
DeGrowth 2020 #degrowth2020

Apr 11th, 2020
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  1. A new paradigm is coming. DeGrowth 2020.
  3. Trump is at the helm of the ship.
  5. Trump WILL win the 2020 Election.
  7. Biden is a sacrificial lamb, a person planted in that position on purpose, set up to lose to Trump.
  9. All the other candidates have slowly realized what was happening and dropped out.
  10. Either they realize they can't win, or Trump won't let them win, or they have been briefed by National Security.
  12. The election will be rigged, our vote will not count enough to prevent this.
  13. They can actually achieve it through voter disenfranchisement, voter supression methods, and gerrymandering along with the ever present and horrendous idea of an Electoral College, deadline being November, or we can just accept it now.
  16. Here is what we know for sure:
  18. Trump is the president of the United States.
  19. The United States is the world's protector.
  20. Our economy has taken a big hit, and so have other countries.
  21. The corona-virus started in Wuhan, China.
  22. We all know that China has a lot of power.
  23. Bernie Sanders dropped out during the coronavirus.
  24. Covid-19 has supposedly been killing people worldwide, but the kids are safe.
  25. We are all on soft lockdown for our own safety.
  26. There is no deadline for removing the shelter in place order,
  27. Trump has allowed the states to dictate their own policy on that.
  29. Here is what I think is really is happening:
  31. The coronavirus is either a mild manmade bioweapon, timed to go off for 2020. What I do know is that it's a cover for the redrawing of economic lines. Trump has admitted to this,
  32. Europe will head towards populism or populist socialism and they have their own separate but intertwined fate. China has been lying about its deaths since the start, and its already safe over there and the situation is actually is already mostly recovered, other than tighter movement controls and tracking. The rest of the world has their own thing going on so each country will worry about itself for a while. Its a world pact. There will be a vaccine or treatment soon. I can only foresee people will be mad about this. Its for our own safety though.
  34. The reality is if Trump wanted to take this opportunity to do whatever he wants, he can. Once he wins, the Supreme Court will be stacked in his favor 7-2, for (not only) the next 4 years, but possibly DECADES, or as long as they live, or as long as that system is able to be propped up. But right now he is being very measured and not heavy-handed. He has specifically avoided being overzealous. Now is not the time for that. That may come later tho, once things are more stable enough to handle the fallout and backlash of what people will basically see as him becoming a Dictator. The correct word is Authoritarian regime. Sort of like China. We all know he secretly idolizes CHYNA! and Russia/Putin. Though his love for America is real, there's no questioning that - he's a nationalist and a patriot and will not let us devolve to their level fully or cower to their bullying. People will be afraid of this fact, but it is a fact and we have to accept it. Trump is in charge here. This is the time to do it, and he accepts his fate, because he is a narcissist and he knows this will write him into history as a legendary president. All of this is unprecedented. Tremendous, Truly.
  36. Trump cannot reveal his master plan to us, but be assured he is playing 4D Chess right now.
  37. If he reveals it early, it will undermine his entire plan, and people will be so stubborn that they would rather devolve society into a civil war and riot in the streets, and we can't have that.
  38. We can avoid all that. I believe we should have faith in him.
  39. He is not perfect but he is handling this, and it all makes sense that it should happen.
  41. This new paradigm is known worldwide as "DeGrowth" - be ready for repair.
  42. (also an American term I was recently introduced to casually from UBI circles was known as "A New Zero".)
  44. The stock market crash is directly linked to all this. A new Recession is happening now, and will be followed by another Depression. An analogy could be made to the 1918 Influenza Pandemic and the temporary Depression of 1920-21. So we are in the midst of a few-years-long event. We can learn from the past by researching that time period. Recessions are not a disaster, its the cure. Its too complicated to get into here, but the internet has good information on this. Another lesson is that afterwards, there was a lull, followed by an even more severe GREAT Depression that happened in 1929 almost 10 years later and put millions at risk and was only stopped 4-10 years later by FDR when he enacted The New Deal. We should try to prevent a double-header and A better idea would be to condense 1918-1933 into 2019-2023, all under the regime of Trump, who will oversee the bankruptcies and crash, and then should enact his OWN Trump New Deal plan, that will involve infrastructure spending, jobs programs, stimulus packages, massive reforms, etc., to help rebuild. This is what I predict will happen.
  46. Gold has risen to $1700+ and is at a 7 year high. Expect this to go up.
  48. Bitcoin has started to crash. A sell off began Friday , April 10th when it lost its $7000 Support and a 1000 BTC deposit from Huobi. More crashes will be coming. BitMex (mexico) CEO expects BTC to re-test $3000.
  49. Economies worldwide are bracing for an economic shock due to the pandemic. Germany and France are already seeing their economies slide into a recession, the New York Times reported Thursday.
  51. Oil is $23.19 a barrel as of April 9 2020 close. Expect this to stabilize around this level or lower. It is acting as a global hedge to avoid complete collapse. The Saudi's control this. They have a lot of money and power, and oil only costs them about $5 a barrel to extract. The Saudi's are a major player in this. Just google "Saudi" to read up. The American fracking industry is heavily leveraged and will take a big hit, but some American oil may be safe.
