
Understanding Occult

Feb 15th, 2019
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  1. Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Hrm... You look much similar to frank. Drop something so I may enchant it. Quickly now.~"
  2. [06:41] {Item} You drop Sentinel Battle Rifle.
  3. [06:42] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Finished."
  4. [06:42] Flint Armiger asks, "What did you put on it?"
  5. [06:42] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Something."
  6. [06:42] {Item} You picked up Sentinel Battle Rifle. Dropped by Flint Armiger. .
  7. [06:42] Flint Armiger asks, "Is it helpful to me?"
  8. [06:44] The Demon contemplated long and hard over the question. Not exactly capable of answering the question. Properly that is. "Depends. If you're anything like your father, it should."
  10. Though the off-giving of another racial trait should've landed an ear towards the affinity the child was kindled with. "If the empowerment doesn't help. I shall change. Another time.~ Though the runic structure of the carvings are by far... /One/ of a kind. Written by a master of the Illyothia tongue. If anything. It shall grow in power, as you do."
  11. (Shiva Vel'Heim)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [06:47] Flint looks over at Shiva he'd look at the rune taking a deep breath placing the weapon upon back. He gaze off into the distance before speaking to the woman.
  16. "Frank adopted me so if you assume that I have the same powers as him I'm sorry to disappoint you."
  18. He's wiggle his ears and wave his tail giving her a clear indication of his orgin.
  20. "I'm a Kitsune"
  21. (Flint Armiger)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [06:48] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Your origins are clear as day, child. But races mean little when compared to what form of combat is actually adopted."
  25. [06:48] Flint Armiger says, "I'm most adapt with fire magic."
  26. [06:49] Flint Armiger says, "I advanced it a bit futher with occult."
  27. [06:49] Shiva Vel'Heim asks, "Why?"
  28. [06:49] Flint Armiger says, "Occult is a choice that I made a while ago I wanted to burn my name out into the world."
  29. [06:50] Flint Armiger says, "Frank said I coudl be something great."
  30. [06:50] Flint Armiger says, "Occult infused flames were the best route."
  31. [06:50] Flint Armiger says, "Having flmaes that burn bright and still as dark as night."
  32. [06:51] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Hm..."
  33. [06:51] Shiva Vel'Heim asks, "Ever hear the term, with great power. Comes, great resonsability?"
  34. [06:52] Flint Armiger says, "Whispers come and go though I plan to learn the art of Nercomany Lady cho had already started teaching me."
  35. [06:52] Flint Armiger says, "Sorry but now Frank tells me a lot and that wasn't one."
  36. [06:52] Flint Armiger says, "So far have failed in certain things."
  37. [06:52] Flint Armiger says, "I can't seem to win all that well due to a lack of practice."
  38. [06:52] Flint Armiger says, "So in a terms of pwer scaling I'm ranking at the bottom as of now."
  39. [06:53] Flint Armiger says, "I'm correct he refered to you as Lady Shiva a force to be reckoned with."
  40. [06:54] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "That is likely so. . . And they, are not wrong. I am, but the weakest of my race and yet... The strongest at the same time."
  41. [06:54] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "A mere, perspective."
  42. [06:54] Flint Armiger says, "It's an nonor to meet you."
  43. [06:54] Flint Armiger asks, "How do you view yourself Lady Shiva?"
  44. [06:55] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "I am all, but a statue now. Child. A remaining Pillar of a past filled with stagnation and productivity."
  45. [06:55] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "An example persay."
  46. [06:55] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "That /nothing/ is impossible."
  47. [06:56] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "As i'm merely a /summoner/ yet i've conjured and battle giants unlike any, humans have ever seen."
  48. [06:56] Flint Armiger says, "You sound amazing."
  49. [06:57] Flint Armiger says, "Something I wish to do, somebody I can wish to become."
  50. [06:57] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "It can only become a reality, if you someday come control your use over the occult."
  51. [06:58] Flint Armiger says, "I don't knwo if I'm incontrol or not."
