
Drunken Night

Sep 13th, 2018
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  1. 8:16 PM <%ArseneLupin> "No, I still got this!" He says slightly pained and tries again
  2. 8:16 PM <%ArseneLupin> 4df+0
  3. 8:16 PM <Glacon> ArseneLupin: 0 (4df+0=0, +, -, 0)
  4. 8:16 PM <Klurg> Tanya looks worriedly at Stephen. "No you don't."
  5. 8:16 PM <%ArseneLupin> No pain but no dice either
  6. 8:17 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Nah, I'm fine. Come on, third times the charm. It's what they always say."
  7. 8:17 PM <Klurg> Tanya stands up, nearly tripping, and tries to gently push Stephen down.
  8. 8:17 PM <Klurg> "Nope, won't have you breaking your bones.@
  9. 8:17 PM <Klurg> "*
  10. 8:17 PM <%ArseneLupin> Onto the floor or into the booth? Because either way he goes down easy
  11. 8:18 PM <Klurg> Booth
  12. 8:18 PM <Kaeru> "Yknow I really ain't sure how you lot've made it this far, 'f I'm honest."
  13. 8:18 PM <%ArseneLupin> Down he goes then. He pouts. "I totally had it though!"
  14. 8:19 PM <Odocoileus> "my turn!" She hops up and bouces and sways a little.
  15. 8:19 PM <Klurg> Tanya then plops herself down beside Stephen , and waits for Wren to try and pick her up
  16. 8:20 PM <%ArseneLupin> His eyes light up. "Wait wait wait, someone give me the keys. I just had an idea!"
  17. 8:20 PM <Klurg> "No."
  18. 8:20 PM <Odocoileus> 4df+6 Eliza scoops up Tayna!
  19. 8:20 PM <Glacon> Odocoileus: Eliza scoops up Tayna!: 7 (4df+6=-, +, +, 0)
  20. 8:20 PM <%ArseneLupin> "I'm not gonna drive! I left something in the car!"
  21. 8:21 PM <Kaeru> Nova looks at him and says "Absolutely the fuck not."
  22. 8:21 PM <Odocoileus> She lifts Tanya up pretty easily, almost like she weighs nothing. "Whatcha forget?"
  23. 8:21 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Darts!"
  24. 8:21 PM <Odocoileus> "well why are you just sitting there!?"
  25. 8:21 PM <Odocoileus> She hiccups
  26. 8:21 PM <%ArseneLupin> He gets up. "I can toooootally pick her up with those!"
  27. 8:22 PM <Klurg> "Nova can you please be a dear and go get the darts?" She asks from her position in Wren's arms.
  28. 8:22 PM <Klurg> Eliza's*
  29. 8:22 PM <Kaeru> "Curly, that's the worst idea I've ever heard, n' I respect ya for it, but as much as it pains me I've gotta be some kinda voice a' reason here."
  30. 8:22 PM <Kaeru> "Yknow, as the only one walkin' straight lines."
  31. 8:22 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Noooooo, it's a great idea!"
  32. 8:23 PM <Odocoileus> "get the drugs! Get the drugs!"
  33. 8:23 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Eliza! They're darts in public!"
  34. 8:23 PM <Odocoileus> "oh...well thats just stupid."
  35. 8:23 PM <Klurg> "Why don't we do this back home?"
  36. 8:23 PM <Klurg> "Where nobody's around to see us?"
  37. 8:23 PM <Odocoileus> She waggles her eyebrows
  38. 8:23 PM <%ArseneLupin> They are almost surely getting a fair few strange looks by this point
  39. 8:24 PM <Kaeru> "If that's how ya gotta justify it, sure."
  40. 8:26 PM <Klurg> "Elizaaa~ could you please carry me to the car? I don't think I can feel my
  41. 8:26 PM <Klurg> (Dammit phone)
  42. 8:26 PM <Klurg> I don't think I can feel my ability to move."
  43. 8:27 PM <Odocoileus> "as long as you don't do anything stupid and make me fall."
