
Psychotic Anon in Equestria 13 (WARNING: GORE)

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. >You awake to the sound of a p0ny house keeper softly walking towards you.
  2. >'Mister Anon. Are you awake?'
  3. 'Yes, thank you. I assume Celestia requires my audience.'
  4. >'Yes sir.'
  5. 'Thank you Miss.'
  6. >You sit up in the bed, and smooth down your hair. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you roll out of bed and make your way to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
  7. >Looking at yourself in the mirror, you realise how great you look with a proper night's sleep in a comfy bed.
  8. >You turn on the hot water for the shower, and begin to get undressed. You turn on the cold, and step in.
  9. M:Ever wonder if the Princesses like to watch you in the shower.
  10. ‘Well, they get a great view.’
  11. M:You know they probably think you are hideous .
  12. ‘Then why watch me?’
  13. M: Science experiment.
  14. ‘Then they shall watch a sentient ape wash himself.’
  15. >You scrub your body furiously, making sure you are clean all over.
  16. >Today was going to be eventful. If you are lucky, you will get your payback on Applejack, hopefully getting her off your back.
  17. A:And your front.
  18. >Alice giggles as you get out of the shower, and dry off.
  19. ‘Big day. Gotta look my best.’
  20. >You put on your most formal of clothes, and look at yourself in the mirror.
  21. M: Sure this isn’t because of you and Octaaaaaaaaavia?
  22. ‘No…’
  23. >You can’t help but to blush, remembering your date tonight. You quickly do your hair and run out the door to meet the Princesses for breakfast.
  25. >You stride into the dining hall, looking sharp and being a BAWS. Celestia and Luna were already seated for breakfast, and both gave you smiles as you walked in.
  26. >PC’ Ah Anon. So glad you could join us today.’
  27. ‘I do apologise Princess Celestia. I haven’t had a good sleep in a few days, and the minute my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.’
  28. >PC’ It’s okay. Have you decided on today?’
  29. >You smile as you walk forwards.
  30. ‘I did have an idea, but I would like to run it by Princess Luna first.’
  31. >Celestia looks at you quizzically, and you whisper something into Luna’s ear.
  32. >She immediately gasps and looks at you.
  33. >PL’ Are you sure? I mean, that might be a bit…unorthodox.’
  34. ‘Yeah, I don’t want to ruin her life, but she did….you know?’
  35. >PL’ I see…’
  36. >PC’ Sister, when did your speech change?’
  37. >Luna’s eyes go wide and she covered her mouth.
  38. >PL’ Oh shit… We mean, Oh no-eth…’
  39. ‘Celestia, that was my doing. Last night I asked her to speak in a less regal manor, as I seem to have left the Serf’s Guide to talking to Monarchy.’
  40. >Celestia chuckles.
  41. >PC ’Thank you Anon.’
  42. ‘No, it’s okay. But back to the matter at hand. Can you send for a teleport for Applejack, Big Macintosh and Applebloom?’
  43. >PC ‘I would prefer to know what you are planning.’
  44. ‘Celestia, I will tell you, but after you send for them and after you promise to hear me out fully. It is, as Luna said, unorthodox, but I see it as a fitting punishment. I want my life back to normal…or as normal as I can get.’
  45. >Princess Celestia nods, and waves over a Royal Guard, whispering something to him, before he trots off.
  47. >As you finish telling Celestia your plan, you take a bite of a banana. He face is stuck in an expression of utter fear and disgust.
  48. >PC ‘But…But how?’
  49. ‘Oh that’s not the worst. There was more.’
  50. >Celestia looks like she is going to throw up. You put a hand on her hoof, and look into her eyes.
  51. ‘I promise it will not go as far as to break her. Just enough to show her the light.’
  52. >PC ‘Can you...?’
  53. ‘I stake my life on it, just don’t tell her. If I go to the dungeons, I’m a sitting duck.’
  54. >Luna giggles, and a butler walks in.
  55. >’Your Highnesses. The Apple family is here.’
  56. >PC ‘Thank you. Please make sure Miss Applejack is restrained before she enters the court room.’
  57. >The butler walks out, and you stare at Celestia.
  58. ‘You have a court room here?’
  59. >’Yes. Don’t you?’
  60. >You just shake your head. You know she is messing with you, and you can’t help but to smile.
  61. ‘Ready Princesses?’
  62. >PL ‘Anon, We must retire to our quarters.’
  63. ‘Pardon?’ you say with a smile.
  64. >PL ’I’m going somewhere you will never be.’
  65. ‘The moon?’
  66. >PL ’Keep it up Anon, and I will send you there.’
  67. >You chuckle.
  68. ‘Have a good sleep Luna. I’ll see you later.’
  69. >Luna leaves and you look to Celestia.
  70. >’yes, let’s go.’
  72. >You sit in the hard, wooden seat, resting your head on your hands. You look around the courtroom, making sure you knew every exit. Celestia sat up the front, acting all regal as she did, her bright coloured mane flowing in a non-existent breeze.
  73. >The room was filled with bench seats for the public, and another desk and chair like yours for the defendant. The room had a single exit, as well as 4 large windows to one side.
