
Lizard's Threat

Jun 27th, 2014
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  1. You are now away.
  2. Lizard13 has joined the chat.
  3. 1:12
  4. Lizard13
  5. Why hello Loudclaw
  6. :)
  7. Dear Loudclaw.
  8. I've returned.
  9. You are no longer away.
  10. 1:13
  11. Loudclaw
  12. No,.
  13. No...
  14. 1:13
  15. Lizard13
  16. I've been watching NightClan
  17. Lurking in the shadows, watching...
  18. Watching it rot every single day
  19. I'm a villain to myself Loud.
  20. I'm toxic.
  21. A vile person.
  22. I've been hiding from here
  23. But I've returned and I'm back.
  24. Watching everything
  25. You know what I'm exactly capable od
  26. *of
  27. And I will show my potential sooner
  28. 1:14
  29. Loudclaw
  30. Yes, I do.
  31. WildViper009 has joined the chat.
  32. 1:14
  33. Lizard13
  34. I shall show you - and I will.
  35. 1:15
  36. WildViper009
  37. Err
  38. 1:15
  39. Loudclaw
  40. And when you do...
  41. 1:15
  42. WildViper009
  43. Who the fuck ?
  44. 1:15
  45. Lizard13
  46. Oh, hello there Viper,
  47. 1:15
  48. Loudclaw
  49. I'll get all of the admins on my side to kick you off.
  50. 1:15
  51. Lizard13
  52. Oh really Loudclaw?
  53. I've been working hard for these past months
  54. Watching NightClan rot every single day
  55. Waiting for that perfect day
  56. 1:15
  57. WildViper009
  58. Hello Lizard
  59. 1:15
  60. Lizard13
  61. I have a team, Loud.
  62. 1:15
  63. Loudclaw
  64. In order to wreak havoc?
  65. 1:15
  66. Lizard13
  67. A hacking team
  68. And I will show potential with them
  69. Everything scares me...
  70. I scare me.
  71. But now things don't.
  72. 1:16
  73. Loudclaw
  74. Enough.
  75. 1:16
  76. Lizard13
  77. I stand here
  78. the admins won't have any power at all.
  79. You're too weak and spineless to face me
  80. You just need the admins to do all the work, right?
  81. 1:16
  82. Loudclaw
  83. You want to strike NC down, you jackass?
  84. 1:16
  85. WildViper009
  86. Err. . .
  87. Shut the fuck up, I guess?
  88. 1:16
  89. Lizard13
  90. No, I'm just fulfilling my goal - to destroy it.
  91. 1:16
  92. WildViper009
  93. I dunno
  94. 1:16
  95. Loudclaw
  96. Destroy NightClan...
  97. 1:17
  98. Lizard13
  99. I will show my potential.
  100. 1:17
  101. Loudclaw
  102. Destroy NIGHTCLAN?
  103. What are you, Zayd?
  104. 1:17
  105. WildViper009
  106. Who's Zayd?
  107. 1:17
  108. Lizard13
  109. Oh, about Zayd
  110. 1:17
  111. WildViper009
  112. Loud
  113. 1:17
  114. Lizard13
  115. I know him
  116. I've contacted him
  117. 1:17
  118. WildViper009
  119. You told me to get on here
  120. But for fuck s sake
  121. 1:17
  122. Lizard13
  123. He's working with me
  124. 1:17
  125. WildViper009
  126. This isn't my concern.
  127. 1:17
  128. Lizard13
  129. with a bunch of other people
  130. 1:17
  131. Loudclaw
  132. Viper
  133. 1:18
  134. Lizard13
  135. about 4.
