Guest User


a guest
Aug 26th, 2018
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  1. #Mesaje traduse de Sergiu22044
  2. unknown_user: '&6SERVER &8- &fAcest nickname nu este inregistrat.'
  3. unsafe_spawn: '&6SERVER &8- &fLocatia nu este sigura, te teleportezi la spawn'
  4. not_logged_in: '&6SERVER &8- &6Nu esti logat.'
  5. reg_voluntarily: '&6SERVER &8- &tPoti sa te inregistrezi folosind comanda /register <parola>
  6. <parola>"'
  7. usage_log: '&6SERVER &8- &fFoloseste: &6/login <parola>'
  8. wrong_pwd: '&6SERVER &8- &6Parola Gresita.'
  9. unregistered: '&6SERVER &8- &8Cont sters cu succes!'
  10. reg_disabled: '&6SERVER &8- &fNu poti folosi aceasta comanda in timpul jocului!'
  11. valid_session: '&6SERVER &8- &6Logat din sesiunea anterioara.'
  12. login: '&6SERVER &8- &6Logat cu succes.'
  13. vb_nonActiv: '&6SERVER &8- &8Contul tau nu este activat , verifica mail-ul!'
  14. user_regged: '&6SERVER &8- &6Exista deja un Utilizator cu acest nume.'
  15. usage_reg: '&6SERVER &8- &fFoloseste: &6/register <parola> <parola>'
  16. max_reg: '&6SERVER &8- &8Ai atins limita maxima de conturi (%reg_count/%max_acc %reg_names)
  17. !'
  18. no_perm: '&6SERVER &8- &8Nu ai permisiunile necesare pentru a accesa aceasta comanda.'
  19. error: '&6SERVER &8- &8An unexpected error occurred, please contact an administrator!'
  20. login_msg: '&6SERVER &8- &fLogheaza-te folosind comanda: &6/login <parola>'
  21. reg_msg: '&6SERVER &8- &fInregistreaza-te folosind comanda: &6/register <parola> <parola>'
  22. reg_email_msg: '&6SERVER &8- &cInregistreaza-te cu comanda /register email confirmemail"'
  23. usage_unreg: '&6SERVER &8- &8Foloseste: /unregister <parola>'
  24. pwd_changed: '&6SERVER &8- &8parola schimbata cu succes!'
  25. user_unknown: '&6SERVER &8- &cNume neinregistrat'
  26. password_error: '&6SERVER &8- &6Parolele nu coincid'
  27. password_error_nick: '&6SERVER &8- &8Nu poti sa iti folosesti numele ca parola...'
  28. password_error_unsafe: '&6SERVER &8- &8Parola aleasa nu este sigura , incearca alta...'
  29. invalid_session: '&6SERVER &8- &6Trebuie sa te loghezi din nou.'
  30. reg_only: '&6SERVER &8- &8ONLY'
  31. logged_in: '&6SERVER &8- &8Esti deja conectat!'
  32. logout: '&6SERVER &8- &8Te-ai deconectat cu succes.'
  33. same_nick: '&6SERVER &8- &8Un jucator cu acelasi nume este deja conectat!'
  34. registered: '&6SERVER &8- &6Inregistrat cu succes'
  35. pass_len: '&6SERVER &8- &6Parola ta e prea lunga sau prea scurta.'
  36. reload: '&6SERVER &8- &8Configuration and database have been reloaded correctly!'
  37. timeout: '&6SERVER &8- &6A trecut timpul de logare.'
  38. usage_changepassword: '&6SERVER &8- &8Foloseste: /changepassword <oldPassword> <newPassword>'
  39. name_len: '&6SERVER &8- &8numele esteprea lung sau prea scurt!'
  40. regex: '&6SERVER &8- &8numele tau contine caractere nepermise. Allowed chars: REG_EX'
  41. add_email: '&6SERVER &8- &3Adauga email-ul la contul tau cu comanda : /email add <yourEmail>
  42. <confirmEmail>'
  43. bad_database_email: '[AuthMe] This /email command is only available with MySQL and
  44. SQLite, contact an admin'
  45. recovery_email: '&6SERVER &8- &3ai uitat parola ? foloseste comanda: /email recovery
  46. <yourEmail>'
  47. usage_captcha: '&6SERVER &8- &3To login you have to solve a captcha code, please use
  48. the command: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
  49. wrong_captcha: '&6SERVER &8- &8Wrong captcha, please type "/captcha THE_CAPTCHA" into
  50. the chat!'
