
A day (or a few) in the sun

Jun 10th, 2014
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  1. >you feel something nudging your stomach as you grunt and open your eyes slowly
  2. >you look over at the clock
  3. "3:36..Great"
  4. >you sigh and look down at the "thing nudging you"
  5. >it was celestia with a pillow in her mouth
  6. >Cfah ith selp tith uw?
  7. >you take the pillow out of her mouth and sit up groggily
  8. "Try again In English cel"
  9. >she looks up at you a bit annoyed. You knew what she wanted. You just liked to piss off your immortal sun goddess mare friend.
  10. >She let's out a sigh "Can I sleep with you? I uh..had a bad dream
  11. >although this was one of the cutest things you had ever seen ever, you didn't want to say yes. Your room was on the top floor of the castle and if a stray Pegasus had happened to fly by and seen the two of you things could get..complicated.
  12. >you or cel weren't exactly sure how the citizens of equestria would take to there ruler dating a strange hairless monkey that had just arrived a few weeks earlier.
  13. >however you loved her. Immensely. So you gave in.
  14. >you move over in the bed and look at her
  15. "You're a terrible liar but alright. Come here pretty pony"
  16. >she smiles and hops up onto the bed and immediately rests her head on your chest
  17. "We should talk anon" She says quietly
  19. "anon..we should talk"
  20. >typically you'd be thrilled, but something was wrong. She had to have been thinking about this for awhile to wake you up so early.
  21. "Yeah..of course Hun" you say with a slight grunt.
  22. >as much as you loved her getting woken up at 3 in the morning could go either way
  23. >you feel a small shake and hear a small whimper when you realize she's crying.
  24. >you immediately move so your looking eye to eye.
  25. "Cel? What's wrong?"
  26. >you run a hand along her neck to soothe her
  27. >soon after her tears stop to the point of her just sniffling
  28. >she looks into your eyes then beings,
  29. >"I-I just..don't want to lose you anon..y-you mean the world to me and don't understand"
  30. >your not sure if it's the lack of sleep or the crying alicorn that drives you to do it but you pull her into a kiss.
  31. >she kisses back but she's hesitant.
  32. >now your worried.
  33. "listen Cel. You will always have me. No matter what." You try to reassure her with some force
  34. >her eyes begin to tear up when she begins again
  35. >"I know..but..that's not what I meant..completely..I'm an alicorn..I live forever..I tend to stay away from love..anon your the first person I've ever..been with..what will I do when your gone? I..I've been thinking about it for sometime now..and..maybe the best way would be to forget about you all together.."
  36. >she was whimpering now, and you had to do something.
  37. >you loved her too much to move on.
  38. >The only problem was what the hell could you do to convince her. You were worth it. Oh good. This'll be fun.
  40. >this obviously put you at a point of some distress
  41. >you didn't want to leave her but you had to admit she had a point.
  42. >a good one at that.
  43. >it'd be hard for her knowing you'd be gone in a relatively short time period of her life
  44. >you remember the newly coronated princess. You thought that celestia had used her power to make her a princess so why couldn't she make you a prince?
  45. "Cel..could you..make me as powerful as you? Like you did with twilight."
  46. >she gives you a puzzled look "n-no..I couldn''d either die from magic in your body..or..well I'm not exactly sure..and twilight was a unicorn..she did things only certain beings are capable of..your amazing anon, but not a unicorn..I wouldn't want to try anything that could harm you"
  47. >you nod then put an arm around her
  48. >your question had seemed to take her mind off of you breaking up.
  49. >you didn't want to bring it up but you could still fell her shaking slightly.
  50. >you were conflicted. Should you be happy that she cared so much for you or disgusted that you've made her feel this way.
  51. >you were feeling both at the moment
  52. >you look down at the alicorn cuddled up next to you when you realize that even though your time may be limited you could do anything for her. You'd make sure she knew that even when you were gone that your love was eternal.
  53. "Cel, i know we may not have forever, and I know someday I won't be here, but we have here and now, and if you stay with me I'll do everything to show you my love"
  54. >she smiles a bit then kisses your cheek.
