
RS Kathy 8/31/19

Mar 30th, 2019
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  69. </style> <div id="box1only">  Overview
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  71.  <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;font-size:50px;line-height:80px;color:#e1bdff;text-align:center;"> The Present Degeneracy  
  72.  <div style="font-size:204px;text-shadow:4px 4px 9px #c682f9;margin-top:190px;letter-spacing:10px;color:#000;"> Time Frames </div>  
  74.  <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;color:#ffeddc;text-align:justify;padding:300px 17px 17px 17px;font-size:48px;line-height:76px;">
  76.   <li> Hello, I'm Kathy WayStone. Because so many have been asking, even demanding that our family's story be written, here we go. And since I have a unique writing style, most of the family decided it should be me to write it. Problem with that is each one of the family members has a different point of view. If I am to write this, each family member is going to have to contribute. So really, I am the collector of each family member's point of view story.
  78. <p><li>Therefore, I'm really the editor of our family's story. After all, what would Matilda know of Drive's memories, or, how could I know what Dr. Uncle was doing in 1332? These things need to be told to me from their points of view. Also, I decided that each one in the family should first fill out a questionaire early in life. Often that's filled in by their mother. Next is a part some will never get.
  80. <p><li>This story will be including sex scenes as a major plot part. Damn any of the torpedoes anyone might launch against it, but the Succubus character is a lot about sex, though ours grow love with sex, and a seemingly magical Gallan power increase results, which is in the children, thereby increasing the total Gallan. This Gallan turns out to be something like Faith: It can move mountains.
  82. <p><li>Those in some Hell, who rebel against Evil, or earn their release from Hell, may enter this Universe. But where? When? Some few have successfully returned to Earth. Born a third time. Born as the Winged Succubus Hermaphrodites they had been while they'd been in hell. (But also in one of many other more or less similar forms.) They look mostly Human.
  84.   <p><li>Those who descend from a "Magnificent" form have large, well made bat looking wings, but that is only a crude description. Looking with any care, one sees these wings are not extensions of the arms. They are partially extensions of the Scapula, and Shoulder bones. The "Lacey" type are very similar, but the skin and tissue create a lacey looking design. Several Succubus types also have feather wings which may be withdrawn under the hair on the neck.
  86.   <p><li>In this update I'm going to make clear some questions that happen.
  88. <p><li>1.  What is Gallan? Gallan exists only in those who return to Earth after being in hell. It comes from SURE KNOWLEGE that there is a heaven universe and a hell universe. You only get that sure knowlege if you have been there. True faith can move a mountain, so can Gallan. True faith is better as far as what it can do, because true faith can touch a fossil and bring it back to not only life, but can return its soul.
  90. <p><li>2.  Why does it seem some who have little memory of their existence in hell have strong gallan? I don't know. Maybe Dr. Uncle or Glimmer-Jewel know, or maybe Blaze knows. But generally that's the way it goes.
  92. <p><li>3. Another major question is, what's this about being born in hell? It is literally true what was told to Nicodemus. To go to the heaven universe you go through gestation there in a mother's womb, and get born in a body suited for that universe. It simply is the way of it. The same is true of how you come to this universe, you go through gestation in a woman's womb,then you get born in a body suited for this universe.
  94.   <p><li> AND, perhaps surprisingly, to go to hell, you go through gestation in a woman's womb, then you get born in a body suited for hell. You can't have YOUR normal human body in hell. How long would it last at 10,000 degrees, and 20 gravities, weighing 3,000 pounds? A quarter of a second? Thing is, a body suited for hell is extra strong and durable in this universe. so,
  96.   <p><li>4.  Why do some of them have part hell bodies? Answer is another one that is in general, but unexplained exceptions abound. (A working theory involves genetics, and partially dominant genes and combinations.) In general. the more genes come from one who has been in hell, the more gallan is expressed, and the more succubus form is expressed. But not always.
  98.   <p><li>(Update 7/16/18) One thing appears to be the reality. It appears that someone in heaven gives permission for the transfer of souls from hell to Earth, and by extension of this appearance, it may well be that any transfer of a spirit from one universe to another is by permission from somewhere in heaven where the power of true faith exists. In order to avoid rebelling, one must accept this as a good thing.
  100.   <p><li>And, to trust the judgment of true faith. This typist does, and the entire WayStone family does. Even those who "escaped" hell, in the end of their "escape" it was the judgment of true faith which gave them permission to transfer their spirit from hell to heaven.
  102.   <p><li>To transfer from one universe to another requires a death followed by a birth in the other universe. Apparently, in hell it is difficult to be allowed to die, and even if they do, only rarely is the rebirth in our universe.