  52. [06:58] Flint Armiger says, "Due to recent events"
  53. [06:58] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Then this means, you did not choose. Occult."
  54. [06:58] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "It, choose. You."
  55. [06:58] Flint Armiger asks, "What do you mean by that?"
  56. [06:58] Shiva Vel'Heim asks, "What are dark and light?"
  57. [06:58] Shiva Vel'Heim asks, "Holy and Occult?"
  58. [06:58] Flint Armiger says, "I can't tell if you statment."
  59. [06:58] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Arcane, child."
  60. [06:58] Flint Armiger says, "Occult is dark magic and holy is light."
  61. [06:58] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "These magics are the Arcane."
  62. [06:59] Flint Armiger says, "I understand that nw."
  63. [06:59] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "There is no such thing as light and darkness."
  64. [06:59] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "There is only the Arcane."
  65. [06:59] Flint Armiger says, "I see."
  66. [06:59] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "To pursue your dreams of controling the occult. You must pursue not the occultic ways, but the arcane."
  67. [07:00] Flint Armiger says, "So the Arcane."
  68. [07:00] Flint Armiger says, "I have no idea how one even begin to do this."
  69. [07:01] Shiva casually raises her arm up, spreading all fingers from their hand outward in every direction. To their fullest reaches and suddenly what sprawled forth was undeniable proof to their existence.
  71. A being of impurities as tore forth a wicked sickle through the air in form of Telekinesis. Blasting everything away as it hurdled towards the waters.
  72. (Shiva Vel'Heim)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [07:02] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "That is where you begin."
  76. [07:04] Flint looks at her his hands together taking a bit of note of something not really sure what it was. He could only assume Arcane at the very least since that was the topic of the conversation.
  78. "Please explain a more of what I'm looking at? You said I was to start here, Well what is here? What's that magic and how does one even achieve it? I could assume Arcane magic, right?"
  79. (Flint Armiger)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [07:07] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "To achieve the powers of the Arcane, the first step taken is to. . . Fall in line."
  83. [07:07] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Which you have done."
  84. [07:07] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Taking in the occult."
  85. [07:08] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "The Arcane itself is exactly as I explained. Both Order and Chaos. "
  86. [07:08] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "The power I unleashed is the. . . Baseline."
  87. [07:08] Flint Armiger says, "Baseline."
  88. [07:08] Flint Armiger asks, "How do I get to where you are?"
  89. [07:08] Shiva Vel'Heim exclaims, "Immortality!"
  90. [07:09] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Because I am far beyond reach of humans."
  91. [07:09] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Prowess, I can be matched. But my knowledge."
  92. [07:09] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Is without equal."
  93. [07:09] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Regardless. . . Meditate. Consume thoughts of /why/ you have done what you done. And expand upon them."
  94. [07:10] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Visualize where your ambitions will lead you."
  95. [07:10] Shiva Vel'Heim exclaims, "Explode with emotions of bravado, ego!"
  96. [07:10] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "And then. . . Once the Chalice is filled to the brim."
  97. [07:10] Shiva Vel'Heim exclaims, "You must. . . Spill it all!"
  98. [07:10] Flint Armiger says, "Well if it took you a while.."
  99. [07:10] Flint Armiger says, "I would die even trying to attempt this."
  100. [07:10] Shiva Vel'Heim says, "Ah. . . Child you'll be fine.~ As I said, prowess I can be matched. As such, you body filled with magic shall adapt."
  101. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [08:18] After months of waiting for Lady Cho to give lesson he put Necromancy on hold there was something else that peeked his intrest something that Lady Shiva said to him. He'd cross his legs stilling in the middle of the room in the palm of his hand was occult based energy.
  104. He'd hold it getting a feel of it power in attempt to find the deeper meaning of occult magic which Lady Shiva referred to as "Arcane Magic" it goes deeper and just dark and light, holy and occult. Instructions that were given to him were very vague giving him little to no direction of how he was suppose to begin. The two statements being meditation and that occult or Arcane magic chose him and not the other way around.