  136. 1:18
  137. WildViper009
  138. What?
  139. 1:18
  140. Loudclaw
  141. NC is in great danger
  142. 1:18
  143. Lizard13
  144. To get ready
  145. 1:18
  146. WildViper009
  147. Danger of what?
  148. 1:18
  149. Loudclaw
  150. Lizard's apparently contacted hackers and misc. to annihilate NightClan.
  151. 1:18
  152. WildViper009
  153. Getting pissed on by some guy?
  154. 1:18
  155. Lizard13
  156. Oh Viper, excuse me?
  157. Vipers are such wonderful creatures... their venom. They bite. They scare.
  158. That's what I'm capable of.
  159. I bite in the shadows, watching evilly as everything rots.
  160. WildViper009 has left the chat.
  161. 1:19
  162. Lizard13
  163. That's what I was waiting for - that perfect single day for NC to ROT.
  164. It's finally hear. It's dead. It's over.
  165. I shall rule the darkness now with NC.
  166. 1:19
  167. Loudclaw
  168. You want to strike NC down.
  169. 1:19
  170. Lizard13
  171. My goal forever. In my evil soul and heart.
  172. 1:19
  173. Loudclaw
  174. And I will not allow this to happen.
  175. 1:20
  176. Lizard13
  177. Oh Loud, I'm chuckling.
  178. I seemed so innocent in the beginning
  179. And I returned after my ban so nice
  180. But I have a darker side.
  181. 1:20
  182. Loudclaw
  183. Why would you strike us down?
  184. What have we done to you?
  185. 1:20
  186. Lizard13
  187. I have a darker side of me just being "evil" and so
  188. I have a darker, darker side.
  189. Oh, you've done tons.
  190. And now I can repay you and NC for revenge.
  191. they've all done tons... in fac.
  192. *fact.
  193. -holds gun-
  194. 1:21
  195. Loudclaw
  196. What have /I/ done to you?
  197. 1:21
  198. Lizard13
  199. You and them - all.
  200. 1:21
  201. Loudclaw
  202. That won't affect me.
  203. 1:21
  204. Lizard13
  205. I know silly.
  206. I'm such an intimidating person.
  207. I kill, you know, Loud.
  208. I kill things.
  209. Many things, in fact.
  210. 1:21
  211. Loudclaw
  212. Bullshit.
  213. 1:21
  214. Lizard13
  215. I kill NC.
  216. And I shall kill NC.
  217. I will.
  218. I have potential, Loudclaw.
  219. 1:22
  220. Loudclaw
  221. Last time that was said, we pulled through.
  222. No, you don't.
  223. 1:22
  224. Lizard13
  225. I have a bad reputation.
  226. Of being Mr. Evil
  227. But that will all change from now on.
  228. Do you understand me Loudclaw?
  229. 1:22
  230. Loudclaw
  231. You are simply an underage FAG who is pissed because Wikia figured out you were underage
  232. 1:22
  233. Lizard13
  234. If you don't, you will face worser things
  235. I'm not underaged anymore
  236. so you cannot prove anything :)