  55. >"well..that is, quite an I cannot deny."
  56. >you smile back at her then again realize how tired you are, you kiss her snout one last time before slowly falling to sleep with her in your arms
  59. >you awake to the sun shinging in on your face from the open balcony door.
  60. >you open your eyes slowly and look to your left to find no one.
  61. >since the sun was up you came to the conclusion she was already up.
  62. >you pull yourself out of bed and over to the balcony and yawn
  63. >you look around the balcony then come back inside
  64. >you weren't exactly sure what you were looking for, if you were looking for celestia she shouldn't be hard to miss do to her size
  65. >after looking around and not seeing her you proceed into the bathroom to get ready for the day
  66. >once your into the bathroom you look into the mirror and see a post it note on your head
  67. >you pull it off then read it
  68. >"My dear anonymous, I've been called for a meeting with twilight. While I normally wouldn't expect it to take long she seemed to be in a spot of bother. Hopefully I'll be back for lunch. I'll meet you in the spot we first met for a picnic. -Cel"
  69. >after reading the note you finish up getting ready you walk out of your room.
  70. >you had some time to kill.
  72. >you walk out of your room wearing a white polo with celestia'a cutie mark on it.
  73. >she told you it signified to others that you were under her protection
  74. >whenever the two of you would go on walks and ponies would make comments about how disgusting you were and how it was impure she would get very defensive.
  75. >it was nice, no one had ever acted like that to protect you.
  76. >you start to walk down the stairs when your interrupted by a guard.
  77. >"Excuse me sir, under celestia's order I am required to escort you to where ever you go."
  78. >this was one thing you hated.
  79. >you had tried to talk to cel to see if would tell them to let you go on your own, but she thought if she did you'd end up dead in the castle gardens.
  80. >with a sigh you nod and address the guard
  81. "Very the dining hall then."
  82. >he nods then starts walking as you follow along.
  83. >he looks back multiple times to make sure your following.
  84. >after a few minutes of walking you arrive.
  85. >the guard salutes and tells you he will be here when he's needed.
  86. >you walk up to one of the cooks as he begins cooking.
  87. >all of the cooks knew what you wanted. Waffles.
  88. >you wait for him to finish cooking as you take your plate then sit at your spot at the table.
  89. >breakfast was usually very lonely since cel would have royal duties and you'd be left on your own since the residents of equestria didn't like the idea of you controlling their government.
  90. >However today, you were interrupted.
  91. >you felt something jab you in the stomach
  92. >you turn to look at it as it yells in your face
  94. >you had apparently made somepony very happy.
  95. >it was luna.
  96. >you look at luna who is now bouncing with excitement that someone other then her guards or sister will talk to her
  97. >honestly you were surprised you hadn't talked to her before now.
  98. >you'd bumped into her once or twice before but she just kept her head down and walked past you.
  99. >something had obviously happened to make her so comfortable around her.
  100. >you sigh again and pat her head
  101. "Good morning princess luna"
  102. >she blushes heavily
  103. >"Good morning Sir Anonymous..apologies for the royal canterlot voice..I was..excited"
  104. >you nod
  105. "I know. I am quite amazing..but what made you warm up to me so quickly?"
  106. >Luna smiles slyly "well..since I am a dream walker and since celestia is my sisters can see her memories..her memories from last night, all of her memories about you" luna leans in quickly and kisses you as you pull back immediately after
  107. >well this was..interesting. Apparently Luna had seen something in you as well, but you were faithful to cel. You push luna off of your stomach which proved to be harder since she had her for arms wrapped around her.
  108. "Listen luna, you are probably a wonderful pony but I'm in a relationship with your sister.
  109. >she bites her lip then nods
  110. >"I'm..sorry I just wished..I'm sorry anon."
  111. >way to go. You've made another pony almost cry.
  112. "Well..we can still be breakfast buddies"
  113. >she perks up and hugs you as you hug back
  114. >the two of you eat your breakfast and chat. Your date with cel was now getting closer. You decided to go back to your room to take a shower when someone knocked on your door
  115. >You get off of your bed and walk to the door. Your plans of showering now halted.