  106. The first part he believe to get him closer to what Lady Shiva showed him would be meditation.
  108. Why did occult choose me? That was the question of the day wasn't it? I Flint the name Flint was given for my love and passion of fire. But occult manifested itself into my life to enlighten my flames something beautiful that burn just as bright despite how dark.
  110. Occult choose me in hopes that I.. Flint would have a, deeper understanding? Maybe that I would be committed enough too, breaker the common meaning of Occult? Development of something completely new? Lady Shiva seems to think so by consuming my thoughts and expressing why I did this. There is no more Holy and Occult only Order and Chaos though my own actions and the worlds order…I fall under Chaos?
  112. The Arcane magic Lady Shiva showed me she referred too as the baseline of Chaos I presume then that is what I must follow in order to achieve the knowledge and understanding. Arcane magic is enlightenment and Chaos is entering my life to create a better version of myself.
  114. Though any means this was…, Faith? brushing at my door step or dwelling deep within me waiting for me to have a deeper understanding before reveling itself to me. Arcane doesn't seek to control…, Maybe? Maybe the weak minded fall victim to self-proclaimed…, Madness? Though Arcane would be a higher order that enlightens, Right? So madness would not longer existent? That would be a cover up to act reckless and blame actions on…, Something you don't understand?
  116. This makes sense though could it even be remotely correct? So why did I do it? Why did Lady Shiva seek to give me this bit of knowledge that makes me question myself? To become better than most my age? Yes! most my age worry of trivial earthly matters not wanting to pressure further knowledge enlightenment.
  118. The Occult magic seems to be reaction to his thoughts shifting calmly moving as if it's trying to break free from restraints, but restraints from what? The falls reality of the world? How people make it out to really be? Flint takes a bit of notice of theMagic before suddenly disperses of it.
  119. (Flint Armiger)
  121. Flint sat down on the floor his legs cross over one another yet again more of his, Arcane? magic floating from his hand. The room had a dark feel to it almost as if he was drawing all the chaos from the area. He'd being to dwindle into his deeper thoughts again a place visited recently but not as often as it should be a place that can store knowledge.
  123. "Arcane? The power within is not that of occult, occult is just a stepping stool to the great and turn power of…Chaos? Chaos being, Destruction or enlightenment? Does Chaos furthers ones potential? It's must right? or ones true nature and reckless behavior? What must I give or what must I Flint accept in order to…create Chaos? No…No, Arcane magic.
  125. Ones own connection with themselves that's what it must be a connection that leads you down a path…a path that leads to chaos but enlightenment. The enlightenment then leads you to, Arcane magics? of Chaos in which it feeds from? The basic…the basic form of occult? no…no I must have back tracked. There is no occult only Arcane and with Arcane there is Chaos and Order stated by Lady Shiva. Therefore the Chaos lost within the title "Occult" is a suppressed form? Yes it have to be suppressed for of Chaos which gives you…new magic?
  127. No…no not new magic, magic unknow to those who don't wish to seek it? something as small as what Lady Shiva spoke about left me confused…no not confused teaching. Yes…teaching? Why did I fall in line? To make dawn a better place, boarder guard and son of Frank. To learn of the teachings of Azrael…I think I understand, My faith in Azrael and the presence of Dawn the Arcane magic found me? Lady Shiva said it found me though I'm not in control…We are in control. Yes that must be it the flames were my own doing and the enlightenment allowed me to see them burn brighter in a more pure form… Chaos?"
  129. Flint maybe figured out something but whos to say weather he's right or wrong. He'd squeeze the Arcane magic in his hands the bright but pure form of his flames coursing thorough his body.
  131. "I need more answers to know If I'm right on wrong I hope that Lady Shiva returns soon, or must I find another source of information? Or must I continue on my own? As I seen with Lady Cho you can't relay on anyone seeing as they…put you on hold? or they do what they want when they want the only true person to count on is yourself, but can you though?"
  132. (Flint Armiger)
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