...
  166. Small tools were used to pry the battery open, with a magnifying glass being used to observe its contents. It was so small, it was humorous. The claim that -it- overloaded anything of remarkable size baffled them all to no end.
  168. ''Imagine. Nomont-brand batteries are dozens of times bigger than this thing, and this thing supposedly can cause catastrophic explosions? It's hardly the size of a bullet, much less bombs several times its size.'' voiced the opinionated employee, squinting at the inner components, before reaching out to beckon one of their coworkers closer to them.
  170. ''Th' dropper, please.'' They'd request, finding it sunken within the beaker of Nethesium. A subtle squeeze got -just- enough to fill its tip, before squirting a few droplets... Not remotely close to the pebble-like battery, but a jar-like product of glassware.
  172. A Digression Of Asura's Attention?
  173. "Hmmm... I see. Though, you do you..."
  175. While Alexander got changed, Asura... Did not. In fact, he simply opted not to get any closer to the act... Likely prepared to brace for what would be akin to sunbathing in the presence of molten volcanic rock. It ached, even before the sheath opened... But the man's expression was fairly dulled... Muted. Far too removed from his own workings anymore to concern himself with the pain.
  177. It was almost as though he liked the suffering: A Stockholm subject.
  179. "The question isn't a matter of how we managed to collect enough mana crystals pertaining to the fire affinity." The Nomont answered, "It is how we managed to come across those potent enough to enable our endeavors." He corrected, all the while -- as he spoke, his eye did not turn to Alexander.
  181. No. He was overlooking the operations of his workers, assuring that not once they'd digress from the plans he set aside for them to follow.
  183. "--and the answer lies in my study of the magus circuit." He claimed. "The development of technologies that siphon from it, most accurately... Effectively." He man monologued, "Neutralization was a concept that came from proper extraction from magus entities... When one is properly slain? Their circuitry agitates the mana within their physical vessel, resulting in crystallization. The more tailored to an affinity? The more potent it is..."
  185. Hiss...
  186. Purr...
  188. "Common creatures bound to an affinity, tend to produce... Weak, common mana crystals." The nonmagus did not badger himself to elaborate. Surely, a magi's mind could wander enough to possibly come to a conclusion as to how this was even possible.
  190. Step Four: The Fragment
  192. A few buttons were pressed long the side by the primary operator, and the mechanical wonder-piece roared to life. The blades within spun at speeds that blurred their individual spindles into a slurred rainbow transcending grays and silvers down its girth.
  194. ''Alright... Slowly.... Sloooowly…. Slooowly!'' The operator cautioned, as the individual at the top, quite sluggishly lowered the chunk into the torrent of blades below. Second, after second, they inched the material closer to the eviscerating jaws of iron and steel, generating such malefic force by cogs, revolving other cogs, amplifying levers which in turn turned other cogs -- The shredder, chewed its contents, but into weakened nor shattered forms, but mulch.
  196. If not intervened, the fragment was pulverized along its bottom most fringe, resulting in the shredder-device spewing a fine sand-like powder at its exit point. The operator at that end took to a half-broom, brushing the product into a dustpan.
  198. (Asura Nomont)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [23:03] Alexander puts a hand above his lips, letting out a muffled chortle at the wonderment and bafflement of Asura's workers at how such a small battery was able to overcharge to the point of causing an explosion.
  203. Not that he has any understanding how or why as well! For him, though? This battery was but another example of Barsburg technology that far exceeded the capabilities of almost everyone else across all of Eternia.
  205. It is good to know that a barsburg made item would become part of the weapon, no matter how small the piece truly was.
  206. A barsburgian technology as a symbol of pride in the Empire.
  208. An item that he has received from Augustus upon winning the tournament during the then captain's demonstration of Imperial Excellence?
  210. A personal touch.
  213. As the heat rose? Alexander had remained firm, the leather suit giving him some form of protection.
  214. Him being a magi that has fought many battles in his life has also raised his tolerance to pain far above the norms when compared to a non-magi, too.
  216. Not that the heat is to be underestimated on, quite the contrary in fact! He hasn't faced such strong heat before since the last time he sparred against Leon Ebner in his childhood.
  218. Alexander listens in as Asura explains his question, curious as to how he has found ones that were potent enough. While he may not be an artificer himself, there is always the opportunity of using this information to later use somewhere else.
  220. It proves even more interesting to Alexander, if Asura is implying what the captain thinks the inventor is implying.
  221. "So... The mana crystals... Are ones made from the mana crystallizations of dead magi?"
