
Filling Holes-Part 4 (/bug/)

Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. >Your eyes open but immediately shut themselves tight under the bright white light.
  2. >Grunting and rolling over to your side you see an alabaster wall, flawless and shining.
  3. >A constant beep enters your ears, looking down you see an IV in your arm and a lot of other different little sensors stuck to you.
  4. >The fuck.
  5. >You go to pull one out as the door on the other side of the room opens.
  6. >"Ah! Your Majesty! You're awake! Let me go get the Queen, she will be delighted to hear of this"!
  7. >The white coat clad changeling skitters out the room, leaving you alone again.
  8. >Making sure not to move the IV too much you take off the two other sensor things taped to you.
  9. >The machine freaks the fuck out as it erupts in a din of beeps and alarms, causing the door to burst open. With about four other coat clad changelings piling inside to see what the commotion is.
  10. "Don't worry, I'm alright, just trying to get up".
  11. >As they get the machine to stop raising hell you stand up, despite the light headedness and your slightly askew center of balance you seem to be fine.
  12. >One changeling bows to you before speaking, "I have your armor in the locker outside the room, if you wish to dress your Majesty".
  13. >You give him a nod and a thanks, as the changelings rush out of the room. Only to come back with all of your armor on a cart, complete with sword and rifle.
  14. >After asking your permission, one of the medic changelings takes out your IV and puts a bandage over your arm.
  15. "Thank you, what is your name"?
  16. >After a fit of stutter she answers, "M-My name is Skitters, your Majesty".
  17. "Skitters? That's a nice name, thank you for looking after me. Be sure to tell the rest of your co-workers here I appreciate them taking care of me while I was out".
  18. >You've always liked medical workers.
  19. >Always out to help others, well some of them.
  20. >These were a bunch of good ones though, you don't even know what happened but if you woke up this sore and hooked up to every machine known to man it must've been pretty bad.
  21. >At this moment the door opens up again, with Chrysalis hurrying in and looking very relieved.
  22. >"You're awake! I had thought that assassin had killed you"!
  23. >She turns toward Skitters, who just had risen from her bow.
  24. >"Any staff of the medical team assigned to the king is given the privilege of the next week off paid, so they can be with their families after this trying time".
  25. >A very grateful bow comes from Skitters as she races off, presumably to tell the others.
  26. "Hey Chryssy, how long was a out for"?
  27. >"Four days, I thought that scrambler had killed you. It usually just scrambles your thoughts until you go insane, never woke up! I could've at least fixed you if you went insane but if you died...I-I can't do anything about that and-".
  28. >You hold a hand up, which silences her. A smile forms on your lips.
  29. "Well, I'm fine and that's what counts. What's a scrambler spell by the way? Does it just jumble up someone's head"?
  30. >You get dressed as Chrysalis speaks, "Somewhat yes, what it does is it disrupts and scrambles one's own thoughts, knowledge, emotions etcetera. The order and what gets jumbled is random but one thing is always certain and that its' victim is always rendered inoperable. A coma of sorts, you just stare blankly at everything and grunt out needs. Most of the time the jumbled emotions are set to where if you were supposed to be sad you would break out in laughter. Or if you were to be tickled you would instead unleash waves of fury, it isn't a spell to be trifled with. That's why I'm so surprised that you're okay".
  31. >Now that you're in full armor you don your rifle and strap the scabbard to your belt loop.
  32. "To tell you the truth I'm pretty amazed at it too, it's like-"
  33. >You stop dead as you stare at the wall.
  34. >Shimmers of green start to appear on the walls, the shape of changelings.
  35. >Looking left and right reveal the same dozens of green silhouettes are walking here and there, talking to each other. Though some disappear, others appear just the same.
  36. >"Anonymous"!
  37. >The pure volume of Chrysalis' voice ripped you from your trance, shaking your head you look to her.
  38. "Sorry, spaced out a bi-".
  39. >"Your eyes, Anonymous, were glowing green. Were you able to sense our hive before the attack"?
