

Aug 20th, 2018
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  1. on rightclick on sign:
  2. if line 2 of the clicked block is "RPGに参加!":
  3. execute console command "/clear %player%"
  4. execute console command "/replaceitem entity %player% slot.armor.head minecraft:leather_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:5,Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],display:{Name:""&6&l旅人の帽子"",Lore:[""§7§l旅人さんの付けている帽子"",""§7§lそこには何か秘密が...ないかもしれない?""],color:3040510}}"
  5. execute console command "/tp %player% @e[tag=m0spawn]"
  6. execute console command "//spawnpoint %player% 27 71 -23"
  7. set {rank.%player%} to 0
  8. set the player's gamemode to adventure
  9. set {xpneeded.%player%} to 0
  10. set {level.%player%} to 0
  11. apply slowness 99 to player for 23 seconds
  12. apply jump boost 237 to player for 23 seconds
  13. wait 1 second
  14. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l兄ちゃん...おーい、兄ちゃん?" to player
  15. wait 2 seconds
  16. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l起きろ、兄ちゃん!!!" to player
  17. wait 2 seconds
  18. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lようやく起きたか、到着だ、目的地の天空島だぞ" to player
  19. wait 2 seconds
  20. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lなにぼうっとしてんだ、ここに来たかったんだろ?" to player
  21. wait 2 seconds
  22. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lえ? 覚えてない? 記憶喪失?" to player
  23. wait 2 seconds
  24. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l...そうか、それは残念だ" to player
  25. wait 2 seconds
  26. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l見たところ金も持って無さそうだし..." to player
  27. wait 2 seconds
  28. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lそうだ! たしかこの村は今人不足のはずだ、" to player
  29. wait 2 seconds
  30. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l頼めば何か仕事をくれるんじゃないか?" to player
  31. wait 2 seconds
  32. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lもし本当に食うものに困ったら、俺が助けてやるよ" to player
  33. wait 2 seconds
  34. send "§a§l送迎おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l強く生るんだぞ、兄ちゃん!" to player
  35. wait 2 seconds
  36. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l村長に話かけて、何か仕事がないか聞いてみよう!" to player
  37. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  38. set {story.%player%} to 1
  39. stop
  40. on rightclick with nether star:
  41. name of held item contains "初期化の星"
  42. set {story.%player%} to 12
  43. set {xpneeded.%player%} to 0
  44. set {level.%player%} to 0
  45. send "§7§lまた始めからだよ..(絶望)"
  46. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  47. on rightclick with stick:
  48. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {CanDestroy:[""minecraft:coal_ore""],HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:413758,UUIDMost:604516,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-2.5,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:240522,UUIDMost:185899,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§6§l探索者の鶴橋"",Lore:[""§7§l石で作られた、とても安価な鶴橋"",""§7§l探索者になると無料で支給される""]}}"
  49. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:stone_sword 1 0 {HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:3,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:413758,UUIDMost:604516,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-0.85,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:240522,UUIDMost:185899,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§6§l探索者の剣"",Lore:[""§7§l石で作られた、とても安価な剣"",""§7§l探索者になると無料で支給される""]}}"
  50. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bread 30 0 {display:{Name:""§6§l携帯食料"",Lore:[""§7§lあまり味はよくないが、栄養満点""]}}"
  51. set {_health} to {level.%player%}/10
  52. set {_power} to {level.%player%}/10
  53. execute console command "/replaceitem entity %player% slot.armor.head minecraft:leather_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:5,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.maxHealth"",Name:""generic.maxHealth"",Amount:%{_health}%,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:2,Slot:""head""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:%{_power}%,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:2,Slot:""head""}],Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],display:{Name:""§6§l旅人の帽子"",Lore:[""§7§l旅人さんの付けている帽子"",""§7§lそこには何か秘密が...ないかもしれない?""],color:3040510}}"
  54. on rightclick with diamond:
  55. set {checking.%player%} to 0
  56. add 1 to {level.%player%}
  57. on rightclick on skeleton:
  58. if name of clicked entity contains "§6§ldiscordおじさん":
  59. send "§a§ldiscordおじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「」この鯖のdiscordです"
  60. if name of clicked entity contains "§6§lダケル村長":
  61. if {story.%player%} is 1:
  62. set {story.%player%} to 99
  63. apply slowness 99 to player for 15 seconds