  223. Isn't that quite the revelation, for the novice fleshcrafter. One who has so far only practiced on the corpses of dead animals, never what was once a thinking man or woman.
  225. Something to ponder about, and experiment with once he'll further hone his skill in the craft.
  227. Now they are at stage four.
  229. The sound of the blades spinning, roaring through the workshop has caused Alexander to take a step back in shock. He hasn't heard such a loud noise in years!
  231. A machine that relies on the physics of cogs, to help forge a weapon for a cog in the grand machine that is the Empire.
  232. There is a small sense of poetry in it, no?
  234. And how much power that machine has! Shredding through the contents, turning the once fragment of a gigantic Nethradin that tore through the veil into their world.
  236. Into fine, minced powder. A show of technology modernizing even the most nefarious beings of Helheim into tools to be used by their hands.
  238. "Everything is going as planned, it appears." Alexander notes, a satisfied smirk on his lips.
  239. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [23:24] Hiss...
  243. Purr...
  245. "Dead magi consists of creatures as well. It entirely depends on the potency of the former wielder, is all." A cut at any tensions that may've passively been built upon.
  247. Step Five: Activated Nethesium
  249. With Nethradin fragment powder within their possession, it was sampled at, before being applied to the glass dish where it'd be introduced... But not before it was placed aside to assure the safety of the workers could be assured. The individuals working with the Nethesium turned for one of the nearby chests to unveil... Some new type of apparel. It wasn't the leather sort that the forge-masters adorn themselves in.
  251. Rather, these individuals donned something that imitated antimagus assault gear... To an extent. A gas mask per individual at the station, and coverage from head-to-toe. Not an inch of skin to be found on any part, and Asurahimself taking a decent strafe away from their general location. It -was- a small room, though... A few feet felt distant enough.
  253. ''Alright, introducing Nethradin fragment powder, with Nethesium in three... two... one...''
  254. Asura's eye found this station in his sole focus now, before the dustpan full of the powder was poured steadily into the glassware layered with the vantablack Nethesium.
  256. It irked, gurgled but most notably? It took upon a heinous gleam. It was an undeniably Helish radiance that tainted the very walls with its insidious essence. The vermillion glow it took upon transcended the tint of the glass it was housed within.
  258. The tyrium based in the augmented antimagus gear adorn by the employed chemists was designed solely for absorbing the harmful radiation of malefic magic; it ate at it, layered away from their bodies by a layer of leather against the bare body beneath.
  260. Slowly, the chemists approached thetable, careful not to invoke a reaction from a substance that irked and stirred as though it were alive... As though it were awakened.
  261. A glass stirring rod was taken from the table to better mix the activated substance, to which it grew thick, corroded and reactant to physical touch. With enough stirs, it almost seemed to grab and cling to the rod, tugged out with mild trouble.
  263. The chemist lead commentated over their own work:
  264. ''Now, just a drop of this stuff will be able to fill the battery.'' Aloud, for his coworkers and Asura Nomont to hear.
  266. The dropper was brought back to the recently stirred substance only after it eased down, siphoning up a single droplet of the ebonic goop. It was bound to be a challenge... Which is why the applicator took to total silence. A squint, lean... and slow... and careful lowering towards the halved pebble, using a magnifying glass to attempt exacting their mark.
  268. At the current rate, the smelting of the ores would likely be completed before the battery was.
  270. . . .
  272. Sweat beaded at the chemist's forehead beneath their face, fogging at their vision.
  274. ''--aaaaand…. weeeeeeee'reeee….''
  276. Drop.
  278. ''Good!''
  280. The viscous blended product found its purchase: The battery, beading on it to fill it entirely and threaten to peel over. It was merely aquatic-like cohesion that kept it from breaking shape. A shape that was carefully observed for preservation with the taking of the cap via tweezers.
  282. ''One more bit to go...''
  284. Step Six: Quench
  286. The hearth was yanked open, sounding off with a clank as smiths charged into the fray with tongs. The superheated moulds kept their shape, with smelted arcanium fitting them nicely. The tongs took to the mouldings, before dunking them in open barrels of... Water? The hiss and bubbling ofthe surface would it appear as though it'd be.
  288. Except...
  289. It lit aflame, briefly burning before extinguishing itself: This, wasn't water at all.
  291. The Nomont Employer spoke up;
  292. "It's a type of oil extract." Asura explained, "A means of properly treating the metal, between sessions."
