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Oct 21st, 2017
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  1. ==The man never seen==
  2. The man never seen. He loves kids, First he gives them nightmares of being eaten. Then he makes them hallucinate to see a dream world. One were all is good. Then, usually taking the shape of a parent, he bonds with them. Here to him is the fun part. He takes you to learn to sew. He knocks you out with a shovel. Then he takes a knife and skins you. You can feel all the pain. He does a good job of making sure of that. Unseen by the world. He rips out your stomach and samples you, After, he eats all of your bottom half, keeping you alive to feel it. Even the bones. You are silent. Not able to even scream. Those who are aware of him threw this story di even sooner. Just a few days after reading this story, He gets rid of those people nicely. Then with your dna, he clones you into an older self, to make you believe nothing happened. He does it over and over, until you are old. Then he slits you and puts his dna in. then it is your turn to play murder.
  4. ==I think im being (sic) watched==
  5. Hi, i'm christopher. I'm in 6th grade, so i'm pretty young. I once was walking home from school, when, all of a sudden, i was stopped by a man wearing glasses. He was a shady character, who asked if i wanted a box of chocolates, and he would lead me into a alley. I'm not stupid,and i told him no. About a minute later, i saw him again. He was in a black van, rolling slowly, keeping up with me. So i broke into a run. He left me. I made a terrible mistake not looking at his license plate number, because i wanted to call the cops on this freak. Well no point in worrying now, i thought. Oh how i was wrong. I took a nap in mid-day. I had a dream. In it, the man pulled a knife and stabbed me. I fainted. I woke up in the dream in a torture chamber. He sawed my arms, drilled my eyes, and torched my legs. I woke up drenched in sweat. Who was this man. Why is he doing this.I went to the kitchen, and saw the man outside my window. He was not wearing glasses. His eyes were pitch black. Nothing but black. He was smiling, holding a knife. Then he ran off into the woods. I called the cops, and they arrived. The scariest part, is that they found no footprints, in the wet,wet, mud. I was utterly shocked. They said not to prank call them, or i could face charges. It was then i knew, I was helpless. My parents came home and were mad for prank calling the police. No matter how hard i tried, they would not believe a word i said. I felt lost.For the remainder of the night, my dreams were filled with the beady eyed man.He almost drove me to insanity. I had hallucinations, or were they, of him following me every place i went. Then, the next night, he came into my room. He stared down at me from my bedside for at least an hour. Finely, i snapped. I screamed, shouted, and yelled. My dad came in with a gun and shot the beady eyed man. we called 9-1-1, and everything was cleaned up. I was still snapped, but my parents did not blame me, and thought nothing was wrong, and i would be normal in a few days. That night, i got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes, pitch black,beady. I saw my parents room, and got a knife in the kitchen, and went to their room. In seconds, the bloody deed was done. O if you hear someone go through your house tonight, who has beady eyes, with a knife, know its me. Don't be scared. I think i will stand next to you, staring, and after an hour, I will take my time with you. After all, i am the new, beady eyed man.
  7. ==The arms==
  8. You know the ones. Many people have complained. I have not. I am to scared to. It is one of the reasons i hate the night. It frightens me in dream out.I call them the arms. When you wake up in the middle of the night, has it ever felt like two long arms try to grab you. They are never powerful enough to pull you, but you really feel it. You look back, and nothing is there. Well, what if i told you i saw it. I have no idea if it is human, or animal, or even demon. But i saw. It stuck around, letting me see it. A child, but bloody eye sockets. It had a very gross face. I cannot even describe it's face. I't wore a black cloak. Though it had all these, it had no legs. It struck me that it want's your legs. Also mine. It's trying to rip them off and make it it's own. It' always strikes when you wake up. Usually from a nightmare,then quickly vanishes into the shadows, without a sound. Luckily, it gives up on you when your feet grow to big. But until then,next time it gets to you, i cannot tell you with out lying, that it will not rip your legs off that time.
  10. ==High five nightmare==
  11. You know the high five. Things you do to people you like. Well, bet you did not know it helps spread a parisite. It burroughs into the persons hand. It makes them have extreme stomach aches and other sucknessess. When you die. It eats all but the bones. letting it grow to be other human, spreading it all over.
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