  64. apply jump boost 237 to player for 15 seconds
  65. wait 1 second
  66. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§l貴方は...ああ、旅人さんですか、「天空島」にようこそ" to player
  67. wait 2 seconds
  68. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§lちなみに旅人さんはどちらから?" to player
  69. wait 2 second
  70. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§lえ、記憶がない?...それはそれは大変でしたね" to player
  71. wait 2 seconds
  72. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§l記憶がなのならば仕事の当てもないのでしょう?" to player
  73. wait 2 seconds
  74. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§l実は今ちょうど仕事不足の職種がありまして..." to player
  75. wait 2 seconds
  76. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§l詳しい説明は「探索者ギルド」という場所で受けれます" to player
  77. wait 2 seconds
  78. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§lこれからもよろしくお願いします、旅人さん" to player
  79. wait 2 seconds
  80. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l探索者ギルドに行って説明を聞こう!" to player
  81. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  82. set {story.%player%} to 2
  83. stop
  84. if {story.%player%} is 2:
  85. send "§a§l村長§c§l 》 §7§l詳しい説明は「探索者ギルド」という場所で受けられますよ" to player
  86. if name of clicked entity contains "§6§l受付嬢のミリア":
  87. if {story.%player%} is 2:
  88. set {story.%player%} to 99
  89. apply slowness 99 to player for 25 seconds
  90. apply jump boost 237 to player for 25 seconds
  91. wait 1 second
  92. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこんにちわ、もしかして探索者希望の方ですか?" to player
  93. wait 2 seconds
  94. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lよかったあ、最近探索者さんが減ってて困っていたんですよ" to player
  95. wait 2 seconds
  96. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lえ? 探索者ってのはどんな職業なのかって?" to player
  97. wait 2 seconds
  98. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lえっと、旅人さんは「魔空洞」のことは知っていますか?" to player
  99. wait 2 seconds
  100. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l「魔空洞」っていうのはこの島の地下にある洞窟です" to player
  101. wait 2 seconds
  102. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l昔からこの島は採掘された魔鉱石で経済が回っていたんです" to player
  103. wait 2 seconds
  104. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lけど最近「魔空洞」に魔物が現れるようになってしまって" to player
  105. wait 2 seconds
  106. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l魔鉱石の採掘がとても難しくなってしまったんです..." to player
  107. wait 2 seconds
  108. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lそこで、探索者さんに採掘を頼むことになったんです" to player
  109. wait 2 seconds
  110. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lけどやっぱり危険だから人が少なくて..." to player
  111. wait 2 seconds
  112. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l旅人さんが久しぶりの探索者希望の方なんですよ!" to player
  113. wait 2 seconds
  114. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこれからもよろしくお願いします!" to player
  115. wait 2 seconds
  116. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l鍛冶屋に行って「初期装備」を貰おう!" to player
  117. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  118. set {story.%player%} to 3
  119. stop
  120. if {story.%player%} is 5:
  121. set {story.%player%} to 99
  122. apply slowness 99 to player for 29 seconds
  123. apply jump boost 237 to player for 29 seconds
  124. wait 1 second
  125. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lあ、旅人さん、さっきはすみません" to player
  126. wait 2 seconds
  127. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l久しぶりに探索者希望の方が来て興奮しちゃって..." to player
  128. wait 2 seconds
  129. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lあ、はい、えーっと、話っていうのは.." to player
  130. wait 2 seconds
  131. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l「魔空洞」に実際にご案内させてもらおうかと" to player
  132. wait 2 seconds
  133. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lえ? もう行って採掘もしてきた?" to player
  134. wait 2 seconds
  135. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lそ、そうですか..." to player
  136. wait 2 seconds
  137. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lなら最後に階級について話させてもらいますね!" to player
  138. wait 2 seconds
  139. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l探索者には「R1」から「R6」までの階級があります" to player
  140. wait 2 seconds
  141. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l階級は昇格クエストというものをクリアすると上がります" to player
  142. wait 2 seconds
  143. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l昇格クエストは強大な魔物などが沸いた時に発注されます" to player
  144. wait 2 seconds
  145. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lけど相応のレベルがないと昇格クエストは受けれません" to player
  146. wait 2 seconds
  147. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l「R1」の昇格クエストはレベル「10」になると受けれます" to player
  148. wait 2 seconds
  149. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこれで探索者についての説明は終わりです" to player
  150. wait 2 seconds
  151. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lでは、貴方が楽しい探索者ライフを送れますように!" to player
  152. wait 2 seconds