  44. 8:28 PM <Kaeru> They give an exasperated huff. "Nope. Nah. Don't try it." They stand up and motion to Eliza to hand over her current burden. "Cmon, we're headin' out 'fore you lot do somethin' even stupider."
  45. 8:28 PM <%ArseneLupin> Stephen pouts. "My pride as a man has been hurt. I want you to know that."
  46. 8:29 PM <Odocoileus> She looks at Stephen, "well one of us has to be the muscle."
  47. 8:29 PM <Klurg> "Mmh, picked up by two good looking people today. And almost picked up by a third, but alas, not enough muscle mass~"
  48. 8:30 PM <%ArseneLupin> He pouts harder at what Tanya said. "None of you are helping!"
  49. 8:30 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza keeps tanya and pouts, "i got this. I can carry her."
  50. 8:30 PM <Kaeru> "Y're proving my point, you realize." @ everyone
  51. 8:30 PM <Klurg> Tanya holds her arms out for Stephen to get in them.
  52. 8:31 PM <Kaeru> "Sugar, y'can barely stand right."
  53. 8:31 PM <%ArseneLupin> "In the car. Dont want you to get dropped."
  54. 8:31 PM <Klurg> And yes, from her position in Nova's arms
  55. 8:31 PM <Odocoileus> She huffs and pouts.
  56. 8:32 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Oh!" Stephen pulls out his wallet and pays the tab. "We nearly forgot."
  57. 8:32 PM <Kaeru> Did. Did eliza hand over the tanya burden or
  58. 8:32 PM <Klurg> Er, position in Eliza's* arms
  59. 8:32 PM <Odocoileus> She does now!
  60. 8:33 PM <Kaeru> Transfer of Precious Goods
  61. 8:33 PM <Odocoileus> And after she hands her over she grabs two of the mostly full long islands. "Come on lets go.."
  62. 8:33 PM <Klurg> Tanya was leaning and cuddling against Eliza, but now she's leaning and cuddling against Nova as she's transferred.@
  63. 8:34 PM <Klurg> "Maybe if I moved on all fours I could walk properly?"
  64. 8:34 PM <%ArseneLupin> Stephen pouts harder at this. "Let's goooooo!"
  65. 8:34 PM ⇐ %Aphex_ quit ( Connection reset by peer
  66. 8:34 PM <Kaeru> They carry her like she weighs nothing. "Let's."
  67. 8:35 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza bounces out to the car.
  68. 8:35 PM <%ArseneLupin> Stephen goes out to the car and hops in the back seat
  69. 8:35 PM <Klurg> "...where's your heartbeat?" She asks Nova.
  70. 8:36 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza hops in the passenger side
  71. 8:36 PM <Kaeru> Nova follows, carrying Tanya. They freeze for a half second when she asks, but it passes-- though they seem a bit stiff, on edge. "It matter?"
  72. 8:37 PM <Klurg> "Not really, but drunk and curious."
  73. 8:38 PM <Odocoileus> She glares at Tanya, "heeeeyyy, stop thaat."
  74. 8:40 PM <%ArseneLupin> Stephen impatiently bounces in the backseat like a little kid
  75. 8:40 PM taylor_iOStkin → taylor_zzz
  76. 8:40 PM <Kaeru> "Sugar, 's fine." They go around the other side of the car, planning to deposit tanya in the front passenger seat
  77. 8:40 PM <Klurg> (Eliza already took passenger)
  78. 8:41 PM <Klurg> Wait, may have misread
  79. 8:41 PM <Klurg> Tanya is deposited easily wherever she goes, though she reaches to cuddle the closest human nearby.
  80. 8:41 PM <Odocoileus> She is next to Stephen.
  81. 8:41 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Eliza, go sit up front, Tanya come back here."
  82. 8:42 PM <Kaeru> "Nah, 'at's askin' for trouble," they reply.
  83. 8:43 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Nooooooo, I'll be good."