  104.   <p><li>The WayStone family exists as a place for those who are blessed with a reprieve from hell. Though we are spirits who have been bad, very very bad, we have been punished according to our evil behavior, and have been reprieved, are on parole, and are on probation. We have our personality still, with our very bad tendencies. We must, by our outward actions at minimum, behave well and good.
  106.   <p><li>Scheherazade for an excellent example of this, when she felt her granddaughter was made a fool of, called on her cousin Sonia who she knew was good in all things, to do the right thing, and Scheherazade REDIRECTED her anger, which would have caused her to do evil, and break terms of probation. She would have died immediately after doing the evil, and awakened in hell again, never to depart hell again.
  108.   <p><li>Scheherazade's redirected action was to fly, wing powered and naked, to and around Proxima Centauri, and to return. As I type this, she is at relativity velocity, and is manually in time-frame travel. She is pulling Boeing5, the 32 foot wide capsule fully equipped with its service module to do scientific research, with many satellites.
  110. <p><li>Some had earlier been Heaven Angels sentenced to time in Hell, for rebelling or misbehavior, who changed their mind, and decided to love and obey rather than hate or misbehave, or rebel. Some kinds have no wings at all, and only have horns, very similar to Magnificent and Lacey types' horns, of Keratin, as are Goat, Antelope, and Sheep horns. Most of the love growing Succubus types have horns at least vaguely resembling Sheep or Ram horns.
  112.   <p><li>Some have wool, and some have cloven hooves for feet. There is even one now who has no visible sign of a hell body, and appears perfectly human, and is a pure female. She has a very strong gallan, and is only 1/8 human. Genetics.
  114.   <p><li>There are a great many other of Demon-Spawn who have escaped Hell. These mainly produce Demon-Spawn children if they reproduce at all. Demon-Spawn are mainly very bad. Their "Magic" is uncontrolled, and unlearned, but may be powerful, like a live electric wire tossed around in a tornado. Though any one of the weakest of our family's Succubus, even to Gallan bearing Humans, part Succubus, can defeat ten Demon-Spawn, we use the Gallan to effectively avoid this.
  116. <p><li>Our about 70 (updated to 102 as of 7/8/18) family members are rapidly increasing by breeding, in a carefully designed program. The average rate of increase in the WayStone family is slightly more than 1 every 5 days. None have died, but 1 in law member has probably passed on. If anyone hears from MELODY THE NEKO or her typist, please let one of us know.
  118. <p><li>Succubus Love-growing, Gallan bearing children are born hours or days after conception, and usually develop incredibly fast, reaching effectively 18 years of age in a week or so. Sometimes in less than a day. The intelligence is also often much greater. It is a Human intelligence, but the mother-father instills the rapidly growing child with knowledge, and respects the knowledge into the children. Rapidly. They then remain 18 for a million years, and age slowly. Very.
  120. <p><li>In this way, theoretically, in a month, one of us may be a great great great great grandparent. Esther, Sarina, and Dr. Uncle each did that in 6 months. The reason is mainly to increase the total available Gallan to Time-Frame travel.
  122. <p><li>But this typist knows a thing or two. There are those who have earned release from Hell. Our children are repositories for those spirits, and there are a lot of spirits ready for their release. We'll help that be possible, and we will be going to a place and time, a special time-frame, to make our own world, far from those who would curse us for being what we are, with our powerful controlled passions, stronger bodies, abilities to control physics, and with a different life cycle.
  124.   <p><li>How do we say this? We love you humans, but you fear and hate us, so to release you from the desire to curse us further, we leave you. Here is a riddle for you Humans who hate us: Some of you are us! You never know who. Carolynnia has been among you over a thousand years as an example. I can say her name, yet you don't know who she is.
  126. <p><li>This may also be updated. In May 2018, a delegation from our family went before the security council of the United Nations to alleviate the human fears of us. A treaty was signed, and an economic alliance was made when we informed them of the power of the hadron collider we made on the far side of the moon, and our ability to give precious elements at little or no cost. Prior to major influxes, economic studies are being done to decide the best way to proceed with this plan.
  128. <p><li>This Heaven and Hell, what is it, or are they, is a most reasonable question. From your typist's experience, and from what Dr. Uncle has learned, it may be described, a thing which should not be too overly surprising. Understand and consider that, just as any random thing happens, and then becomes history, if that random circumstance changes, then a different history follows.
  130.   <p><li>In most epochs and ages of time, reckoned as less than 13 billion years, almost all changed circumstances result in a Universe basically the same as the one we live in, with details changed.
  132.   <p><li>Even if you went back one billion years, and used some technology to explode a star, there would be recognizable changes in that star's Galaxy and perhaps region, yet it is still the same Universe as a whole.