  153. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l §6§lレベルを「10」まで上げよう!" to player
  154. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  155. set {story.%player%} to 6
  156. stop
  157. if {story.%player%} is 7:
  158. set {story.%player%} to 99
  159. apply slowness 99 to player for 25 seconds
  160. apply jump boost 237 to player for 25 seconds
  161. wait 1 second
  162. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lあ、旅人さん、こんにちわ" to player
  163. wait 2 seconds
  164. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lふふふ、分かっていますよ..昇格クエストですよね?" to player
  165. wait 2 seconds
  166. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lちょっとレベルを確認しますね..." to player
  167. wait 2 seconds
  168. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lはい、ちゃんとレベル「10」は超えてますね" to player
  169. wait 2 seconds
  170. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l昇格クエストの内容は....." to player
  171. wait 2 seconds
  172. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l「動く骸骨」、「10」体の討伐です!" to player
  173. wait 2 seconds
  174. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lふふふ、旅人さんなら余裕ですよね?" to player
  175. wait 2 seconds
  176. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lそんな顔しないでください、最初の昇格クエストは..." to player
  177. wait 2 seconds
  178. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l簡単なものと決められているんです" to player
  179. wait 2 seconds
  180. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこれから先は難しいものが待っているので..." to player
  181. wait 2 seconds
  182. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l期待して待っていてください!" to player
  183. wait 2 seconds
  184. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lじゃあ昇格クエストが終わったら話しかけてください" to player
  185. wait 2 seconds
  186. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l「動く骸骨」を「10」体、討伐しよう" to player
  187. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  188. set {story.%player%} to 8
  189. stop
  190. if {story.%player%} is 9:
  191. set {story.%player%} to 99
  192. apply slowness 99 to player for 37 seconds
  193. apply jump boost 237 to player for 37 seconds
  194. wait 1 second
  195. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lおかえりなさいです、旅人さん" to player
  196. wait 2 seconds
  197. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l昇格クエストはもう終わったんですか?" to player
  198. wait 2 seconds
  199. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lおお、さすがですね" to player
  200. wait 2 seconds
  201. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lでは昇格です旅人さん! おめでとうございます!" to player
  202. wait 2 seconds
  203. send "§a§l昇格通知§c§l 》 §7§l階級が「R1」から「R2」に上がりました" to player
  204. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.75"
  205. set {rank.%player%} to 2
  206. wait 2 seconds
  207. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこれで旅人さんも化石を鑑定してもらえますね!" to player
  208. wait 2 seconds
  209. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lえ? 何のことかだって?" to player
  210. wait 2 seconds
  211. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこの島にいる「鑑定おじさん」は知ってますか?" to player
  212. wait 2 seconds
  213. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l知らないですか...「化石」のことは?" to player
  214. wait 2 seconds
  215. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lそうですよね、化石は珍しい物ですし..." to player
  216. wait 2 seconds
  217. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l「化石」は魔空洞の奥で見つかる過去の魔物の骨です" to player
  218. wait 2 seconds
  219. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこれを鑑定してあげると、様々な..." to player
  220. wait 2 seconds
  221. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l強力な武器や、防具のの材料になるんです" to player
  222. wait 2 seconds
  223. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l鑑定は「鑑定おじさん」がしてくれるんですけど..." to player
  224. wait 2 seconds
  225. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l彼は階級が低い人のは鑑定してくれないんです" to player
  226. wait 2 seconds
  227. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l「R2」になったので旅人さんも鑑定してもらえますよ" to player
  228. wait 2 seconds
  229. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l旅人さんもこれを期に化石探しなんてどうですか?" to player
  230. wait 2 seconds
  231. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lあ、あとデニアさんが旅人さんを呼んでましたよ" to player
  232. wait 2 seconds
  233. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l鍛冶師のデニアに話しかけよう!" to player
  234. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  235. set {story.%player%} to 10
  236. stop
  237. if {story.%player%} is 15:
  238. set {story.%player%} to 99
  239. apply slowness 99 to player for 19 seconds
  240. apply jump boost 237 to player for 19 seconds
  241. wait 1 second
  242. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l旅人さん、すみません..私まだまだ未熟で.." to player
  243. wait 2 seconds
  244. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l今度は次の昇格クエストのこと..." to player