  40. >Wait...sense? Huh?
  41. "What're you talk-".
  42. >"Anonymous you were using a tracker spell that was revealing the locations of every member of our hive, even through walls and other surfaces".
  43. >What.
  44. "Uhhhh, the whole green shadow thing on the walls was-".
  45. >"My other subjects, yes. Well...-our- subjects".
  46. >You...can't even begin to figure out how it happened.
  47. "I don't know how I did it though, it just happened like...I can't even start to-".
  48. >She holds up a hoof, immediately silencing you.
  49. >"Focus intently on wanting to know where other changelings are, make sure your eyes are focused in one spot. It should reveal their locations".
  50. >Although the images stutter, the silhouettes soon come into focus. Moving about, talking to one another, writing, cleaning up equipment, etc.
  51. >Chrysalis taps you on the shoulder, breaking your concentration and causing the others to dissipate.
  52. >"You didn't hear me? I was calling your name".
  53. >You really can't hear anything when you're focusing that hard.
  54. "No, sorry, it's a bit difficult to pay attention to those around me when I'm doing that. I...I don't know how I was able to do this anyway, I don't have any magic".
  55. >She gives you a quizzical look as she paces around, "I wonder, if that scrambler had anything to do with it".
  56. >She walks to the stand that is carrying your IV bag, she picks it up with her magic and begins to examine it.
  57. >"Nothing in here would do it, it's just basic fluids. It must've been that assassin that had somehow gave you that ability, there IS one way to find out".
  58. >You can't help but gulp at this, this doesn't sound good at all.
  59. >She stares in your eyes very intently, not making a move. Afraid to do the same you simply stare back.
  60. >"You're not hearing me"?
  61. >You shake your head.
  62. >"Ahh, so it was him. If this was from my hive you would be able to hear me speaking to you telepathically".
  63. >She nods to herself before exiting the room. You hurry after her, finding her walking towards the Royal Wing.
  64. "What's going on with me though? Despite this being as cool as it is, I'm still nervous about it. Do you think there will be any side effects? I don't want to wake up tomorrow with a black carapace and blue eyes. N-Not saying...that I find you guys repulsive but I like my body as it is".
  65. >A slightly evil looking grin forms on Chrysalis' lips as the two of you approach the door to the wing.
  66. >"Why not? You could use some armor, plus I think that you would look absolutely marvelous. And you wouldn't have to wear those rags all the time...well you DO have that armor now, which by the way makes you look fantastic. Truly a look fit for a king of the youngest and most beautiful of Changeling queens".
  67. >You can't help but chuckle at her antics. Opening the door for her you both enter the main lobby of the Queen's private residence inside the hive.
  68. >Well, it's both of yours now.
  69. >"Ah! You didn't see our new room! Let's go see".
  70. >She walks with a little extra hip sway to her/our bedroom door.
  71. >Your eyes follow her sway despite your inner cries to stop.
  72. >Left, right, left, right.
  73. >"You seem to be enjoying the view".
  74. >Her sultry tone combined with her piercing gaze make quite the combination.
  75. >You're back to your old habit Anonymous, nice.
  76. "I uhh, I was just-".
  77. >She giggles as she steps aside, "Go on, I want you to open the door first".
  78. >She flutters her eyelashes as your legs hijack your body and take it to the door.
  79. >Reaching to the door knob and opening the door reveals a very large and ornate room.
  80. >A chandelier in the same style as the one in the lobby but much, much larger hangs from the center of the room, bathing it in a twinge of green light.
  81. >The room has a lush carpet, which is the only room you know of in the hive that has one.
  82. >The bed in front of you is a four poster bed twice the size of a California King back home.
  83. >Its' curtains are only thick enough for a silhouette to pass through, the sheets look to be a black silk, while the pillows are a dark green.
  84. >"I take it that it's to your liking"?
  85. >It truly is a magnificent room, truly fit for a queen.
  86. "Yeah, it looks great".
  87. >"Weapons on the rack please".