  237. 1:22
  238. Loudclaw
  239. No, I don't, and I never will.
  240. I don't understand why you want us dead.
  241. 1:23
  242. Lizard13
  243. You dare tell a living soul I was ONCE underaged
  244. My hackers will hack you.
  245. Everything, so prepare.
  246. 1:23
  247. Loudclaw
  248. Pff.
  249. 1:23
  250. Lizard13
  251. Get prepared. BE prepared.
  252. Get it or not
  253. 1:23
  254. Loudclaw
  255. I am prepared.
  256. 1:23
  257. Lizard13
  258. Do you?
  259. 1:24
  260. Loudclaw
  261. I have contacts.
  262. 1:24
  263. Lizard13
  264. You're never prepared Loudclaw.
  265. You never are!
  266. 1:24
  267. Loudclaw
  268. Oh, yes I am.
  269. I'm more prepared than you might think.
  270. 1:24
  271. Lizard13
  272. I may be a sick, mind-twisted person with a brain of a hawk.
  273. Of a crow or so.
  274. But I have potential.
  275. And I shall show that potential... I will! and I shall.
  276. I will shall do that.
  277. I know you a lot Loudclaw. I've been watching you mostly.
  278. 1:25
  279. Loudclaw
  280. Me?
  281. 1:25
  282. Lizard13
  283. You'll take pics of these
  284. 1:25
  285. Loudclaw
  286. Why me?
  287. 1:25
  288. Lizard13
  289. I know what you'll do
  290. I'm clever you see.
  291. So I have a plan for that.
  292. Ready,
  293. I shall not tell you
  294. It will shock you through and through
  295. :)
  296. 1:26
  297. Loudclaw
  298. You don't know me.
  299. Not as well as you think.
  300. 1:26
  301. Lizard13
  302. I do.
  303. I've been watching you in chat.
  304. 1:26
  305. Loudclaw
  306. How?
  307. 1:26
  308. Lizard13
  309. My people I'm working with have accounts
  310. They've been watching
  311. :)
  312. Oh, remember little Cat?
  313. I told her to leave
  314. Or I'd hack her
  315. She was my main target
  316. 1:27
  317. Loudclaw
  318. Well, I'm not leaving, regardless.
  319. 1:27
  320. Lizard13
  321. :) She's gone now Loudclaw.
  322. 1:27
  323. Loudclaw
  324. You KILLED her?
  325. 1:27
  326. Lizard13
  327. I told her to hurt you and After
  328. I didn't kill her
  329. I threatened her to hurt you and After
  330. 1:27
  331. Loudclaw
  332. She never hurt me.
  333. 1:27
  334. Lizard13
  335. By words
  336. or I'd do something with her.
  337. My little dark side and world you see?
  338. She's scared of me, I know she is.
  339. 1:28
  340. Loudclaw
  341. You can't scare me with your threats.
  342. WildViper009 has joined the chat.
  343. 1:28
  344. Lizard13
  345. Oh really
  346. Cat is scared you see
  347. I wiped her PokΓ©mon Y game
  348. I ruined everything of her's
  349. she was upset
  350. then she left
  351. because I told her so.
  352. 1:30
  353. WildViper009
  354. First of all
  355. 1:30
  356. Loudclaw
  357. You'll never take us down.
  358. 1:30
  359. WildViper009
  360. . . .
  361. First of all
  362. Who is Lizard 13?
  363. 1:30
  364. Loudclaw
  365. LizardMaster178's new account.
  366. 1:30
  367. Lizard13
  368. :)
