
Guild master game idea

May 13th, 2020
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  1. Guild master (similar to trimps/idle RPG style)
  2. Hub world is a guild hall which can be upgraded for Gold. (increases job exp, gold earned, rep gain, max guild size, etc)
  3. 6 base Jobs (1 character present for each)
  4. - Healer (magic attack + speed)
  5. - Archer (attack)
  6. - Assassin (attack + speed)
  7. - Mage (magic attack)
  8. - Swordsman (attack + defense)
  9. - Guardian (defense + attack)
  11. Unlockable Jobs
  12. - Scavenger
  13. - Samurai
  14. - Theif
  15. - Monk (speed + defense)
  16. - Lancer
  17. - Ranger
  18. - Marksman
  19. - Cat
  20. - Fish
  21. - Wolf
  22. - Bard (buffs)
  23. - Knight
  24. - Cavalryman
  25. - Hunter
  26. - Puppeteer
  27. - Tamer
  28. - Druid
  29. - Bush
  30. - Summoner
  31. - Swashbuckler (Speed + multi hit attacks + debuffs)
  32. - Traveler
  33. - Necromancer
  34. - Pyromancer
  35. - Cryomancer
  36. - A second Cat
  37. - Succubus
  38. - Werewolf
  39. - Harpy
  40. - Vampire (Attack + healing)
  41. - Slime (HP + poison)
  43. Each Job earns passive gold based on level.
  45. Select a job holder to go on an adventure to gain exp for that job holder.
  46. Send will do nothing until you watch, at which point it will play at greatly increased speed
  47. Can send as many classes as you want adventuring at a time.
  48. Can recall an adventurer at any time (faster than watching but ends adventure prematurely if not finished)
  49. On send screen you can see all adventurers current health.
  50. Adventures have set areas which end in a boss, and then loop forever (with a boss at a constant interval) every loop increases enemy stats/stat growth rate, as well as exp/gold gain.
  51. Can buy maps (class later to write your own better maps/increase map efficiency) for each zone after a clear to increase the speed at which you travel through the zone.
  52. - With base map you travel 20% faster for 50% of max distance in that zone, with best possible you will travel 50% faster for 80% of max distance reached.
  53. Certain Areas will have a permanent bonus for clearing them.
  54. Certain Classes will unlock for clearing a zone.
  55. Certain Jobs/abilities/classes will unlock for clearing a zone with a specific job.
  56. Killing enemies while on an adventure will drop crafting materials and/or gold.
  57. Rare enemies will wear defenisve equipment which they drop when defeated.
  59. 10 base Classes
  61. - Blacksmith (makes weapons)
  62. - Scribe (makes maps)
  63. - Chef (makes at home healing items)
  64. - Alchemist (makes potions)
  65. - Herbalist (collects herbs while adventuring)
  66. - Maid (cleans guild hall)
  67. - Painter (passive income)
  68. - Carpenter (passive income + decreases building times)
  69. - Baker (makes on adventure healing items)
  71. Unlockable Classes
  73. - Teacher (increases class exp gain)
  74. - Chemist (increases potion/poison effectiveness)
  75. - Zoologist (increases animal exp)
  76. - Phyisist (increases blacksmith efficiency, decreases building cost)
  77. - Bartender (increases at home Regen rate)
  78. - Banker (gain interest on stored gold)
  79. - Florist (makes more herbs spawn in world)
  80. - Botanist (makes better ingredients spawn in the world)
  81. - Weaver (blacksmith for defensive items)
  82. - Analyist (increases efficiency of things)
  84. Each character selects a class to be, and gains exp for that class while on an adventure.
  85. Class exp/bonuses apply to all characters in guild, as well as not reseting when your characters die.
  86. Can unlock some Classes after developing your guild surroouding area.
  87. Can unlock some Classes after getting certain materials from adventuring.
  89. Instead of gaining levels you just gain exp which you can spend on a skill tree.
  91. Each job/class have their own skill tree.
  93. Job Skill bonuses are +%s (linear with self), class skill bonuses are flat +.
  95. Skill tree has 3 parts, 1 for offense, 1 for defense, 1 for job/class specific skills.
  97. Each tree has multiple levels, unlocking with enough levels in the previous level.
  99. Basic stat boost are +1 stat, growing at a rate of 100% cost per level. Higher levels will decrease growth rate with higher base gain/cost
  101. You can at any point send your entire guild (who are not currently adventuring) on a grand adventure to earn more reputation (perk points) which kills the job holders, earning 0 gold and losing all job exp.
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