  116. >you pull open the door expecting a guard asking if your return was alright and to make sure your not dead.
  117. >However there wasn't a guard. Luna stood staring at you, and she didn't look happy. At all
  118. "Uh..Luna..what have I done to have you grace me?"
  119. >you smile as wide as you can. Although the two of you were now "breakfast buddies" you still needed to address her formally. especially when she looked like she was ready to kill you.
  120. >she pushes you back with her magic into your wall she then closes and locks the door.
  121. >"I tried being nice to you but I want you anon. I want you to rut me like you rut sister!"
  122. >oh good. This'll be fun.
  123. >the first thing you can think of is screaming for the guards.
  124. >Luna shuts you up by holding your mouth closed with her magic as she gets closer to you
  125. >you shut your eyes preparing to let her do what she wants with you
  126. >you feel her pull up your shirt and she starts giving you..raspberries?
  127. >Luna falls back nearly crying with laughter.
  128. >"Oh anon! Y-your face! You thought I was serious!"
  129. >you still can't move or speak so you just look at her
  130. >she looks at you a bit confused and then releases you
  131. "You didn't need to throw me into a wall luna"
  132. >you sigh then pay her head
  133. "Now can you please leave so I can shower?"
  134. >Luna giggles "your already in the shower anon"
  135. >you open your eyes and look around water hitting your head.
  136. >she made you fall asleep in the shower.
  137. >that pony must want you dead.
  138. >you pick yourself up from the shower floor and clean yourself off
  139. >you walk out of the shower and put your clothes back on
  140. >you were now ready for your date with cel. Problem was, she didn't tell you exactly what time she would meet you. So you may sit in a field alone for a few hours
  141. >you walk outside and inform the guard you need a carriage.
  142. >he nods then walks off.
  143. >this was the first time you've been alone for awhile.
  144. >a few minutes later her comes back and you walk downstairs and get inside
  145. >you go to tell the driver where to go but he says he already knows
  146. >the ride is about an hour long and you sit there in silence.
  147. >it's times like this where you miss her most. You wouldn't even have to talk. Just being with her made you happy.
  148. >the carriage arrives in the field where they found you.
  149. >you weren't sure how you'd gotten to equestria you just had woken up here.
  150. >you didn't miss anything from home though.
  151. >she had made it worth it.
  152. >celestia wasn't there yet so you walked into the field and lied down. You thought about sleeping, but you knew you'd most likely see luna again.
  153. >you lie there just looking up at the sky when you hear her.
  154. >you sit up and smile. She sees you and trots over. She nuzzles you quickly then sits down next to you.
  156. >you smile and turn to look at her, you notice a deep sadness in her eyes that wasn't there earlier
  157. >she's smiling but you see right through it. You knew her too well
  158. >she looks away and starts laying out a picnic for the two of you
  159. >you watch her as she moves gracefully, everything she does is done with grace.
  160. >when she's finished she sits down and looks at you
  161. >"My human I know you love staring but I'd love it if you'd join me"
  162. >you chuckle slightly before sitting down across from her
  163. >you notice she not only has the sadness in her eyes but she looks incredibly tired. You wonder what could've happened in her meeting.
  164. >you take a sandwich out and take a bite, while cel was eating in a proper fashion like a princess would, you didn't exactly care for etiquette due to the fact you were in the middle of a field an hour away from anyone else
  165. >you finish your sandwich and run your fingers through her mane and down her neck
  166. "Alright. Come clean. What happened at your meeting?"
  167. >she's a bit taken aback due to you barley saying a word before this
  168. >"W-why do you assume something happened my dear?"
  169. >you sigh slightly. She knew you could tell but it was obviously something she didn't want to talk about
  170. "I can see it in your eyes cel. No one knows you better than I do. You can tell me. I can help."