  245. wait 2 seconds
  246. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l話忘れてましたあああ!" to player
  247. wait 2 seconds
  248. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lそれで、「R2」の昇格クエストはですね" to player
  249. wait 2 seconds
  250. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lって、忘れてた..." to player
  251. wait 2 seconds
  252. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lその前にレベルを「20」まで上げてもらわないと..." to player
  253. wait 2 seconds
  254. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lということで、旅人さん..." to player
  255. wait 2 seconds
  256. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lレベルを「20」まで上げたらまた話しかけてください" to player
  257. wait 2 seconds
  258. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l頑張ってくださいね!" to player
  259. wait 2 seconds
  260. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§lレベルを「20」まで上げよう!" to player
  261. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  262. set {story.%player%} to 16
  263. stop
  264. if {story.%player%} is 17:
  265. set {story.%player%} to 99
  266. apply slowness 99 to player for 39 seconds
  267. apply jump boost 237 to player for 39 seconds
  268. wait 1 second
  269. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lあ、旅人さん、もう終わったんですか?" to player
  270. wait 2 seconds
  271. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lどれどれ...本当にレベル「20」になってる!" to player
  272. wait 2 seconds
  273. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lさすが旅人さん、早いですね!" to player
  274. wait 2 seconds
  275. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lでは、昇格クエストについての説明を..." to player
  276. wait 2 seconds
  277. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l今回の内容は「正体不明の亡霊」、「10」体の討伐です" to player
  278. wait 2 seconds
  279. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこのくらい旅人さんなら余裕...いや..." to player
  280. wait 2 seconds
  281. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lいくら旅人さんでも少し難しいかも..?" to player
  282. wait 2 seconds
  283. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lえ? 余裕だって? けど今回の相手は今までとは.." to player
  284. wait 2 seconds
  285. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lちょっと、違うんですよ" to player
  286. wait 2 seconds
  287. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこの魔物はですね、弓を使うですよ" to player
  288. wait 2 seconds
  289. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lつまり、遠距離攻撃をしてくるんです!" to player
  290. wait 2 seconds
  291. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lさすがの旅人さんでも剣だけで戦うのは.." to player
  292. wait 2 seconds
  293. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l少し、厳しいですよ..." to player
  294. wait 2 seconds
  295. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lということで、デニアさんの所で弓を.." to player
  296. wait 2 seconds
  297. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l作って貰ってきてはどうでしょう?" to player
  298. wait 2 seconds
  299. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lそんなにしょんぼりしないでくださいよ.." to player
  300. wait 2 seconds
  301. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l弓を作るくらいデニアさんにかかればすぐです!" to player
  302. wait 2 seconds
  303. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lはい! じゃあ弓を手に入れたら..." to player
  304. wait 2 seconds
  305. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lまた話しかけてくださいね!" to player
  306. wait 2 seconds
  307. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§lデニアに弓を作ってもらおう!" to player
  308. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  309. set {story.%player%} to 18
  310. stop
  311. if {story.%player%} is 3:
  312. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lこれからもよろしくお願いします!" to player
  313. if {story.%player%} is 6:
  314. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lレベルが「10」になったらまた話しかけてください" to player
  315. if {story.%player%} is 8:
  316. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lじゃあ昇格クエストが終わったら話しかけてください" to player
  317. if {story.%player%} is 10:
  318. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lデニアさんが旅人さんを呼んでましたよ" to player
  319. if {story.%player%} is 16:
  320. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§lレベルが「20」になったらまた話しかけてください" to player
  321. if {story.%player%} is 18:
  322. send "§a§l受付嬢§c§l 》 §7§l弓が手に入ったらまた話しかけてください" to player
  323. if name of clicked entity contains "§6§l鍛冶師のデニア":
  324. if {story.%player%} is 3:
  325. set {story.%player%} to 99
  326. apply slowness 99 to player for 24 seconds
  327. apply jump boost 237 to player for 24 seconds
  328. wait 1 second
  329. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lんだ、おまえ? 用がないなら..っておまえ探索者か?" to player
  330. wait 2 seconds
  331. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lなんだ、そうならそう言えよな" to player
  332. wait 2 seconds
  333. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lしょうがねぇから鶴橋と剣を用意してやんよ" to player
