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Aug 2nd, 2017
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Starbucks: ok
  3. cat-bot 12: who this
  4. Starbucks: guy in your game
  5. cat-bot 12: alright
  6. Starbucks: I wanna hear from a hacker, what makes hacking fun
  7. cat-bot 12: its not the killing or the highscores
  8. cat-bot 12: its the time i spend with the people i like
  9. cat-bot 12: and they also like cheating
  10. Starbucks: but can't you spend your time with friends playing the games legit?
  11. cat-bot 12: i do, sometimes
  12. Starbucks: what pleasure comes from hacking?
  13. cat-bot 12: its not the killing or the highscores
  14. cat-bot 12: its the time i spend with the people i lik
  15. cat-bot 12: and they also like cheating
  16. Starbucks: but you can spend your time with friends in ways that don't corrode the community
  17. cat-bot 12: i could
  18. cat-bot 12: but this is much more fun
  19. Starbucks: cuz you're laughing with your friends abt how helpless the other team is?
  20. cat-bot 12 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  21. cat-bot 12: nope
  22. cat-bot 12: cause we're just enjoying the game
  23. cat-bot 12: we say goodnight to eachother
  24. cat-bot 12: we say goodmorning
  25. Starbucks: but how can you have fun hacking? there's no challenge to it, no adversity to overcome, it's just stealing candy from a baby, over and over again
  26. cat-bot 12: once again
  27. cat-bot 12: its not about killing
  28. Starbucks: ok
  29. cat-bot 12: or completing the objective
  30. cat-bot 12: its more about chatting
  31. Starbucks: so it's something to relate to, a bonding point
  32. cat-bot 12: yepper
  33. cat-bot 12: made quite a few friends
  34. Starbucks: what appeals to you in hacking more than anything else? is it the social time?
  35. cat-bot 12: yep
  36. cat-bot 12: 1 am chilling with the dudes
  37. Starbucks: so you hack because your friends do it or you find something especially appealing in hacking
  38. cat-bot 12 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  39. cat-bot 12: uh
  40. cat-bot 12: both
  41. Starbucks: so what do you find in hacking that makes it especially appealing?
  42. cat-bot 12: the ability to both lose focus in the game and conversate with everyone while still mantaining a high score wait fuck i said its not about the score
  43. cat-bot 12: well actually im a sad sad man who cant handle failure
  44. cat-bot 12: so i cheat to avoid failure
  45. cat-bot 12: and if i lose
  46. cat-bot 12: i blame the cheat
  47. cat-bot 12: bam ez
  48. Starbucks: really? so it's a way to void responsibility for loss, since a hack did the work for you
  49. cat-bot 12: exactly
  50. cat-bot 12: im a fan of double standards
  51. cat-bot 12: if i win, im good and if i lose its because im using a bad cheat or bad settings or a bad team or something
  52. Starbucks: " if i win, im good"
  53. Starbucks: isn't more like the cheat is good?
  54. cat-bot 12: no
  55. cat-bot 12: because i have to set the settings
  56. cat-bot 12: and posistion myself
  57. cat-bot 12: or something
  58. cat-bot 12: basically i can do no wrong
  59. cat-bot 12: i am the ultimate in life
  60. cat-bot 12: i can be the success i never was
  61. Starbucks: so it ultimately comes down to a power grab? to feel good, that you can win all the time
  62. cat-bot 12: yes
  63. cat-bot 12: exactly
  64. cat-bot 12: im not a good person
  65. Starbucks: but have you ever thought how failing is an essential part of life?
  66. cat-bot 12: no
  67. cat-bot 12: i shouldn't have to work for anything in life
  68. cat-bot 12: except for money
  69. cat-bot 12: i wish i had a job
  70. cat-bot 12: i failed school
  71. cat-bot 12: i wake up and sit infront of my computer and cheat and eat and drink and sleep and continue