  134. <p><li>Ok, go back 13.2 billion years, and blow up a thousand stars at random. Now you get a different looking universe, with most or all Galaxies not being recognizable, but you know, it's still the same Universe, just different galaxy clusters, different walls and superclusters, but still filled with stars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Now go back further in time!
  136.   <p><li>Go back to the moment the near singularity did a shrink, (which is technically called a degeneracy event while that "shrinkage" stabilizes.), because it gained mass some way, and had to gain a new equilibrium, stability. That's right. No big bang. It was a new shrinkage, or properly called degeneracy event.
  138. <p><li>But, change that shrinkage 13.798 billion years ago instead of just blowing up some stars, and now come forward in time, and you may see a VASTLY different kind of Universe. Maybe one where you walk across time, and distance is measured as passing by on a clock(!) Wait for it, here comes Montana, I'll be back by California for supper, it's only a 20 year walk...whew, conversations would have a very different normalness to them.
  140. <p>li>Something like that is the Heaven or Hell Universe. They have their own physics. Hell seems to be more similar to our Universe. Heaven seems to be able to move around in the time dimension.
  142. <p><li>They are different Universes from one another as well as this one. There also seems to be more communication between Heaven and Hell, than either has with our Universe.
  144. <p><li>In our family's story we have Hell communicating with our Universe, but for the most part, hiding from us by going to our past, somewhere in Earth's past 4.5 billion years, and then slipping forward to different time-frames than the natural, presumably central, time-frame this typist is presently typing in. Alright reader, you may go get another cup of coffee.
  146. <p><li>Scheherazade became very upset on the evening of the 16th of July 2018, and hastily put together her own flyby mission to the Centauri system. She was angered at how she thought her granddaughter was being treated. Dr. Uncle and several others put the mission together from plans already in place. She did this for a variety of reasons, including not agreeing with all the postponements, and as an alternative to anger. She sets anger aside by accomplishing things.
  148. <p><li>One other reason some may not understand is, that Scheherazade knows when something dangerous needs to be done, and if it truly needs to be done, she would rather it be herself put in harm's way than anyone she loves, knowing she has the best odds of survival, and not wanting to lose anyone she loves. When Scheherazade returns from Proxima Centauri, I'll have her explain just what the paragraph above means.
  150. <p><li>Just in from Dr. Uncle at Mystic Cabin control, Scheherazade is expanding her mission to include a flyby of the entire Centauri system to retrieve more data, attempt a visual and communication with the Lucunditas, and will return on 7/26/18, 3 days sooner, but will endure nearly 80 g's at Alpha. She is presently passing light speed, shifting all quantum to large force. This is a first.
  152.   <p><li>Today is the day Scheherazade loops around Alpha Centauri. A day of great concern in our family. Sonia and Esther are praying, as is the entire family. At 80 g forces, even with all the preparations, anything could go wrong, and not even Scheherazade's strength could move anything against it. Put like this, a 100 pound person at 80 g's weighs 4 tons, Scheherazade has equipment and supplies and protection on her body which add to 400 pounds. That's 16 tons.
  154. <p><li>During the maneuver she will not breathe at all, that's for 5 minutes, not a problem, if all goes well, but her ribs and wings will crush, so she has the alchem calcium rubber enhancer in her system. She is also pulling Boeing5's supply module. Boeing5 was detached yesterday to do a flyby of the Beta Centauri system, as were most of the satellites, each set for different orbits. The supply module has things essential for Scheherazade's safety.
  156.   <p><li>Taklamakan and Joshua departed 3 days ago to rendezvous with her 60% out, and to assist with her braking. That should be tomorrow. Delphina and OniSan will meet them shortly after to course correct and brake.
  158.   <p><li>Many possible scenarios are already worked out, and contingencies planned. Blaze is out there, Cassidy Piloting, SutaSakyuBasu on ops, and Glimmer-Jewel assisting everywhere. Cassidy says Scheherazade is already visible in the 2-mile narrow-field telescope. Spectroscopy seems good, they report.
  160.   <p><li>That report was in at noon, 7/22/18. This is SutaSakyuBasu reporting from Blaze. We are on a similar trajectory to Taklamakan and Joshua, and have them spotted also, carrying the time-frame beacon, and momentarily spotted what we think is the Delphina and OniSan rounding Uranus, all on perfect course. We recall Sonia's words, "There are no minor missions", and this one is the most complex one of all.
  162. <p><li>Dr. Uncle is with us on board Blaze, reviewing, studying everything that happens in his advisor position. He is communicating with EverAngel and Pollyanna on complex systems management. Under his advisement, we altered to intercept a nearest, soonest to course interception, which means we will not do an actual rendezvous first, but will come nearest first.