  74. M:More exit routes
  75. >The doors to the back swung open and in walked the orange p0ny that caused you so much pain. Applejack had shackles around her hooves, allowing her the smallest of movements. She shuffled in, and her eyes went wide. She saw you and immediately looked afraid. Big Macintosh and Applebloom walked in after her, and they looked at you with worry.
  76. >Applejack was led to her seat and strapped to the chair, Big Mac and Applebloom choosing to sit behind you.
  77. >’Anon,’ Big Mac said ‘Do ya really need tah be doin this? Ah already spoke tah her.’
  78. ‘Big Mac, I do apologise for anything that happens today, and I know I probably won’t be forgiven for anything. I just…I can’t trust her anymore Mac. I tried and failed.’
  79. >You looked at Applejack, but all you could see was the p0ny that caused you so much hardship. You wanted to forgive her, but she needed to learn.
  81. >Celestia stood from her seat.
  82. >C ’Miss Applejack. Do you know why you have been brought here?’
  83. >AJ ’Ah dun goofed and went back on a promise tah Anon there.’
  84. >C ’And do you have anything to say for it?’
  85. >AJ ’Well, if Anon there kept his promise, Ah wouldn’t have had tah break mine.’
  86. >Celestia looked at you curiously ‘What promise?’
  87. >AJ ’He said dere might be a chance me and him could be special somep0nies.’
  88. >C ‘Do you have anything to say Anon?’
  89. >You stand from your seat, and clear your throat.
  90. ‘Yes.’
  91. >Walking over to Applejack, you look at her.’
  92. ‘Applejack, do you know which word stands out the most in that sentence?’
  93. >’Special somep0nies.’
  94. ‘No…”Might”. As in a small possibility. It doesn’t mean I can’t like another p0ny because I see something different in them. It also means you can’t be angry at me after I forgave you, just because I had a guest stay at my house who slept in a different room all together.’
  95. >Tears formed in her eyes ‘But…but you gave me hope…’
  96. ‘Hope for at least a friendship. Applejack, can I ask you one thing? What would you say if I said I eat the flesh of animals to survive?’
  97. >Most of the room gasped except you and Celestia. She knew because she asked.
  98. >’There ain’t no way you’d eat an animal, Anon.’
  99. ‘Oh but I do. I don’t kill and eat sentient creatures, but I used to eat meat. I do miss it so.’
  100. >Applejack started to whimper in her seat.
  102. ‘Don’t get your freaking hopes up. I am not going to eat you, nor anyp0ny else. But my guest, who ran off after your attack, wasn’t afraid of me. She actually asked me why I didn’t try fish.’
  103. >You laugh a bit, remembering how stupid you felt for not thinking this.
  104. ‘You know, Svimmy Svimmy?’ Nop0ny laughed. ‘I have been treated like an outcast even surrounded by my own kind, and then losing a p0ny who accepted me. It broke me, Applejack. And all I wanted was acceptance.’
  105. >Applejack looked up at you ‘Ah could have-‘
  106. ‘NO YOU COULDN’T…you didn’t even take me being an omnivore well. You just want me because I am a new toy for you to play with.’
  107. >You run a hand through your hair before turning around and taking a seat.
  108. ‘Nothing further.’
  109. >C ‘Thank you Anon. Applejack, do you have any final words before I decide your punishment?’
  110. >AJ ‘Yes, yer highness. If y’all could be so kind as tah tying Anon down and leaving us alone, Ah’m sure we could figure this all out.’
  111. >Celestia looks at you like she actually wants to consider it, and you facepalm.
  112. >C ‘That being said, I have judged you guilty of your crimes against another.’
  113. >Applebloom started to whimper, and Big Mac held her close.
  114. >C ‘Your punishment has already decided.’
  115. >Celestia walked from her seat to Applejack, her horn glowing softly. Applejack started to get scared, and if it weren’t for her bindings, she would have run from the courtroom. Celestia closes the distance before her horn fell softly onto Applejack’s head.
  116. >Applejack was out like a light.
  118. >Applejack awakes to see you had already left the room. Not a lot had changed except for the fact there was a lot of restraining gear sitting in the middle of the room sitting next to a pair of shackles built into the floor. She looks to where Big Mac and Applebloom were sitting, but they were gone too.
  119. >Princess Celestia sat up the front again with a smile on her face.
  120. >C ‘Oh good, you’re awake. Don’t want you to miss the fun, do we?’
  121. >Celestia motions for a guard up the rear of the room to open the door. Applejack watched on to see Big Macintosh and Applebloom being lead into the room, large metal collars around their necks, and fearful looks in their eyes.
  122. >They were lead up the front, and shackled to the ground.
  123. >AJ ‘What’s going on Princess?’
  124. >Celestia chuckled.
  125. >C ‘We couldn’t actually punish the Element of Honesty. That’s terrible publicity for me. Oh no no no. But we could make you suffer.’
  126. >Celestia walked over to Applejack and softly lifted her head.
  127. >C ‘you’re going to watch your family die slowly in front of you.’
  128. >Hearing those words, Applebloom started to struggle against her bonds.