  334. wait 2 seconds
  335. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lちょっとそこで待ってろよ" to player
  336. wait 2 seconds
  337. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.anvil.use master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  338. wait 3 seconds
  339. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lほらよ、完成だ" to player
  340. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:stone_pickaxe 1 0 {CanDestroy:[""minecraft:coal_ore""],HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:413758,UUIDMost:604516,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-2.5,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:240522,UUIDMost:185899,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§6§l探索者の鶴橋"",Lore:[""§7§l石で作られた、とても安価な鶴橋"",""§7§l探索者になると無料で支給される""]}}"
  341. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:stone_sword 1 0 {HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:3,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:413758,UUIDMost:604516,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-0.85,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:240522,UUIDMost:185899,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§6§l探索者の剣"",Lore:[""§7§l石で作られた、とても安価な剣"",""§7§l探索者になると無料で支給される""]}}"
  342. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bread 30 0 {display:{Name:""§6§l携帯食料"",Lore:[""§7§lあまり味はよくないが、栄養満点""]}}"
  343. wait 2 seconds
  344. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l食料はおまけだ、ありがたく思えよ" to player
  345. wait 2 seconds
  346. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lあ? お礼がしたい? いい心がけじゃねぇか" to player
  347. wait 2 seconds
  348. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lじゃあよ、「灰簾石」っていう魔鉱石をとってきてくれよ" to player
  349. wait 2 seconds
  350. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l最近、探索者が減ってるから品不足でよお" to player
  351. wait 2 seconds
  352. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lじゃあ「10」個集まったら俺にまた話しかけてくれ" to player
  353. wait 2 seconds
  354. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l「灰簾石」を「10」個集めて、デニアに渡そう!" to player
  355. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  356. set {story.%player%} to 4
  357. stop
  358. if {story.%player%} is 4:
  359. if player has 10 iron nuggets:
  360. set {story.%player%} to 99
  361. apply slowness 99 to player for 20 seconds
  362. apply jump boost 237 to player for 20 seconds
  363. wait 1 second
  364. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lあ? んだおめぇ..はええじゃねぇか" to player
  365. wait 2 seconds
  366. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lお、これは本当に「灰簾石」..ひいふうみい" to player
  367. wait 2 seconds
  368. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lよし、ちゃんと「10」個あるな、ありがとよ" to player
  369. wait 1 second
  370. execute console command "/clear %player% minecraft:iron_nugget 0 10"
  371. wait 2 seconds
  372. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lおまえ、以外とやるじゃねぇか!" to player
  373. wait 2 seconds
  374. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lおら、これが報酬だ、もってけ泥棒" to player
  375. wait 2 seconds
  376. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:emerald 30 0 {display:{Name:""§6§l緑碧石の欠片"",Lore:[""§7§l「天空島」で通貨として使われる宝石"",""§7§lとてもきれいな緑色をしている""]}}"
  377. wait 2 seconds
  378. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lこれは「緑碧石」ってもんでこの島の通貨だ" to player
  379. wait 2 seconds
  380. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l魔物を倒すか、村人の依頼をこなすことで手に入るぜ" to player
  381. wait 2 seconds
  382. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそういえば、ミリアがお前のことさがしてたぞ" to player
  383. wait 2 seconds
  384. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l探索者ギルドに行ってミリアに話しかけよう!" to player
  385. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  386. set {story.%player%} to 5
  387. stop
  388. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l「灰簾石」が「10」個集まったら俺の所に持ってきてくれ" to player
  389. if {story.%player%} is 10:
  390. set {story.%player%} to 99
  391. apply slowness 99 to player for 19 seconds
  392. apply jump boost 237 to player for 19 seconds
  393. wait 1 second
  394. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lおお、来たか、兄ちゃん" to player
  395. wait 2 seconds
  396. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそうそう、おまえ、階級が上がったんだってな" to player
  397. wait 2 seconds
  398. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lやるじゃねぇか、見直したぜ" to player
  399. wait 2 seconds
  400. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそんな兄ちゃんにまた頼みがあるんだ" to player
  401. wait 2 seconds
  402. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l「火炎纏う蜘蛛の牙」ってのを取ってきてくれねぇか?" to player
  403. wait 2 seconds
  404. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそいつがあれば火炎の力が宿った剣を作れるんだよ" to player