  164. <p><li>No actual communication from Scheherazade yet. This is as expected. Quantum management by the mathematics of it tells us this will be late tomorrow at the soonest, and will be as she down g's to 4g. Dr. Uncle's Gallan monitor program is reading that she is alive, but it reveals nothing about her condition other than that. He is also reading exactly 12 very likely Lucunditas with Gallan most similar to Vixen's on a planet orbiting Alpha.
  166.   <p><li>7/24/18 Taklamakan and Joshua have gotten rendezvous with Scheherazade, and are hard braking with an upward vector to intersect with us on Blaze. This is Suta reporting. They discovered Scheherazade in a fetal position, very rubberized, alive, and in hibernation. Dr. Uncle has the surgery ready, and Glimmer-Jewel will assist, as much of it will be very small surgeries.
  168.   <p><li>Blaze is also working hard for the intersection. A difficult rendezvous at 172,000 miles per second. The trio are in view. The supply module is partially crushed, attached by a single cable, the two others limp. Airlock is prepped, surgery ready. We are now parallel to them. Taklamakan is bringing Scheherazade to the airlock now, Joshua is securing the supply module to the rear portion of Blazecontrol.
  170.   <p><li>Scheherazade is on table, warm, 110 degree oxygen being blown over her body to de-ice her. It is 312 below out there. She is in Succubus hibernation. She was very wise to do that, plus, before she went out, she ensured she was on course, and did that perfectly. Glimmer-Jewel's Gallan will bring her out of the hibernation after the surgery. Her body is almost up to temp.
  172. <p><li>Dr. Uncle has removed her equipment, and Glimmer is cleaning the heavy alchem creme off her. First, we will lift her ribs back into position. Her sternum is crushed also, but luckily it was rubberized. Her aorta is intact, thank you God. Glim is attaching the wire to each rib and sternum. Lifts each in sequence, bottom to top.
  174. <p><li>Once her lungs have room we'll begin venting her, then restart her heart while Glimmer-Jewel awakens her from her hibernation. Checking each organ. Gallan-Spleen shows minor crushing, but will heal. She is definitely going to need medical monitoring for a few weeks.
  176.   <p><li>All three kidneys good, both livers good, all others, checking while intubing her. Ok Glim, ready to wake her up once her heart reaches 90 over 60? Sets defibrillator on her chest, one zap*. We have pulse! 10 pulses, pressure...110 over 72, bingo! Ok Glim, wake her up gently...
  178.   <p><li>Scheherazade's eyes move inside her closed eyelids, while Glimmer-Jewel's wings buzz, and she is laying on Scheherazade's breast murmuring.
  180. <p><li>Don't try to speak Scheher says Dr. Uncle. You are alive, everything will be fine. We'll remove that breathing tube in just a few minutes. Had to oxygenate you. That's Glimmer-Jewel on your breast. She brought you out of hibernation. We're almost to 40% out right now, on Blaze. Your eyes, and everything I'm sure, all hurt like hell right now. Everything looks well enough. That one was close Scheher! Ok, ready for me to remove the tube? I'll have the suction tube ready. There will be phlegm.
  182. <p><li>She sure coughed and gagged weakly for 10 minutes, and some more after too. Suta and her daughter OniSan, who just arrived, are setting up the radio in the surgery room. Meantime, Dr. Uncle and Glimmer-Jewel are rebuilding Scheherazade's wings. Scheher's mother wants to talk with her, just to hear her voice, which is a bit on the hoarse side, and still very weak.
