

Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. The natural geyser towards the wall makes walling really awkward for Zerg. Even with it not being there, zergs cant wall with 3 evolution chambers properly, adding a cell of blocked pathing would make this possible.
  2. The horizontal third has a bit of a difficult choke for the defending army to get through, versus a very wide open attack area for the offense.
  3. I'd include some LOS blockers to break up vision, since it's prettty much a flat map. (IIRC, I liked your one with some highground bases more).
  4. I'd place rocks on this bridge to break up the pathing from being so center heavy.
  5. I feel like its way too easy to defend the two corner bases with the two bridges as Terran.
  6. Though not too bad of a spot, this cannon spot might be a problem:
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