  294. The tongs were removed from the barrel of quenching fluid, plopping a hot albeit wet mould of a cylindrical arcanium form. Another mould was placed on top of it, intent on forcing an indenture: The interior cavity.
  295. Without further ado, hammers worked away, not necessarily intent on reshaping the recently cooled metal, but forcing the secondary mould into the subtle groove of the half-moulded arcanium rod.
  296. (Asura Nomont)
  297. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  299. [00:02] Recalling how the previous test went when the Nethradin fragment had touched with the Nethesium, Alexander takes a step back.
  301. The last attempt ended with quite the volatile reaction, so no one could blame for taking a safe distance away from the item.
  303. It seems Asura had prepared for such a reaction repeating as well: The workers that are going to test on the Nethesium are now dressed in what appears like the gear Asura's Iron Legion and its predecessor back from Osrona had worn, though perhaps a tad less sophisticated.
  305. An outfit made for the purpose of working with dangerous magical substances, rather than for battle.
  307. A deep breath is taken through the strong heat as the countdown for the test began. Even from a supposedly safe distance, Alexander is wary of what might happen.
  309. Three, two, one...
  311. Radiation vermillion in color has filled up the workplace. A sensation all too familiar was felt across Alexander's skin as it touched his body.
  312. A sensation that reminds him of the Nethradin the fragment came from. Of Smile's 'house' in his home dimension, a living abomination made out of black tar that could shapeshift. Play with people's minds, and had broken the laws of physics.
  314. It was an adventure where they could have lost Augustus by him turning into solid gold after sitting on golden throne, as but one example of that house's bizarre shenanigans.
  316. As for the radiation? Thankfully, the distance Alexander had kept had protected him of any potential harmful effect. Him being a magi also meant that he had better natural defenses to it. At least, when the radiation isn't concentrated and from a safe enough distance...
  318. Only needs to look at how the radiation begins to melt the tyrium part of the antimagus gear as a sign of just how powerful the hellish energy it emanates can truly be.
  320. And to think, how the tensionin the air can rise up, from just trying to put a single drop of the vantablack substance with the Nethradin fragment powder stirred into it inside of the battery.
  322. A sigh of relief comes from the captain as the chemist accomplishes this part and thus finished step five, rubbing off the sweat that formed on his forehead.
  324. Who know the process would be so stressful?
  326. No doubt, Asura knew well in advance.
  328. The next step felt much more tame in comparison. Instead of heating the moulded Arcanium, Asura has his workers submerge the mouldings into an oil extract!
  330. He never knew that in order to quench scorching metal, they need to be inserted into an oil extract which then lights up on fire.
  332. In a way it felt like backwards logic for Alexander, but then again- What did he truly know about forging? Sometimes, there are things in reality that act contrary to what one would expect. The Netheisum being a prime example of such.
  334. For now? All Alexander does is to stand and watch, to watch the workers hammer on the moulds in awe.
  336. "I don't think I'll ever able to think each steps through like that, all the way to the tiny details." Alexander notes.
  338. "Such matters of craftmanship eludes me... Yet inspiring all the same."
  340. Seeing how each worker works so diligently? It is a sight to be admired and respected.
  341. He can only hope he'll have such diligence when the time would come for him to create his own unique beings, should he ever master the art of fleshcrafting.
  343. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  346. [01:17]
  347. {LOAD GAME}
  349. [01:17] You've received 20000 daily salary from Nomont Bank.
  350. [01:20] {GUILD} You contributed 25000c to Nomont Bank
  351. [17:22]
  352. {LOAD GAME}
  354. [17:40] Asura Nomont says, "Come on in."
  355. [17:48] Slam after slam, after slam... Until the tongs would be taken up once more, and slide the product back into the furnace. Heating would result, and reshaping to accommodate the interior cavity.
  357. The pyre of Nomont technology incorporated into the Achyonite way of life would slowly melt away at even Kraus' most stubborn creations. Even the greatest and most powerful could falter to a determined nonmagi…
  359. So, could it not stand as a testament that his vision, his uprising... His ascendance… Was inevitable?
  361. Step Seven: Weld
  363. Seconds, dragged on to minutes... And the halves would soon be revealed. Two half-cylindrical crafts of arcanium, hallowed out. Though, there was something evidentially missing! The blades, he insinuated prior.
  365. Then, perhaps that would explain the last two moulds still kept within the hearth.
  367. The remnants of the Nethradin Fragment was being carved up with blades available in their inventory. Nothing too grand: diamond shaped: One for each blade for a total of four.