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  198. <div class="clouds"> </div>  
  199. <div style="font-family:parisienne, times;font-size:50px;line-height:80px;color:#5e005e;text-align:center;"> Profile Stats  
  200. <div style="font-size:384px;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px skyblue;margin-top:190px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#5e005e;"> Kathy </div>  
  202. <table style="width:100%;text-align:justify;font-size:56px;font-family:philosopher, allura;padding:300px 20px 20px 15px;line-height:66px;color:black;"><tr>
  203. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Name:</td><td>  Kathy WayStone-Yayoi  <p></td></tr><tr>
  204. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Parents: </td><td>  Esther WayStone, mother. Kathy does not know who her father is.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  205. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Kids: </td><td>
  206. <li> Primal
  207. <li> Nocturne
  208. <li> Princesse Allannah and
  209. <li> Helena Sochi. Helena is "typist Kathy's", the author's baby. Author Kathy lives in the protected multiverse. Helena will be traveling between the 2 universes.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  210. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Birth: </td><td>  February 9th  <p></td></tr><tr>
  211. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Gender: </td><td>  Female  <p></td></tr><tr>
  212. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Sexy: </td><td>  Bi  <p></td></tr><tr>
  213. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Notes: </td><td>  Kathy is basically non-Gallan bearing except for traces. She will not be going on the Rescue mission, but will remain behind and do the monitoring. She has a Sygaldry-Alchemic piece implanted in her leg which gives her the ability to think on 30 things at a time.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  214. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Wife: </td><td>  Natsuka  <p></td></tr><tr>
  215. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Job: </td><td>  I've been doing the computer monitoring, and learning all kinds of computer technician stuff.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  216. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Where:</td><td>  3rd mansion  <p></td></tr><tr>
  217. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Height:</td><td>  5'9"  <p></td></tr><tr>
  218.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Weight:</td><td>  140 Pounds  <p></td></tr><tr>
  219.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Status:</td><td>  Don't really do much worry about it.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  220. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Further:</td><td>  I've been getting more and more responsibility as the mission start gets closer. Being the one who remains behind, with a few others, I'll be doing all of mother's jobs. Getting a Pilot license in a few days, several certs. Jet propless, 7 passenger, tanker, sport, recreational, commercial, types. Already passed the knowledge exams. Will be full assistant county supervisor, then next year run the election.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  221.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Eyes:</td><td>  Brown, big  <p></td></tr><tr>
  222.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Hair:</td><td>  Dark chocolate brown, wavy, long. I'm on some hair product boxes.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  223. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Lips:</td><td>  French brown  <p></td></tr><tr>
  224. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Tattoos:</td><td>  Should I get One?  <p></td></tr><tr>
  225. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Scars:</td><td>  Small almost faded one on my right knee.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  226. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Teeth:</td><td>  Normal human teeth  <p></td></tr><tr>
  227. <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Nails:</td><td>  Kennedy's Nail shop  <p></td></tr><tr>
  228.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Style:</td><td>  My own style!  <p></td></tr> <tr>
  229.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Pets:</td><td>  
  230.   <li>  Our Cats
  231.   <li>  There are a couple of beautiful strange looking Squirrels running around the 3rd mansion lately! I think they belong to Matilda.  <p></td></tr><tr>
  232.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Breast:</td><td>  38 or 40d  <p></td></tr><tr>
  233.  <td style="color:#f9008b;" valign="top">Aureola:</td><td>  Reddish  <p></td></tr><tr> </table>
  235. </td></tr><tr> </tr>
  237. </table> </div></div></div></div>
  240.  <div id="2aonly" class="genealogy"> </style>
  241. <style type="text/css" onload="try { document.title = 'Slice of Heaven'; } catch (error) { }">
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  251. </style> <div id="box2aonly">  3rd Mansion News
  252. <div class="clouds"> </div>  
  254.  <div style="font-family:montez, times;font-size:96px;line-height:126px;color:#100010;padding:30px 15px 15px 15px;">
  256. <center> □ DAILY NEWS FROM THE 3rd MANSION</center>
  258. <center> □ Kathy Waystone, Editor</center> <center>12/25/2017 ===> 8/20/19 </center>
  260.   <hr size="10" color="darkorchid">
  262.  <div style="font-family:charm, times;font-size:46px;color:#000;text-align:justify;line-height:64px;">
  263.  So now I have 5 sisters, and 2 brothers, 3 kids in one time frame, 1 in another time frame, 6 grandkids, and 2 great grandkids. 3 nieces, 9 great nieces, 3 great nephews, and 1 great great nephew.
  264.   <li> Pretty Pollyanna is the mother of 8 kids and the father of 2. You've got to love my family! Polly is the family's designated breeder in charge of Gallan procurement. Dr. Uncle says she's an overachiever. We are well over triple the minimum Gallan needed, and are now filling positions to ensure our world building is done right, so Polly is carefully designing who should breed with whom, and we're now getting more Angels in our family.
  266.   <li> Sonia, Dr. Uncle, Scheherazade, and Joshua are incredibly busy with preparations for Rescue One, and mother made me head of family matters now.
  268.   <li> Mother completed her time as chairwoman of the county board of supervisors, and is now in the state assembly, and is house leader.
  270.   <li> I am now on on the county board, and am chairwoman elect.
  272.   <li> Scheherazade is now District Attorney for Marin County.
  274.   <li> In 2020, mother will run for U.S. Senate, and I shall run for U.S. Congress. Scheherazade will run for California Attorney General.
  276.   <li> In 2024, mother will run for President, and I will be her running mate for Vice President, and Scheherazade will be appointed U.S. Attorney General.
  278.   <li> Most ofthe coding is done by artificial intelligence now. It is a matter of code compression now.