  171. >she bites her lip and looks up at you "in my meeting..well my advisors..they think you should be..relocated..they don't know about our relationship, I'm not sure what to do. I told them I'd think about it"
  172. >you couldn't imagine being relocated. You couldn't imagine not seeing her everyday. Your time together was precious. You couldn't get relocated.
  173. "You have to tell them"
  174. >"I thought of that too..but..what if they disapprove?"
  175. >you chuckle
  176. "There not your parents cel, you just need to remind them that your the immortal god"
  177. >she smiles and kisses your cheek
  178. >the two of you walk to the carriage that brought you here and you both get inside.
  179. "Don't you have royal business? Don't think I don't want you here but I thought you said you had more meetings after lunch"
  180. >"well I did, until I canceled them. I want to spend the rest of the day with you."
  181. >this was something the two of you never got to do, spend the whole day together? No way a few hours at most. You had to make this special
  183. >So now you were tasked with figuring out something special to do with your treasured Sunbutt
  184. >You knew what she liked most, Cake and cuddles.
  185. >You thought about combining them but that would be extremely kinky and you weren't ready for that yet.
  186. >So you decided to do them separately.
  187. >you whisper to the driver and tell him to take you to sugar cube corner
  188. >There were most likely closer bake shops but this would give you time to talk or look awkwardly out the window
  189. >You weren't exactly smooth with cel but she must have found it cute.
  190. >"So my dear" she coos "how's your day been so far?"
  191. >It was funny having small talk with the equivalent to a god.
  192. "It's been..alright..your sister..she's a piece of work"
  193. >She nods
  194. >"Trust me my dear. I know. What has she done this time"
  195. "Well, first we had breakfast and she tried to rape me and then I went to my room and she tried to rape me while I was asleep in my shower. It was great."
  196. >Celestia had started giggling now
  197. "You have the same sense of humor as luna"
  198. >Celestia finishes giggling then says "Well actually I asked her to do that for me. I thought it might make you a bit more..alert"
  199. >You sigh and then laugh slightly
  200. "Alright. Well it did make me a bit more alert after waking up in the shower."
  201. >"Well..I asked her to scare you not try to murder you"
  202. "Yes murder wouldn't exactly look good in the headlines"
  203. >Celestia nods slightly "I wouldn't know what to do without you though" her voice trails off towards the end of her sentence.
  204. >You pet her special spot behind her ears. C'mon pretty pony, stop acting so sad. We're together now and that's all that matters
  205. >"I-I guess your right Anon"
  206. "No, you know I am. Now c'mon. Your going to enjoy what I have planed for you"
  207. >The alicorn shudders visibly and you know exactly why
  208. >The last time you planned something for the two of you it ended with "PHOTOP WITH CELESTIA" while you stood in the background and watched her.
  209. >You didn't know it'd be some kids birthday at Angel a Bunnies
  210. >Okay maybe you should've seen that coming, but it wasn't terrible. For you
  211. "I promise this time won't be as bad. I'll give you a hint. It involves cake and cuddling. Just not at the same time."
  212. >She visibly brightens up at the word "cake"
  213. >"You know me too well" she says quietly as she lies her head on your shoulder
  214. >You smiled at her and ran a hand down you neck. She loved it when you petted her like that. It was something the two of you shared. Something she'd never do or done with anyone else
  215. >You thought back to the night before when she said she'd never been with anyone before.
  216. >This was surprising to say the least,
  217. She's been around for thousands of years and you were the first person outside of her family that she loved?
  218. >What made you special?
  219. >Your thoughts were interrupted by her singsong voice asking you if you were alright
  220. >You barley noticed at first because of how soothing it was.
  221. >"Anon! Is everything alright? Can I help?"
  222. >You shake your give her back a pat
  223. "I'm fine. I'm just thinking"
  224. >"What about? If you don't mind me asking"
  225. "I was just thinking about how I have no idea why a certain silly pony loves me"
  226. >"Well there are many rea-"
  227. >She's cut short by the carriage stopping and the driver informing you that you've arrived.
  228. >Looks like your going to have to save that conversation for later
  230. Will be updated soon. If you need to contact me or have any ideas email me.
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