
The Little Wedding That Couldn't

Apr 14th, 2017
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan sat in the little green house that was off to the side of venue, his sequin tux itching the shit out of him. He stared off into space across the grassy area, oblivious to the guests coming in and walking the grounds to begin talking and doing the socializing thing. // Steph leaned her arms over the brick wall that lined the sides of the bridge, her eyes set across the water as she struggled to breathe in her under dress situation because women torture themselves. Listening to the chatter of incoming people behind her, she dropped her chin a little bit, her eyes focusing on the fishies swimmign around in the pond below.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey was sitting on a spot on the bench, on the Groom's side, towards the front because she wanted to have a good spot to get pictures and video on her phone. She was taking pictures of the flowers and the venue at the moment, occasionally catching a candid from someone. // Cadence was standing away from the aisle near a tree, taking small drags off of her pot liquid. She pulled her phone out to check the time, still curious if this whole thing was even going to go down. // Felix pulled up finally getting to the place, having gotten a little lost. He climbed out of his Jeep and tugged at the tie around his neck, grumbling, "God damn noose. The food better be worth this monkey suit. He trudged his way over to where he saw most of the other people gathered.// Eli pulled his Rover into a spot and went to climb out, dressed in his normal best and enjoying it because he liked getting all fancy, fucking Nerd. He walked around to open the door for Bliss, offering his hand out to her,"Here you are My Dear."
  3. Covet: *pot liquid Vape.
  4. Tsaaq: Remy raked his hair back with his fingers. "Should I like... Ask if everything is okay?" He asked, turning to Cadence and spoke in a low whisper. He pulled out his pack of cigarettes and started to pat the bottom of it as he looked around for Bryan. // Bliss got out of the rover and pulled down her dress a moment. "I hope we got here in a timely manner. We have right?" She asked hurried before smiling to him and taking his hand once more. "And thank you." She sighed with relief.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan stayed motionless in the green house, his eyes fixed on a spot that was seemingly far away. He snapped out of his daze when Nick walked in, looking up to him with empty eyes and probably looking like he wanted to vomit. // Nick watched Bryan, sliding his hands into the pockets of his sequin pants. "Need a bucket, dude? You don't look so hot." He walked over and patted him roughly on the back. // Steph lifted her head and turned to look around behind her at the incoming people making their way into the venue to fill places and stuff. Chewing on the inside of her cheek when she saw her mother dressed in a deep red dress looking fucking phenomenal, her eyes quickly jumped elsewhere when she spotted Cadence and Remy standing off to the side. Starting over to them, she lifted her dress so she wouldn't step on it, stopping short when she almost walked into a Felix. "Oh. Hey. I didn't see you come in. Have you been here long?"-
  6. Covet: Kelsey was walking about talking to cousins and people, still taking pictures and being a wedding fangirl// "Maybe, he might want a cigarette, I don't know if he stopped smoking or not. Steph's coming over, she might know more of what's going on right now." Cadence said taking another drag, "Pretty place, but so many trees and flowers." She said, looking at the people some she recognized some she didn't.// Felix saw Steph's familiar red hair, and started walking that direction, pulling at the sleeves of his suit top, the whole thing feeling off, because he purchased it last minute and didn't have a chance to get it properly tailored to his long arms. He held his hand out to her as she started to move and nearly ran into him, "No, I just got here. Can I take this crap off yet?" He asked her. // "I do believe so, Everyone's still kind of scattered about it seems." He said taking her hand and putting it in the crook of his arm as he locked his vehicle and started heading that direction. "I dare say we look like quite the charming couple."
