
more incorrect pokerp quotes

Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. Zor: What's the largest thing you can think of?
  2. Katarina: Infinity
  3. Zor: Yeah, well how about infinity plus two?
  4. Katarina: Infinity is not present on the number line, you uneducated shit. Infinity is but a concept and cannot be assigned a numerical value, and, thus, it cannot have something added to it to create a larger value. Fucking educate yourself on basic mathematical ideas before you come at me with this shit
  6. Kali: I never brag.
  7. Anya: You once called yourself “proof of God’s existence.”
  9. Kieran: I think you guys would be very happy here.
  10. Rashad: No, we're not together. We're not a couple. We're definitely not a couple.
  11. Kieran: Oh. Okay. Sorry.
  12. Shiva: Wow, you seem pretty insulted by that. What? I'm not good enough for you?
  13. Rashad: We are not having this conversation again.
  15. Zor: Hello there, long time no see!
  16. Zor: Except in my revenge fantasies where I see you on an hourly basis.
  18. Katarina: Your intellect is atrocious.
  19. Jona: Your FACE is atrocious!
  20. Katarina: Ha, yeah.
  21. Jona: Wait, no-
  23. Zor, at 3 a.m: [whispering] The easter bunny is jesus christ’s fursona.
  24. Anya: If you talk again I’m going to choke you with a pillow.
  26. Shelly: I scare them, don't I?
  27. Lauren: They're terrified of you.
  28. Shelly: That makes me so happy.
  30. Zor: If you had 10 cookies and I asked for 5, how many would you have?
  31. Jack: None.
  32. Zor: Jack, it’s basic math, it’s not that ha—
  33. Jack: I would give you all of them because I love you.
  34. Zor:
  35. Zor, holding back tears: Gross. Absolutely disgusting. Get out of my room.
  37. Val: Katarina, wake up!
  38. Katarina: I’m not sleeping, I’m dead. Leave flowers and get out.
  40. Zor: Listen, I know about your diabolical plan.
  41. Anya: A diabolical plan? I wouldn’t even know how to begin a dia-
  42. Zor: *holds up a manuscript with "My Diabolical Plan by Anya" scrawled on it in crayon*
  44. Xan: You can’t let fear rule your life.
  45. Zor: Of course I can! That’s my thing!
  47. Shelly: Why is it whenever I have fun, it’s considered ‘wrong’?
  48. Lauren: Shelly, when you have fun, people die.
  50. Anya: Uh, Xan, can I ask you a question?
  51. Xan: Yeah.
  52. Anya: Why are we laying on the ground?
  53. Xan: You got knocked out by a flying dumbbell, so I laid down next to you so people would think we were just chilling.
  55. Zor: Today I saw the biggest dumb ass.
  56. Anya: Oh you looked in a mirror?
  58. Robin: Hold the fuck up.
  59. Katarina: What?
  60. Robin: No, I am the fuck up. Please hold me.
  62. Lauren: Did you do it?
  63. Shelly: Something goes wrong and you blame me. After all these years, where’s the trust?
  64. [pause]
  65. Shelly: Yes, I did.
  67. Anya: I have great hair and I love lying.
  69. Zor: Bitch.
  70. Anya: Blocked.
  71. Zor: Wait, unblock me - I need to tell you something.
  72. Anya: …Unblocked.
  73. Zor: Bitch.
  75. Zor: Z is just a sideways N.
  76. Xan: It's 2am, please stop.
  77. Zor: Zo.
  79. Grace: I think I hate you.
  80. Val: Y’know, I’m okay with that.
  82. Jona: We need a distraction.
  83. Sasha: Are any of us good at jumping up and down and making annoying noises?
  84. Val: My time has come.
  86. Zviad: You have no idea what I’m capable of.
  87. Beau: No offense, but I feel like I’m being threatened by a cupcake.
  89. Katarina: I have a calcaneonavicular fracture in my foot.
  90. Val: What’s that?
  91. Katarina: It’s like a hand that you walk on
  93. Zor: What if I pour coffee in my cereal instead of milk?
  94. Jack: [taking the coffee pot as he walks by] What if you don't?
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