
Anonymous in Tartarus: Chapter 2 - Aquaintance-ON HIATUS

Apr 7th, 2012
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  1. >"Urgh", you gurgle out, as you awake to a splitting headache.
  2. >You take a moment to admire the amazing view of....Tartarus.
  3. > Well fuck, just....fuck this
  4. >It's too early for this shit.
  5. >You get up, not bothering to check your immediate surroundings as you try to will away the pain in your head
  6. >As you get to your feet, Your wondering why you weren't dead, as you turn around.
  7. >Only to come face to face with...a trumpet?
  8. >You stare at it absentmindedly, not even noticing the creature holding the instrument.
  9. >Your eyes slowly widen in realization of what's about to happen.
  10. >A single thought runs through your head as you get blasted back on your ass by the force of the trumpet
  11. >It's WAY too early for this shit
  12. >you scrabble to your feet, fists raised in anticipation, as you look upon..... Something?
  13. >No, seriously, what the hell is that thing?
  14. >You struggle to come up with an adequate description for such a bizarrely mismatched  creature.
  15. >The...thing seems to have gotten its jollies off at your expense, as it somehow floats in the air, clutching it's stomach as it laughs hysterically
  16. >While it laughs, you spend the time Her?
  17. >The head seems closest to that of a doe, yet it had two horns protruding from its mane of shockingly white hair.
  18. >It also had a small bit of extra hair going down the back of its neck, as well as having distinctly goat-like ears.
  19. >Her body , because your starting to think it's female, and left arm seem to be that of an eagle.
  20. >Her right arm was that of a lion, with the right foot of a dinosaur and the left foot of a  goat.
  21. >She also appeared to have the tail of a Dragon, along with wings belonging to both bird and bat.
  22. >Your suspicions as to her gender are immediately put to rest, while your jimmies start rustling,  when she finally stops laughing, and starts...insulting
  23. >"Oh boy mister, you'r a real riot, you know that? I haven't had a laugh like that in quite a while!" she proclaims rather gleefully
  24. >A bit Too gleefully for your liking.
  25. >You Ignore her jab, and instead ask her your two most prominent questions
  26. >"Who, or what, are you?"
  27. >She takes a few seconds to respond,  looking at your still raised fists and smiling a little
  28. >Well mister i'm a Draconequus, and my name's Eris.....
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