  54. Our global monetary system will be re-adjusted. The $1200 stimulus check will be just Phase 1 of a program where the government acknowledges it should be subsidizing you. Those approved, will likely receive more money later, once the new exchange rate is negotiated.
  56. All this talk of money is because our current system is broken. The coronavirus is just the trigger. We are $27 Trillion dollars in debt in the US alone, and the entire world is aware that we just keep printing money. Government budget shutdowns from last year is proof that Nothing adds up. It is unacceptable for the world. And it is currently changing for the better... but I am not sure if they will let us have debt relief or not. Perhaps not, in which case we need to be even more careful.
  58. The recent $2 trillion dollar stimulus plan is just a promise that everything will be revalued, and the beginning of a final exit plan at current known values before things get weird.
  60. Corporations strive for infinite growth, beholden to investors, while Stock Market Speculation is rampant, The bankers and investment houses are making all the money when the real businesses that drive the GDP of our economy are whats important. The balance of power will be shifted, from the hedge funds on wall street to the CEOs of small businesses on main street. The richest corporations will be knocked down a peg, but will still be dominant. These include Silicon Valley, Big Tech, Big Pharma, private wealthy billionaires, etc. This is another topic, however, the people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, etc, will have so much power - way more than the implied power they have now, that they will have to be kept in check. Already Bill Gates had announced an "ID2020" plan that will digitally track everyone's infection status with the coronavirus but Trump supposedly shut him down and said he would go after him and that its unconstitutional. However I think Bill Gates is continuing on his own, and Trump WILL have to do "battle" with him and some of the other execs. I have no idea who's side anyone is on, I don't follow that aspect. WE will have to look into this. There is a conspiracy going around that they started this, but I don't believe that, they are just the new upper class and who knows who started it but the world has already agreed. That will have to come to light later. I don't particularly care.
  63. He is absolutely right on this, of course they would want to be bailed out, but its greedy and undermines the new system by clinging too tightly to the old one. We will have to contend with this but we will likely lose.
  65. However, the idea of Looting, power grids shutting down, fires, crime, riots in the streets, martial law, total collapse of social structures ---- This WILL NOT happen ---- but only if we come to terms with the Trump plan. Its not only him behind it, its the entire world behind it. That madness is only the worst case scenario if the Trump plan is NOT followed. He will be trying to prevent all of this. We have to do our best to listen to him and not go crazy here. I cannot stress this enough.
  67. We get to keep our homes we own, our electricity, our internet, our cars we own, our relatively easy life. Credit is at risk. A lot of our jobs are at risk too. I am sorry to be blunt, but we are going to take a big hit. Each family will cope with this in its own way. We are Americans. We will have to be creative and adapt. For some people it will be hard. Find new jobs. Work from home (WFH) will be the new normal for a while. We do not need to go into the woods like Ted Kaczynski and live off the land as long as we come to accept the new system. I am also fine with this. I can start from 0. I have comp-sci skills. Tech and the internet is still very important to us and central in all of this. The tech companies have too much power though. For the record I am anti-Apple, anti-Facebook, and anti-Amazon. AMD, Intel and Microsoft I think is OK, but I think Bill Gates is a rogue player this point? Its very weird. We need to keep them in check. Do what you can. The list goes on. This is the thing I am most unsure about.
  69. The most troubling thing on my mind right now involves illegal immigrants. As we all know, Trump is not fond of them, he wants them gone, he wanted a wall. This will be the catalyst for policies like that. They will NOT be receiving stimulus checks, they will not be part of his plan, and with no support or services from the new system, they will either be forced to leave or fend for themselves at even higher cost and risk as they do now. My prediction is the split will be 80% leave, 20% stay. All foreign nationals in detention centers will be deported. Its a risky move and his base will support him, but I don't think he has calculated correctly how much backlash there will be over this. This has to be looked into.
  71. The preppers were right to be scared, Guns, Ammo and Gold being the most important things they like to hoard, followed by Non-perishable/Canned Food and a way to filter Water are next. The toilet paper shortage is an early sign of this, and cleaning/disinfectant supplies shortage from the virus are a symbolic proxy for any other essential goods that will be virtually impossible for everyone to get. I have no idea what they will be, but there will be other shortages. There might be food rations. You should look into this.