  88. >You look around and spot a wooden stand, setting the scabbard on a hook you also lean the rifle against the side.
  89. "Well, I don't know what time it is but-".
  90. >A green aura surrounds you as you're practically thrown onto the bed.
  91. >Chrysalis hops on after you, inching up to your face, eyes locked into yours.
  92. >"Go on...".
  93. >You only manage to stutter as she giggles to herself.
  94. >"How are you so fierce and tenacious on a battlefield, but a war in the bedroom renders you so...docile"?
  95. >Her hoof traces a line down the side of your face, "Such softness, such meekness, yet you have the ability to end any life you want. Virtually unlimited power, only capped by your ability to stay alive".
  96. >She moves her face closer to yours, you can feel the heat from her body caress your own skin.
  97. >"Think of the possibilities Anonymous, with our power together we can form an unstoppable force. Something that can crush these rouge changelings that attacked us, and anything else in our path".
  98. >Her tongue slithers from her mouth making circles around your lips, "We would become a force equal to the ponies of Equestria, with your technology and my military we can overcome any obstacle".
  99. >Your brain is too busy being on fire to think straight, breath hitching in your throat, sweat beading down your body under the armor.
  100. >"Think it over Anonymous, my king".
  101. >She throws another sultry-filled stare.
  102. >"But first".
  103. >Her horn glows green as every buckle, strap, and lace on your armor is instantly undone. Your armor then effortlessly slides to the floor, along with your greaves and boots.
  104. >"A bit of fun".
  105. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. >Waking up the first thing you see is the top of the giant four poster bed you spent the night in.
  108. >Your new bed actually.
  109. >First thing you feel is a weight on your chest, looking down you see the top of Chrysalis' head. The little crown thing still attached to her.
  110. >Guess it is part of her after all.
  111. >She's still asleep, her side raising and falling in rhythm.
  112. >So last night wasn't a dream...
  113. >You still can't believe all these events transpired, you're still waiting to wake up in your normal room.
  114. >Last night...
  115. >The things you two did...
  116. >A hoof moves along your stomach, Chrysalis gives a large sigh as she stirs awake.
  117. >You can't help but smile.
  118. "Morning".
  119. >Picking her head up she gives you a peck on the cheek, "My king".
  120. >The heat coming to your face amuses her, "Hmhmhm, you had better get used to being called that Anonymous. Because now 11,342 changelings will now know you by that title, along with the dozen other hives we are allied with".
  121. >Eleven...thousand?
  122. "We have that many here"?
  123. >"Yes we do, what you see everyday is but a sliver of our full force".
  124. "And I take it that changeling that attacked me wasn't one of them".
  125. >Her features straighten out, seriousness washes over her face.
  126. >"No, he is apparently part of the Vira Hive. Which is the rouge hive that is attacking and harassing our allies in small and erratic forces, in fact today we are going to be in the war room. We need to be with our commanders and captains to find out what we should do about this little thorn in our side, because now the attacks have escalated from small scale trade routing to attempted assassinations".
  127. >You nod and give a small yawn.
  128. "Alright, I won't be much good with the whole strategy thing, but I can try".
  129. >She smiles, giving you a peck on the lips.
  130. >"That's the spirit, now, food".
  131. >After you get cleaned up, dressed, and geared up the two of you exit your room and make your way to the dining hall.
  132. "What happened to that changeling by the way"?
  133. >"He has been dealt with and disposed of".
  134. >Welp.
  135. "Ah...alright".
  136. >"What is wrong Anonymous"?
  137. "Nothing, I just wanted to ask him why is all".
  138. >"Well I can answer that for you, it's simply a fact of pruning a budding flower. A hive that has a King is more united and stronger than one without, especially since the love shared between the two will strengthen all in the hive".
  139. >You nod, you're following her so far at least.
  140. >"Vira wants us to be at our weakest at all times, she most likely wants to take over each hive one by one, like my grandmother did".
  141. >Grandmother?
  142. >Well, yeah she would have one you fucknut.