  280.   <li>Am looking into purchasing a domain
  282.   <li>We will not tolerate anyone harrassing anyone else in the family.
  284.   <li>As of Friday, August 18th, 2017<br>Scheher and Kathy are 18, Cassidy is 18. <br>Vera and Chastity Lee are 18.
  286.   <li> Most RPC newborns grow faster than a year per week. Some faster than a year per day. Exceptions abound.
  288.   <li><a target="_blank" href="">♥ Cassidy's profile</a>
  290. <li>Natsuka and I have been married for months. We have 3 kids. 2 are half Neko, and one is a Gallan bearing human.
  292. <li>~~As always, please keep IRL and RPC lives apart. Some typist-talk is ok, but RPC is best not pressed past personal limits~~
  294. <li>This is a large estate, with THREE grand mansions.
  296. <li>Miss Velvet has joined us. With her ability to shift shape from human, to tiger-Neko, to full white tiger, she is a great manager of the WildCat Menagerie. Sarina Likes her a lot.
  298. <li> There has been much to do with Miss Velvet since this edition of the 3rd Mansion News. Miss Velvet passed on. It was prophecied. Nocturne now has 4 magical white tiger adult children who are fulfilling prophecy. Miss Silk is the one who will save the caste and the white tigers. Miss Silk has 3 brothers, each of great powers, to protect her. These are among her grandchildren.
  300. </a><br><a target="_blank" href="">♥ Velvet's profile</a>
  302.   <li>This is a family, and friends, and lovers. mmm!
  304.   <li>I hope to write OUR WHOLE STORY in detail, but it's so complex now!!! That is also old news. We ARE writing our family's exploits in a special new ebook format, its own website book called "THE PRESENT DEGENERACY", subtitled "Time Frames". I am daily working on the design, but it will be heavy on the total bandwidth, so it will be in several parts. Things such as; "Lexi has a wood hulled sailing ship at anchor in the cove!" will be sets of
  305. each character's point of view.
  307. <li>This is actually a lot to do. Right now, 6 am, 23 Nov '17, I'm doing some prep things to get the Rescue One pages onto this. It's not just a little copy-paste thing. I have all the a names and href's to do, and lining up the tab sequences. css would be simpler, but we're doing the bold html using html5css for certain functions like scrollers, font importing, the spinner, and probably a tab drop-down.
  309.   <li> As can now be seen, 8/25/19, this is a much matured format. The genealogy is by image, saving much bandwidth. Instead of drop downs, there are 6 open-up windows. It may be made into 7. Some of the internal content may be "imaged" to reduce bandwidth.
  311.  <li>Big News! My great uncle used SYGALDRY to travel time, check for altered time lines, and found a correction needed to be made! Apparently we are now remembering something we were not before. Amazing! But, WE HAVE ANOTHER SISTER, and she has been found. Her name is Carina.
  313.   <li>Also, my Uncle's sweet secret has been debuted; By mid November 2017, Sonia Succubus Has been raised , educated, and trained by him, and she has Married the lovely
  314. Angel of the Night, Vixen, and they now have a child, Everto Lucundita!
  316. <li> Soon after this, Vixen ran off. It's just her way.
  318.   <li>Scheherazade has come of age, and has also been most highly schooled in both Physics and the Arcane Arts. Far beyond Humanity.
  320.   <li> Elphick the MAGNIFICENT Tall Elf, finest of gentlemen, has joined us. He dearly adores both Sonia Succubus, and Sarina, and has bred with Sonia, and they now have a child, DELPHINA. Elphick is a lover of both Sonia and Sarina.
  322.   <li>As this is far too large for RPC, rpc users may not see all of this if I attach it to a profile. Probably just the first few pages. At least until I get a domain name. This has been largely solved.
  324.  <div style="height:46px;border-bottom:10px solid darkorchid;color:#f9008b;font-size:40px;letter-spacing:3px;">
  325. </div>
  327. </div></div></div></div>
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  342. </style> <div id="box3only"> Kathy
  343. <div class="clouds"> </div>
  344.  <div style="font-family:parisienne, times;font-size:50px;line-height:80px;color:#5e005e;text-align:center;"> Profile Story
  345.  <div style="font-size:384px;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px skyblue;margin-top:190px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#5e005e;"> Kathy </div>
  347. <div style="line-height:55px;border-bottom:20px double #380099;color:#9922ee;font-size:80px;letter-spacing:3px;margin-top:320px;"> Life History Events </div>  
  349. <ul style="list-style-type:square;background:transparent;line-height:70px;margin:60px 10px -20px 60px;text-align:justify;">
  351. <li> 2017 - ...  <p>
  353. <li> 2017 - ...   <p>
  355. <li> 2018 January - ...  </ul>  
  357. <div style="line-height:55px;border-bottom:20px double #380099;color:#9922ee;font-size:80px;letter-spacing:3px;padding-top:90px;"> Kathy's Point of View Story </div>
  359. <div style="font-size:54px;line-height:62px;font-family:philosopher, times;text-align:justify;padding:60px 25px 80px 25px;color:#e1bdff;">
  360. <center> Caption </center><br>
  362. <center><img src="  x  " style="width:55%;border-radius:20px;"></center><br>
  364. <li> ...  <br>
  366. </table></div></div></div>
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  371. <style type="text/css" onload="try { document.title = 'Slice of Heaven'; } catch (error) { }">
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  381. </style> <div id="box3aonly">  How many Kathies?
