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UN meeting transcript

a guest
Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: Brazil will agree with the conditions proposed, those being that at each turn we lend 1 RP to the WFP, on one condition: We want our country to become a full member of the UN.
  3. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: You do of course realize that there is no precedent for this
  4. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: and that the demand itself is likely to be vetoed by the security council
  6. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: Are you implying that this is a demand?
  7. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: We are a peacefull country, we merely wish for the possibility to be considered by the voting members.
  9. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: no
  10. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: you want one thing for another
  11. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: you're implying by your suggestion that you will retract your offer to pay for the WFP is you do not recieve what you want
  12. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: thats a demand
  13. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: not only is it poltically irresponsible to hold hostage the Suffering people of chile, to use for your own poltical gains
  14. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: you are also disrupting an otherwise healthy and productive discussion to provide help to the chilean population
  16. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: I apologize if it seemed that way to you, sir. Let me rephrase it: We want our country to go under voting to become a member of the UN, that is our condition for this TRADE.
  17. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: Politically irresponsible would be if our country would only stand and watch the demise of the chilean people, much like your country did.
  19. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: did?
  20. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: we have been busy discussing how to help the population
  22. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: We want to help as much as you do, but we are also realistic about our resources.
  23. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: Yes, and this discussion is exactly that. How Brazil can help the population of Chile.
  25. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: I don't think 1 RP warrants full membership in the council
  27. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: Well, I'm glad you're a junior member, then.
  29. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: If you really do not want to help the chilean population
  30. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: Japan will gladly step in, in place of you
  31. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: and pay for the WFP
  32. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: I'm sure the press will be dissatisfied to hear that brazil could not follow through with their promise because they did not gain anything polticially
  34. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: I'm sure the press will be angry when they realise that Japan is making whatever is possible to undermine this negotiation, even lying to the point of saying that we made a promise.
  36. UK Foreign Secretary Jake Marshall: The UK will also be happy to pay the 1 RP to aid the affected population of Chile.
  38. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: All i have done is express my concern about your demands
  40. UK Foreign Secretary Jake Marshall: We are shocked that Brazil would use a devastated people as political leverage for their own ends.
  42. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: Due to a geographic nature of this crisis, Brazil is the one that can help as fast as possible. We will appreciate your help, UK.
  43. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: And yours, Japan.
  44. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: However, I will not tolerate any type of lies about what has been said in this meeting. If the Voting Members decide that they accept this trade, so be it. If not, we will be glad to help without a trade. Let the Voting Members remember that, aside from the US, we were the first members to accept what was proposed by China and we have exposed our concerns and reasons VERY well because we are HONEST.
  46. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: I do not count demands as honesty, im afraid. And i also do not see why the voting members should accept your demands, if both me AND the UK (who, incidentally is a voting member with VETO power) have offered to step in, in place of you to pay for the WFP
  47. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: besides, i would like to remind the honorable brazillian secretary, that it will not be brazil itself who will provide relief efforts directly
  48. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: but the UN
  49. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: so the distance from brazil to chile is not of concern, as far as the speed of which the relief efforts can be mounted and sent to the affected areas
  50. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: Though im sure that the UN council will still accept our original deal
  52. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: It is, you clearly forgot that the relief efforts need to be constructed and allocated somewhere. The resources won't pop into existence just because you paid the money for the UN.
  54. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: well, you see
  55. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: the Food which will be handed out to the chilean population sits in giant UN warehouses around the world
  56. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: ready to be shipped directly to areas affected
  58. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: It has even been stated by China that how close we are to this crisis is the main reason we are in this deal.
  60. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: which you agreed to do
  61. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: and then later added a caveat in the whole un council membership
  63. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: We said we would consider it, don't put words in my mouth again, sir.
  65. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: ANYWAY
  66. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: we should not make this a personal matter
  67. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: Im sure i speak for the rest of the councilmembers when i say that we go with the lowest offer
  68. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: err highest offer
  69. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: currently, Japan and the UK have both stated wishes to step in if you do not retract your 'proposal'
  70. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: we're both offering the cheaper route
  71. Japanese Foreign Secretary Hojo Shigetoki: thats how the free market works
  73. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: I will not make it personal as long as you stop harassing and lying for political leverage against your fellow junior member. And the idea that there are giant UN warehouses around the world with food just waiting to be shipped is something out of a fairy-tale. I will no longer speak of such matters with you again, Secretary.
  74. Brazilian Foreign Secretary Enzo Araujo: The Voting Members shall decide.
  76. UK Foreign Secretary Jake Marshall: After further deliberation, I see the wisdom in Brazil's offer and would like to make it known that the UK will vote for Brazil to be made a full member of the UN, should the matter arise.
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