
Fantasystuck Plotting - Roxbox, Striderfest, magic, royals

Feb 3rd, 2013
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  1. [9:33:48 PM EDT] ZZ: Bro is a young single dad, parent to twins Dirk and Dave and the big happy family lives in Derse. Well, Bro has been snooping around with some particular plot shenans, probably even more so if brother to Rose. Anyway, because of this, one night, the Courtyard Droll is sent to burn down their house. While spreading gasoline around the house CD happens upon sleeping baby Dirk, and feels bad about killing him so he takes Dirk with him when he leaves after setting the house on fire. That night baby Dave was crying a lot so Bro just brought Dave to sleep in his bed with him to make things easy, so when Bro woke up because HO SHIT FIRE all he could think to do was grab the baby right in front of him and escape the burning house. By the time he got out and realized SHIT I HAVE TWO SONS, it was too late and he thought Dirk was dead.
  2. [9:34:05 PM EDT] ZZ: The BEST PART?
  3. [9:34:10 PM EDT] ZZ: CD brings baby Dirk up to the Dignitary who face palms accordingly and sends CD off to the Derse orphanage. Despite being raised there Dirk grows up with constant "support" from CD, like Birthday/Christmas gifts and stuff, and monetary support, always with an embossed "You're Welcome," note of course.
  4. [9:38:41 PM EDT] ZZ: Done.
  5. [9:40:30 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: uncle clubs
  6. [9:40:56 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: what a fine family we've got here
  7. [9:40:59 PM EDT] ZZ: Courtyard Dad.
  8. [9:41:49 PM EDT] ZZ: But yes.
  9. [9:42:24 PM EDT] ZZ: However, depending on where Rose and Roxy are at the time, and how close Bro is with Rose, some things might be affected?
  10. [10:01:15 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: alright i'm pretty tired/distracted right now but let me try to wrap my head around things
  11. [10:02:45 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: so dave was taken by bro to live at ??? while dirk grew up in an orphanage
  12. [10:21:47 PM EDT] ZZ: To live in Prospit, in secret.
  13. [10:24:19 PM EDT] Nitro: I'm thinking they would've gone to live in Lowas (AKA the village in which we start our tale).
  14. [10:24:42 PM EDT] Nitro: So that Dave wouldn't have to travel out there for limited reasons.
  15. [10:24:54 PM EDT] Nitro: (*In which we will probably start our tale, even.)
  16. [10:29:25 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: ahhh, a locale
  17. [10:29:27 PM EDT] ZZ: Ohhh, that would wooooork.
  18. [10:32:32 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: is that where everybody meets up? maybe roxy's out there on some official wiz biz? still thinking she's a student of some kind
  19. [10:33:27 PM EDT] Nitro: Yeah, I think WV would send her off to wizarding school if that's what she wanted, and since Rose more or less disappeared while FITE-ING CRIME.
  20. [10:33:31 PM EDT] ZZ: Oh Roxy, I love you.
  21. [10:34:15 PM EDT] Nitro: Lowas hosts the Firefly Festival annually, and that's sort of important to Prospitians, so it's probably required attendance or something, for wizards of the court.
  22. [10:36:34 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: ohhhhh, i like that idea
  23. [10:40:40 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: don't want to talk too much about things we're going to play out in the rp anyway but i take it that's where serenity/herbert comes into play
  24. [10:41:15 PM EDT] ZZ: Yes good.
  25. [10:41:32 PM EDT] Nitro: Heh, a friendly little firefly lands on Roxy's shoulder
  26. [10:41:42 PM EDT] Nitro: or in her drink and gets drunk and then can't even fly away because
  27. [10:41:43 PM EDT] Nitro: well
  28. [10:41:50 PM EDT] Nitro: drunk aeroshenanigans,,
  29. [10:42:25 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: hay waiter theres a fly in my soop
  30. [10:42:28 PM EDT] ZZ: FFF
  31. [10:45:04 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: this is going to sound like the set-up to a bad joke
  32. [10:45:36 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: a wizard, a swordsman, a robohorse, and a vampire walk into a bar...
  33. [10:46:09 PM EDT] ZZ: Yes good.
  34. [10:46:13 PM EDT] ZZ: Go on.
  35. [10:46:25 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: i already gave away the punchline
  36. [10:46:48 PM EDT] ZZ: Oh.
  37. [10:46:54 PM EDT] ZZ: ... Go on anyway.