  130. >Celestia’s horn glowed, and a ball gag was forcibly place in Applebloom’s mouth.
  131. >Applejack tried to fight against her bonds, but they held her firm. She closed her eyes, trying to fight the tears.
  132. >C ‘I’m sorry Miss Applejack, but you are going to watch this whether you like it or not.’
  133. >In a flash of light, a helmet is teleported over Applejack’s head. It was of simple construct, four pieces of metal holding the eyes open, while the muzzle is held closed by two leather straps.
  134. >C ‘Now the fun can begin.’
  136. >Applejack sat in her seat, strapped down by leather belts. Her head was held in a specialised mask that held her eyes open, but her mouth closed.
  137. >Across from her stood Big Macintosh and Applebloom, both held to the ground in chains, gags in their mouths so as they couldn't scream louder than the courts wanted.
  138. >You walk from the back of the room, wearing a black cloak and hood, a medical bag in your left hand. As you get closer, you lean down to Applejack
  139. 'Welcome to your punishment.'
  140. >You make your way over to Applebloom first, dropping your bag and crouching down next to her. You softly pet her mane with your right hand and opening your bag with your left. You slowly lift out a silver scalpel and smile.
  141. >The first incision was the best. Applebloom screaming in pain into the gag as you sliced into the skin of her right front leg.
  142. ‘Shh shh shh… we have only just begun.’
  143. >You make another incision an inch away, running parallel to the first one. Applebloom started crying out in pain for her sister, and Applejack cried out in return.
  144. >You connect the two cuts with a third, and smile.
  145. 'This is where the real fun begins, AJ.' You call out.
  146. >you grab the small flap of skin you just cut, and with one quick rip, you tear the piece of filly fur and skin right off her muscles, earning another scream of pain from Applebloom and one of rage from Applejack.
  148. >You throw the bloody strip away from you and continue cutting into the young filly’s flesh. Her screams of pain only fuel you to go further. She screams into her gag, looking over to her big brother for help.
  149. ‘Don’t worry. That sedative I gave him still allows pain through. He’ll get his soon.’
  150. >After stripping away the skin on her right leg, Applebloom looks like she is about to pass out from the pain. You can’t have that, can you?
  151. >Reaching into your bag of horrors, you pull out a syringe of clear liquid.
  152. ‘A dose of adrenaline should perk you right up.’ You say, sinking the needle into her flank.
  153. >She yelps in pain.
  154. ‘Oh get over it. You’re missing the skin on your leg.’
  155. >You needed to work faster if you wanted to get it all done.
  156. >You grab her left front leg and cut around the ankle until there is a one long gash encircling her hoof. You then do the same at the top of her leg, and connecting them up with one long slice down the front.
  157. >Running the knife under one edge of the vertical gash, you make a small flap to grab hold of. Taking the skin with both hands, you look at Applejack, who looks like she wants to throw up.
  158. ‘Hey Applejack. What sound does an elephant make?’ you say.
  159. >You rip the entire piece of skin off Applebloom’s leg in one motion.
  161. ‘Oh good work Applebloom.’
  163. >After another 5 minutes, you had managed to remove the skin on her four legs. You had to give her another shot of adrenaline to make sure she stays here for the big finale.
  164. >You slice down Applebloom’s torso, from shoulder to flank, Applejack now crying her eyes out at the torture of her baby sister.
  165. >You slice down the other side of the torso, and join the cuts at the neck and flank. You grab Applebloom by her mane and the top of the skin flap, and turn her towards Applejack.
  166. ‘Hey! AJ!’
  167. >Applejack doesn’t want to look at you.
  168. ‘I can do this all day.’
  169. >Applebloom screams in pain as you rip out some exposed muscle, and Applejack turns to you.
  170. ‘This is for ruining any chances of Octavia.’
  171. >You rip the fur and skin off her back, throwing it to Applejack. Applebloom let out a terrifying scream before passing out from the blood loss.
  172. >You stand up from the bloody mess that once was the happy little yellow filly, and wipe your hands on your cloak.
  173. >Bending down, you pull a large glass syringe of brown liquid, taking extra care of it so it doesn’t break.
  174. ‘Hey Applejack, do you know what this is?’
  175. >She tries to say something along the lines of “Buck you”, but it comes out too muffled.
  176. ‘No, this is not apple cider. This is Hydrofluoric Acid. It is so powerful, it eats through everything, including gems. I use it as a mouthwash.’
  177. >You walk over to Big Macintosh, who was still heavily sedated.
  178. ‘And today, I was thinking we make some good old Apple family juice…’
  179. >You smack Macintosh on the flank.
  180. ‘Using real Apple family members, of course.’
  181. >Celestia titters at your joke.
  183. >You push the needle into Big Macintosh’s flank, right in the centre of the cutie mark, and injected a small amount of acid in to him. You retract the syringe, and watch the magic happen.
  184. >Even in his sedated state, Big Mac could feel his body liquefy from the inside out. His cutie mark went from bright green to a dirty brown as he screamed into his ball gag in pain.
  185. ‘Rotten apples get turned to mush, don’t you say Applejack?’