  72. cat-bot 12: and i want it to continue for the rest of my life
  73. cat-bot 12: because i like this
  74. cat-bot 12: dispite being a failure i like this
  75. Starbucks: because you want to always feel like a winner?
  76. cat-bot 12: yessir
  77. cat-bot 12: you know how people play those virtual life games
  78. cat-bot 12: you know, to compensate for their bad lifes
  79. cat-bot 12: well i just win online
  80. cat-bot 12: yay me i guess
  81. Starbucks: like VR?
  82. cat-bot 12: ever heard of second life
  83. Starbucks: as in online? or is it a game?
  84. cat-bot 12: its a game
  85. cat-bot 12: where are we headed with this conversation
  86. Starbucks: I just want to really know why someone hacks, it's always intriguied me
  87. cat-bot 12: some people do it to get a reaction from others
  88. cat-bot 12: their the type of people to blow up your house in minecraft for the laughs
  89. cat-bot 12: other people do it because they have genuine fun doing it
  90. cat-bot 12: their the type of people to steal from you and honestly think they did nothing wrong
  91. cat-bot 12: i do it because i want to feel good about myself and i cant handle failure
  92. cat-bot 12: i like to play with cheats on 2fort while hiding them
  93. cat-bot 12: i hardly notice the cheats and feel like the victories were won by me
  94. Starbucks: so your fear of failure has made you insecure about your potential?
  95. cat-bot 12: right
  96. cat-bot 12: or something
  97. cat-bot 12: idk
  98. cat-bot 12: i start up tf2 without cheats sometimes
  99. cat-bot 12: i usually end up leaving the game and injecting cheats
  100. cat-bot 12: due to be doing extremely bad
  101. Starbucks: do you want to be good at tf2?
  102. cat-bot 12: no
  103. cat-bot 12: i used to be legit
  104. cat-bot 12: 600 hours in though some guy kept making fun of me when i died
  105. cat-bot 12: so i downloaded free lmaobox to give cheats a try
  106. cat-bot 12: then i heard of lithium
  107. cat-bot 12: a decent free cheat
  108. cat-bot 12: and that was the end of me being legit
  109. Starbucks: so you someone kinda bullied you into getting cheats?
  110. cat-bot 12: idk maybe
  111. cat-bot 12: i didnt have a friends
  112. cat-bot 12: irl or online
  113. cat-bot 12: at least now i have some online friends
  114. Starbucks: wow
  115. Starbucks: were you ever bullied at school?
  116. Starbucks: I'm sorry if that was too personal
  117. cat-bot 12: idk
  118. cat-bot 12: people called me creepy
  119. cat-bot 12: some people threw food
  120. cat-bot 12: etc
  121. cat-bot 12: not sure if thats bullying
  122. cat-bot 12: or teasing
  123. Starbucks: sounds like bullying
  124. cat-bot 12 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  125. Starbucks: so you cheating was the culmination of a fear of failure, a lack of friends to interact with, and the insecurity that came with it, you cheat to put yourself in a bubble to make you feel great and powerful to hide the pain of the past
  126. cat-bot 12: wow slow down im not saskue or somethign edgy
  127. Starbucks: ok lol
  128. Starbucks: but is it something along those lines?
  129. cat-bot 12: maybe idk
  130. cat-bot 12: i dont think about life i just live it
  131. Starbucks: do you feel good outside of your computer? does the great feeling you get from tf2 carry over?
  132. cat-bot 12: uh
  133. cat-bot 12: when im listening to music
  134. cat-bot 12: thinking about what life would be like if i was a white teenager in the midwest
  135. cat-bot 12: with a band
  136. cat-bot 12: and friends
  137. cat-bot 12: then i feel good
  138. Starbucks: so you're still insecure outside of your computer? there's no shame in being honest
  139. cat-bot 12: pretty much
  140. cat-bot 12: but ive been listening to this one song on repeat since two days ago
  141. cat-bot 12: it makes me feel good
  142. cat-bot 12: so i feel better than before maybe idk
  143. cat-bot 12: yesterday i make a reddit post
  144. cat-bot 12: and it didnt do so good
  145. cat-bot 12: so i avoided the subreddit for a couple hous
  146. cat-bot 12: and felt bad whenever i saw a post from there
  147. Starbucks: but you do have to understand cheating in tf2 is only a quick fix for your insecurity problems, you'll never get better IRL if you keep it up, to me it sounds like an addiction, as long as you stay connected online, you're impervious, but once you go into the real world, reality seeps in
  148. cat-bot 12: well actually i dont have any plans for life
  149. cat-bot 12: as i said i just live it
  150. cat-bot 12: day to day
  151. cat-bot 12: i plan to do the same thing im doing right now for as long as i live