  84. 8:43 PM <Odocoileus> She narrows her eyes at Stephen and sticks her tongue out at him
  85. 8:43 PM <Kaeru> "Y'ain't th' only one 'm thinkin' 'bout, curly."
  86. 8:44 PM <Odocoileus> "heeey whats that supposed to mean?"
  87. 8:44 PM <%ArseneLupin> He pouts very hard and crosses his arms
  88. 8:44 PM <Klurg> "But I wanna someone to cuddle." Tanya murmers.
  89. 8:44 PM <Klurg> Murmurs*
  90. 8:45 PM <Odocoileus> She hands Stephen one of the drinks she took along with her.
  91. 8:45 PM <Klurg> She starts trying to crawl her way to the backseat.
  92. 8:45 PM <%ArseneLupin> He keeps pouting and doesn't take it
  93. 8:45 PM <Odocoileus> She shoves it in his mouth.
  94. 8:47 PM <Kaeru> "Ey, play nice."
  95. 8:48 PM <%ArseneLupin> He makes a noise of displeasure and takes it
  96. 8:48 PM <Odocoileus> She grins as she yanks Tanya into the backseat .
  97. 8:48 PM <Klurg> Tanya is yanked in easily, as she was trying to make her way back there.
  98. 8:48 PM <%ArseneLupin> Stephen helps her pull Tanya back
  99. 8:50 PM <Kaeru> They sigh and hop into the drivers seat. "Fuck it, I ain't gonna try. Long's you lot don't kill each other while 'm drivin'. Or try somethin' equally stupid."
  100. 8:50 PM <%ArseneLupin> He pulls Tanya into a hug and pouts. "Mine."
  101. 8:50 PM <Klurg> Tanya curls herself up and plops herself in both Stephen's and Eliza's lap. Upper half on Stephen, lower half on Eliza.
  102. 8:50 PM <Klurg> on*
  103. 8:51 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza hugs Tanya's butt.
  104. 8:51 PM <%ArseneLupin> He frowns at Eliza and seems to almost be on the verge of glaring
  105. 8:51 PM <Klurg> Eliza grabbed some fine booty
  106. 8:52 PM <Odocoileus> She narrows her eyes at him
  107. 8:52 PM <%ArseneLupin> He lightly pulls Tanya closer to him
  108. 8:53 PM <Kaeru> Nova opts to ignore those in the backseat and gets to driving.
  109. 8:53 PM <Odocoileus> She slow blinks at Stephen.
  110. 8:53 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Mine." He repeats
  111. 8:53 PM <Klurg> "Somebody's jealoooooouuuuus~
  112. 8:53 PM <Klurg> "
  113. 8:54 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Damn right."
  114. 8:54 PM <Klurg> "Eliza, want some revenge on him for when me and him pulled that little makeout session in front of you~"
  115. 8:55 PM <%ArseneLupin> He hugs her tighter. "No!"
  116. 8:55 PM <Odocoileus> She snickers and jiggles tanya. "Sounds fair."
  117. 8:56 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Eliza dont you dare!" He sounds actually upset
  118. 8:56 PM <Klurg> "Well I'd do it but my upper body is being held hostage."
  119. 8:57 PM <Odocoileus> "nooova... Stephen wont share."
  120. 8:59 PM <Klurg> Tanya gets a >:3 face, and realizes that this is a perfect time. She head rubs both of them at the same time... then stops as soon as they seem to be enjoying it.
  121. 8:59 PM <%ArseneLupin> He melts for a moment, then frowns and hugs her even tighter
  122. 8:59 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza melts and then narrows her eyes.
  123. 9:00 PM <Klurg> "Now both of you share or I'm gonna tease you till you beg for more."
  124. 9:00 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Nooooooo... mine..." He whines
  125. 9:01 PM <Klurg> Tanya holds her hand juuuust above Stephen's head, but doesn't do it.
  126. 9:01 PM <Klurg> Just taunting him
  127. 9:01 PM <Odocoileus> She frowns.
  128. 9:03 PM <Klurg> "Shaaare Stephen."