  143. >Cursing your own absent mindedness the two of you approach the dining hall doors, you push them open for Chrysalis, who slithers her tail between your legs as she passes.
  144. >Entering the dining hall, the few changelings in bow and scuttle off towards the kitchens.
  145. >A the two of you sit down the head of the table they come back with a covered cart, pushing it up to the two of you they uncover the contents.
  146. >Two plates, each with a large helping of eggs, toast, hashbrowns, and sausage.
  147. >The smell is simply the greatest thing in the world.
  148. >"Thank you, you may leave".
  149. >They bow once again before departing, leaving you and Chrysalis alone in the hall.
  150. >The meal went on wordlessly as you ate, the food cooked to perfection causing you to make small "mmm" noises which Chrysalis had chuckled very quietly at.
  151. >After the two of you finished breakfast you both had started your way to the war room.
  152. >"Anonymous, when we enter the war room there will be a general and commander of every sector of our hive. Their sectors will vary from infantry and infiltration to simple agriculture and industry, no matter how small or insignificant their sector may seem they are all vital in the strength of this hive. Think of it as a clock, no matter how small one of the gears are if you take it out the clock will not function correctly".
  153. "Alright, I will keep that in mind".
  154. >"Also".
  155. >You look to her as you walk, she's staring straight forward, eyes never wavering.
  156. >"They will most likely be conferring with me alone in these matters, as we're likely on the brink of war. Don't let that get to you, as you've only been in power for a mere day".
  157. "I won't, like I said I don't have much experience in the way of strategies and such. Most I ever did was command small teams in airsoft battles".
  158. >She cocks an eyebrow at you, "Air...soft...battle"?
  159. "It's a hobby us humans had, we would battle each other in small mock wars".
  160. >"War as a hobby? How barbaric, I like it".
  161. >You chuckle as Chrysalis stops in front of a large steel door, guarded by one large changeling on either side.
  162. >"Are the others in"?
  163. >One bows, "Yes my Queen, they are all present".
  164. >"Good, thank you".
  165. >The other guard bows and walks to the middle of the door, using some spell the middle flashes green and begins to open.
  166. >Inside is a huge dark walled room, with tapestries embedded with the Queen's coat of arms, a large black table in the middle with maps and pieces much like chess, around this table stood 8 highly important looking changelings, among them standing Ram Charger.
  167. >Ram bows first, "My lieges".
  168. >As the others start to bow Chrysalis holds up a hoof, "Let's drop the formalities commanders, this meeting is no routine status report".
  169. >She looks around the room, as if she's looking for an important object.
  170. >"Where are your generals"?
  171. >An slightly frail looking changeling speaks up, "Your Majesty, we had left them to run things in our stead. We had assumed that we would be going to war with the try on our king's life, so leaving them to continue duty under increased production seemed to be the best route".
  172. >The queen nods, "Very well, that is a perfectly legitimate reason. You were always a sharp one despite your age Saer".
  173. >The old changeling smiles as the others nod their agreement.
  174. >"Now, I will be introducing our king. King Anonymous had come to us recently but he has helped us a great deal in our matters, that coupled with a potential I personally see in him is what had called me to announce him as our king. Now, he is a very modest person and would wish you to not refer to him as king, so simply Anonymous would please him".
  175. >They all nod as Chrysalis points towards the left most changeling, "Anonymous, this is Kreiger, he is the commander of the general infantry and air forces, he is who you will be doing the most work with in your coming days. Then, there's Saer, commander of industry. Ram Charger, commander of scouts and infiltration, you've already worked with him. Noa here is our commander of agriculture, she's the best at anything to do with nature".
  176. >The slightly plump changeling nods and smiles warmly.
  177. >"To the right of her is Coin, he is our commander of trade and commerce between other hives and sometimes nations".
  178. >The middle aged changeling bows slightly towards you.
  179. >Before Chrysalis speaks you spot Einstein next to Coin.
  180. >"Einstein! You're a commander"?
  181. >Chrysalis looks to you, puzzled.