  186. >Applejack’s eyes are filled with tears. She had just witnessed her baby sister be flayed alive, and now her big brother is being liquefied.
  187. ‘Aww…you don’t want to play anymore?’
  188. >You plunge the needle into Big Mac’s back, injecting more acid. He screamed in absolute pain as his organs became a black slime. He began to cough as it hit his lungs, but with the ball gag in his mouth, the sludge dripped from his nose. His underbelly started to sag and drip black. The drip became a trickle, then a pour. Eventually his skin ate away to send his liquefied organs all over the floor. Even with an empty chest cavity, he cried in pain and fell to the ground.
  189. ‘Fucking hell. I guess I might as well be merciful.’
  190. >You stab him in the top of the head, injecting more acid directly to his brain. After a few seconds, he stopped writhing in pain and went limp.
  191. >You walk away from the bodies and over to Applejack. She was crying her eyes out, but couldn’t look away from the pain.
  192. ‘Celestia, you mind removing it now?’
  193. >Celestia’s horn glowed and the helmet came off in a flash of light.
  194. >Applejack immediately shut her eyes and cried for her lost family, something she caused.
  196. >Grabbing Applejack by her mane, you forced her head in the direction of her lost kin.
  197. ‘Look at them.’
  198. >She opens her eyes, and cries harder.
  199. ‘Look at what you caused. Because you lied, your brother and sister were killed.’
  200. >’BY Y’ALL!! YA MONSTER!!!!’
  201. >You chuckle and slam her face in to the table.
  203. >You walk around the table and crouch down in front of her.
  204. ‘Look at me!’
  205. >She looks up from the table and you lift the hood from your head, finally allowing you to see fully. Applejack’s eyes went wide as she looked at you.
  206. >’You…You’re….you’re-‘
  207. ‘If you say “A monster”, I’ll break your face into the ground. Now you are going to listen to me’
  208. >You run your hands through your jet black hair, turning it back to a dark brown.
  209. ‘If you ever go back on your word,’
  210. >You shut your eyes and shake your head. Your blue eyes washed back to red.
  211. ‘If you even put a hoof out of line,’
  212. >Your hands wash over your face, changing the bone structure to something more sharp.
  213. ‘I WILL END YOU!’
  214. >You grab the syringe of Hydrofluoric Acid and stab Applejack in the eye, slamming down the plunger.
  216. >Applejack lands back in the court room, Celestia standing in front of her, her horn still a glow. She looked around to see you sitting in your seat, Big Macintosh and Applebloom sitting behind you. Tears started to well up in her eyes.
  217. >PC ‘Miss Applejack? Are you alright?’
  218. >AJ ‘Ahwhat?’
  219. >PC ‘Apple family, can you come up here please?’
  220. >As they moved from their seats, Applejack started to cry.
  221. >AJ ‘No….please Princess…Ah made da mistake…don’t harm mah family. They all Ah got…’
  222. >You take this as a cue to stand from your seat and walk over to her.
  223. ‘Applejack? What’s got into you?’
  224. >AJ ‘Ah…ah don’t wants mah kin hurt…please don’ Anon.’
  225. ‘Applejack, you have to face you punishment.’
  226. >Applejack breaks down and Celestia’s horn glows. There is a series of metal snaps as her restraints were unlocked. Applejack looked up at you.
  227. ‘Your punishment is to explain to the entire town what you did to me. Every last detail. And if you don’t, you will be locked away.’
  228. >AJ ‘Wha…?’
  229. ‘I am not going to force you to apologise, nor am I going to apologise for what I did. I don’t see the point. Maybe if you spend some time thinking about it, you might actually want forgiveness.
  230. >You walk away from her to the door.
  231. >AJ ‘Anon….wait.’
  232. >You turn around to her.
  233. ‘AJ, no. You take the time to think about it first. I won’t accept it any other way.’
  234. >You turn and walk out of the room, feeling like a total boss.
  236. >As you sit in your room, savouring a hamburger. Oh god did you miss meat. You were lucky that the Princesses cater to all kinds of diplomats, and they accepted your plead for a fucking bacon burger. You savour every bite, as Luna told you “Thou art never getting another one, so enjoy it bro.”
  237. M: Luna is now a bro. Princess Bro-na
  238. A: Hehehe…where were you guys? I missed you all morning.
  239. ‘I had stuff to do. And now I have a bacon cheese burger.’
  240. A: Yummy…what do you mean “Stuff to do”?
  241. >You sigh and put down your burger, but Mark beats you to it.
  242. M: Alice, I know you don’t like us being mean, and I don’t want to tell you what we did because… Alice, I love you a lot, and the longer I can preserve your innocence, the better. But if it makes you feel better, you can kick me in the balls.
  243. >Alice looks at Mark, and then to you.
  244. ‘I’m sorry Alice… I didn’t want you to worry.’
  245. >Tears formed in her eyes and Mark wrapped her in a hug.
  246. M: You are my sister, and I will protect you…even from me.
  247. >Alice hugged him back, and you half smiled. You don’t usually get hugs from them.
  248. >You take another bite of the burger, savouring the juices as they dripped down your throat. As you go for another bite, there is a knock at the door.
