
Text Adventure Chapter 21 Log

Jun 10th, 2014
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  1. >Y
  2. [Pinkie gives Stringtie Manticore Hide.]
  3. >The shopowner looks at the material for a second, then does a double-take at Pinkie when she realized what it was.
  4. >”Manticore hide? This is… exotic! It’s unbelievable quality, too, where did you find it?
  5. >You take a look at Pinkie to see her response.
  6. >She scratches her head and gives an awkward smile.
  7. >”Uuh, Well it was such a silly thing, we were in the Everfree, umm…”
  8. >She stopped, trying to find the words.
  9. >You just realized how innocent Pinkie is.
  10. “We were acting in self defense and we ended up taking it down… So we put the poor fella to use one last time.”
  11. >Stringtie nods in understanding, taking it back wordlessly.
  12. “Uuh, w-wait, how much is it!?”
  13. >”It’s just a base, I’ll be done in a few minutes. No charge!”
  14. >Well, fucking sweet.
  15. >While you were waiting for both of the tailormares to finish, you look back at Redheart for a moment.
  16. >”So, what did you whisper to Rarity, might I ask?”
  17. “It’s a surprise, you’ll see in a second. Oh, by the way, can we split our medkits evenly for now? I might need them, if that’s alright.”
  18. >”Sure! … I have four on me.”
  19. “I have… two.”
  20. [Redheart give you a Medkit.]
  21. >Now that’s done, and you were still waiting.
  22. >Rarity would be a while, but Stringtie would only be a few minutes.
  23. >Would you like to do anything while waiting?
  27. >You’re getting a bit bored, but you have some things on your mind.
  28. >For example, you are about to enter a tournament that Wheaties, despite knowing your capabilities, told you to watch out for.
  29. >Maybe a little bit of practice wouldn’t hurt.
  30. “Hey guys, either of you feel like sparring?”
  31. >Both of them look a bit unenthusiastic.
  32. >You could understand; last time you tried it with Red, it was a complete failure, and Pinkie is still probably getting used to seeing sharp objects.
  33. >You shrug and decide you aren’t going to push it, you could mess around later when you weren’t inside an expensive store.
  34. >During this time, you decide to look around at some of the displays that are here, while making small talk with your friend and marefriend.
  35. >All of the mannequins seem to be pony and Gryphon-shaped, making it a bit hard for you to imagine these high-quality cuts on you.
  36. >You pass the time looking and talking with Pinkie and Red about what foods to eat while you were sick, to which they both expressed disgust for chicken soup.
  37. >Nobody likes chicken soup for the soul, damnit.
  38. >Before you know it, the time had passed quite quickly and Stringtie re-appears.
  39. >”All done! Hopefully this will fit her nicely, will it not?”
  40. >Pinkie bounces up to the counter and grabs it with her mouth, a happy expression on her face.
  41. >”Thmmf youuu!”
  42. >That’s Ponka for you.
  43. >”Hey, Nonny~”
  44. >Huh?
  45. >You look at Pinkie and see her modeling the base armor, well formed to her body and keeping her pink, shiny, bouncy rump exposed.
  46. >For a second, you caught yourself staring and look at Redheart, who had her eyebrow raised while staring at you.
  47. “L-looks good, Pinkie.”
  48. >She giggles, but you couldn’t tell if it was a funny giggle or not…
  49. >Stringtie takes this lull in conversation to speak.
  50. >”By the way, I checked in with Rarity, and she said it would be about 30 minutes to get out the stains and stitch it. I would do some other things while you wait, but you’re free to browse the shop, if you’d like?”
  52. -Buy
  53. -Sell
  54. -Modify
  55. -Exit
  56. -Speak to Stringtie
  57. -Speak to Rarity (Unavailable)
  61. >”By the way, all of my wares come in any desired color, but multiple colors cost extra!”