  129. 9:03 PM <Klurg> "Turnabout is fair play."
  130. 9:04 PM <%ArseneLupin> "But..." He just makes a sad noise
  131. 9:05 PM <Odocoileus> She pulls Tanya into her lap.
  132. 9:05 PM <Klurg> Tanya is pulled in, and she looks to Eliza as if wordlessly asking if she's ready.
  133. 9:05 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Nooooooooo." He says sadly
  134. 9:06 PM <Odocoileus> She has the biggest shit eating grin as she stares a stephen and then nods to Tanya
  135. 9:07 PM <Klurg> Tanya then plants her lips on Eliza's in quite the passionate make out.
  136. 9:08 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza returns the kiss.
  137. 9:08 PM <%ArseneLupin> He frowns hard and looks pissed. "Nova stop the car for just a moment please. I promise I'm not gonna hit anyone."
  138. 9:09 PM <Kaeru> They glance at him in the mirror. "Y'sure 'bout that?"
  139. 9:09 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Yes."
  140. 9:10 PM <Klurg> Tanya eventually breaks the kiss, then turns to Stephen... before suddenly lunging for him to kiss him as he did Eliza.
  141. 9:10 PM <Klurg> she* did
  142. 9:11 PM <%ArseneLupin> He holds up a finger to her and tries to stop the kiss. "One moment please."
  143. 9:11 PM <%ArseneLupin> There is cold fury and determination in his eyes
  144. 9:11 PM <Klurg> Tanya is stopped by the finger
  145. 9:11 PM <Kaeru> They do so, then. They turn around, putting a hand on the back of the passenger seat. "Aight, whatcha need? I'm not up t' stoppin' too long."
  146. 9:12 PM <Odocoileus> She deadpans and raises an eyebrow
  147. 9:12 PM <%ArseneLupin> He calmly unbuckles his seatbeat, grabs Nova's collar, and pulls them in for a long kiss
  148. 9:13 PM <Odocoileus> "....."
  149. 9:14 PM <Klurg> Tanya looks shocked for a moment, before clapping for Stephen.
  150. 9:14 PM <Odocoileus> She jsit deapan stares at Stephen.
  151. 9:15 PM <%ArseneLupin> After a while he pulls away, lets go, and buckles back up. "Alright, we can keep going."
  152. 9:15 PM <Kaeru> They'd stiffened, making a noticeable effort to not instinctually retaliate. (noteworthy: he would Not be able to Actually Pull Them, but the notion is there)
  153. 9:15 PM <Kaeru> They look almost impressed.
  154. 9:16 PM <Kaeru> "Aight," they say after a moment. "Guess 'at's fair." They turn back around to keep driving.
  155. 9:17 PM <%ArseneLupin> He turns to Tanya. "/Now/ you can kiss me."
  156. 9:17 PM <Odocoileus> She shoves Tanya off her lap and scoots very close to Stephen. She blows a bubble in his face. Pop. "Nope."
  157. 9:17 PM <Klurg> Tanya makes a whining noise as she goes off the lap.
  158. 9:18 PM <%ArseneLupin> He stares her back with not a trace of fear.
  159. 9:18 PM <Odocoileus> She narrows her eyes at Stephen with a cold rage.
  160. 9:18 PM <Klurg> Tanya just wants to lay down in laps, but now she's watching in case she has to stop something.
  161. 9:19 PM <%ArseneLupin> "I merely retaliated." He says very matter of factly
  162. 9:19 PM <Odocoileus> "who did you have that orgy with?" She squints.
  163. 9:19 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Who I sleep with is quite frankly none of your business."
  164. 9:20 PM <Kaeru> They glance in the mirror at the siblings. "Angels, don't start anythin' I'm gonna hafta stop," they say in a vaguely warning tone.
  165. 9:20 PM <%ArseneLupin> "I am doing nothing but sitting here calmly."
  166. 9:21 PM <Odocoileus> She blows another bubble. Pop! She raises an eyebrow. "So they have to be people i know. Or people we work with."