  152. cat-bot 12: i dont think about the future
  153. Starbucks: because everything outside your bubble of tf2 has potential of failure
  154. cat-bot 12: not really
  155. cat-bot 12: i play other games
  156. cat-bot 12: your looking too deep into this
  157. Starbucks: maybe
  158. Starbucks: do you really think that you can do this your whole life? a life without failure?
  159. cat-bot 12: suicide is an option
  160. Starbucks: you would take your own life to prevent failure from dawning onto you?
  161. cat-bot 12: well i mean
  162. cat-bot 12: if my mother ever chooses to kick me out
  163. cat-bot 12: id be force to
  164. cat-bot 12: concidered she alienated herself from her family
  165. cat-bot 12: meaning that i too am alienated from them
  166. cat-bot 12: outside of my mother i dont have anybody
  167. Starbucks: will you ever consider accepting life as it is? one that is chalk full of failure and mistakes, hell I could be a multi-millionare right now but my dad made a shitty investment, but my dad didn't take his life because of it
  168. cat-bot 12: i have accepted life as is
  169. cat-bot 12: however if i ever stopped being supported by my mother, life wouldnt be as is
  170. cat-bot 12: because as it stands
  171. cat-bot 12: i wake up
  172. cat-bot 12: move to my computer
  173. cat-bot 12: sustain my hunger and thirst
  174. cat-bot 12: and sleep
  175. cat-bot 12: repeat daily
  176. Starbucks: I can tell you being someone who gets up and does running or golfing or tennis, you aren't living life
  177. Starbucks: you're living an empty husk of life
  178. Starbucks: life has so much to offer, you just need to get out there and take it all in
  179. cat-bot 12: uh
  180. cat-bot 12: that wasnt a question
  181. cat-bot 12: that was a statement
  182. Starbucks: ik
  183. cat-bot 12: i have nothing to add
  184. cat-bot 12: i cant keep conversations going sadly
  185. cat-bot 12: due to the aspergers
  186. Starbucks: but once you get out there and explore life as it is, you will thank me for opening your world
  187. cat-bot 12: uh
  188. cat-bot 12: okay?
  189. Starbucks: so will you do it?
  190. Starbucks: will you leave your computer to see what life truly is?
  191. cat-bot 12: do what
  192. cat-bot 12: i dont like going outside
  193. cat-bot 12: or interacting with real people
  194. Starbucks: so you have accepted life as it is, where you stay at your computer because it feels good, and outside doesn't
  195. cat-bot 12: yes
  196. Starbucks: wow
  197. Starbucks: well, I hope one day you may take my words into consideration and see what life has to offer you
  198. Starbucks: thank you for your time
  199. cat-bot 12: i dont think i will in all honesty
  200. Starbucks: if you give it a try, you can find something like a gaming club or something
  201. Starbucks: there are people irl who are just like you and relate to you
  202. cat-bot 12: i dont want to make friends
  203. Starbucks: why not?
  204. cat-bot 12: i dont need them
  205. cat-bot 12 has changed their name to Cert.
  206. Starbucks: since you have your game?
  207. Cert: since i have the internet
  208. Starbucks: and what if the internet dies?
  209. Cert: i have books
  210. Cert: i used to read a lot
  211. Starbucks: have you ever had friends? or any traumatic experiences with them?
  212. Cert: i had friends
  213. Cert: then i got a computer
  214. Cert: and stopped hanging out with them
  215. Cert: when i finally came back
  216. Cert: i realized that i couldn't talk to them anymore
  217. Cert: i lost the know how
  218. Starbucks: the internet changed you that much?
  219. Cert: i used to be the defacto leader of the group
  220. Cert: the charisma
  221. Cert: the moral booster
  222. Cert is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  223. Starbucks: what do you like more? your previous friends or the internet
  224. Cert is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  225. Cert: i cant decide
  226. Cert: ive thought about it before but im 50/50 on it
  227. Starbucks: all I can say is go get them back, since the life your living right now won't last forever, but friends can
  228. Cert: 'all i can say' so you're finished?
  229. Starbucks: yeah, I just hope what I told you will make you reconsider the life you've decided to live
  230. Cert: i really wont
  231. Cert: i refuse to change
  232. Cert: but i hope i helped you see why people cheat
  233. Cert: or at least, why i cheat
  234. Cert: because the one reason i dont cheat is to make people angry
  235. Cert: i leave if someone asks me to
  236. Starbucks: that's nice to know
  237. Starbucks: and I did, and I greatly appreciate your time
  238. Cert is now Offline.
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