

Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. "Internet culture raising peoples children because parents are too god damned lazy to instill some discipline."
  3. ">lazy
  4. More like scared. Kids these days get away with fucking anything. If you dare, DARE to beat them, you can expect to get child social services called on your ass. If you tell them off, they immediately reject you. Their friends teach them that they are right, that parents are old idiots who are wrong, and when parents attempt to tell them things based on life experiences, other kids flood their minds with bullshit, and since mommy and daddy aren't as nice as Eric in room 8, they listen to Eric more.
  6. Not to mention now you also have websites like Tumblr where you can fill your head with bullshit from people you don't even know who will listen to your every retarded cry as if it is a true suffering, as well as Reddit, who basically are the neckbearded equivalent of Tumblr."
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