  167. 9:22 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Considering I was a virgin before we came here yes."
  168. 9:23 PM <Klurg> Tanya smiles smugly, knowing she stole that.
  169. 9:24 PM <Odocoileus> She gives Stephen a overly sweet smile and speaks cheerfully, "people do talk."
  170. 9:24 PM <Odocoileus> "especially medical."
  171. 9:25 PM <%ArseneLupin> He still gives zero fucks and just stares at her
  172. 9:26 PM ⇐ ch00bakka quit ( Quit: ch00bakka
  173. 9:28 PM <Odocoileus> She leans back with a smirk, "since when did you get ballsy?"
  174. 9:28 PM <%ArseneLupin> "They dont call it liquid courage for nothing." He pulls Tanya onto his lap
  175. 9:29 PM <Klurg> Tanya makes a small purring noise as she take her place on Stephen's lap.
  176. 9:30 PM <Odocoileus> She side glances at him, "yeah, yeah." She waves him off a little.
  177. 9:32 PM <Klurg> "I love being with you people. Never a dull moment." Tanya mutters out sleepily.
  178. 9:33 PM <%ArseneLupin> He smiles and kisses her forehead. "We're all great, we're all fun people."
  179. 9:36 PM <Odocoileus> She sits silently
  180. 9:36 PM <Kaeru> They chuckle. "'Never a dull moment's right," they comment. Then, mostly to themselves, "L'shanah tovah."
  181. 9:38 PM <Klurg> Tanya cuddles closer to Stephen, then kisses him, before returning to the lap. "Warm~"
  182. 9:40 PM <%ArseneLupin> He pets her. "This was fun. We should do stuff like this more often."
  183. 9:40 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza climbs into the front passenger seat kicking Stephen accidentally in the process
  184. 9:41 PM <%ArseneLupin> He looks at her for a second as she does. Not with anger or anything, just observing
  185. 9:42 PM <Klurg> "Nova, you're the only one I haven't made out todaaaay. If it weren't for the fact that someone else wants you, I'd ask you to do it some other day."
  186. 9:42 PM <Klurg> made out with*
  187. 9:42 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Hey, no. My kitty cat." He scratches behind her ear
  188. 9:42 PM <Kaeru> "That ain't stopped ya this far, has it?" They chuckle.
  189. 9:44 PM <Klurg> Tanya purrs, then begins rubbing her head against Stephen's hand like a cat would.
  190. 9:44 PM <Odocoileus> Eliza just sits quietly with that Angelo deadpan™
  191. 9:45 PM <%ArseneLupin> "Sis, you kisses Tanya first you know."
  192. 9:47 PM <Odocoileus> She leans her head back to look at Stephen. She blows a bubble. POP! "What was that? I cant understand you with all those dicks in your mouth."
  193. 9:48 PM <%ArseneLupin> He frowns a little. "Alright, no talking to you I see." He calmly goes back to petting Tanya
  194. 9:49 PM <Odocoileus> She cracks her gum and rolls her eyes
  195. 9:50 PM <Klurg> Tanya continues purring, seeming mostly asleep.
  196. 9:53 PM <Kaeru> They glance over at Eliza for a moment. They look back at the road, but reach over and give her hair a little ruffle. More of an idle reassurance than teasing.
  197. 9:54 PM <Odocoileus> She flinches when they floof her. She scoots further away.
  198. 9:55 PM <Kaeru> They decide not to push it. At least not for now. They put their hand back on the wheel.
  199. 9:56 PM spookybee → snoozlebee
  200. 9:57 PM <%ArseneLupin> (What do you guys think? Think this is a good place to call it?)
  201. 9:57 PM <Odocoileus> (sounds good to me)
  202. 9:58 PM <Kaeru> (let's get these fools back to the site so they can Go The Fuck To Bed)
  203. 9:58 PM <Kaeru> (that. that's a yes)
  204. 9:58 PM <Klurg> (Yep)
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