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Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. Indrika
  2. Raised by weird shamanic hermit dude that fucking loves aurochs...whatever the plural is and herds 'em like a boss. She's totally sick of cow shit, thus her reason to travel is hermit man actually has a contact in Vladopolis or whatever whom she can get work from as a waitress/chef. And when I say weird shamanic hermit dude, I mean it to the extreme. He named her after a legendary beast of the forest, tattooed her while she slept, don't even fucking know how, and has never cut his hair, ever, thinking it grants him powers all Samson-like. Indrika kept up the tradition and simply keeps her hair back in intricate ponytails to prevent it from being a pain in the ass. Somehow, hermit man is also a genuinely caring and loving father-figure.
  4. Description: Fairly dark skin from working outside all day, wrestling auro-fuckits and whatnot, with white tattoos (You know, them super typical tribaly, snakey ones, blame hermit man) meandering down the length of the left side of her body from the neck to her feet as applied by ninja hermit. Fairly muscular and athletic because fieldworker and whatnot, and let's go with saaaaaaaaay 5'5". Her accent would very clearly mark her as being from the country, being a mite drawly to city-folk. Is that a word? Google says no, but that won't stop me. Not as bad as Texan drawl though. I don't think they even use consonants at that level.
  6. Age: 15
  8. Well-Rounded: 17d6 stats, 1d4 4d6 2d8 Traits, 4d6 2d8 Relationships
  10. Stats:
  11. 2d6 Acuity
  12. 6d6 Body
  13. 3d6 Heart
  14. 6d6 Will
  16. Traits:
  17. 2d8 Brawling/Grappling. If you're herding're gonna learn how to kick something's ass.
  19. 2d6 Cooking! You motherfuckers want food? You got food. Shit's made from scratch. Or scratched from shit. Adds flavor, quit complaining.
  21. 2d6 Sense of direction. Someone has to make the trips to town to barter...especially when you...
  23. 1d4 Can't read. Fucking hermits.
  25. Relationships:
  26. 2d8 Farm-folk. We take care of our own. Even if we don't like the cut of each other's jib. Especially when city-folk are involved.
  28. 4d6 Vacant
  30. Relation 1d6: Hermitman. He's a crazy bastard, but a crazy bastard that raised her, soooo...
  33. Possessions:
  34. 1d6 Whip, fuck yeah Indiana Jones. Because sometimes you don't want to be gored.
  36. 2d6 Aurochshide Coat. He was a pretty cool bull in life, she couldn't let him go to waste in death. People think it's a little weird that she made the head into a hood and left the horns on, but she think it's awesome. It's more of a vest since she cut off the sleeves...damn things were too inflexible to work in...doesn't stop her from wearing it with just about anything she wears though! Fuck, the hermit's rubbing off on her...
  38. Accomplishments:
  39. Derp
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