  249. ‘Umm…who is it?’
  250. >’Anon, it’s me.’ Came a regal voice.
  251. ‘One minute Celestia, I’m not…decent.’
  252. >You really wanted to enjoy this, but you didn’t want to make the Princess uncomfortable. She had accepted you so much.
  254. >You eat that bad boy faster than an Asian man in a hot dog eating contest, and run for the bathroom. Brushing your teeth harder than ever to remove any traces of meat smell, your mind wanders back to that strange dentist p0ny from town. Her cutie mark wasn’t tooth related…you think.
  255. >You run for the door as fast as possible, letting the Princess in.
  256. ‘You wanted to see me Princess?’
  257. >’Yes. I wanted to talk…Did you eat your meal so I wouldn’t be uncomfortable?’
  258. >You were silent, but your face betrayed you. Celestia chuckled.
  259. >’Thank you Anon. I wanted to talk to you about the…punishment.’
  260. ‘Oh, you want to see him too. Okay.’
  261. >You step out of the doorway to let Celestia in. When she was fully inside, you close and lock the door.
  262. >Once you are both prepared, Celestia begins the process.
  263. >She lands outside your mind-house to see you there.
  264. ‘Please, come in.’
  265. >You pull a golden key out of your pocket, and unlock the door to the house. The main room wasn’t very flash, a simple room with pictures hanging everywhere.
  266. >’I feel honoured being invited inside your memories. I have to hold back on the snooping.’
  267. >Celestia gives you a sly smile, and you return it.
  268. ‘You can look all you want in here. This is short term. The further I go in, the more I remember. But please, take a seat.’
  269. >Three large arm chairs grew from the floor, and Celestia took a seat. Your body split as Mark came out, and sat in another.
  270. M: Good to see you again…Tia
  271. >He had a creepy smile on his face, and Celestia went pale. You shot him a look and he clutched his head in pain.
  272. ‘I told you not to go digging. Bad insanity form.’
  274. >The three of you sit down to chat.
  275. ‘So, what did you want to talk to us about?’
  276. >’What you showed Applejack. Don’t you think it went too far?’
  277. ‘Not really, I mean it got the job done, didn’t it?’
  278. >Celestia looked at your cool demeanour, and was shocked.
  279. >’How can you think that way Anon?’
  280. ‘Celestia, what I showed Applejack was tame. When I had nightmares like that, I was the one killing them.’
  281. >You run your hands through your hair.
  282. ‘I was forced to not only watch my baby sisters die, I was causing it. I….I ….I couldn’t look at my sisters for a week. They thought I hated them…’
  283. >’Anon…’
  284. >You wipe away a few tears that fell onto your cheeks.
  285. ‘No, it’s fine. I’m good. I’m sorry if it seemed harsh. Hopefully she doesn’t do this again.’
  286. M: Mind if I go back?
  287. >You shake your head and Mark slips back into your body. You sit there in silence, Celestia watching on.
  288. ‘I…I think I need a hug right now.’
  289. >Your body splits apart again, and this time Alice is standing there. She immediately launches for a hug…
  290. >For Celestia.
  291. A:Fluffy Princess…
  292. ‘Alice?’
  293. A:Fluffy
  294. ‘Alice!’
  295. A:Princess
  296. ‘ALICE!’
  297. >She immediately stops to look at you, and realises how upset you are. Without another word, she gives you a hug, and you begin to cry into her shoulder.
  298. >Celestia takes this as her cue to leave, and in a flash of light, you are both back in your royal quarters.
  299. >’Anon…are you okay?’
  300. >You wipe away some tears and smile.
  301. ‘yeah, I just need to sleep I guess. Good day Celestia.’
  302. >Celestia replies, but you are already asleep as your head hits the matress.
  304. >You wake a few hours later, and notice Alice and Mark were watching you sleep.
  305. ‘That’s not creepy at all, now is it?’
  306. >You get out of bed, and check the clock. It read 6:03 pm. Walking into the bathroom, you decide another shower was a good idea.
  307. >After washing your body again, cleaning away any emotional dirt you had on your body, you step out of the shower and look at yourself in the mirror. You grab your trusty straight razor, shaving off the stubble on your face. It took you a few weeks to get a proper razor made, most of the p0nies thought you were making a weapon. They didn’t understand you hated facial hair.
  308. >As you walk out the bathroom, there was a knock at your door.
  309. ‘Yes?’
  310. >Princess Luna walks into the room in a regal fashion, a smile on her face.
  311. >’Ah Anonymous. How was thou day in the law system?’
  312. ‘It was good, thank you.’
  313. >Luna used her magic to shut the door before running straight for you.
  314. >’So? Dish the gossip. What happened, what did you make her see?’
  315. >You smile and chuckle a bit.
  316. ‘Okay, so Mark skinned her baby sister alive, using adrenaline to keep her active, until all her skin was gone.’
  317. >Luna cringed
  318. >’Eewwww, go on.’
  319. ‘Then he turned big bro into p0ny soup with a very strong acid.’
  320. >’EEWWWW!!! That was sick!’