  405. wait 2 seconds
  406. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l兄ちゃんにも「1」本分けてやるからよ" to player
  407. wait 2 seconds
  408. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lな? 悪い話じゃねぇだろ?" to player
  409. wait 2 seconds
  410. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lおう、じゃあ「5」本集まったら俺に話しかけてくれ" to player
  411. wait 2 seconds
  412. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l「火炎纏う蜘蛛の牙」を「5」本集めデニアに渡そう" to player
  413. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  414. set {story.%player%} to 11
  415. stop
  416. if {story.%player%} is 11:
  417. if player has 5 blaze powder:
  418. set {story.%player%} to 99
  419. apply slowness 99 to player for 33 seconds
  420. apply jump boost 237 to player for 33 seconds
  421. wait 1 second
  422. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lおお、兄ちゃん、早かったな" to player
  423. wait 2 seconds
  424. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l「火炎纏う蜘蛛」は強敵だって聞いてたんだけどな.." to player
  425. wait 2 seconds
  426. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lさすがだぜ、兄ちゃん" to player
  427. wait 2 seconds
  428. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lじゃあ早速、作業に入らせてもらうぜ" to player
  429. wait 1 second
  430. execute console command "/clear %player% minecraft:blaze_powder 0 10"
  431. wait 2 seconds
  432. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lちょっとそこで待ってろよ" to player
  433. wait 2 seconds
  434. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.anvil.use master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  435. wait 3 seconds
  436. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:golden_sword 1 0 {HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:6.5,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:413758,UUIDMost:604516,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-1.95,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:240522,UUIDMost:185899,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§6§l火炎纏う大剣"",Lore:[""§7§l石と「火炎纏う蜘蛛の牙」から作られた大剣"",""§7§l攻撃力は凄まじく、火炎の力を宿している""]}}"
  437. wait 2 seconds
  438. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lどうだ? 手になじむか?" to player
  439. wait 2 seconds
  440. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそいつは火炎の力が宿ってる" to player
  441. wait 2 seconds
  442. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l切られた奴を燃やしちまうのさ" to player
  443. wait 2 seconds
  444. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lこれで今まで狩れなかったやつも楽勝さ" to player
  445. wait 2 seconds
  446. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l今回はありがとな、兄ちゃん、また何かあったら頼むぜ" to player
  447. wait 2 seconds
  448. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそういえば兄ちゃん、階級が上がって暇なら..." to player
  449. wait 2 seconds
  450. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l「鑑定おじさん」と話して来いよ" to player
  451. wait 2 seconds
  452. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l何かいいことがあるかもしんねぇぞ" to player
  453. wait 2 seconds
  454. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l「鑑定おじさん」に話しかけよう!" to player
  455. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  456. set {story.%player%} to 12
  457. stop
  458. if {story.%player%} is 18:
  459. set {story.%player%} to 99
  460. apply slowness 99 to player for 23 seconds
  461. apply jump boost 237 to player for 23 seconds
  462. wait 1 second
  463. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lお、んだ兄ちゃん、何か用か?" to player
  464. wait 2 seconds
  465. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l何? 弓が欲しいって?" to player
  466. wait 2 seconds
  467. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lははーん、どうせ「正体不明の亡霊」に勝てなかったんだろ" to player
  468. wait 2 seconds
  469. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lったく、しゃーねぇなぁ?" to player
  470. wait 2 seconds
  471. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lまあ、弓の在庫はいくらでもあるから..." to player
  472. wait 2 seconds
  473. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l好きなだけ持ってけや、兄ちゃん" to player
  474. wait 2 seconds
  475. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lと、言うとでも思ったかあああ!?" to player
  476. wait 2 seconds
  477. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l何事も「ぎぶあんどていく」だぜ、兄ちゃん!" to player
  478. wait 2 seconds
  479. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lってことでよ、「地竜の牙の化石」ってのを「5」本..." to player
  480. wait 2 seconds
  481. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lぱぱっと、集めてきちゃってくれよ" to player
  482. wait 2 seconds
  483. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lよし、じゃあ材料が集まったらまた話しかけてくれ" to player
  484. wait 2 seconds
  485. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l「地竜の牙の化石」を「5」本を集め、デニアに話しかけよう!" to player
  486. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  487. set {story.%player%} to 19
  488. stop
