

Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. 煌びやかなる星の歌は
  2. The song of the dazzling stars
  3. 別れを告げる空に
  4. Sings to the sky that tells of parting
  5. 川は穏やか雲は祝い
  6. The river is calm, the clouds are in festivities
  7. 君を見送る街道は
  8. The road where you are seen off on your journey
  10. 風が背中押してくれる
  11. The wind is pushing you on from behind
  12. 夜の花は見守る美しく
  13. and the flowers of the night are watching over you
  15. 全速力で後ろを見ないで
  16. Throwing in your all, don't look back
  17. 故郷を去って新しい街へ
  18. Depart your home and head for a new place
  19. ARIA 今走り抜けろ
  20. Aria, go forth and run
  21. ARIA 一人じゃない
  22. Aria, you are not alone
  24. 歌は永遠に続くずっと
  25. The song will continue on, eternally,
  26. 走り続けてる限り 前へ
  27. as long as you continue to run forward
  29. 終わり無き道先は遠く
  30. The road ahead is endless and distant
  31. 階段は上に続く
  32. The stairway continues upward
  33. すれ違う人沢山の眼
  34. Constantly passing by one another
  35. わからぬ空気包まれて
  36. Engulfed in the air of unknowing
  38. 君は前だけを見ていて
  39. You only look forward
  40. 水面に映る未来への
  41. at the future reflected in the water
  43. 引き返さずに諦めないで
  44. Not turning back, not relenting
  45. 到達してもそこは最後では
  46. Even if you reached it, it wouldn't be the end
  47. ARIA 名を残して行け
  48. Aria, toss away your name
  49. ARIA 記憶に残せ
  50. Aria, and leave it in memory
  52. 歌は永遠に続くずっと
  53. The song will continue on, eternally,
  54. 走り続けてる限り 前へ
  55. as long as you continue to run forward
  57. 君を見送る街道は
  58. The road where you are seen off on your journey
  60. 風が背中押してくれる
  61. The wind is pushing you on from behind
  62. 夜の花は見守る美しく
  63. and the flowers of the night are watching over you
  65. 宝石の欲惑わしの光に
  66. Don't be deceived by the light
  67. 騙されないで始まりの心
  68. that tempts you to greed for jewels, o fresh soul
  69. ARIA 疲れることなく
  70. Aria, untiring
  71. ARIA 期待をのせて
  72. Aria, riding those hopes
  74. ARIA 拍手で迎えて
  75. Aria, receiving applause
  76. ARIA いざないの間へ
  77. Aria, towards the beckoning
  78. 景色鮮明に残り
  79. The scenery remaining distinct
  80. 伝説は続いてる
  81. The legend continues
  83. 静かな夜の残り香
  84. The lingering scent of the silent night
  85. 星へとかえるARIA
  86. The aria that becomes the stars
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