  38. [10:53:45 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: alright, so at least i sort of know the basic background for when we eventually get this thing going. i don't think roxy would know a lot about the strider side of the family, if anything
  39. [10:54:09 PM EDT] ZZ: That's cool.
  40. [10:54:55 PM EDT] Nitro: Probably not.
  41. [11:01:18 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: would rose have written her anything about it? i had the idea that there are some letters for roxy in the grimoire - sort of like a substitute for her writings since the grimoire's probably an actual magic book instead of some foreshadowing packed novel rose authored
  42. [11:02:24 PM EDT] Nitro: I like to think Rose /made/ the grimoire from all the obscure magic tomes she dug up that no one but she would ever be able to decipher.
  43. [11:02:45 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: that is also an idea i like
  44. [11:02:52 PM EDT] Nitro: She is passing her life's work on to you, Roxy. Don't spill your mead on it.
  45. [11:03:17 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: try not to crush any cats with your mom's book rox
  46. [11:05:17 PM EDT] ZZ: Aaah, Roxy and Sollux would be biffles if Sollux could manage to read that shit, he p much spent his entire life decoding cryptic ass old books, but not up to me if he actually can. :B
  47. [11:05:46 PM EDT] Nitro: pff, I was thinking he probably could. The grimoire would be
  48. [11:05:46 PM EDT] Nitro: Well
  49. [11:05:53 PM EDT] Nitro: As comprehensible as anything Rose writes.
  50. [11:07:36 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: what sort of spells would roxy know? or is this something that'll make more since if we introduce more ttrpg elements? i got the spiel from zee about there being a distinct class of magic for each of the godtier aspects (except time, or that's the SUPER SECRET TWELFTH ELEMENT)
  51. [11:08:28 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: i really want to use bullshit latin though
  52. [11:08:48 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: may or may not do anything it just feels traditional
  53. [11:09:04 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: beericus appearicus
  54. [11:09:20 PM EDT] Nitro: pffFFFF
  55. [11:10:43 PM EDT] Nitro: I'm still not sure how to do magic, but I think I'm gonna just work with people to get a general idea for what the character's unique magical abilities would be and leave it fairly open and flexible -- you guys can attempt to do things with it, and I'll decide if it's plausible.
  56. [11:11:23 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: (even if you don't have magic using npcs fake latin i sure as hell will)
  57. [11:12:22 PM EDT] Nitro: Kankri, for example, even though we don't have a Kankri RPer: I think I'm gonna have him have empathetic abilities. He can't influence what people are feeling but he can sort of infer what they're feeling. If we /did/ have an RPer for him, I'd probably give them that as a basis and let them work with it and stretch it as they'd like.
  58. [11:13:13 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: 9h, my trigger senses are tingling!
  59. [11:13:18 PM EDT] Nitro: Karkat, contrastingly, /can/ actively influence emotions, especially of one person regarding other people.
  60. [11:13:20 PM EDT] Nitro: pfFFF
  61. [11:13:51 PM EDT] ZZ: Interesting. :B
  62. [11:18:21 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: if the Void's still a thing, maybe that ties into her unique abilities? like she can slip in and out of it
  63. [11:19:03 PM EDT] ZZ: Invisiroxy
  64. [11:19:52 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: harroxy polonde and case of the invisibutt
  65. [11:23:17 PM EDT] ZZ: Yes good
  66. [11:24:20 PM EDT] Nitro: Whoops, I'm talking with someone else also --
  67. [11:25:36 PM EDT] ZZ: Busy Nitro is busy.
  68. [11:25:45 PM EDT] Nitro: The most busy
  69. [11:25:56 PM EDT] ZZ: Busy little bee~
  70. [11:25:58 PM EDT] ZZ: BEE2
  71. [11:39:52 PM EDT] Nitro: Yeah, the Void is still a big thing.
  72. [11:43:17 PM EDT] Nitro: Sorry, distractions
  73. [11:43:45 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: take your time nitro, i don't mind
  74. [11:44:59 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: i'll just be wondering about other things like if she gets those nepeta dating advice articles from derse
  75. [11:45:21 PM EDT] Nitro: Omfg
  76. [11:46:36 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: "One of the new printing presses has begun to publish a pamphlet written by one Lady Love-Whiskers that gives romantic advice to the bereft and lovelorn.
  77. A slightly seedier press prints a saucier pamphlet documenting gossip and moonlight trysts (purely fictional...or ARE THEY??? :3c ), written by one Madame Cheshire."