  7. Tsaaq: "Yeah yeah it's pretty." Remy muttered as he put a cigarette in his mouth. "Now, I'm new to this weeding shit. But isn't there supposed to be a bride somewhere?" He asked as he lit his cig and inhaled. "I would give him one but I'm pretty sure he quit or he was supposed to. I don't know the full thing of that." Remy waved his hand then glanced into the distance then noticed Steph stopped to talk to Felix. "She'll get over here when she gets over here." He shrugged. // Bliss looked around awkwardly. "Well, let's look for some friends." She declared as she treaded ahead with him. "We do look very beguiling don't we?" She lowered her eyes at her own clothes then looked to Eli. "I'm so glad my handsome boyfriend is here with me." She smiled before looking around.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "Shut up." Bryan snapped at Nick, pushing up to his feet. "Let's just go do this thing." He walked out of the green house passed Nick, dodging through people to make his way across the bridge. Stopped by Risa briefly to straighten his tie and make a comment about the sequins probably for the millionth time, he brushed her off and moved toward the ceremony area, looking around and not really seeing Aubrey or any of the bridesmaids besides Steph. He stepped over to Remy, looking him up and down. "You ready?" // Steph let out a small laugh, rolling her eyes. "You can take yours off when I can take mine off. Fuck, I can't even breathe in this stupid thing." She pressed her hands to her ribs, trying to suck in a deep breath, but severely restricted in her efforts. "I think we're supposed to start soon and then after the ceremony you can lose the jacket and the tie. Would that make you feel better?" // Risa walked slowly over toward Bryan, Remy, and Cadence because she was fucking following him, IMMEDIATELY eyeing Cadence's dress with a bit of a sneer. "Cadence... your dress is white. Hasn't anyone told you how tacky it is to wear white to a wedding?"-
  9. Covet: Spotting Bryan getting close to the aisle and seeing more people she knew she b-lined it over to Bliss and Eli, to get a picture before the ceremony started,"Hello Bliss, and Eli, Quick snap while you're looking your best." // "Oh, shit, I don't keep track of who smokes and who doesn't these days. The bride's probably off in hiding, Bryan's not supposed to see her until she walks down the aisle. They're probably just waiting for everyone else to show up before they start. There's Bryan, looks like you're going to need to get in place." She told Remy, then gave him a quick kiss and a once over, "You look handsome as fuck, My eyes will be on you the entire time." She looked over at Risa as she came over with Bryan, and listened to her chastising. "Actually, this is called Pure Eggshell with a Navy trim. It's about as white as you can get without being Bridal White. I just chose to match the venue, rather than stick out like a bloody thumb" Cadence gave her a sweet smile, then turned her attention to the guys, "See you both when the ceremony is over." // "See there you go again, telling me to undress with you. I swear Red." He chuckled, giving her a little bit of hell, because she looked so uptight, "You look really nice though.Classy even. Never would have guessed it when I normally see you in band shirts and athletic wear" // "Well of course I'd be here, you needed a plus one afterall." He said with a smile as he made his way over the bridge to where there were people at. "I see Remy and Cadence over there, Kelsey's...I just saw here...where did she go?" He said then shrugged clearly she was being a busy body. He was surprised when she came up to get a picture of him and Bliss together, knowing he was blinking in the shot, "Hey, Kelsey."
  10. Tsaaq: "Shit. Yes." Remy muttered tossing his cigarette butt and followed Bryan, glancing over his shoulder at Risa. He frowned before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah I have to do shit-" He muttered before kissing Cadence. "You look goregous." He muttered to her. "See you." He went to button the middle button of his sequin suit jacket and sputtered his lips. "Alright so... Let's do this, right?" He said to Bryan with a shrug. // She grinned at him again then got excited. "Ooo!" She cooed but before she could run over to anyone Kelsey was coming over to them. She shrugged, smiling broadly as the other female took the picture. "Hello Kelsey, how are you? Don't forgot to send that picture okay?" She said. "Should we scurry to our seats?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan said nothing to Risa because this was just easiest and he's learned this by now. He followed along with Remy toward the front of the venue, waving Nick over to come stand with them. "Yeah, I guess. Let's do this. The dude with the book is on his way up." // Nick walked up to Remy and Bryan, adjusting his own jacket a bit with a smug grin. "I know this is your day, but I really look great in sequins." // Steph's cheeks flushed and she looked down away from Felix's face, shifting on her feet a bit. "You know what I mean, Arizona. But thanks. It took long enough to look like this. You normally see me in band shirts and athletic wear because that's what I'm comfortable in." She glanced over at Risa, seeing her turn and start to make her way over to her. "Shit. Run. Hide. Flee." // Risa narrowed her gaze on Cadence before she walked away, shaking her head because that's like her permanent look. She spotted Steph standing and talking to another male, walking tall as she walked over to them. "Stephanie." Her judging fucking eyes dropped over Steph. "You look pale. You need more sun. And you should be wearing spanx with a dress like that. That material isn't very forgiving." Her eyes swung to Felix, looking him over as well. "I don't know you. Who are you? Your sleeves are too short."-
  12. Covet: "You two look adorable as ever. I really love that color of blue on you, Bliss." Kelsey said then looked at them both, "Yes, I'll send this to you right now, If you'd like to join me where I'm at, I've got some seats saved." She said to them, heading that direction with her phone in her hands. // Cadence gave Remy a kiss back, "Thank you." She started to make her way over to the aisle to find herself a spot with a good vantage point of Remy. // "Flee? Why are we fl- Oh..." He said seeing the only person that could possibly be Steph's mom, someone he'd had plenty of warning from, "Shit, Red, I forgot my mirror sheild." He said with a snicker, as the woman started in on Steph, "If the material's not very forgiving, I could help her get out of it. That'd make it better right?" He said then extended his hand, making his sleeve seeme even shorter, intentionally,"I know, I was invited and haven't been able to get a suit that's tailored properly. I'm Felix Marlowe, a friend of Steph's. Pleasure to meet you Medu-...Risa" He said glancing over at Steph with a cheeky smirk.//"You'll have to tell me if my eyes are closed, they probably are, they always are." Eli said then walked with Bliss over to the seating, following behind Kelsey.
