

Feb 4th, 2013
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  1. What can I do?
  3. When you reach for it, it’s there. The Knife. Every knife that’s ever taken life.
  4. It is never the same blade twice, and always comes into your hand as though you
  5. were meant to wield it. Sometimes everything seems normal, and then you stick your
  6. hand in your pocket and feel the cold weight of a heavy clasp knife. As your fingers touch
  7. steel, the hairs all along the back of your neck stand on end. The Knife knows when it’s
  8. needed, even if you don’t. See that man over there? What does he have folded up in his
  9. newspaper? Why is he looking at you that way? The Knife knows it’s nothing good.
  10. Here’s the thing about the Knife you have to remember, because it’s very, very
  11. important: the Knife can kill anything. Murdering people is only the most mundane
  12. thing it can do, and while it can do that with astonishing verve and efficiency, that’s
  13. only the beginning. The Knife can kill ideas. It’s all vague and symbolic, of course,
  14. but you’ll gain an instinct for it after you’ve done it a few times. You could kill
  15. Communism in Cuba if you cut Castro’s throat with the Knife. The idea wouldn’t just
  16. simply vanish, but it would be robbed of all momentum and social power, becoming
  17. the ghost of an idea nobody takes seriously. Figuring out the right ritual for memeticide
  18. is tricky—
  19. might involve a little fiddling, maybe some wasted bloodshed, but it’s
  20. always possible.
  21. Even when it isn’t used to kill, the Knife is a powerful symbol for severance, able
  22. to cut ties and bonds. It can slash through occult bindings, sever emotional ties, and
  23. eviscerate relationships. Maybe that’s why people say that giving knives as gifts is bad
  24. luck, because they will cut the friendship. Traditionally, you give a penny when you’re
  25. given a knife, to symbolically buy the blade. You can’t help but wonder what you gave
  26. to buy this one.
  28. (1-2 dice) The Knife is in your hand, and someone will bleed. Sometimes, it’s hard to
  29. keep it from killing, to just maim and wound instead, but you can do it if you
  30. try hard and keep it from running wild.
  31. (3-4 dice) There’s almost nothing you can’t murder with the Knife in your hand, and
  32. nearly everything bleeds something when cut. Bloodless beasties of clockwork
  33. and springs will leak oil if cut deep, and even a ghost might hemorrhage
  34. the milk-pale mist of its soul if slashed open. At this point, nothing you can do
  35. will keep the Knife from killing.
  36. (5-6 dice) The Knife hungers for allegorical assault, for metaphorical murder. You
  37. can kill ideas, relationships, emotional ties, anything you wish. The sorcery
  38. holding a bound demon parts with a slash. The sick codependency keeping a
  39. absuive relationship together is undone with a thrust.
  41. How does it break me?
  43. Fight—Oh lord, how easy is it to get carried away? The blade is there, in your hand,
  44. like they were made for one another. If you relax, it’ll move your arm for you,
  45. the cruel beautiful things it loves to do—carving flesh, notching bone just so.
  46. It’s so hard to say no. It seems so wrong. And so sometimes, you just say yes.
  48. Flight—Other times, the blood runs down the blade, slicking your hand, and you
  49. let it drop to the ground. There’s nothing but the sick horror in your guts at
  50. what you’ve done, and worse, what you’ve enjoyed doing. Run until you’re
  51. sick, but you can never escape yourself. And when you finally stop running
  52. and catch your breath, you’ll be left wondering what’s become of that Knife
  53. you’ve left behind.
  55. How do I change?
  57. Why did she flinch back like that? OK, you’re pissed, but she usually gives as good
  58. as she gets, right? Then you look down and—oh fuck, you’re holding a big bloody
  59. cleaver. It’s happened again. The Knife starts coming even when you don’t want it,
  60. don’t remember reaching for it. Worse yet, those flashes of bloody fury that everyone
  61. gets sometimes—the ones that empathy and civility usually keep in check—those
  62. flashes are getting brighter and hotter. More and more you’re finding it impossible to
  63. say, “It was a good thing I wasn’t holding a weapon when he said that, ’cause I would
  64. have used it.” Eventually, you’re going to kill somebody you don’t want to hurt, and
  65. that’s only the beginning.
  67. What am I becoming?
  69. Everyone has things about themselves they don’t like. Things they hate. Things they
  70. wish they could cut away. Everyone else just has to deal with it, but not you. You
  71. can actually carve yourself anew, severing the things about yourself you despise.
  72. Procrastination… gone. Fear of social situations… gone. Alcoholism… gone.
  73. Pity… gone. Empathy… gone. Love… gone.
  74. When you start cutting away the bad things, it changes your perspective. Suddenly
  75. everything else starts to look worse and worse. So you cut a little more, and a little
  76. more, and eventually there’s so little of you left, you have to look outside yourself to find
  77. things to despise. Look! There’s a whole world of people with heads full of foulness.
  78. The only voice in your head is the whispers of the Knife, and when you find
  79. one, you don’t drop it when you’re done. At first you carry half a dozen, then a few
  80. dozen, then hundreds. You’re a walking cutlery store, covered in blades that shine
  81. and overlap like metallic scales. Driven by the desire to flense away everything base
  82. and tawdry, you’re disappointed again and again when you’re left with nothing but
  83. empty brains and screaming meat. Cut away all that is loathsome about humanity,
  84. and there’s nothing left. You’ve become the Knifeman.
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