  368. Asura passed his eye from the sight of their endeavors near the alchemic table, before sifting his gander back to Alexander.
  370. "I took the liberty of solving the potential waste problem." He claimed, "Using some of the excess for the interior of the blades. It gives a final means of amplification upon departing the final channel of the device." A bold claim, "I've come to believe that if... 'chaos' is your intent, the result can be achieve with this amplifier meeting any outburst of your weapon on its way out. Though, I warn it may have a 'kick'."
  372. The nonmagi spoke with a sense of callousness, yet was thoroughly sweating even now. The heat was getting to them, streaking the sweat from their head and face like tears. Yet, he wouldn't seek refuge... He wouldn't away from it -- like the masochist he had become.
  374. "I will say, I am grateful that you decided against your blood being integral to the design." Asura piped up, "Such would require some design choices that would... Unfortunately become quite vile over time."
  376. Hiss...
  377. Purr...
  379. The cylindrical halves were cooling on a hardy table, dunked into the quenching barrel for the second time to assure that they could get this far before being inspected for their shape.
  381. "What is the status report, on that battery?" The Nomont asked aloud, turning his head over towards the alchemy table to find himself showcased a battery within the gloved hand of a nodding chemist. A studied glance would reveal the tyrium-touched apparel they took to had a subtle gleam to it. Not from the light, but the uncasting of magic's effect on tyrium -- while not nearly as potent as Cold Iron, it was absorbing the excess radiation like a barrier.
  383. "Good. Bring it here."
  384. To the smithing table it'd go, where the two halves of the arcanium rod were removed, placed and held together by industrial clamps. Other parties assisted, but in all truthfulness? It all fell upon the capability of one, sole man. One with a blowtorch that'd blade with the same amount of blistering heat exhibited on the arcanium ore earlier.
  386. The jet propulsion was jutted, far more focused than before to slowly heat and fuse the sides together. Being such a difficult metal already, the treatment it received only made it more stubborn. Time, was to be the nonmagi's greatest challenge.
  388. A welding helmet was donned, and parties got to work on fashioning a welding machine together, with the same fire crystal stratagem to perpetuate their endeavors. Though, to their misfortune -- further assembly was required.
  390. ''Get another blowtorch ready!'' exclaimed one of the Nomont forge-masters, swiftly finding new cannisters of the stuff fasten to their tools. They were being hit with constraints and delays.
  392. It wouldn't be as fast as before...
  393. And thus, Asura passed Alexander with a look.
  395. "You don't have to stay for this part... It may take some time." An admission that even he didn't truly want to take upon. Though, reality could not always be denied.
  397. Was it already hours that passed? With many more hours likely to be carried out in simply welding the halves together -- with an entire shift coming in soon to continue the process, it was obvious that this was going to turn from a day-project, to an extensive one.
  398. (Asura Nomont)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [18:07] Blades, made out of the excess material? Asura, ever resourceful.
  403. "I believe I follow, the blades themselves made to channel the energy from the battery and my mana, correct?" He ends up asking, just trying to make sure he truly understands Asura's line of thought.
  405. As it stands, Alexander is currently out of his element when it comes to the forging of the weapon.
  406. A light chuckle escapes him when Asura mentions how he once considered using his own blood with the staff.
  408. "Its for the best. If during battle my blood will get contaminated? I'll rather not risk the side effects it'll cause to the weapon in return."
  409. His blood has been poisoned once before, by the hands of Torgon. Best to not risk it happening to the weapon, as well.
  411. The desired staff is now beginning to finally take shape as the two halves are being weld together, slowly. A similar level of heat to the one used in the hearth is used for the welding- Just, much more focused by relying on blowtorches.
  413. "I don't plan on leaving." Alexander states, not even looking for a place to sit.
  415. He plans to observe it through while on his own two feet.
  417. "I have... A lot of investment in the result, both financially and personally. I want to see the birth of the weapon with my own two eyes."
  419. A staff made, unique to him. To have a weapon that'll help him close the gaps against those who are still far stronger than him.
  420. To help him close the distance, against the likes of Torgon.
  422. "Besides? If I am going to use it, knowing how the weapon was made would let me be more familiar with how to best apply all of its traits and abilities."
  426. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  427. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  429. [18:30] "Well... No." He answered, "The material of the staff does, rather the core of the weapon, up the length of the staff. The blades are simply... An alternative, should ranged conflict not be an option."
