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Discussion between Bud0011 and SomeColorMage

a guest
Nov 12th, 2010
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  1. [02:25] == bud0011 [62718f40@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #SEIWA
  2. [02:26] <bud0011> hey SomeColorMage
  3. [02:26] <SomeColorMage> Hi
  4. (useless chat about previous chat in which nothing constructive was achieved)
  5. [02:50] <SomeColorMage> I think if we can prove a net gain, we could convince the admins
  6. [02:50] <SomeColorMage> So here's what I'm thinking
  7. [02:50] <SomeColorMage> Start by launching KHWiki as independent and only them
  8. [02:51] <SomeColorMage> If we get proof that this does work, we could have a good standing
  9. [02:51] <bud0011> agreed
  10. [02:52] <SomeColorMage> Most of the other potential alliance members are small or dead anyway
  11. [02:52] <bud0011> well, i can help get them out.
  12. [02:52] <bud0011> i just have no place to put them, atm
  13. [02:52] <bud0011>
  14. [02:53] <bud0011> i am helping get the F-Zero Wiki off wikia
  15. [02:53] <SomeColorMage> Hmm
  16. [02:54] * bud0011 start logging
  17. [02:54] <SomeColorMage> Well, one wiki at a time, I guess
  18. [02:54] <bud0011> true
  19. [02:55] <bud0011> something i will want to bring up in the next meeting:
  20. [02:55] <bud0011> how many wiki's should we wait for before SEIWA is launched?
  21. [02:55] <bud0011> (assuming independence is choosen
  22. [02:55] <bud0011> )
  23. [02:56] <SomeColorMage> Well, it depends on the size
  24. [02:56] <bud0011> true
  25. [02:56] <SomeColorMage> 3 big wikis would work
  26. [02:56] <SomeColorMage> But, that'd probably be KH, FF, and something else
  27. [02:56] <bud0011> hm...
  28. [02:57] <SomeColorMage> I don't really know the answer to this one
  29. [02:57] <bud0011> neither do i
  30. [02:58] <bud0011> i got it!
  31. [02:58] <bud0011> the SE Wiki
  32. [02:59] <SomeColorMage> Hmm?
  33. [02:59] <bud0011>
  34. [03:00] <SomeColorMage> Ah
  35. [03:00] <SomeColorMage> I kinda glanced over parts of that
  36. [03:00] <bud0011> If i am reading it correctly, The_Inexistent wants the SE Wiki to be SEIWA's main site
  37. [03:00] <SomeColorMage> I didn't know that SEIWA was a big idea until 2 days ago, so it's a bit tl;dr
  38. [03:00] <bud0011> it happens
  39. [03:01] <SomeColorMage> I think I get
  40. [03:01] <SomeColorMage> it
  41. [03:01] <SomeColorMage> Kinda like ?
  42. [03:01] <bud0011> indeed
  43. [03:01] <bud0011> how active is that wiki?
  44. [03:01] <SomeColorMage> Squarewiki is another one FFWiki colonised at one point
  45. [03:01] <SomeColorMage> But I don't think it was used much
  46. [03:02] <bud0011> ok
  47. [03:02] <bud0011> does that wiki only cover pre-merger games?
  48. [03:02] <SomeColorMage> I dunno
  49. [03:02] <SomeColorMage> But SilverCrono is the only Recent Activity name I recognise
  50. [03:03] <bud0011> ok.
  51. [03:03] <SomeColorMage> And Crono's on our side
  52. [03:03] <SomeColorMage> Something goes right!
  53. [03:03] * bud0011 nods
  54. [03:04] <bud0011>
  55. [03:05] <bud0011> it has 5 content pages
  56. [03:05] <SomeColorMage> Didn't know about that one
  57. [03:05] <SomeColorMage> That may be one to ignore though
  58. [03:05] <bud0011> agreed
  59. [03:05] <SomeColorMage> The main page is all links to other wikis
  60. [03:06] <bud0011> maybe we can take the Square wiki and expand it to a SE Wiki
  61. [03:06] <SomeColorMage> OK, the staff is Bluer and two people I don't know
  62. [03:06] <SomeColorMage> Square wiki may not fly
  63. [03:06] <SomeColorMage> But
  64. [03:06] <SomeColorMage> We can easily make our own
  65. [03:07] <bud0011> true
  66. [03:07] <SomeColorMage> Assuming this is like a central thing
  67. [03:07] <SomeColorMage> You know, if we have a wiki for it, we annex the information there
  68. [03:08] <SomeColorMage> Double But
  69. [03:08] <bud0011> 0_0
  70. [03:08] <SomeColorMage> Bluer is not active on Square Wiki
  71. [03:08] <SomeColorMage> It's just someone called Icysugarspike
  72. [03:08] <SomeColorMage> It may go after all
  73. [03:09] <bud0011> alright.
  74. [03:09] <SomeColorMage> I honestly don't know what'll happen there
  75. [03:09] <SomeColorMage> If it joins, good, if not, no big loss
  76. [03:09] <bud0011> what we are going to need to do is contact anyone who may still care for the variuos wiki's, even if the wiki is abandoned.
  77. [03:10] <SomeColorMage> If the wiki is abandoned, it's pretty much free
  78. [03:11] <SomeColorMage> If you want to be really formal, you could ask Wikia staff
  79. [03:11] <SomeColorMage> But you can still legally copy it, credit Wikia, then turn it into our own wiki
  80. [03:11] <bud0011> "Dear Wikia Staff, i would like to take charge of X wiki b/ci wish to take it off of wikia...."
  81. [03:12] <SomeColorMage> Yeah, that won't work :P
  82. [03:12] <SomeColorMage> If you move a wiki, Wikia keeps a copy anyway
  83. [03:12] <SomeColorMage> So like they care
  84. [03:12] <bud0011> yea....