  62. [HEADWARE]
  63. -Sunhat (“Keeps the sun out of your eyes! What else?” [24 bits])
  64. -Coif (“It keeps you cool under the heat, a high plus if I might say.” [Lowers exhaustion rate, 40 bits])
  65. -Stetson hat (“This one’s a fan favorite, I have someone from Ponyville ordering these by the crateful!” [45 bits, slightly increases leg strength])
  66. -Ballcap (“Oh, it’s not very fancy, but any colt comes in here and this is the first thing they look at.” [10 bits])
  67. -Pork Pie hat (“I keep getting strange bald stallions buying these. A lot of them have goatees too, I wonder if it’s a trend…” [50 bits, slightly increases alchemy output])
  68. -Fedora (“A wonderful and classy choice. I remember the first time I sold one, it was returned because this couple’s son got spaghetti sauce all over it.” [70 bits])
  69. -Tophat (“High Class for High Ponies!” [100 bits])
  72. -Corset (“Tight and stringy, keeps a nice form for you mares.” [40 bits])
  73. -White-collar Dress Shirt (“It looks grand on any stallion, or what’s it called, hyooman?” [40 bits])
  74. -Swashbuckler’s Shirt (“Unisex and Universal, you can’t go out without something stylish like this.” [30 bits])
  75. -’I wish I weren’t here right now’ T-shirt (“A little humor can brighten up anyone’s day, don’t you think?” [15 bits])
  76. -Thick winter coat (“The summer doesn’t last forever, and it works for those rough-weather days if you still need to go out.” [45 bits])
  77. -Flannel Shirt (“A bit uncouth for sure, but it comes with ultimate comfort, and the ponies of the south seem to like it!” [20 bits])
  80. -Checker-pattern skirt (“It has a librarian look to it, and it’s quite breezy.” [15 bits])
  81. -Bell-bottom shorts (“A set of shorts that remind us of a simpler time…” [15 bits])
  82. -Genuine Kilt (“The forefathers of the gryphons started this trend, and it’s the best way for stallions and er, men alike to enjoy open-ended breezes!” [30 bits])
  83. -Overalls (“For the dirtier jobs, so you don’t have to have so much laundry.” [25 bits])
  84. -Black Latex Covers (“Don’t wear it out in the sun, it gets very hot!” [35 bits])
  87. -Avian Leather Boots [You currently own this item]
  88. -Cowpony Boots (“The boots of the west!” [Lowers exaustion rate, 50 bits]
  89. -Black Latex Boots (“Whether for those kinky nights or for sneaking around, there’s many uses for these.” [40 bits])
  90. -Stockings (“A bit of lingerie for the bedroom, tame, but enticing. Comes in patterns of diamond, hearts, bubbles, and all kinds of colors!” [20 bits])
  91. -Crystal Slippers (“It’s like you’re a real princess, real crystal too!” [100 bits])
  94. -Gala-themed Dress (“If you don’t have a home pattern, then this is a great look for the upcoming Gala!” [80 bits])
  95. -Celestia-themed Dress (“Praise the Sun!” [80 bits])
  96. -Luna-themed Dress (“Praise the Moon!” [80 bits])
  97. -Crystal/Cadance-themed Dress (“Praise the ...uh, crystals?” [80 bits])
  98. >”I only have a few sets of robes, but I received them from Fortuna Potions in their big sale, so I believe they have magical qualities!”
  99. -Magician’s Robes (+6 MP, +5 MA [95 bits])
  100. -Practitioner’s Robes (+4 MP, +10% medkit/healing effectiveness [95 bits])
  101. -Royal Robes (+2 MP, Allows passage into Crystal Palace with appropriate ID [150 bits, Royal I.D.])
  102. -Highguard Robes (+12 MP, x1.5 MA, +10 MD [200 bits])
  103. >"So, what do you like?
  105. -Buy item(s)
  106. -Return to menu
  107. -Speak to Stringtie
  108. -Wait
  112. “That’s alright, we’re saving bits for other things right now, I was just expecting to pay for the base and the stitching, but you really helped us out.
  113. >”Oh, you’re very welcome, but please, if you need anything else, feel free to return! I’ll see if I can’t help her so it comes along quicker.”
  114. >Stringtie leaves for the back, and you think about what you needed to do.
  115. >Whether Red or Pinkie want to or not, you need to practice even if it means by yourself.
  116. “Alright, I’m going to go have a little training session outside if you guys want to watch.”
  117. >”Okey dokey lokey!”
  118. >”Don’t be too reckless now, Anon.”
  119. >They follow you outside, where you draw your spear and start spinning it around, getting a good feel of the weight and balance.
  120. >For every little bit of training you do, it feels like you get more and more proficient, but you never actually learned how to feel where the spear goes, how to move it, and it cost you a little bit of potential.
  121. >For the next half hour, you attempt to remedy this….
  122. >...
  123. >”I wish I could handle my spear like that, goodness!”
  124. >”Wow Nonny, that was so cool, you’re all like woosh and fwing and shlick!”
  125. >You hold up your spear on your shoulder, letting your nose hang in the air at the compliments.
  126. >Oh yeah, you did really well.
  127. >It never occured to you to just feel it out, and you’ve come up with something good for the tournament.
  128. [UNLOCKED FLAMESCYTHE (You overcharge the enchantment on your spear using your unbound magic to create a powerful electroflame slash attack.) {Good attack, +10 MA, 4 turn CD, 2 MP}]
  129. >Stringtie just then pops her head out of the window, waving down your group.
  130. >”She’s finished, everypony, come in and see!”
  131. >You make your way inside, wondering how it will turn out…
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