  431. Asura listened to Alexander's chatter, but did not further contribute to the conversation, his eye was far too focused on following the endeavors of his personnel, answering the Hellstrom with an idle nod and hum in confirmation: The illusion of intent listening, for politeness' sake.
  433. With welding machining tools not assembled quite yet, it was up to Asura's employed personnel to work around the issue with Nomont Industry Tech. Surely, it was slow when it came to fusing Arcanium… But so were even magus endeavors. This, could be excused.
  435. Minutes turned to hours, breaks amongst staff-members and exchanges in active duty on the effort. Around-the-clock shift changes assured that the Arcanium mouldings would never see rest, constantly under the duress of nonmagus employees welding the halves together. With multiple persons tasked with the same object? The project grew worthy of concern -- worthy of expressive care.
  437. A single party working on an instance? Not a problem... But two? Such, required constant coordination, even with six eyes between the members assigned to the station.
  439. Then, came Alexander's claim that he was not leaving. It rose Asura's brow... Surely, he was no blacksmith nor artificer, so he didn't quite know just how painfully stubborn Eternia's most powerful metal truly was! If magi struggled to temper it to their will, then -this- was an undertaking that'd scathe eternian history forever.
  441. "Suit yourself." Asura took a final gander across the current development, before mentally coming to a conclusion. "I'll have the door left unlocked and security at the ready."
  443. Hiss...
  444. Purr...
  446. "You may enter and leave as freely as you need or wish to." He claimed. "I'll be back before -they- are done." A head nudge in the direction of the welding forgemasters, before he'd step out.
  448. [Digression: This is intended to explain the break between RP sessions]
  450. Asura had decided to take a break for himself, departing for a much needed drink -- Fransesca's? Maybe...
  452. Perhaps, a nap...
  454. Perhaps another project, with the door unlocked and some Iron Legion individuals stationed at the door for security, the facility felt secure enough to disregard true concern.
  456. Of course, he'd eventually return...
  457. Had it been a full day?
  459. Step Eight: Assembly
  461. It had... Just shy of a few hours to make it a true day's worth.
  463. Time, eventually rewarded the patience of the nonmagus forces. For the framework was entirely complete. What would be rewarded unto the fruits of their labor? A cylindrical construct of solid arcanium that gleamed its renown sheen of gold-like brilliance. All it needed was a grinding session, some polish? And it'd be finished in terms of aesthetics.
  465. The blades had finished in his time away as well! Placed aside to the base of the weapon. This was no longer a typical staff, but a spear it'd appear. With... Four blades forged for the occasion? Two of them drastically outsized the others, leaving one to question just what Asura's schematics called for.
  466. (Asura Nomont)
  467. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  469. [18:43] Alexander may have claimed he'll be there to watch it through- But as Asura had expected, he never truly knew just how long and Exhaustive such work can be. Hours, piling upon hours... And he had a son at home to check on. A wife to care for.
  471. After seeing not just the change in staff, but even Asura going out to take a break?
  473. He too went to leave. To prepare food for his family, rest, and other various needs a man that has stood idle for so many hours would require to do.
  475. When he returned? He came in time to watch the workers follow through on step eight of the forging- Not that he knew all the steps Asura had prepared in advance, of course.
  477. Alas, the framework of the weapon is complete, after a full day has passed.
  479. A thought came to Alexander's mind upon the realization: To never undervalue the sheer patience crafters have for their work, magi or not.
  481. The captain takes a step closer to examine the blades- While keeping afair distance to let the workers move without any hindrance from him, of course.
  483. "... Why the difference in length?" Alexander asked, biting into the theoretical question that was left in front of him.
  485. He has heard of weapons that have multiple sharp edges like the trident. Even a pitchfork can be sharpened to be used into a makeshift three-headed spear.
  487. There was never a time where he had heard about a spear that had one blade longer than the other, however. If it was just one blade that was shorter, Alexander would have guessed that it'll be set in the back end of the staff to have a sharp edge on each end.
  489. However... Why two smaller blades, then?
  490. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  491. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  493. [18:53] Surely, the Nomont could've spoke up with the revealing for Alexander to see for himself, but he'd opt to allow him to put the pieces together...
  495. Before the blades could even be considered, the hollowed weapon had to be carved into... Slowly pierced through via plasma cutters. The technology seemed like a refined variant of some of the earlier MDF technologies -- experimental variants that were mostly retired long ago. While rumor may've spoken of a model of such being stolen long ago by a terrorist cell? Asura himself had not badgered to confirm nor deny such a matter...