  321. ‘Yeah…He made me do it to my baby sister once…’
  322. >Luna went quiet, and she looked at your face. You couldn’t bear to cry again, not after you cleaned yourself.
  323. ‘I should be going now, Princess. Thank you for checking up on me.’
  324. >You walk for the door, and just as you touch the handle, Luna speaks up.
  325. >’You know, if you are going for a walk, you should head to the cliffs to the east. It’s supposed to be a good night tonight.’
  326. ‘Thank you Luna.’
  328. >You walk through the Mane street of Canterlot. You had about 10 minutes before you had to be at Octavia’s house, so you decide to buy her some flowers. You catch a florist just before it closes shop. A light green p0ny with a dark green mane was about to lock the door.
  329. >’I’m sorry sir. We are closed.’
  330. ‘Sir, please? I just need some flowers.’
  331. >’I’m sorry, but I need to close the shop.’
  332. >He turns away and you notice his cutie mark. Four blue snapdragons in a bouquet. Something hit you.
  333. ‘Snappy.’
  334. >He stopped and spun to look at you.
  335. ‘Your name is Dragon Snaps, but your nickname was-‘
  336. >’Snappy…’
  337. >’How do you know my nickname?’
  338. ‘Your sisters. Rose, Daisy, Lilly. I live in P0nyville, and they helped me grow my garden. They spoke of their baby brother, Snappy, a lot.’
  339. >He unlocks the door, and lets you in.
  340. >’You can have 10 minutes.’
  341. ‘I only need 5. I am going on a date with a p0ny, and I need something purple to give to her.’
  342. >’Oh, well we have amethyst roses that just came in.’
  343. ‘Oh they sound nice. Do p0nies by them as decoration or like chocolates?’
  344. >Snappy chuckled.
  345. >’Bit of both. It just depends on the p0ny.’
  346. ‘Oh. Well, my date is a big fan of that cellist.’
  347. >’Octavia? She comes in here all the time.’
  348. ‘Oh good. Do you have anything that Octavia buys? My date would just faint if she knew she had flowers like Octavia.’
  349. >Snappy pulled out some violet frangipanis, and added them to the bouquet.
  350. >’Octavia loves these. She should be in tomorrow to get some, so if you want…?’
  351. ‘Thank you Snappy.’
  352. >’Do…do they really talk about me?’
  353. ‘They miss their baby brother Snappy, the successful florist. You should visit them.’
  354. >You smile and walk out the door.
  356. >You wander through the streets, trying to remember where Octavia lived. You were almost running late, and if you are late, you will feel embarrassed.
  357. ‘Are you sure you don’t remember where she lived?’
  358. A: Positive. I was asleep at the time.
  359. M: I was more concerned about you being a massive pussy.
  360. ‘Great… I need to hurry before I am late.’
  361. >The clock tower in the centre of town started to chime. You look up and realise it’s 7pm and late for a date that you have no idea where to go.
  362. ‘Oh that is just FUCKING SUPER!!’ you yell. ‘WHAT ELSE CAN GO-‘
  363. >’Anon? Vhy are you standing out here yelling?’
  364. >You recognise that voice. And you realise Alice and Mark lied to you.
  365. ‘Oh, I was just, you know,’
  366. >you turn around, and you are lost for words.
  367. >Octavia is dressed in a beautiful purple and silver dress, her hair streak with strands of silver like starlight. You realise how beautiful a p0ny can be.
  368. ‘I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I…’ you stutter out.
  369. >Octavia blushes, and sees the flowers in your hand, just as you snap back to reality
  370. ‘Oh…These are for you.’
  371. >You hand her the flowers, and she blushes more before seeing the frangipani.
  372. >’Frangies. How did you know?’
  373. ‘The florist is the baby brother of a trio in P0nyville. I do hope you like them.’
  374. >You hand her the flowers with a slight blush, and she smiles as she takes them. Octavia nibbles on a flower and smiles.
  375. >’Zey are very sveet zis time of year.’
  376. ‘Good. I know nothing about flowers.’
  377. >’Really? Zee great Anonymous doesn’t know about botany?’
  378. >She gives you a cheeky smile, and you smile back.
  380. >As you walk with Octavia through Canterlot, you realise how fucked you are for not booking a table. It may be a Tuesday night, but Canterlot is still a very high class place. You find yourself outside a brightly lit place.
  381. ‘This place seems nice.’
  382. >’You don’t have reservations?’
  383. ‘Oh I do about a lot of things, but I was planning on telling you about them at a later date.’
  384. >You crack a small smile and walk through the door, holding it open for Octavia.
  385. >’I thought you didn’t vant to treat me any different.’
  386. ‘I can still be a gentlecolt from time to time.’
  387. >You both smile as the mare greeter walks up.
  388. >’Hello. Did you have a booking?’
  389. ‘No, I was hoping you had a free table.’
  390. >’I’m sorry, but we don’t have anything free, mister…?’
  391. ‘Oh, Anonymous.’
  392. >The mare freezes where she is like you just told her you were a suicide p0ny.
  393. >’P-p-pardon? Did you just say “Anonymous”?’
  394. ‘Yes. I believe that is my name.’
