
I'm taking a break from streaming.

Feb 26th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. This is kind of ironic, considering the fact that a few days ago during a voice call, Rebag asked Cameron why he was doing runs if he was on a break, and I noted how I would never say I was taking a break, and I only ever said I'd slow down on streaming.
  3. And yet here we are. And the title does not lie; I am indeed taking a break from streaming.
  5. This was not a decision I made lightly, and in fact I have thought about this for several days now. But I think that right now this is the best choice for me. I was already slowing down on the amount of times I was streaming per week, but this is going to be a full on break; outside of maybe a couple of rare occasions, I do not plan on streaming at all until the break is over.
  7. So why have I made this decision? Well, as I mentioned in my last Pastebin, I have been looking for a new job, and I had been rejected from one that I applied to and thought I had had a good interview for. For the past couple of weeks I had been implying that something else had lined itself up. This was indeed the case; I was fortunate enough to land another interview for a different company thanks to a connection I had. It all happened really quickly, I sent that connection my resume, they forwarded it to their higher ups, I was called and an interview was set.
  9. When I went in for the interview, everything was fantastic. I loved the environment, the people were extremely friendly, and it seemed like the process went smoothly. I felt super confident about this one.
  11. Sadly, it too ended in failure.
  13. That one hit really hard, because I felt super excited about this job, even moreso than the one I had applied for before. I felt like everything had gone so well and it still wasn't enough.
  15. After spending the day wallowing in sadness, and having my sister give me the text message equivalent of a slap to the face, I realized that this was a wakeup call. Finding a new job was not going to be anywhere close to easy, and it would take a lot of time and effort constantly looking for me to be successful in my search.
  17. I realized that streaming and speedrunning, even now that I have cut back on how often I do it, eats up a lot of my time. It consumes the better part of my night, a night that can be spent continuing my job search. I love streaming, I really do. But for the sake of my personal life and my happiness, I NEED to find something that will allow me to move away from where I am, and I need to commit my time to that. And unfortunately, that means that for now, I should not be streaming.
  19. I know that this leaves a lot of questions regarding things I had planned. I will address those now:
  23. *The 312% run: Truth be told, I was hoping to save my 1000 follower special for AFTER I moved into a new place; it would be much easier for me to plan a 9+ hour run when I don't have to risk being interrupted. After I knew this would not happen the way I wanted it to, I actually planned on having it done this Friday. This might still be a possibility, so I will let you know if that happens. If not, I truly don't know when it will be, and if anything I may just save the 312 as a big "I HAVE RETURNED" stream for when my break ends. I am truly sorry to have promised this run and still not had it happen for over a month now; if anyone who followed me to see that happen wants to unfollow, I would completely understand.
  25. *Speedgoals: There are still so many goals I wanted to achieve that I still have yet to. Getting back the Crash 2 NST 100% and 102% records (and pushing them down to 1:30 and 2:11, respectively), as well as returning to Crash 3 105%, were on my agenda. I also wanted to improve my All Gems time, and both my No GO and 100% times in OG Crash 2. Additionally, I wanted to get sub-1 hour in A Hat in Time, and simply just become better at Spyro 120%. Unfortunately, these will all have to go on hold. It's sad, but that's just the way things are right now. I do plan on returning to all of these when I come back, and I fully intend on being the best NST Crash 2 runner again (maybe even back to being the best NST runner overall; we'll see).
  27. *SGDQ 2018: This is one that I thought really hard about, but I have decided that I am not submitting, nor am I going, to SGDQ. The amount of time it would take for me to prepare submissions is too much time that I could spend looking for jobs, which is much more important right now. Additionally, not only would I have to take a full week off to attend the event (which, depending on when I get a new job, I may not have, especially since I will also be attending EVO 2018 in August), I would also have to pay for airfare, as it is not super close to me like AGDQ is. Another note is the charity that SGDQ supports; Doctors Without Borders is a very noble cause that I recommend supporting, but the Prevent Cancer Foundation has a lot more personal meaning to me, and I feel like if I ever get into a GDQ, that's the charity that I truly want to do a run for. The timeframe for SGDQ is also not favorable, as it would also be around the same time as the Yu-Gi-Oh! North American Championship, as well as the 1545. I don't think I would want to juggle all of that in a single month even if I could. I know that Cameron plans on submitting Crash 1 NST to SGDQ, and I believe Dep was considering it as well, so even without me there, I know that Crash will have a fantastic showing regardless. And I encourage you all to support them.
  29. *The 1545: Obviously, I submitted all three Crash games and Spyro 1 to the 1545 before I decided I was going to take a break. I am not going to withdraw my submission; if I get accepted into the event, then I will come out of the break to practice the games in the weeks leading up to the race (assuming I am still without a new job by then).
  31. *Top 20 Favorite Games: I know this isn't something related to streaming, but it is also something that takes up my time, and it has been taking much longer to do than I thought. For now, I am simply going to remove a tentative release date on this. I will continue to work on it, but I truly don't know when I will finish it, especially since there are some changes I want to make to the list itself. Again, I am truly sorry to people who have been anticipating this.
  35. Of note is that I will only be taking a break from streaming; I will still be active on Twitter and other social media, and I will still be in Twitch chats and voice calls whenever I am able to. I may also still upload things to YouTube (such as strat videos/guides for NST) if the situation arises.
  37. Additionally, streaming is my ONLY hobby I am taking a break from; I will still continue playing Yu-Gi-Oh! and Smash, as they do not take up as much time as streaming does. I do not think it would be healthy for me to stop doing everything social, but streaming unfortunately is the one that is most time consuming, so I think it is the best one to step back from for a while.
  39. I really wish I didn't have to do this, but I do believe it is for the best. With any luck, this break will not last long, and I will be back streaming in a matter of weeks. But for all we know, I may be gone for a while. But I promise that when I come back I will be better than ever. I'm nowhere near done with streaming or speedrunning, and I plan on being the best I can be at them.
  41. I sincerely thank everyone that supports me and my endeavors; I never thought I would have as much fun or success streaming as I have had (even if my "success" equates to 1000 followers and a dozen or so viewers per stream, that's still way more than I thought I'd ever get).
  43. I will be back.
  45. ~Riko
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