
Glow in the Dark Containment

Jan 24th, 2019
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  1. Part 1
  2. >be tier 0 operator
  3. >2020
  4. >shady glowinthedarks offer me lucrative job working at facility
  5. >a guy named Ted (spook) guides me across the facility. I am to watch for any “creatures” that have escaped their rooms.
  6. >what kind of creatures?
  7. >Ted instantly drops the subject, instead shows me to the staff room
  8. >it’s fucking great, but the other guys look fucking miserable
  9. >Ted gives me contract
  10. >normal glowinthedark shit, I can’t use cameras or phones other than the radio issued to me in the facility
  11. >can’t speak about the facility
  12. >sign it cause sweet million dollars (US)
  13. >first shift near containment cells
  14. >other guy talking to me
  15. >he’s got the jitters, but for some reason I can’t stop talking as well.
  16. >I talk about anything, the fucking floor beneath us if it’s a viable subject.
  17. >guy gives in to the mouth diarrhea and both of us talk for hours.
  18. >learn his name’s Dan. looks mid 40s, balding, but he’s /fit/ as fuck.
  19. >sudden banging, hear a screech.
  20. >he gets a semi heart attack, immediately stops talking. banging still emanates from the hall.
  21. >tells me to be quiet
  22. >I utter “OK,” but the guy immediately tells me to shut the fuck up,
  23. >realize there’s a reason for it
  24. >banging stops after a while. I stay silent for the rest of my shift
  26. Part 2
  27. >get to the staff room with Dan
  28. >it’s the only place without a camera surprisingly
  29. >immediately, he sits me down.
  30. >”listen, the reason why you need to be quiet when you pass by that hallway is because of the fucking thing in the room,”
  31. >”it can hear everything you say. It can also hear any movements you make that are too loud.
  32. but it also fucks up your head whenever you go near it.”
  33. >”it’s almost like psychological warfare; you feel a need to talk. mouth diarrhea ensues.”
  34. >it eventually heard us through the steel, apparently, two hours into the shift. felt like longer
  35. >a fucking whimper through the wall and it starts pounding on the damn thing.
  36. >freaked the fuck out. never had to deal with this before.
  37. >sip on my coffee. tastes almost like fucking oil, it’s disgusting but i drink it.
  38. >take a small nap in my chair, as to be ready for my next shift.
  40. Part 3
  41. >I wake up, grab the issued 8mm sbr and 10mm sidearm. this time I’m with some old fart named Bernard.
  42. >he’s some french guy from Canada, completely bald with a white ass santa beard.
  43. >constantly talking about how beautiful Quebec was.
  44. >me and Bernard are walking to our assigned post: Room 710.
  45. >he’s still blabbering, but I enjoy it.
  46. >tells old stories about ‘Nam
  47. >think he’s lying but don’t give a shit. guy looks kind of operator so I don’t bug him about it.
  48. >anyway, it’s a different room.
  49. >Bernard doesn’t give a shit about any cameras, straight up tells me what to do.
  50. >there is some mean motherfucker sitting inside Room 710; Bernard tells me I won’t have to do much on the shift.
  51. >Bernard will tap me on the shoulders if anything’s wrong, though. Idk why he doesn’t speak.
  52. >there’s one rule, though.
  53. >never listen to Bernard, and never, ever listen to the guy inside the room.
  54. >reminds me that he will TAP me, never TALK to me.
  55. >I understand, but Bernard keeps a close eye on my face as if there was something on it or something.
  56. >he falls asleep and I have to kick him awake. he’s mad at me for a minute, then quickly realizes where he is and shrugs his shoulders.
  57. >but the next time I look, the fucking boomer fell asleep again. this time I let it slide.
  58. >about three hours into the shift, Bernard starts talking to me again.
  59. >there’s something wrong. we need to open the door.
  60. >wtf
  61. >look over to Bernard and he’s fast asleep.
  62. >realize what’s going on and close my eyes. I tell the faggot behind the door to shut up with my brain power.
  63. >it continues to harass me, then fucks off after about a half hour.
  64. >Bernard has woken from his nap. only another 25 minutes until the shift ended then.
  65. >”I’m still here.” I imply.
  66. >we end the shift and I tell him all about it.
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