  395. >’Oh Celestia, I did not know it was you sir. Of course we have a table for you and your guest.’
  396. >Octavia gives you a weird look and you shrug. You didn’t know you were so famous in Canterlot. You had barely been here. Except for-
  397. >’Here is your table sir.’
  398. >You recognise the wooden statue that sat in the middle of the room immediately. It was an earth p0ny with a unicorn and Pegasus sitting on it’s head, an original carving you made, Multiple Singularity.
  399. >You pull out Octavia’s seat for her, before taking your seat. You smile as you look into Octavia’s eyes.
  401. ‘So, how has things been since…a few days ago?’
  402. >Octavia blushed and looked nervous.
  403. >’I…am sorry for leaving.’
  404. ‘No, it’s fine. I actually dealt with the p0ny in question. If I eventually forgive her, I shall make sure she apologise for what she said about you.’
  405. >’Vere you…zat upset about my departure?’
  406. ‘Yes, very much. But it was also the fact that she broke a promise to me and caused you so much distress.’
  407. >Octavia smiled again, and a waiter came up to take your drink order. You choose a bottle of white wine from about 10 years ago.
  408. ‘So, apart from the whole “breaking down my door” stuff, I remember a certain p0ny sleeping next to me on the couch.
  409. >Octavia chuckled, and took a sip of water.
  410. >’I voke up in zee night, and came to check on you. You fell into slumber reading, and I felt bad for taking your bed.’
  411. ‘Don’t. You were my guest, you deserved to take the bed.’
  412. >’Vhat vere you reading?’
  413. ‘A lot about Equestrian history. I feel if I know more, maybe I can be seen for something other than a new species.’
  414. >’You are looking for acceptance? But you are zhis fantastic artist and pianist.’
  415. ‘You see that statue there?’ she looks at the statue ‘One of mine. That statue represents me.’
  416. >’Da, I knew about your stay in zee psyche ward.’
  417. ‘Not all of it.’
  418. >The waiter returns with a bottle of wine and a roll of parchment.
  419. >’Sir, this message was left for you.’
  420. ‘Thank you.’
  421. >You unroll the parchment and read it. You give a small chuckle and put it in your jacket pocket.
  423. >’Vhat vas zhat?’
  424. ‘Oh, a note from a friend. Where was I?’
  425. >’You did not tell me whole truth.’
  426. ‘Oh, yeah. The reason I went into the psyche ward was because I can see two people. A rare psychosis, they said. But they actually help me. They are a blessing, not a curse.’
  427. >Octavia looks at you, and giggles.
  428. >’I am zee first p0ny to go on a date viz three humans.’
  429. >You laugh too. It was good to be relaxed with Octavia. The waiter returns to take your orders. You both decide on a pumpkin risotto with a balsamic salad.
  430. >’Do zey have names?’
  431. ‘Alice and Mark. Brother and sister.’
  432. >’Zey do good for you?’
  433. ‘It’s how I remember everything so easily. I ask them to help me remember. How is it p0nies can play all these musical instruments with hooves?’
  434. >’Vee just can. It verks somehow.’
  435. ‘What else can you play?’
  436. >’Cello, violin, piano, harp. I mean, vhat good is about zee fingers?’
  437. M: Show her
  438. >You smile and stick a finger in your mouth, resting it on the inside of your cheek. In a fluid motion, you pop your finger out, making a large *pop* sound as you do.
  439. >Octavia has a mixture of shock and disgust.
  440. >’Zhat is so unhygienic.’
  441. ‘You’re just jealous I can do that and you can’t.’
  442. >She shakes her head and you wipe your finger on a napkin.
  444. >Your meals arrive quite quickly and you have a taste. It is very delicious, except how they garnished it with rose petals. You scoop them off and offer them to Octavia.
  445. >’No, zhey vill got straight to my thighs.’
  446. ‘And what’s wrong with that?’
  447. >She blushes a bit but smiles.
  448. >’So, tell me about the ward. Did you make friends?’
  449. ‘There was one guy. He was new, only there for my final 6 months, but he was a serious case. He lost his family in a fire, and went catatonic. No one could get a word out of him. Once in a while, he would make a squeak sound, so we called him Scooter. It was around the time I learnt to play the piano, I played it in the mess hall. He was left in there with me one day, and I noticed he was swaying to the sound. I kept playing and he kept moving. He started to show progress after I played for him. By the time I left, he was talking again.’
  450. >You notice Octavia is looking at you with complete focus, and you blush. Never good at being the centre of attention.
  451. ‘So, when you aren’t working huge events, you work for Raspberry Mocha?’
  452. >’Yes, I play zhere once in a vhile. It is nice and quiet. I do it to help zem.’
  453. >You chat quietly about strange things both of you have seen in life, and you both have a good laugh.
  454. >You finish your meals, and pay before heading into the cold of the night.
  456. >’Vhere to now?’
  457. ‘I hear that there is a great view from the cliff in the east.’
  458. >She looks at you, dumbfounded.
  459. ‘what?’
  460. >‘Nothing. I vill vait till you see it.’