  497. Perhaps, for the best, when introducing the concept to the late Commander Augustus Vorenii.
  499. The welding helms were donned, and sparks of shining metal skimmered across the floor and air alike, slowly cutting a small rectangular opening into the side, geared mostly towards to supposed topside. One, where four parallel lines were only carved into the cylindrical rod: Slots were the eventual blades.
  501. A few minutes shy of an hour, and the wait would be rewarded with a small clink...
  502. The rectangular slice of arcanium plopped to the floor, taken up with little delay; every piece of the ore was too valuable to be left to waste.
  504. This hole that led into a hollowed, glorified golden stick would soon become the proper receptacle for all of the unused Nethesium and activated Nethesium and Nethradin fragment powder alike.
  506. Firstly, the powder -- easiest to funnel into the pipe, dusting off residue that'd lie upon the sides until the overwhelming majority save for a coating on the floor easily mistakable for lint had filled the instance halfway.
  508. Secondly, would be the Nethesium still unused. It was likely to react upon being poured in... Which was why the handlers from therein would be donned in the same protective gear as the chemists. Gone would be the leather of forge-master's past.
  510. Asura took a step back as hismen went to work, offering a subtle hum.
  511. Was it concern? Was it curiosity...
  512. Was he reconsidering something? He wouldn't voice it...
  513. In fact, distance was his only means of communication. Until the vantablack substance was poured down the length of the unnamed pipe-like construct. Immediately, it took to a violent vibration, resonating a low song courtesy of its acoustic permitting design.
  515. An additional set of hands were applied to the weapon to keep it still while the remainder was poured down its length. It was only going to get harder from here.
  517. (Asura Nomont)
  518. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  520. [19:06] Lastly, the semi-sentient slime conjured with the former combination of Nethesium, Nethradin fragment powder and allowed to mature over the last day within glassware, writhed and swiveled within its container. Alas, it'd see purpose beyond observation.
  522. With a simplistic adhesive applied between one of the last Nethradin fragments and the rectangular arcanium slot cut off, the 'plug' was readied. All that was necessary now, was for leather gloved personnel to slowly worm the activated Nethesium into the hole, filling up what space was left within the framework, before ensnaring it with the fragment-laden arcanium plug. The semi-sentient blackness squirmed, only adding to the vibrations of the construct. Thus, it had only one more option for escape: Ascent up the length, for the open top.
  524. This, was when things proved their easiest. One of the individual took to the gemstone provided to them... and then, the pebble-like battery, properly prepared prior.
  526. And rewarded the slime's endeavors, with the battery, dropped through the top of the construct. Much like an enthusiastic pet, to engulfed it whole. However, unlike other living entities... It simply slipped past its form, through it for the mass beneath and throughout the interior of the weapon, likely drifting somewhere towards the bottom.
  528. As though the final plug? The gemstone soon plugged the hole at the top, leaving it transformed from an arcanium open-pipe, to an arcanium pole filled with various magic amplifiers. Surely, it would never hold. A simple tipping of the construct by any of the three individuals holding it still would result in the gemstone falling out, as well as plenty of activated Nethesium to boot -- with a reactivated imperial battery lost in the fray.
  530. Though, this would be where the four slot would come into action. The hook designed to each one would be sunk into a slot, piercing into the activated Nethesium before it could escape through the very openings. The blades themselves however? Upon further inspection had a curve to them that complemented those of similar length, with a hook-like quality to them.
  532. The sound of a miniature hammer clinging away at the blades until their hooks sunk fully into place filled the air for only seconds... Until it was formed in its entirety.
  534. Asura didn't intend to speak on the matter of length...
  535. The results would speak for themselves.
  537. They held the gemstone in place, as well as offered a protective sheath for it. In close range? The blades had the capacity to do exactly as he'd suggest they would.
  539. Now, all that remained, was the one final step:
  541. Step Nine: Presentation
  543. This weapon was scuffed, smudged... Blacked by soot and ashes. The blades, for as grand as they were? Were dull... In need of sharpening for true applicability. The handle? Was rough, for the edges previously welded needed desperate grinding.
  545. This was a sad imitation of what it could be... An imperfect variant, that needed more time to be... 'dressed'.
  547. Hiss...
  548. Purr...
  550. "The final design felt... Fitting of something..." The man stroked at his chin with his only functional arm. "Bird-like, in quality."
  552. The man beckoned Alexander to follow him outside of the workshop as his men got to work at the incomplete weapon. One key-detail could be noted... They hadn't touched the shard of Torgon left out from the development process!