  369. 1:31
  370. WildViper009
  371. I still don't know.
  372. 1:31
  373. Lizard13
  374. Cat knows I'm toxic.
  375. She knows that exactly.
  376. 1:31
  377. Loudclaw
  378. Maybe she does, but you won't take down NC.
  379. 1:31
  380. Lizard13
  381. she said to me she needs help
  382. and she will return to NC
  383. 1:31
  384. Loudclaw
  385. There are too many users here.
  386. 1:31
  387. Lizard13
  388. but I will stop her from so
  389. She steps her once, she gets hurt.
  390. 1:31
  391. WildViper009
  392. Loud
  393. 1:31
  394. Lizard13
  395. I'm very cunning and evil, you see?
  396. 1:31
  397. WildViper009
  398. There are far too few users.
  399. 1:31
  400. Loudclaw
  401. You'll kill her if she arrives here?
  402. 1:31
  403. WildViper009
  404. To stop this guy.
  405. 1:32
  406. Lizard13
  407. Not kill her.
  408. Just attack her.
  409. Leave her bleeding :)
  410. I've already attacked her once
  411. and she had a head trauma
  412. 1:32
  413. Loudclaw
  414. You're just like Team Flare.
  415. 1:32
  416. Lizard13
  417. Pfft... good.
  418. 1:32
  419. WildViper009
  420. Is this some petty RP gone out of control?
  421. 1:32
  422. Loudclaw
  423. No, Viper.
  424. 1:32
  425. Lizard13
  426. Excuse me you little pathetic boy?
  427. How dare you.
  428. 1:32
  429. Loudclaw
  430. These are real threats.
  431. 1:32
  432. WildViper009
  433. Oh
  434. Then I don't even give a FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
  435. 1:33
  436. Loudclaw
  437. And they'll be stopped
  438. 1:33
  439. Lizard13
  440. Cat was hurt. She was left with a head trauma
  441. No one knew she was hurt
  442. Only she did
  443. She kept her mouth SHUT
  444. 1:33
  445. Loudclaw
  446. You'll pay.
  447. 1:33
  448. Lizard13
  449. The head trauma attack was on June 16 exactly
  450. She is still hurt and in pain
  451. 1:33
  452. WildViper009
  453. I'll hire my gunmen, shall I?
  454. 1:34
  455. Lizard13
  456. I locked her in a garage
  457. for 1 hour
  458. 1:34
  459. WildViper009
  460. Holy shit
  461. 1:34
  462. Lizard13
  463. she was screaming for hell
  464. No one knew she was there
  465. 1:34
  466. WildViper009
  467. FUCK the censored pieces of shit
  468. 1:34
  469. Loudclaw
  470. ...
  471. 1:34
  472. Lizard13
  473. Catrina is a bitch you see.
  474. 1:34
  475. Loudclaw
  476. You should be arrested.
  477. 1:34
  478. Lizard13
  479. A cunning bitch just like me
  480. Oh really?
  481. Well, I wouldn't say she is exactly cunning, but you know
  482. she has a soft heart.
  483. 1:35
  484. WildViper009
  485. Cunning?
  486. Lel
  487. 1:35
  488. Lizard13
  489. She gets told what to do
  490. 1:35
  491. Loudclaw
  492. Lizard
  493. 1:35
  494. Lizard13
  495. I told her to come here in the first place
  496. 1:35
  497. Loudclaw
  498. You're not cunning
  499. 1:35
  500. Lizard13
  501. to wreck NC with me
  502. but then she didn't want to
  503. She made friends here
  504. and went along with being here
  505. but then I told her to stop
  506. 1:35
  507. WildViper009
  508. Eh
  509. 1:35
  510. Lizard13
  511. and the story goes on and on... :)
  512. 1:35
  513. Loudclaw
  514. Get out.
  515. Now.
  516. 1:36
  517. Lizard13
  518. You cannot.
  519. 1:36
  520. Loudclaw
  521. I have contact with several mods and admins.
  522. 1:36
  523. WildViper009
  524. Lizard, by the sounds of it, you only left her in a trauma because she was a stalker?
  525. 1:36
  526. Lizard13
  527. She wasn't a stalker
  528. I was her stalker
  529. 1:36
  530. WildViper009
  531. Oh
  532. 1:37
  533. Loudclaw
  534. What am I doing right now, then, Lizard?
  535. 1:37
  536. WildViper009
  537. What sort of person are ya?
  538. 1:37
  539. Loudclaw
  540. If you know me so well
  541. 1:37
  542. Lizard13
  543. I'm an evil person Viper. Very evil indeed.
  544. 1:37
  545. WildViper009
  546. And I'm worse.
  547. 1:37
  548. Lizard13
  549. She'll come one day looking for help with hero Loud and After
  550. The two pathetic boys.
  551. 1:37
  552. Loudclaw
  553. ...
  554. Enough.
  555. 1:38
  556. Lizard13
  557. :)
  558. She'll come
  559. 1:38
  560. WildViper009
  561. I'm not up for this trolling
  562. I don't care no more
  563. FUCK IT
  564. 1:38
  565. Lizard13
  566. You know she fell in love your precious little brother
  567. she wasn't meant to
  568. 1:38
  569. Loudclaw
  570. I do know this.
  571. 1:38
  572. Lizard13
  573. So I told her to ruin it
  574. 1:38
  575. WildViper009
  576. Loud, you know this guy in real life?
  577. 1:38
  578. Lizard13
  579. the little brats...