  489. if {story.%player%} is 5:
  490. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§lそういえばミリアがお前のことさがしてたぞ" to player
  491. if {story.%player%} is 11:
  492. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l「火炎纏う蜘蛛の牙」が「5」本集まったら話しかけてくれ" to player
  493. if {story.%player%} is 12:
  494. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l暇なら「鑑定おじさん」と話してきたらどうだ?" to player
  495. if {story.%player%} is 19:
  496. send "§a§l鍛冶師§c§l 》 §7§l「地竜の牙の化石」が「5」本、集まったら話しかけてくれ" to player
  497. if name of clicked entity contains "§6§l鑑定おじさん":
  498. if {story.%player%} is 12:
  499. set {story.%player%} to 99
  500. apply slowness 99 to player for 31 seconds
  501. apply jump boost 237 to player for 31 seconds
  502. wait 1 second
  503. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lおお、若いの、わしに何か用かの?" to player
  504. wait 2 seconds
  505. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lなるほど、デニアに言われて来たのか" to player
  506. wait 2 seconds
  507. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lまあ、これから宜しく" to player
  508. wait 2 seconds
  509. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l知ってるかもしれないが..." to player
  510. wait 2 seconds
  511. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lわしは「化石」を鑑定するのが趣味でな、" to player
  512. wait 2 seconds
  513. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lもし持ってたら今、鑑定してやろう" to player
  514. wait 2 seconds
  515. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lうん? 待て、その鶴橋を見せてくれないか?" to player
  516. wait 2 seconds
  517. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lふむふむ..." to player
  518. wait 2 seconds
  519. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lこんな鶴橋では「化石」が出る地層は掘れないぞ" to player
  520. wait 2 seconds
  521. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lもっと質のいいものが必要じゃ" to player
  522. wait 2 seconds
  523. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lこれも何かの縁じゃ、受け取れ!" to player
  524. wait 2 seconds
  525. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:iron_pickaxe 1 0 {CanDestroy:[""minecraft:coal_ore"",""minecraft:iron_ore""],HideFlags:4,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:1,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:413758,UUIDMost:604516,Slot:""mainhand""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackSpeed"",Name:""generic.attackSpeed"",Amount:-2.5,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:240522,UUIDMost:185899,Slot:""mainhand""}],Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:""§6§l魔鋼鉄の鶴橋"",Lore:[""§7§l魔鋼鉄で作られた、まあまあ上質な鶴橋"",""§7§lそこそこの腕の探索者によく使われる""]}}"
  526. execute console command ""
  527. wait 2 seconds
  528. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lこの鶴橋ならばもう少し深い地層も掘れるじゃろう" to player
  529. wait 2 seconds
  530. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「化石」を見つけたら、手に持って話しかけてくれ" to player
  531. wait 2 seconds
  532. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lなんとなく鑑定したい気分じゃ!" to player
  533. wait 2 seconds
  534. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l鑑定してもらう「化石」を探してこよう!" to player
  535. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  536. set {story.%player%} to 13
  537. stop
  538. if {story.%player%} is 14:
  539. if name of held item contains "§6§l少し汚れた化石":
  540. set {story.%player%} to 99
  541. apply slowness 99 to player for 35 seconds
  542. apply jump boost 237 to player for 35 seconds
  543. wait 1 second
  544. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lおお、戻ったか、若いの" to player
  545. wait 2 seconds
  546. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l化石は...ちゃんと持っとるな" to player
  547. wait 2 seconds
  548. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lでは、鑑定するぞ" to player
  549. wait 2 seconds
  550. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lふむふむ..これは..." to player
  551. wait 2 seconds
  552. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ambient.cave master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 2"
  553. wait 2 seconds
  554. execute console command "/clear %player% minecraft:bone 0 1"
  555. set {_check} to random integer between 1 and 3
  556. if {_check} is 1:
  557. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  558. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:double_plant 1 4 {display:{Name:""§6§l古代花の化石"",Lore:[""§7§l遠い昔に生きていた花の化石"",""§7§lその強烈な臭いは竜すら退かせたという""]}}"
  559. wait 2 seconds
  560. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「古代花の化石」じゃな!" to player
  561. if {_check} is 2:
  562. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:prismarine_crystals 1 0 {display:{Name:""§6§l海龍の鱗の化石"",Lore:[""§7§l遠い昔に生きていた海龍の鱗の化石"",""§7§l鮫や鯨ですらも狩って食べていたという""]}}"
  563. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  564. wait 2 seconds
  565. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「海龍の鱗の化石」じゃな!" to player