  554. Did Asura simply... Forget?
  556. "Please, Alexander, if you wouldn't mind. Follow me."
  557. (Asura Nomont)
  558. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  560. [19:23] When the Nethesium was about to be poured in, Alexander had taken a step back as well.
  562. As expected, the reaction triggered inside of the Arcanium construct without a name. Immediately, workers in antimagus gear reached in to hold the weapon so that it won't move as everything else is poured inside.
  564. The captain has sure given them quite the difficult task, handing over the Nethesium to be used for the weapon.
  566. The attempted movement of the weapon only strengthened when the time came for the workers to add the activated Nethesium that had sat down in closed glass case.
  568. Then, through the opening? The Nethesium infused battery was put inside through the opening, the lifelike slime absorbing both with glee.
  569. Then, the gemstone Alexander had handed off to Asura has been used as the new 'plug' to the hole, closing the Arcanium pole.
  571. What he had not expected, was for Asura to use the blades he made in advance not just for close range application- But to practical use in holding the gemstone together. To keep a tight lid.
  573. Quite an inventive use!
  575. At last, came step nine: To prepare the weapon, so that it can be properly held & used in battle.
  577. A satisfied smirk comes from Alexander as Asura mentions having a bird like design.
  579. "I always appreciated the sight of a crow, if it gives you any ideas."
  581. Alexander's previous staffs often had 'Crow' in their name. In fact, the very first animal he ever dissected was a crow!
  583. Upon being beckoned, Alexander walks along with Asura, curious as to what the inventor had planned.
  585. He... Had noticed the absence of the Torgon piece the captain has given Asura. Considering just how intensive and elaborate each step of forging the weapon was?
  587. Who wouldn't have trusted Asura in having a plan for it well in advance?
  589. "What do you need of me?"
  590. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  591. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  593. [19:30] "What do I need of you?" He parroted in quizzical fashion.
  595. Hiss...
  596. Purr...
  598. "Absolutely... Nothing."
  600. He claimed, making their way out.
  601. "It will simply take time before your product is complete. I'd put it in the realm of roughly another hour. Time better spent elsewhere for the likes of you and I."
  603. There was some thought on what Alexander said, and thus he'd mull on it for a bit. Nothing to be mentioned aloud concerning it however.
  605. "Tell me, in your honest opinion... What do you think will be the future of Achyon, given the recent passing of Augustus." The nonmagi asked, now within his personal quarters outside the workshop.
  607. "I would be lying if I claimed I did not reserve... Grave concerns for the potential replacements in his position." Their gaze seemed to drift off, at nothing in particular.
  608. "I have garnered the distaste of many parties. The legal protections of Achyon is all I have for the time being... Until I am properly prepared for otherwise."
  609. (Asura Nomont)
  610. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  612. [19:48] "My honest opinion?" Alexander puts his hand on his chin, finding a chair to sit on as he gathers his thoughts.
  614. "... The future, currently? Is clouded, uncertain..." A noticeable worry in his tone of voice, eyes unfocused as he looks off to the side.
  615. "I'll deny it if you say you heard it from me, but the current likelihood is that the next commander will be picked based on its strength, to accommodate for the weakness Augustus has shown by falling in battle."
  617. This is not something Alexander likes to say... But there is merit in having a leader that shows strength. One who keeps winning.
  619. "Achyon is the kind of city that relies on having a strong impression upon the populace. Not just of those that live here- The impression the enemies have on us, and even those of our allies, are important too."
  621. When weakness is shown...
  623. "Right now, we must appear weaker to the other groups that exist upon Esshar. Sniffing for blood, for a chance to strike at us. It is ironic, in a way- That the best way for us dissuade violence at our direction, is by show of force."
  625. Alexander's hands fall onto his lap and clasp onto one another, fingers interlocking.
  627. "I had tried to contact Thorn Meztin to try and arrange a temporary ceasefire for example, and while he has initially shown interest? He hasn't answered my letters when I asked about a specific time to set a meeting."
  629. In his mind, he wants to hope that this is simply because Thorn keeps getting occupied, just like how Alexander tends to get busy with his own work- He ended up being the prime doctor for most of the soldiers in Achyon in his time of service, his clinic often seeing action.
  631. "I... Could ask to become the next commander. Problem is?" A deep breath is taken by the man, the rank of captain was given to him in a day he hoped would have never been.
  633. "I'm not ready. When the time came for me to rescue Augustus from the clutches of Torgon?" The sound of his teeth gritting can be heard across Asura's personal quarters. "I failed..."