  382. <div class="clouds"> </div>
  383. <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;color:black;font-size:48px;line-height:56px;text-align:justify;padding:0px 40px 40px 40px;">
  384. <p><li> To clarify, first, Kathy has an adopted baby sister named Kathy also. The baby's original name was kept because of respect and love for her original family. To simplify confusion, some folks say "Baby Kathy", or "Big Kathy". Baby Kathy calls Big Kathy "Sissy". Baby Kathy and Big Kathy are very different individuals.
  386.   <p class="tab"> Now Baby Kathy was given a middle name by Esther when she adopted her. Foster. That is the name posted in the genealogy.
  388.   <p><li> Baby Kathy ages at the normal human rate simply because that's what she is, a normal human. However, we have baby Kathy at two ages.
  390. <p><li> Baby Kathy's age is 2 years and 8 months now in the "MAIN" time frame, the time frame that has Love Succubus being born in the WayStone family, and Carina is with us, Melody is lost. But there is a "Proximal" time frame that has a Baby Kathy who is 4 years old. This Kathy is very special. Though she still needs her diapers and changes, she is very brave, adventurous, and is quite intrepid. She has fought wild fires in the giant tanker, and has gone on time frame missions, including to Africa, the Pridelands, where she stood face to face with a lioness defending her cubs and badly wounded sister.
  392.   <p><li> This Proximal time frame is the one where Carina is from. Dr. Uncle "linked" the two time frames in order to retrieve Carina's existence which was lost by some change made by the same event that Dr. Father got lost in. It is also a time frame that has love succubus born into the WayStone family. In the Proximal time frame, Carina there had commited suicide, driving her car off an ocean cliff, a fiery explosion, washed out to sea, no body found. Because Dr. Uncle saved her, and brought her to the "MAIN" time frame, to where the Carina who should have existed and did not, in such a way that she existed. Dr. Uncle fixed that time frame problem. It also "linked" the "proximal and main" time frames.
  394. <p><li> 4 year old Kathy is from the proximal time frame. She is brought back and forth in time frame missions.
  396. <p><li> That was the simple part! Next comes, how many Big Kathies are there?
  398. </div></div>
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  404. <style type="text/css" onload="try { document.title = 'Slice of Heaven'; } catch (error) { }">
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  414. </style> <div id="box4only"> Kathy
  415. <div class="clouds"></div>
  416. <div style="font-family:parisienne, times;font-size:50px;line-height:90px;color:#5e005e;text-align:center;"> Profile Images
  417. <div style="font-size:384px;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px skyblue;margin-top:190px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#5e005e;"> Kathy </div>  </div>
  419. <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;color:#5e005e;font-size:44px;line-height:42px;text-align:center;padding:5px 17px 5px 17px;">
  421. <center><img src="  " style="width:55%;border:solid 7px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin-top:340px;"></center> A bit like her mother, Kathy is naturally seductive <p>
  423. <center><img src="  " style="width:25%;border:solid 7px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> Our Kathy in both time frames loves her silks. This is sheer transparent, with glossy heavy bows. Oh yes, and Kathy, smelling ever so good. <p>
  425. <center><img src="  " style="width:25%;border:solid 7px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> See? <p>
  427. <center><img src="  " style="width:25%;border:dotted 2px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> I told you... <p>
  429. <center><img src="  " style="width:30%;border:dotted 2px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> ...that underneath my clothes I am completely naked. <p>
  431. <center><img src="  " style="width:30%;border:dotted 2px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> Kathy playing in the deli when she was 16. <p>
  433. <center><img src="  " style="width:90%;border:dotted 2px #6c82f9;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> ... <p>
  435. <center><img src="    " style="width:75%;border:dotted 2px #6c82f9;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> ... <p>
  437. <center><img src="    " style="width:30%;border:dotted 2px #6c82f9;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> ... <p>
  439. <center><img src="    " style="width:60%;border:dotted 2px #6c82f9;border-radius:15px;margin-top:100px;"></center> ... <p>
  441. </div></div>
  445. <div id="5only" class="genealogy"> </style>
  446. <style type="text/css" onload="try { document.title = 'Slice of Heaven'; } catch (error) { }">
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  456. </style> <div id="box5only">  Background
  457. <div class="clouds"> </div>  
  458. <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;font-size:50px;line-height:80px;color:#e1bdff;text-align:center;"> The Present Degeneracy  
  459. <div style="font-size:204px;text-shadow:5px 8px 9px #c682f9;margin-top:190px;letter-spacing:10px;color:#000;"> Time Frames </div>  </div>
  461. <ul style="list-style-type:square;">
  463. <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;font-size:50px;line-height:57px;text-align:justify;padding:290px 38px 18px 38px;color:#ff8877;">
  465. <li>This genealogy shows the descendents of Dr. Uncle, who like his brother Dr. Father, had 3 children in this generation. Dr. Father is lost in a time frame due to inaccuracies which compound the farther one travels in time. He is in an approximate present much different than ours, entirely without civilization or humans.