  85. [03:14] <bud0011> so anyway, we need three active wiki's
  86. [03:14] <SomeColorMage> of decent size
  87. [03:14] <bud0011> and then we need to put them in a room so they can start voting on new members.....
  88. [03:14] <bud0011> or start new wikis
  89. [03:15] <SomeColorMage> brb
  90. [03:16] <bud0011> for example, right around the time NIWA was launched, WiKirby and Metroid Wiki were started by people from Zelda Wiki.
  91. [03:16] <bud0011> But they didn't become part of NIWA until they were ready
  92. [03:16] <bud0011> ok
  93. [03:18] <SomeColorMage> back
  94. [03:18] <bud0011> what i need to keep remebering, is what works for niwa may not work for everyone else.
  95. [03:18] <bud0011> welcome back
  96. [03:19] <SomeColorMage> A lot should work though
  97. [03:19] <bud0011> true
  98. [03:23] <bud0011> do you think the FF and KH wikis would have enough users to work on other wikis, as they were brought over?
  99. [03:23] <SomeColorMage> Yea
  100. [03:24] <SomeColorMage> How do you think the KHWiki got so big?
  101. [03:24] <SomeColorMage> Us
  102. [03:24] <bud0011> makes sense.
  103. [03:25] <bud0011> Then what might happen, is 1) just the two wikis are exported 2) SEIWA forums are set up 3) each time a new wiki is either opened or brought over, a thread is made on the forums asking for people to come over and help improve the wiki
  104. [03:26] <SomeColorMage> Right
  105. [03:26] <SomeColorMage> But like I mentioned earlier, prove that KHWiki can do it first
  106. [03:26] <bud0011> yeap
  107. [03:26] <SomeColorMage> It'll remove a lot of doubt
  108. [03:28] <SomeColorMage> The KHWiki is moving regardless of SEIWA, right?
  109. [03:28] <bud0011> pending the results of the revote
  110. [03:28] <SomeColorMage> Oh, right
  111. [03:28] <SomeColorMage> But they are towards leaving if the last vote is an indication
  112. [03:29] <bud0011> yeap.
  113. [03:29] <bud0011> Maybe i should offer to help run the vote.
  114. [03:29] <SomeColorMage> Well, good luck with that
  115. [03:29] <bud0011> :)
  116. [03:30] <bud0011>
  117. [03:30] <bud0011> i list the 5(?) options you guys have, as far as i know
  118. [03:32] <SomeColorMage> Well, I'm not a KHWiki person, so while a am pro move, I think they might remove the vote of someone with only 9 edits
  119. [03:32] <SomeColorMage> All of which are over a year ago
  120. [03:32] <bud0011> this is true
  121. [03:32] <bud0011> did i ask you which wiki you came from....?
  122. [03:32] <SomeColorMage> FFWiki
  123. [03:32] <bud0011> ok, then i didn't
  124. [03:33] <bud0011> are you an admin there?
  125. [03:33] <SomeColorMage> I'm not a staff
  126. [03:33] <SomeColorMage> However, I've been there a few years, so I have some saying power
  127. [03:34] <SomeColorMage> I managed to get people to keep the main forum board on topic :)
  128. [03:34] <bud0011> nice
  129. [03:35] <SomeColorMage> And I'm friends with Yuan, so I have an in route with the admins
  130. [03:35] <SomeColorMage> Not a strong one, but they'll listen to me
  131. [03:35] <SomeColorMage> Sometimes
  132. [03:36] <SomeColorMage> A lot of the active admins are pretty stuck on not wanting to move
  133. [03:36] <SomeColorMage> For the time being, anyway
  134. [03:36] <SomeColorMage> Which just leads back to the KHWiki thing
  135. [03:36] <bud0011> yeap
  136. [03:37] <bud0011> <-- do you think i should post there?
  137. [03:37] <bud0011> about SEIWA, i mean
  138. [03:37] <SomeColorMage> That topic's kinda dead
  139. [03:37] <SomeColorMage> You want to propose it now, start a new topic
  140. [03:38] <bud0011> Under "Rin's Travel Agency!"?
  141. [03:38] <SomeColorMage> Yep
  142. [03:38] <bud0011> would now be a good time, or should i wait until sometime later ?
  143. [03:39] <SomeColorMage> Hmm
  144. [03:39] <SomeColorMage> I'd wait a day
  145. [03:39] <SomeColorMage> Get our next big meeting going
  146. [03:39] <bud0011> good idea. I shouldn't be posting at 4 AM anyway....
  147. [03:39] <SomeColorMage> Make sure everyone knows about what we're thinking with launching KHWiki first, then SEIWA
  148. [03:40] <bud0011> indeed
  149. [03:40] <SomeColorMage> Also, 4 AM?
  150. [03:40] <SomeColorMage> What's your timezone?
  151. [03:40] <bud0011> Eastern, in the US
  152. [03:40] <SomeColorMage> I'm in Sydney, so it's only about 8PM here
  153. [03:41] <bud0011> anyway. I am out of topics to talk about.
  154. [03:42] <bud0011> anything else you got?
  155. [03:42] <SomeColorMage> Nope
  156. [03:42] <bud0011> ok.
  157. [03:42] * bud0011 logging off
  158. [03:43] <SomeColorMage> OK
  159. [03:43] <SomeColorMage> Bye
  160. [03:43] <bud0011> i am going to pastebin this, and then post it the the SEP topic
  161. [03:43] <SomeColorMage> I'll be going too, not much to talk about if someone else shows up
  162. [03:43] <SomeColorMage> Understood
  163. [03:44] <SomeColorMage> Again, bye
  164. [03:44] == SomeColorMage [~scm@] has left #SEIWA []
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