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a guest
Aug 22nd, 2019
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  1. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  2. # _____ _ _____ _ #
  3. # | __ \ | | / ____| | | _ #
  4. # | |__) |__ _ _ __ | | _| | __ _ __ __ _ _ __ | |_ _| |_ #
  5. # | _ // _` | '_ \| |/ / | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ \| __|_ _| #
  6. # | | \ \ (_| | | | | <| |__| | | | (_| | | | | |_ |_| #
  7. # |_| \_\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\\_____|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__| #
  8. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  9. # |
  11. # This is where you can customize basically everything that has to do with ranks in RankGrant+. #
  12. # Everything in this file should be clearly explained. For questions, use the support options. #
  13. # Below is the configuration example/explanation, followed by the actual configuration. #
  14. # |
  15. # Do not edit this value.
  16. # config-version: 1
  17. # |
  18. # Should RankGrant+ search for your server's ranks automatically and list them in the GUI?
  19. # WARNING: This means that owner, admin, and other potentially dangerous ranks will show.
  20. # It is recommended you list ranks you want to show manually for full customization and safety.
  21. # This value can be either "true" or "false".
  22. # auto-list-ranks: true
  23. #|
  24. # The default format of rank buttons in the GUI.
  25. # NOTE: This will only work if the configuration option above is set to TRUE.
  26. # item = the material that will be shown in the GUI- use 1.13 material enums
  27. # name = the display name of the item
  28. # lore = the item description
  29. # You can use the placeholders %rank% for the group name and %target% for the player that is getting the rank.
  30. # default-format:
  31. # item: "NETHER_STAR"
  32. # name: "&2%rank%"
  33. # lore:
  34. # - "&f&m "
  35. # - "&aClick to grant &f%target% &athe &f%rank% &arank."
  36. # - "&f&m "
  37. # |
  38. # This is a very important configuration section if you DO NOT WANT TO AUTO-LIST RANKS.
  39. # This is where you list all your ranks and customize each rank item in the GUI.
  40. # To add a rank, simply start a new configuration section by the name of the group in your permission plugin.
  41. # Then, fill out the slot, item, name, lore, and special permission required to grant this rank.
  42. # slot = the slot number in the GUI, 1 being the first slot
  43. # item = the material that will be shown in the GUI (
  44. # name = the display name of the item
  45. # lore = the item description
  46. # permission = the permission required to grant this rank,
  47. # set as rankgrantplus.grant to allow anyone who has access to the GUI to grant the rank.
  48. # You can use the placeholders %rank% for the group name and %target% for the player that is getting the rank.
  49. # ranks:
  50. # Admin:
  51. # slot: 1
  52. # item: "REDSTONE"
  53. # name: "&4&lAdmin"
  54. # lore:
  55. # - "&cClick me to get the awesome ADMIN rank and get"
  56. # - "&csome cool admin permissions! :)"
  57. # permission: "rankgrantplus.grant"
  58. # Cool:
  59. # slot: 9
  60. # item: "NETHER_STAR"
  61. # name: "&b&lCOOL GUY"
  62. # lore:
  63. # - "&3Want to make somebody a cool guy?"
  64. # - "&3Grant them this rank!"
  65. # permission: "custom.permission"
  66. # |
  69. config-version: 1
  70. auto-list-ranks: false
  71. default-format:
  72. item: "NETHER_STAR"
  73. name: "&2%rank%"
  74. lore:
  75. - "&f&m "
  76. - "&aClick to grant &f%target% &athe &f%rank% &arank."
  77. - "&f&m "
  78. ranks:
  79. Admin:
  80. slot: 1
  81. item: "REDSTONE"
  82. **name: "&4&lAdmin"**
  83. lore:
  84. - "&cClick me to get the awesome ADMIN rank and get"
  85. - "&csome cool admin permissions! :)"
  86. permission: "rankgrantplus.grant"
  87. Cool:
  88. slot: 9
  89. item: "NETHER_STAR"
  90. name: "&b&lCOOL GUY"
  91. lore:
  92. - "&6Want to make somebody a cool guy?"
  93. - "&6Grant them this rank!"
  94. - "&6You're currently making &e%target% &6a cool guy."
  95. permission: "custom.permission"
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