  78. [11:46:39 PM EDT] PurpleKoopa: STILL CANON I HOPE
  79. [11:46:55 PM EDT] Nitro: 500% canon.
  80. [11:48:47 PM EDT] ZZ: Yes good.
  81. [11:59:22 PM EDT] Nitro: Okay I am finally past the things --
  82. [11:59:34 PM EDT] * ZZ petpetpet
  83. [12:01:51 AM EDT] Nitro: Anyway, since I'm really far behind, have we seen anything regarding how Roxy do with her voidy things canonically? We know she can navigate the Void in her sleep (literally), aaand something about blacking out the session --
  84. [12:07:11 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: uh, let's see - there's that roxy and calliope log where they talk about the abilities of a rogue of void and other hero abilities
  85. [12:09:18 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: and yeah, she blacks out the viewport for uu/UU, just like rose when she went grimdark. there's part of the mindfang journal where she says something about darkleer being naturally out of doc scratch's awareness
  86. [12:10:44 AM EDT] ZZ: Voooooid
  87. [12:11:09 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: and not directly void-related per say, but roxy's also gone invisible with the ring
  88. [12:11:21 AM EDT] Nitro: Yeah, I was gonna play off of Darkleer's being impervious to Scratch's relative omniscience.
  89. [12:12:06 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: i don't think everything has to be ripped straight out of canon, but letting her have a few of these powers would work well, i'd think
  90. [12:12:31 AM EDT] Nitro: Yeah. I'd like to derive it from there, though.
  91. [12:12:38 AM EDT] Nitro: Hell, I'd give Terezi telepathy, haha.
  92. [12:13:51 AM EDT] ZZ: I kinda like the idea of you pulling on certain abilities and letting the players work with those however they like, within reason.
  93. [12:14:28 AM EDT] Nitro: Invisibility tho
  94. [12:14:48 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: y/n/
  95. [12:14:55 AM EDT] Nitro: Omfg obfuscation of knowledge -- what if she just sort of
  96. [12:14:57 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: (that last letter was invisible)
  97. [12:15:00 AM EDT] Nitro: Blots out people's perception of her
  98. [12:15:11 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: oh, that roxy lalonde, she sure is a
  99. [12:15:15 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: ...
  100. [12:15:17 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: girl?
  101. [12:15:30 AM EDT] Nitro: pfff, yes.
  102. [12:15:36 AM EDT] Nitro: I mean visually, though. Just kind of
  103. [12:15:41 AM EDT] Nitro: Slips under the radar.
  104. [12:16:06 AM EDT] Nitro: They could be looking right at her and wouldn't even notice her unless she made a ruckus.
  105. [12:16:33 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: oooh, stealth mode
  106. [12:16:58 AM EDT] Nitro: Basically!
  107. [12:17:24 AM EDT] Nitro: Rose or Celestia would probably be able to see her, since
  108. [12:17:30 AM EDT] Nitro: Light/knowledge shenans
  109. [12:18:22 AM EDT] Nitro: And characters with /extremely/ high perception abilities, but for the most part, she could slip by almost totally unnoticed if she wanted to.
  110. [12:20:27 AM EDT] Nitro: TG: so....
  111. TG: deep down i am super psyched about nothigness
  113. <<< Roxy is such a gr8 character
  114. [12:20:33 AM EDT] ZZ: Like the corner you can stand on in Torchwood?
  115. [12:20:52 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: (i know right)
  116. [12:21:13 AM EDT] Nitro: Probably, but I was thinking like the perception filter the Doctor made in one episode of Doctor Who. 8y
  117. [12:21:29 AM EDT] ZZ: Those too.
  118. [12:21:42 AM EDT] ZZ: (They're made out of the same thing actually?)
  119. [12:21:51 AM EDT] Nitro: (Yes, I'd presume so.)
  120. [12:22:49 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: that works with the idea that these magical people have inner powers to them - something different than poring through a spellbook and waving a wand around, i'd wager
  121. [12:23:04 AM EDT] ZZ: Coolios
  122. [12:23:14 AM EDT] ZZ: Mmmm, what would Dave be able to do?
  123. [12:23:22 AM EDT] ZZ: YOU KNOW
  124. [12:23:23 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: he's the knight of thing
  125. [12:23:23 AM EDT] Nitro: Yeah. Magical ability is generally a natural, inborn thing, not something that's easy to simply learn.