  467. <li>A complex mission to time frame to him, reunite him with his family, and to build a new world, Earth, with a very much different, but well designed and managed complex ecosystem set is in final planning. The mission will also entail meeting with the 24 Lucunditas succubus survivors on Alpha Centauri C. The complexity of this is why it has been postponed.
  469. <li>Dr. Uncle's and Dr. Father's families are the two approximate halves of the WayStone family, which in many time frames are endowed with having children whose souls are on a probationary parole from hell, the conditions of which are summed up simply, and without detail; this being, they must be good.
  471. <li>Most of you dear readers of the points of view stories of our lives and ventures live in Author Kathy WayStone's infinite number of time frames, (one of an infinite number of sets of time frames), which has no such beings as succubus on parole from hell living in them. By means of communication with our Kathy WayStone, your Kathy WayStone can tell you our stories. This is why this story is in the form of the POV of every person, including those who are persons not human.
  473.   <li> So you know, it is a greatly conceited anthropomorphism in your time frame set not to realize that the human form of Australopithecus, your Genus name, like or dislike; agree or disagree, will be the only sapient being. In an infinite number of time frames, you are simply the first speaking sapient being, and in many, the last also. This. Because of your own evil doing.
  475.   <li> Dr. Uncle is the surviving founder of the WayStone family. His brother has been lost in a time-frame, an accident of accuracy failure. Verlaine Smith turns out to be his father. Dr. Uncle's known brother, lost in a time-frame, has a Gallan signal amplifier, which broadcasts his own Gallan, as identifiable as a fingerprint, and the signal is received. One particular time-frame is where it comes from, and Dr. Uncle knows how to get there, but it will require a massive effort.<p>
  477. <li>Luckily, the Lucunditas population of succubus have incredible time frame accuracy, and he has seduced the lone survivor who bore EverAngel. His daughter Sonia also did, as did his great niece Scheherazade, and the accuracy trait held.<p>
  479. <li>Simultaneously, there is a need to save this wonderful species of love succubus, the Everto Lucunditas, from extinction, which can be done two ways; By reproducing with the sole survivor as much as possible, and by finding any other surviving refugees. They do exist. Over three dozen Gallan signals have been received. The number of them turning out to be 24.<p>
  481. <li>The rescue mission to find Dr. Uncle's brother can be done by passing by the lucunditas colony planet. Several family members will take needed equipment there.<p>
  483.   <li>Also, it has been decided by most family members to create a new world by changes to the past, which will also create several time-frames. This changed Earth will be Love-Succubus managed. Great educating and learning will be required for these efforts. Dr. Uncle has already made some minor adjustments, and this time frame you, dear reader, are in, is not quite the same one Dr. Uncle and most of this entire venture is in. <p>
  485.   <li> For the time frame you the reader, and Kathy the editor of this you are reading, is most protected. You have no Succubus and no Angels living among you. But we may visit you for short periods. You also have an infinite number of time frames. A set of infinite. Dr. Uncle has learned of this, and is in communication with it, eventually having our Kathy WayStone in charge of communicating with your Kathy WayStone. Your Kathy WayStone even has a daughter, the father of whom is from our time frame which does have Succubus and Angels, bearers of Gallan and of Faith respectively, and sometimes of both.  <p></ul>
  490. </div><div style="margin-top:260px;opacity:0;font-size:14px;"><h2><center> Kathy 8/31/19 <br> Create 73 Hana Song...74 lilith Vythica is having Sarina's baby...75 marie Caulfield had Sophia WayStone... </center></h2></div></script></body></html>
  491. </body>
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