  635. He had people comforting him for what has happened that day. His wife helping him be at ease, even the former commander Marcel calming his heart by sharing that he too had times where he failed to save someone.
  637. While they have all helped him come to terms with what happened?
  638. That does not mean that the pain would just go away. It'll always be there in his heart, ready to ache.
  640. "To carry on Augustus' legacy, I eventually considered becoming commander. Right now, though? Achyon needs a strong commander, and I am not yet fit for the job when it comes to that department."
  642. A sad truth. Alexander may have been a man many people in Achyon have grown to rely on, his own strength unquestioned.
  644. However, when it comes to the 'big boys', if he were to call them as such? He still has room to grow.
  646. "I'll accept the role of commander if I'll be asked to. As it stands, though? I'll push for it only once I feel I am truly ready- Or, if Achyon would desperately need a change..."
  648. The last words are said with caution. He does not seek to have a civil war started for the second time.
  649. (Alexander Vol Hellstrom)
  650. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  652. [19:58] Asura heard Alexander out, taking to a subtle nod of the head as he explained the ambiguity of what was to come. It did not fill him with much hope... But given the way his life had turned out so far? He wasn't exactly hopeful any more - It was naught, but an illusion.
  654. "Failure, is inevitable." He claimed, "It is also a driving force for reflection... Development... Change." The last word drawled on, as his ventilator got to work.
  656. Hiss...
  657. Purr...
  659. "Strength is subjective... And while the magus perspective of strength is the capability to mutilate, kill and destroy? It takes an aspect of 'humanity'... To truly, be strong." The Nomont claimed.
  661. "You are ready... It is simply a matter of besting your own clouding doubt."
  663. The nonmagi mulled on the subject, but his mind inevitably trailed off, wondering on his own contingencies for a worst case scenario.
  664. They'd let time pass on... But it was nothing compared to the previous waits.
  666. Not hours... But minutes...
  667. Likely, no more than ten at that.
  669. "I believe, enough time has passed. Let us head back inside, hm?"
  671. As the two walked back into the workshop, Alexander would be able to behold the fruits of their labor. Painstaking hours worth of work went into it... And it was not done...
  673. Not yet -- The forge-masters had changed back into their leather-based apparel with tongs at the ready. They had placed aside a mold for the hearth while the two were away: Torgon's heel-piece was melted down -- a relatively common metal requiring none of the painful wait nor work to properly prepare.
  675. What made it special? Was the sheer radiance it murmured. It simply -felt- different... Spiritual in fashion. The magical presence that only a magi could emulate with the crystallization of their circuitry. Such, in concept felt understandable to Asura. It was why it was best saved for last.
  677. The 'finished' staff had indented divets on its surface. They reminisced the circuitry of the Nomont's technologies, however, a closer look revealed more to meet the eye: Runic texts. The nonmagi had studied magus arts extensively throughout his years, and this was a product of such. It was nothing extravagant nor unknown when read and comprehended, a series of cantations that'd strengthen and further empower the final construct. The only catch? It lacked activation...
  679. Nonmagi were known most for the lack of ability to conjure mana to magic, and this was no exception -- knowledge of the magical language wrought nothing to the fray aside from strange markings, on their own.
  681. Yet, they weren't meant to be left as is: The weapon itself, was to become a mold. A mold, for Torgon's smelted material, unveiled from the hearth and taken to be carefully drizzled over the crevices allotted to them. To assure that the molten ore wouldn't slide loose from its intended indents, a dropper was taken to the endeavor, squirting water at the hot metal to lock it into place as soon as it'd find its place.
  683. It was a long and arduous process, not nothing compared to the crafting of the arcanium itself.
  685. At long last...
  686. The product was complete.
  688. "I bestow to you... Vindica Corvus." Asura dubbed it, with still-hot remnants of Torgon resonating its impressive weapon from the unphased Arcanium foundation. The crawling blackness where the hot-metal met the arcanium seemed to be a strange byproduct. A corruption of the material? The searing soot marring the arcanium surface? The enigmatic substances within tainting the weapon where the metal lied thinnest? One could only theorize, for Asura had zero intention of deciphering for himself.
  690. Hiss...
  691. Purr...
  693. There was some time to marvel in their creation.
  695. "I should have you know, though my runic design has been followed? They are not active." He'd warn. "That... Is a liberty, you'll have of your own." He presented it with an open palm directing attention towards it.
  697. "She's, all yours."
  698. (Asura Nomont)
  699. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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