  126. [12:23:24 AM EDT] ZZ: OTHER THAN RAP
  127. [12:24:15 AM EDT] Nitro: (Prospit does eventually start to learn how to do really weak magic without natural ability, mostly Life and Time/Space magic, but it's. Weak. And dumb. Parlor tricks, next to the real thing.)
  128. [12:26:06 AM EDT] Nitro: Dave probably can do almost exactly what he does canonically -- travel through time. He can't change the timeline inherently, but he can traverse it freely and do whatever the hell he wants along the way. He would probably only know enough to control it, though.
  129. [12:28:38 AM EDT] ZZ: True.
  130. [12:39:56 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: we should start moving some of these things over to the doc for quick reference
  131. [12:40:49 AM EDT] ZZ: Indeed...
  132. [12:42:03 AM EDT] Nitro: I'll attempt to do so when my computer seems willing to cooperate.
  133. [12:42:09 AM EDT] Nitro: It's been sort of slow today.
  134. [12:42:53 AM EDT] * ZZ petpetpet
  135. [12:42:54 AM EDT] ZZ: Compruder
  136. [12:43:41 AM EDT] Nitro: Incredibly comprude, yes.
  137. [12:45:18 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: haha, i keep wondering
  138. [12:45:25 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: rose and the mayor
  139. [12:45:30 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: how in the world did that work out
  140. [12:45:55 AM EDT] Nitro: She knitted him a sweater.
  141. [12:46:18 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: "here's a sweater now raise my baby"
  142. [12:46:31 AM EDT] ZZ: YOU MEAN
  143. [12:46:33 AM EDT] ZZ: THAT ISN
  144. [12:46:36 AM EDT] ZZ: ISN'T
  145. [12:46:37 AM EDT] ZZ: HOW IT WORKS?
  146. [12:46:46 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: "gotta go do seer stuff now brb"
  147. [12:49:31 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: maybe they go onto medieval maury and they find out wv is the father
  148. [12:49:43 AM EDT] ZZ: FFFF
  149. [12:50:13 AM EDT] Nitro: I like to think WV took Roxy in out of the goodness of his heart, and Rose, being, you know, a Seer of Light was aware she'd be safe and hidden there -- far enough from Prospit to keep her from being inducted into that complacent council of "learned" Methuselahs but close enough that she wouldn't be killed in Derse's anti-magic crusades (also she has a natural perception filter).
  150. [12:51:32 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: baby moses and a bottle of gin
  151. [12:52:07 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: man, and here goes roxy straight into this council
  152. [12:52:29 AM EDT] Nitro: She's trying, Mom.
  153. [12:52:29 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: or the guild of trainees for it
  154. [12:52:38 AM EDT] ZZ: FFF
  155. [12:53:51 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: it's like getting into college and discovering that the only place you're allowed to use your degree is there
  156. [12:53:56 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: which is uh
  157. [12:54:03 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: actually not that far off from apprenticeships probably
  158. [12:54:20 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: so maybe not that big a deal for most people
  159. [12:55:45 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: ...except actually no since it's more like this cabal of wizardry that's essentially just another tool for the royals it sounds like and man
  160. [12:55:54 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: how long have we spent talking about this one character
  161. [12:56:52 AM EDT] Nitro: Never too long.
  162. [12:57:16 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: what are the prospitian royals even like
  163. [12:57:36 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: derse has this frightening story of immortals
  164. [12:58:22 AM EDT] Nitro: Somehow I imagine WK to be a huge teddy bear who likes to spend his time chilling in the library and actually interacting with his subjects, and WQ being generally benevolent but more stern and serious.
  165. [12:59:14 AM EDT] ZZ: Cuties.
  166. [12:59:18 AM EDT] Nitro: 8'>
  167. [12:59:38 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: pretty steadfast in their ways toward technology and religion
  168. [1:00:23 AM EDT] Nitro: Steadfast or complacent.
  169. [1:01:06 AM EDT] Nitro: The church itself has a pretty heavy hand in politics, since so many Prospitians are so heavily religious.
  170. [1:01:53 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: who leads the eternal conflict against the dersites
  171. [1:02:52 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: does that teddy bear go /grizzly/ or are there like separate military captains and stuff
  172. [1:04:18 AM EDT] Nitro: Well, I'm still working out a lot of stuff, but I have some sort of vague ideas for that aspect of the plot. And probably somewhat both. Though WQ honestly strikes me like she'd make a better war leader, tactically, haha.
  173. [1:05:45 AM EDT] PurpleKoopa: she knocked out jack noir in the back of the head with a staff i think she knows what she's doing
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