  182. >"Einstein? His name is Beaker, but yes he is the commander of science and technology, it is because of him we are the second most advanced hive in terms of science".
  183. >Looking to the small and twitchy changeling he nods his head repeatedly, agreeing with the Queen.
  184. >"We'll be catching up to Ferrugo in no time my king! Just you wait"!
  185. >You look to the changeling beside Beaker, and he's positively massive.
  186. >He's about up to your sternum in height, making him a full head higher than the rest of the changelings and two heads taller that Beaker and Noa.
  187. >His armor is the thickest you've ever seen on any changeling yet, the helmet on his head covering what his natural body couldn't protect. He bows deeply before speaking in a seriously deep and rumbling tone.
  188. >"Greetings Anonymous, I am commander Stonewall, I'm in charge of architectural structures and defences throughout the entire hive. It's an honor to serve under you".
  189. "Thank you Stonewall".
  190. >The last changeling was a slim, female changeling with glasses and a bit of a peaky chitin, like she's outside rarely if ever.
  191. >"And I am Cia your Highness, I am the commander of intelligence".
  192. >Chrysalis claps her front hooves together, "Good, everyone knows everyone, let's get down to business. Kreiger, you had told me that the 11 other hives have released their census on soldiers. What numbers do we have to work with"?
  193. >Kreiger speaks in a voice similar to Stonewall's but lacks a certain gruff and grain to it.
  194. >"Yes my Queen, our total numbers between the twelve hives add up to roughly 400,000 troops. This is the main force, with reserves and new recruits coming into training even as we speak. I am not sure of the exact number of soldiers that Vira hive has at it's disposal, but Ram Charger was telling me that they have roughly 40,000 from what he could get from a captured Vira changeling scout".
  195. >Chrysalis nods as she looks towards Ram, "Is this true commander"?
  196. >"Yes my Queen, the spy I captured had said that Vira has roughly 40,000 soldiers at the ready. However, further questioning this morning has revealed that Vira has allies within a days travel. So those numbers can swell up to roughly triple of that, however...".
  197. >Everyone in the room stared at Ram as he thought things over, "It is said that the Reicher hive is allied with Vira in an attempt for revenge against us".
  198. >The room grew quiet, everyone was stock still, staring at the Queen for some sort of response.
  199. >Looking to her yourself reveals an expression you've never seen on her in the entire time you were here.
  200. >Fear.
  201. >"Can you be absolutely sure of this scout commander, if Reicher is in this war we will need to outnumber them five to one to even drive them back".
  202. >You're not so sure if you like this Reicher hive.
  203. "Excuse me but, Reicher? I'm not familiar with them".
  204. >Chrysalis looks to Ram.
  205. >"Care to fill our king in? I have something to do".
  206. >He nods as she gets up and wordlessly exits the room, leaving you with the commanders.
  207. >"Anonymous, Reicher hive is essentially a combat based superhive that has undoubtedly the best soldiers one could dream of. They are stronger, faster, and more ferocious than even the most elite of our forces. The last war we had been into Reicher had called for at least 5 of our troops to take even one of theirs down".
  208. "Ah, so we will have a hard time with this is Reciher really is allied with Vira"?
  209. >They nod as Cia speaks up, "That said, Queen Patina has sent a messenger letting us know that she is working on some sort of super weapon. And according to her this will be a great time for live testing, I advise you to travel there and see what exactly it is that she has built".
  210. >Chrysalis walks back into the room, the other changelings bow as she approaches the table.
  211. >"I've sent word to Haven hive that we're possibly going up against Reicher, they will transfer that information to any hive not aware of it already. Also, our outside sentries have let us know that an Equestrian messenger is about 500 yards from our front door. He is wielding a white flag so we shall respect their wishes of non violence and hear them out, in the meantime we need to put together a plan of maybe...nipping this problem before it buds".
  212. >The others look on in interest as Chrysalis starts to pace a bit.
  213. >"We need to assassinate Queen Vira".
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