  13. Covet: *seem
  14. Tsaaq: He crossed his arms over his chest as he shifted from foot to foot. "Dude with the book..." He trailed off before looking off in the distance. "Oh the priest." He muttered. "Or Reverend. Something." // "If your eyes are closed while you're smiling then it just looks a lot like you were just having a lot of fun!" She said with a laugh. She went follow behind Kelsey. "Oh thank goodness. I was worried we weren't going to have good seats. Thank you so much Kelsey." She smiled.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan lingered by the front of the aisle with the other dudes, looking around and not seeing Aubrey. "Something feels wrong..." He started gently, furrowing his brows. // Steph's eyes went wide at Felix's remark, putting her hand over her eyes. "Oh my god." She let her hand fall as she looked up to Felix, giving his arm a little push. "Okayyyyy that's enough of this. Why doesn't everyone go sit so they can start the ceremony? Awesome. I'm going to go find Aubrey." She turned away quickly to try to hide the fact that her face was beat red and jesus Felix you little asshole. She rushed away, beginning to scour the venue and ask everyone she could if they'd seen Aubrey. Turning up empty handed, she made her way back, moving up to the front of the aisle where the guys stood, giving a little tug on the sleeve of Remy's coat and dropping her voice down to a whisper. "Remy..." She waved her hand at him so he would dip down a little and she could whisper to him more privately. "Aubrey isn't here... they were supposed to start already and she's not here." // Risa stared straight into Felix's face because she wasnt going to shy away from him at all, yet not flinching at all. "Excuse you. My daughter would never let the likes of you near her like that. And besides, she has a boyfriend so you can just go right on thinking whatever delusions you feel like." She lifted her hand to wave him away because PEONS, turning her head of perfectly prisine auburn hair to look at the front of the aisle, not seeing they were actually ready.-
  16. Covet: "Of course, happy to help, it's a great view too, be able to see the whole thing, without looking over too many heads." Kelsey said, "Okay that picture should have sent." She said taking a seat, tucking the skirt underneath her.// Cadence watched Bryan and the guys up there, then watched as Steph went off to go find Aubrey so they could get this show on the road. //"See you up there, Red." He said to Steph, feeling smug about his first meeting with Risa, as she turned around, "Yes, Ma'am. If that's what helps you sleep at night. I'm going to go find a place to sit down, I can escort you over if you'd like, Mother of the groom" He offered, which was an equally asshole move.//"Okay, I can see that, if I'm lucky I'll have a good smile in it at least." He said with a chuckle and sat down, glancing over his shoulder at the other people," Any sight of the bride?"
  17. Tsaaq: Remy looked down the aisle then back at Bryan, pursing his lips a moment but staying silent. He felt Steph's hand tug at his suit jacket and turned quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows before standing up straight again, staring down at Steph with astonishment. "Well..." He trailed off before frowning. "Uh." He stammered and looked around. "Are you sure? Did you check everywhere?" He muttered, trying to mantain a level head. // "Oh, I think I gues got it." She looked into her purse and took out her phone. "Look honey, you're not blinking." She said as she looked to Eli then took a seat as well. She pouted a moment and looked down the aisle. "Maybe something's holding her up?"
