
Ranks - Cine

Feb 4th, 2018
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  1. command /rank [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  2. aliases: /ranks
  3. permission: server.setrank
  4. permission message: &8(&c!&8) &7You can not use this command!
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg-1 is not set:
  7. send "&c• &7You need to list a &cplayer&7!"
  8. stop
  9. if arg-1 is set:
  10. if arg-2 is not set:
  11. open chest with 4 rows named "&c&lRANK &7List" to player
  12. wait 1 tick
  13. format slot 10 of player with diamond named "&8[&7Default&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Default!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% default"]
  14. format slot 11 of player with diamond named "&8[&5Obsidian&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Obsidian!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% obsidian"]
  15. format slot 12 of player with diamond named "&8[&9Helper&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Helper!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% helper"]
  16. format slot 13 of player with diamond named "&8[&6Jr. Mod&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Jr. Mod!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% jr.mod"]
  17. format slot 14 of player with diamond named "&8[&eMod&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Mod!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% mod"]
  18. format slot 15 of player with diamond named "&8[&cSr. Mod&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Sr. Mod!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% sr.mod"]
  19. format slot 16 of player with diamond named "&8[&4Admin&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Admin!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% default"]
  20. format slot 28 of player with emerald named "&8[&5Twitch&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Twitch!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% twitch"]
  21. format slot 29 of player with emerald named "&8[&bManager&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Manager!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% manager"]
  22. format slot 30 of player with emerald named "&8[&3Dev&8]" with lore "&c• &7Click to set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to Dev!||&c• &7Current Rank: %colored arg-1's prefix%" to close then run [make player execute command "rank %arg-1% dev"]
  23. format slot 45 of player with redstone named "&cDeveloped by:" with lore " &770sOn7" to be unstealable
  24. if arg-2 is not "default" or "obsidian" or "helper" or "jr.mod" or "jr. mod" or "mod" or "moderator" or "sr.mod" or "sr. mod" or "admin" or "twitch" or "manager" or "dev" or "developer":
  25. send "&c• &7Thats &cnot &ca rank we currently have!"
  26. if arg-2 is "default":
  27. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&7Default&8]"
  28. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% default"
  29. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&7Default&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  30. if arg-2 is "obsidian":
  31. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&5Obsidian&8]"
  32. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% obsidian"
  33. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&5Obsidian&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  34. if arg-1 is "helper":
  35. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&9Helper&8]"
  36. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% helper"
  37. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&9Helper&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  38. if arg-1 is "jr.mod" or "jr. mod":
  39. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&6Jr. Mod&8]"
  40. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% jrmod"
  41. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&6Jr Mod&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  42. if arg-1 is "mod" or "moderator":
  43. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&6Mod&8]"
  44. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% mod"
  45. send "&c• &7You have been been moved to &8[&6Mod&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  46. if arg-1 is "sr.mod" or "sr. mod":
  47. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&cSr. Mod&8]"
  48. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% SrMod"
  49. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&cSr. Mod&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  50. if arg-1 is "admin":
  51. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&4Admin&8]"
  52. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% admin"
  53. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&4Admin&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  54. if arg-1 is "twitch":
  55. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&7Default&8]"
  56. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% default"
  57. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&7Default&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  58. if arg-1 is "manager":
  59. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&bManager&8]"
  60. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% manager"
  61. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&bManager&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
  62. if arg-1 is "dev" or "developer":
  63. send "&c• &7You have set &c%arg-1%'s &7rank to &8[&3Dev&8]"
  64. make console execute "manuadd %arg-1% dev"
  65. send "&c• &7You have been moved to &8[&3Dev&8] &7rank!" to arg 1
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