  73. Anyone with assets still in the stock market will be mostly wiped out, other than maybe keeping a fraction of our 401k ROTH IRA's since that is an every-man investment vehicle. Hoarding liquid cash will for sure help, but its not going to be worth much, so keep your assets close, get what you need to get now, because the fiat currency of US dollar will be revalued drastically. Bitcoin will NOT become the dominant force, the powers that be saw to that already, but it will still exist as a side thing to barter or trade with, just not at the $7,000 value per coin that would create a new wave of lucky millionaires. It will probably go back to being around 1 bitcoin for ordering a pizza like when it started. $20 chips. Its very sad for me personally, I lost my entire fortune to MtGox, which was part of a US Homeland Security setup disaster back in 2013. $30k was reduced to $10k. I was emotionally devastated and I honestly still deep down hope I get at least something back out of that, that was my entire life savings, and I had converted it in a claim to fiat at the last minute because I thought that would show good faith in the US. As for Japan, please contact me if you see this. I can explain what went on if need be and assure you why the American people deserve some of the money back. I understand why you waited now. This has been going on for a while now. The public is only just now going to be made aware of all this, for our own safety. Its questionable what will happen to the other crypto-currencies, Ethereum (ETH) might be a second choice to bitcoin, since it seems to have established itself as a top competitor with important technical features, but the rest will fall by the wayside as the infrastructure just isn't there to support it, and there will be no need for a new speculative currency, because we are moving away from speculation and onto real value, whatever that is. This is a global thing. Its a sad truth.
  75. and
  76. Now I think as for another possibility, these links, show that in the past few years they have tried to test pilot projects in NYC and DC and other cities, where large buildings are made with a "poor" entrance that leads to rent-controlled low cost government-subdisized public/"section 8" housing, right alongside rich million dollar luxury apartments. The government gives the builders huge tax breaks to set this up. This should not be protested, everyone who lives there is thankful to receive the assistance, and we already have class discrimination, just now it will be front and center. There will be more of these. The Housing Market is in turmoil. Mortgages will be affected. There will be some kind of negotiation, but some people will inevitably lose. That is life. That is what I have learned in life. My advice as a loser and an addict is accept the loss and move on.
  78. The Serenity Prayer and the Meaning of TRUE Acceptance.
  80. “God, grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference"
  82. Now I am not religious, but I believe in the universe. In other words we will have to come to terms with the new reality, Trump wins the election, he is in charge and things will start being dictated more by the way he sees the world, and class lines will divide us more than ever. Things will work out ok though. He's not a racist, he's a classist. Whats seen by the left as his racism is only incidental, and a sad but true side effect. I apologize for him, since he probably never will. Thats also life.
  84. Beyond that, we are basically at the mercy of the rest of the world right now, that we let it get to this point, so we should be humble in this moment... The American elites and Trump will have to deal with this for us mostly, and we will have to deal with it for ourselves. God help us.
  85. I think we can get through it though. Hopefully this message helps brace people for impact.
  87. Twitter will start being ground zero while we are indoors, Trump is already on TV for hours every day in preparation, and constantly tweeting, and the lines of communication need to stay open and debated publicly. As most of us know, Twitter is divided, very toxic, very polarizing, and rampant with social justice warriors (SJWs) on the left. This should be seen as an equal and opposite reaction to Trump and a natural balance of power to keep him in check. If you do not taunt or engage a troll, "they" will eventually lose interest. I don't play those games and neither should you.
  88. The reasonable place is in the middle ground, sort of like Joe Rogan, he has been chosen by the people as the middle-ground-zero, whether you like it or not he is what we got. And that fact of the Internet, and the global nature of it, can and will also sway things, and he has a big responsibility now, which I think he accepts and will hopefully handle as a good steward the best he can. Trump approves of him, as proven when Joe said he "would rather vote for Trump than Biden" - which is the correct answer - and Trump re-tweeted it. He then made clear, he does not particularly love Trump, (as people are confused about), he is the middle ground and sees the truth for what it is. He's a realist and an every-man, and can definitely help a lot of Americans through this for sure. And a good slogan for his mentality is "It is what it is". He hasnt figured all of this out yet but he will. Do not send him this, I want him to find out on his own. Good luck, everyone!
  89. Heres some food for thought for you guys if you want to read some more.:
  90. The Hidden Meaning of "It is what it is"
  94. Everything I have just said is related to the past transcript of
  98. It is a German video. I have translated it and transcripted it:
  100. Degrowth is coming - be ready to repair. 36C3
  101. ----------------------------------------------
  103. DEC 29TH, 2019 (EDITED) - 1277 views
  106. 36C3 Degrowth is coming - be ready to repair
  107. --------------------------------------------
  108. (((((GOOGLE TRANSLATE (video transcript / subs / subtitles / CC's / closed captions))))))
  109. DEC 30TH, 2019 (EDITED) 105 views
  110. (punctuation and indentation added for enhanced readability, and some auto-translate detection failures corrected)
  114. This all just clicked into place for me yesterday. Friday, April 10th 2020.
  115. 2020 is going to be bigger than we all thought. Corona is phase 1. Be ready for repair.
  116. Tech is going to be super important, so we have that going for us.
  117. At least I do.
  118. We need to stick together once we all figure it out.
  119. Its going to last a while too. November at least.
  120. Change is scary, but "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
  121. Stay positive and try to not fight with each other - we're all in this together.
  122. That is all for now.
  123. Don't be in a rush either.
  124. And to those who I have hurt, I am truly sorry, this is my peace offering.
  125. Love everyone.
  126. 0x0
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