  461. >You start to get confused and a little self-conscious. You and Octavia walk through the quiet streets, looking at the silence that surrounds you.
  462. >You make your way to the spot Luna told you about. As you hit the clearing, your mouth drops as it hits you like Applejack looking for sex.
  463. ‘This is where we almost died.’
  464. >’Da, glupye obezʹyany’ (Yes, stupid Monkey)
  465. ‘Well, I say we, but it was more you. You passed out on the trip up so I had to run you to the hospital.’
  466. >Octavia smiled at you, and you smiled back. You look around the area for a bench to sit on. You find one near a tree, so you both make your way there.
  467. >As you get closer, Octavia notices a long black box sitting there. You look at her and smile. You get closer, and you pick it up.
  468. ‘To Octavia, From Anon.’
  469. >She looks at you with confusion, and you still smile.
  470. >Octavia opens the box, and she gasps.
  472. >Inside the box was a sleek black cello bow, smooth and shiny, sparkling in the moonlight. She looks up at you, but you are watching the sky.
  473. ‘I sorta broke your last one, so I made this for you. It’s minotaur ivory, so it should last a while.’
  474. >’But…but…how?’
  475. >You chuckle.
  476. ‘Even if you didn’t want to see me again, I owed you a new bow. The reason it’s here, I have friends in high places.’
  477. >You take a seat on the bench and look up into the sky. Octavia sits next to you, snuggling up close because of how cold it is.
  478. ‘It should right about….now’
  479. >As if on cue, a meteor shower began to fall past the cliff face. Your position meant you both had the best seats in the house. There was no cloud in the sky, nor a light to obscure your view. You looked into the stars, and you swear they read something.
  480. M: Anon. Bow Chicka Wow Ow. Luna.
  481. >Well that’s not creepy at all, now is it.
  482. >A part from that, it was a perfect ending to a perfect evening. Well, almost perfect. You look over to Octavia to see her eyes fixed onto the sky.
  483. ‘Let’s hope with that bow, you can become more than a talentless hack.’
  484. >Sheer rage came over Octavia, and she turned to face you to give you a mouthful…
  485. >Just as you placed a hand under her chin, and kissed her.
  487. >There you sat, kissing the beautiful cellist p0ny, Octavia. You kept one eye open, watching her raised hoof, ready to hit you for calling her “Talentless”. She doesn’t seem to be moving, more pre-occupied with the kiss, so you decide to pull away.
  488. >She looks you in your deep blue eyes, and she blushed.
  489. ‘Well, tha-‘
  490. >Octavia punched you in the face, not so hard to damage you, but hard enough to hurt you.
  491. ‘OOOW! Fuck… Yeah, I deserved that. Didn’t mean what I said though.’
  492. >’I know. I just vanted you to remember that.’
  493. >She moved closer to you, and brought you into your second kiss of the night.
  494. >You run your hand through her soft coat, and wonder if she would make a good blanket.
  496. M:hahahaha….
  497. A: Aaaawwwww…
  498. >You pull away from Octavia and look into her eyes again.
  499. >’so…vhat now?’
  500. ‘I walk you home, we say goodbye, I go back to the castle and I get the third degree from Princess Luna.’
  501. >’You…don’t vant to talk about…us?’
  502. ‘I do, but I would prefer to do it over lunch tomorrow. I go home tomorrow night, so it would be nice to talk to you again.’
  503. >’Okay. Zhat sounds nice.’
  504. >You stand up, and a crazy idea goes through your head.
  505. ‘You want to ride on my back?’
  506. >An evil smile grows on her face, and you crouch down to let her on.
  508. >The entire walk back to Octavia was filled with laughing as you ran around, carrying her on your back. She used her new cello bow to whip you.
  509. ‘Oowww. God dammit that hurts.’
  510. >’Zhen go faster.’
  511. >You carry Octavia to her doorstep, and crouch down to let her off. You turn around to look at her, and she surprises you with a third kiss.
  512. >’Thank you Anon. You made me feel…like me.’
  513. ‘I will always be there to make you feel like you.’
  514. >You kiss her on the forehead before standing up and walking back towards the castle.
  515. >The minute you slide the castle doors shut, you can already sense her.
  516. ‘Evening Luna. Did you have fun?’
  517. >’Oh yes I did.’
  518. >Luna reappeared in a cloud of light, a massive smile on her face.
  519. >’Anon got some p0ny poonani. Some Ponani.’
  520. ‘Okay, that one sucked hard.’
  521. >You walk to your room, Luna at your side.
  522. ‘I did want to say thank you for the meteor shower and leaving the bow for us.’
  523. >’Anything for young love.’
  524. ‘Did you have to write that stuff in the stars?’
  525. >’Oh hell yeah. Totally worth it.’
  526. >You reach your door, and place a hand on the handle.
  527. ‘Thank you though, Princess Luna. It was one of the best nights I have had in a while.’
  528. >’Before you came here?’
  529. ‘Long before that, I think.’
  530. >You open your door, and walk inside. Locking the door, you run for your bed, leaping into the air and landing with a thud.
  531. >That night, both you and Octavia fell asleep with a smile, dreaming of the day that sat before you both.
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