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Bryan looked over at Steph and Remy doing the whisper thing, furrowing his brows. "What's going on?" // "I'm positive. She's not here, Remy." Her eyes flicked over to look at Bryan, letting out a small sigh. "Bryan... Aubrey's not here. She never showed up..." // Bryan's face fell, just staring at Steph for a long second before swinging his gaze out to look at everyone gathering around for the ceremony. Setting his jaw, he stepped up onto the platform, raising his hand into the air. "If I can have everyone's attention please. Thanks everyone for coming, but you can all go home. And take some food, it's fuckin' paid for." He stepped back down off the platform, turning away from the crowd and shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket, stalking off away from the ceremony area and back through the gardens away from everyone so he could be alone. // Steph chewed on her lower lip, her shoulders sinking as she walked Bryan. "I guess that's it..." Letting out a sigh, she turned and made her way through the murmoring crowd, making her way back to Felix to tap him gently. "Sorry this was a waste of your time. You can nix the tie and eat, I guess and head out if you want to." Her gaze swung to her mother, not wanting that bitch to say a word. // Risa scowled at Felix because rude, kind of turning her nose up into the air. "Excuse me." She moved across the venue, aiming for Sarah to go whisper things to her.-
  19. Covet: "She's probably just having some trouble getting herself all put together maybe? I mean, she's got the full gown and everything to put on, plus hair and make up, undergarments..." Kelsey trailed off, seeing Steph make her way back up to the altar. She furrowed her brows, "I hope everything is alright." She said then her mouth dropped when she heard Bryan, she whispered and her eyes got all teary because this was clearly something super sad, "Oh my goodness...No...But they were just talking about the future last week...How...Why?" // Watching from her spot she watched Steph and Remy talking to each other, seeing the expression on Remy's face. She bit the inside of her cheek, starting to feel a little bad about the bet she'd placed, she didn't jinx them did she?" Cadence stood up and made her way over to Remy, since everyone was starting to break up and mumble talking, unsure what her and Remy's plans were. // Felix gave a chuckle and went to sit down at the back of the crowd, just kind of taking everything in. He watched as Bryan told everyone to go home, feeling only slightly annoyed that he had to put a suit on just to be told to go home, but food was offered as a consolation, so it wasn't Terrible. He did reach up and loosen his tie though, once Steph apologized, "Hey, no need to say sorry, this is out of your control." He brushed a hand on her cheek, "What and miss more opporunities to ruffle your mom's feathers tonight? You said we could go back to your place after this, That's still on my agenda, if that's alright with you." //"Really? We'll have to save that and get it printed out then, put it on the...wait we don't have a mantle, put it on the wall." Eli said with a grin, proud that he wasn't blinking in a picture for once.He looked to Bliss and Kelsey when Bryan said people could go home, "Oh...well... Poor guy."
  20. Tsaaq: He grit his teeth, standing up straight and looking to Bryan, not wanting to say the words. Remy crossed his arms over his chest and lowered his head again. He went to follow Bryan a moment. "Hey man, I'm sorry-" He attempted to tell him before pressing his lips together and just giving up as he put his hands on his hips. He looked over to Cadence's face in the crowd and awkwardly waved her over. // She shifted in her seat with excitement, awaiting the ceremony to start. "You know. I figured as much-" She whispered to Kelsey before listening to Bryan and frowning. "Oh, oh my. What happened?" She asked, looking disappointed.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I feel bad..." She said gently, glancing over her shoulder in the direction Bryan had walked off. She turned back to look at Felix, raising her brows at him. "Please avoid my mother. Please. I will do whatever you want if you just avoid speaking to my mother from now until eternity. Because you're intentionally egging her on and I'm the one that's going to have to hear it." She let out a sigh, bending over so she could undo the straps of her shoes, pulling them off her feet and picking them up. "Ugh, so much better." She moved her hand to her ears, removing her oversized earrings before invading Felix' personal space to shove them into the pocket of his jacket. "Remind me those are in there. I can't stand them. But yeah, I'm okay with going back to my house. But I still have to pack for Spring break. Which is going to involve a lot of music you don't like at volumes no one is comfortable with. Shit... I should text the guys and see if they know anything." She pulled her phone from the front of her dress, sliding her fingers over the screen. "I'm friends with the dudes from All Time Low. And I'm friends with them because Aubrey is friends with them. And they've been in Europe for the last couple months, but I wonder if she said anything to them."-