  580. 1:39
  581. Loudclaw
  582. No, Viper... but I know him well enough to know he means what he says.
  583. 1:39
  584. WildViper009
  585. Oh
  586. 1:39
  587. Loudclaw
  588. Viper.
  589. 1:39
  590. WildViper009
  591. Fine
  592. 1:39
  593. Loudclaw
  594. Lizard.
  595. Do you know what I am doing right now?
  596. 1:40
  597. Lizard13
  598. No. :)
  599. I want to though
  600. 1:40
  601. WildViper009
  602. So much smile
  603. So much wow
  604. 1:40
  605. Loudclaw
  606. I will not say
  607. 1:41
  608. Lizard13
  609. Then what is the point of saying? :)
  610. How about I tell Cat to come, eh?
  611. Let's do so.
  612. 1:43
  613. WildViper009
  614. Cat being. . .
  615. Err
  616. FUCK
  617. I forgot who she was!
  618. 1:43
  619. Lizard13
  620. She is coming.
  621. :)
  622. Blastoisestar has joined the chat.
  623. 1:44
  624. Blastoisestar
  625. What .-.
  626. 1:44
  627. Lizard13
  628. Why hello Catrina
  629. 1:44
  630. WildViper009
  631. C-cat!
  632. 1:44
  633. Blastoisestar
  634. Just leave me alone you crook
  635. 1:44
  636. Lizard13
  637. Excuse me?
  638. 1:44
  639. Blastoisestar
  640. You heard. Now just go.
  641. I'm going actuall
  642. 1:44
  643. WildViper009
  644. That's it. I know what I am doing.
  645. 1:44
  646. Blastoisestar
  647. *actually
  648. 1:44
  649. Lizard13
  650. Cat, you know...
  651. if you leaveee :)
  652. what will happen :)
  653. 1:44
  654. Blastoisestar
  655. ...
  656. 1:45
  657. WildViper009
  658. Blast.
  659. 1:45
  660. Blastoisestar
  661. You know I'm going to tell the police about this.
  662. 1:45
  663. Lizard13
  664. You know what I'll do if you doooo :)
  665. 1:45
  666. Blastoisestar
  667. Then I'll be sure to tell them that too.
  668. 1:45
  669. Lizard13
  670. Ugh you pathetic weakling!
  671. 1:45
  672. Blastoisestar
  673. .-.
  674. 1:45
  675. Lizard13
  676. j
  677. Ugh .-.
  678. 1:45
  679. Blastoisestar
  680. shut up
  681. 1:45
  682. Lizard13
  683. whatever
  684. 1:45
  685. Blastoisestar
  686. XD
  687. You are now away.
  688. 1:45
  689. WildViper009
  690. I remember you, Lizard
  691. 1:45
  692. Lizard13
  693. Oh, happy now are you?
  694. 1:45
  695. WildViper009
  696. Now I know
  697. 1:46
  698. Blastoisestar
  699. I'm laughing over the fact how crooked you are xD DDD
  700. 1:46
  701. Lizard13
  702. .-.
  703. What a.
  704. 1:46
  705. Blastoisestar
  706. Want to finish those sentences or...?
  707. 1:46
  708. Lizard13
  709. ...
  710. 1:46
  711. Blastoisestar
  712. Ah, thought so.
  713. 1:48
  714. Lizard13
  715. Fine Cat, I got your PM, I'll go
  716. I'll be back
  717. 1:48
  718. Blastoisestar
  719. Just shut up
  720. and go.
  721. 1:48
  722. Lizard13
  723. ugh....
  724. 1:48
  725. Blastoisestar
  726. .-.
  727. Phoenix Flight has joined the chat.
  728. 1:48
  729. WildViper009
  730. PHOENIX
  731. Lizard13 has left the chat.
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