  51. valid_captcha: '&6SERVER &8- &8Captcha code solved correctly!'
  52. kick_forvip: '&6SERVER &8- &3A un membru vip a intrat pe server cand este plin !'
  53. kick_fullserver: '&6SERVER &8- &8serverul este plin incercati mai tarziu!'
  54. usage_email_add: '&6SERVER &8- &8Usage: /email add <email> <confirmEmail>'
  55. usage_email_change: '&6SERVER &8- &8Usage: /email change <oldEmail> <newEmail>'
  56. usage_email_recovery: '&6SERVER &8- &8Usage: /email recovery <Email>'
  57. new_email_invalid: '&6SERVER &8- &8Invalid new email, try again!'
  58. old_email_invalid: '&6SERVER &8- &8Invalid old email, try again!'
  59. email_invalid: '&6SERVER &8- &8Invalid email address, try again!'
  60. email_added: '&6SERVER &8- &8Email address successfully added to your account!'
  61. email_confirm: '&6SERVER &8- &8Please confirm your email address!'
  62. email_changed: '&6SERVER &8- &8Email address changed correctly!'
  63. email_send: '&6SERVER &8- &8Recovery email sent successfully! Please check your email
  64. inbox!'
  65. email_exists: '[AuthMe] An email already exists on your account. You can change it
  66. using the command below'
  67. country_banned: '&6SERVER &8- &8Your country is banned from this server!'
  68. antibot_auto_enabled: '&6SERVER &8- &6AntiBot Mode &fs-a pornit din cauza unor conexiuni
  69. in masa.'
  70. antibot_auto_disabled: '&6SERVER &8- &6AntiBot Mode &fs-a oprit dupa %m minute!'
  71. kicked_admin_registered: An admin just registered you; please log in again
  72. password_error_chars: '&6SERVER &8- &6Parola ta contine caaractere nepermise. Caractere
  73. permise: REG_EX'
  74. denied_command: '&6SERVER &8- &8Ca sa utilizezi aceasta comanda trebuie sa fii autentificat.'
  75. denied_chat: '&6SERVER &8- &8Ca sa utilizezi chat-ul trebuie sa fii logat.'
  76. tempban_max_logins: '&6SERVER &8- &8You have been temporarily banned for failing to log
  77. in too many times.'
  78. kick_antibot: '&6SERVER &8- &6AntiBot Mode &fs-a pornit. Va rugam sa revenit mai tarziu.'
  79. accounts_owned_self: 'You own %count accounts:'
  80. accounts_owned_other: 'The player %name has %count accounts:'
  81. two_factor_create: '&6SERVER &8- &8Your secret code is %code. You can scan it from here
  82. %url'
  83. recovery_code_sent: A recovery code to reset your password has been sent to your email.
  84. recovery_code_incorrect: The recovery code is not correct! You have %count tries remaining.
  85. recovery_tries_exceeded: You have exceeded the maximum number attempts to enter the recovery code. Use "/email recovery [email]" to generate a new one.
  86. recovery_code_correct: Recovery code entered correctly!
  87. recovery_change_password: Please use the command /email setpassword <new password> to change your password immediately.
  88. not_owner_error: You are not the owner of this account. Please choose another name!
  89. invalid_name_case: You should join using username %valid, not %invalid.
  90. same_ip_online: A player with the same IP is already in game!
  91. email_show: '&6SERVER &8- &8Your current email address is: &f%email'
  92. incomplete_email_settings: 'Error: not all required settings are set for sending emails.
  93. Please contact an admin.'
  94. email_already_used: '&6SERVER &8- &8The email address is already being used'
  95. email_send_failure: The email could not be sent. Please contact an administrator.
  96. show_no_email: '&6SERVER &8- &8You currently don''t have email address associated with
  97. this account.'
  98. change_password_expired: You cannot change your password using this command anymore.
  99. email_cooldown_error: '&6SERVER &8- &8An email was already sent recently. You must wait
  100. %time before you can send a new one.'
  101. second: secunda
  102. seconds: secunde
  103. minute: minuta
  104. minutes: minute
  105. hour: ora
  106. hours: ore
  107. day: zi
  108. days: zile
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