  22. Covet: "I...I don't know. Did Aubrey leave? or...Poor Bryan...I don't know what to say, or do right now." Kelsey said looking very upset, She glanced over to where her mom and Aunt were at, trying to see their faces. // Seeing Remy wave her over from where he was at, going to follow after Bryan, she made her way over and looked at him, speaking softly, "What happened?" Cadence slid her hand into Remy's and gave it a squeeze, "Should we say something to him?" She glanced at the direction that Bryan had went.//Well, if I go home with you, then you can't forget they're in there. Also, you realize you're telling a deaf guy that you're playing loud music." Felix said to her, then rubbed her shoulders,"If you let me get a plate, and we skidaddle out of here asap, then I will act like your mother doesn't even exist for the rest of the night." He said then tilted his head to the side, "They might know something...I'm not really sure who those guys are, but cool that you're their friend. Famous peopl" He said with a grin, though why would people be grinning at this? //Eli moved his arm around Bliss's shoulders, and glanced about, "I guess we enjoy being dressed up nicely together and grab a bite to eat? Or would that seem...uncouth?"
  23. Tsaaq: "What do you say?" He asked with a shrug. "Aubrey isn't here... Like at all. Or that's what Steph told me." He frowned a moment. "I don't really want to add insult to injury, he seems pretty upset." // She pouted and turned her head to look over at him. "A little but I suppose Bryan did say everything was paid for, it's just so unfortunate." She sighed. "I'm not sure why Aubrey isn't here." She replied to Kelsey.
  24. Alexithymiaa: -She raised her brows, just kind of staring at him as she pushed her phone back into the front of her dress. "You... don't know who All Time Low is?" She asked very slowly, clearly fucking offended. "Jeez, do I really have to teach you EVERYTHING? You're like an uncultured fetus." She sighed, shifting to stand a little closer so she could pat his back. "C'mon, we'll get you some food and then I can brainwash you into liking all my music all the way back to my house. And then for the next however long it takes me to pack. And then for however long it takes for you to like my music." She slipped her hand into his, beginning to pull him along toward the bridge so he could go get food. "Hurry up because I really can't breathe in this thing and I'm desperate to take it off."-
  25. Covet: "I don't know either, but now that you mention it, I don't see Care either..." She said looking around again, "How could I have missed Care not being here." She pulled out her phone intending to send a message to Care, but then she just sighed and put her phone away, not sure what she would even say. She stood up and looked at them both, "It was great to see you both here looking so nice, I'm going to go check in with my mom before my Aunt chats her ear off. If I don't see you both before you leave, Thank you for coming and I'll see you guys in Mexico?" //"I don't think there's anything we can say. I don't really feel right staying and trying to enjoy all this when I'm going to be bummed out for Bryan's case. Do you want to stop by the cafe and grab something on our way home?" Cadence asked, though really she wasn't feeling all that hungry, just guilty. // "Felix the Fetus...well that has a morbid ring to it, even if it's slightly offensive to call me uncultured. That sounds good to me, so long as I get food and can get out of this. My skin needs to breathe." Felix said heading over to the reception area so that he could get a plate and they could get out of there before her mom tried to hunt them down.//"It is, I thought they were like the to be couple. They seemed so great together. Very unfortunate indeed." Eli frowned, and stood up, offering his hand out to Bliss, "We could head home and make something together instead, not that I don't appreciate the sentiments of food from here, But this seems like it should be a family thing for them right now."
  26. Tsaaq: "Yeah we should probably bail." He muttered leading her through the garden and towards whatever car they came in. // She frowned as she rose to her feet and too Eli's hand. "Well thank you Kelsey." She grinned. "Yes, you'll see us in Mexico, travel safely!" She called out before turning to Eli. "We should probably just make something together. I feel so morose now. Cooking with you usually helps. I hope everything is okay with Bryan."
  27. Alexithymiaa: "And I'm offended that I have to break down every reference I make, so I guess we're even." She shot back, waiting for him to take some food things before they went out to his jeep because she probably came in a limo and had no ride and he has her earrings anyway.-
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