
Hey listen!

Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. “Hey! Hey Sophie!!! Hey Sophia!!!” a small voice chirped near her ear. It was with practice that she ignored it as she continued her morning chores.
  3. It was amazing what one could get accustomed to, the buzz of faerie wings as they hovered about, grabbing and helping her though her day. Once upon a time... mere weeks ago, she would have either feared that they were about in some plot to kill her, or been far too amazed by the fact that they were hanging around to do anything other than try to ignore their presence.
  5. The first day or two of trying to do just that had failed horribly in the face of the raunchy stories the sleepy little snow girl would tell whenever she could.
  7. “Hey Sophie!!!! HEY LISTEN!!!” Sophia rolled her eyes and sighed. She loved the three little ones, they’d been one of the many wonderful things which she’d received from her lover. Of all things a shape shifting ball of chaos and lust...
  9. And the single sweetest person she’d ever known, the perfect lover... so perfect that she still had to pinch herself every morning to figure out if it was all just a dream. Though if sex that mind blowing could be dreamed of, then she needed to sleep forever.
  11. Gloved hands reached for the next plate.
  13. “Hey LISTEN!”
  15. Sophia’s head swung about towards the annoyance. “Yes Miri?”
  17. “Check it out!! I found these awesome flowers, just sticking out from between the one of the window sills! Come on! Come on! Come one!”
  19. Sophia couldn’t help but smile as she was practically dragged along by one finger by an over animated faerie. All in all though she could understand the little fae’s excitement at the idea of something of her season surviving into the winter as it began in ernest.
  21. “It’s probably the last flower of the season too!” Miri bobbed excitedly in the air, hovering before her like a huge bumble bee.
  23. “It’s nice Miri...” she hesitated slightly, not wanting to burst the little faerie’s excitement in this somewhat interesting but mundane thing. “Looks like it’s going to die soon though.”
  25. A surprising thread of regret tinged her voice as she reached for the frail thing. Once upon a time she wouldn’t dare touch anything that was too fragile. That was before her lover had given her gloves of such expense that she was sure she could have bought much of town with them alone.
  27. Fine, maybe just a building or twelve.
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