  566. if {_check} is 3:
  567. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:dye 1 3 {display:{Name:""§6§l地竜の牙の化石"",Lore:[""§7§l遠い昔に生きていた地竜の牙の化石"",""§7§lその強靭な顎は岩をも砕いたという""]}}"
  568. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  569. wait 2 seconds
  570. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「地竜の牙の化石」じゃな!" to player
  571. wait 2 seconds
  572. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lいやあ、久しぶりに鑑定したわい" to player
  573. wait 2 seconds
  574. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lやはり化石の鑑定はいいものじゃのお" to player
  575. wait 2 seconds
  576. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lわくわくどきどきじゃあ!" to player
  577. wait 2 seconds
  578. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lでは、また化石を見つけたら話しかけてくれ!" to player
  579. wait 2 seconds
  580. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l元気でな、若いの!" to player
  581. wait 2 seconds
  582. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lって、ちょっと待て待て待て!" to player
  583. wait 2 seconds
  584. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lいやあ言うのを完全に忘れてたわい" to player
  585. wait 2 seconds
  586. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lミリアが次の昇格クエストのことで..." to player
  587. wait 2 seconds
  588. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l若いのに話があると言ってたぞ..." to player
  589. wait 2 seconds
  590. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lたしかに伝えたからの!" to player
  591. wait 2 seconds
  592. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§lミリアに昇格クエストに関する話を聞こう!" to player
  593. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  594. set {story.%player%} to 15
  595. set {checking.%player%} to 0
  596. stop
  597. if {story.%player%} is greater than 15:
  598. if {checking.%player%} is 0:
  599. if name of held item contains "§6§l少し汚れた化石":
  600. set {checking.%player%} to 1
  601. apply slowness 99 to player for 13 seconds
  602. apply jump boost 237 to player for 13 seconds
  603. wait 1 second
  604. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lおお若いの、なんじゃ鑑定か?" to player
  605. wait 2 seconds
  606. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l確かに、化石じゃの..では、鑑定するぞ?" to player
  607. wait 2 seconds
  608. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lふむふむ..これは..." to player
  609. wait 2 seconds
  610. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:ambient.cave master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 2"
  611. wait 2 seconds
  612. execute console command "/clear %player% minecraft:bone 0 1"
  613. set {_check} to random integer between 1 and 3
  614. if {_check} is 1:
  615. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  616. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:double_plant 1 4 {display:{Name:""§6§l古代花の化石"",Lore:[""§7§l遠い昔に生きていた花の化石"",""§7§lその強烈な臭いは竜すら退かせたという""]}}"
  617. wait 2 seconds
  618. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「古代花の化石」じゃな!" to player
  619. if {_check} is 2:
  620. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:prismarine_crystals 1 0 {display:{Name:""§6§l海龍の鱗の化石"",Lore:[""§7§l遠い昔に生きていた海龍の鱗の化石"",""§7§l鮫や鯨ですらも狩って食べていたという""]}}"
  621. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  622. wait 2 seconds
  623. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「海龍の鱗の化石」じゃな!" to player
  624. if {_check} is 3:
  625. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:dye 1 3 {display:{Name:""§6§l地竜の牙の化石"",Lore:[""§7§l遠い昔に生きていた地竜の牙の化石"",""§7§lその強靭な顎は岩をも砕いたという""]}}"
  626. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  627. wait 2 seconds
  628. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「地竜の牙の化石」じゃな!" to player
  629. wait 2 seconds
  630. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lまた「化石」が手に入ったら持ってくるのじゃぞ!" to player
  631. set {checking.%player%} to 0
  632. if {story.%player%} is 13:
  633. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§l「化石」を見つけたら、手に持って話しかけてくれ" to player
  634. if {story.%player%} is 15:
  635. send "§a§l鑑定おじさん§c§l 》 §7§lミリアが若いのに話があると言ってたぞ" to player
  636. on death:
  637. if name of victim contains "§a§l腐った死体":
  638. execute console command "/execute @r[tag=mon1,type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ /summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:""§a§l腐った死体"",CustomNameVisible:1,IsVillager:0,IsBaby:0,ArmorItems:[{id:""minecraft:emerald"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l緑碧石の欠片"",Lore:[""§7§l「天空島」で通貨として使われる宝石"",""§7§lとてもきれいな緑色をしている""]}}},{id:""minecraft:leather_leggings"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{id:""minecraft:leather_chestplate"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{id:""minecraft:skull"",Damage:3,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l腐った死体の生首"",Lore:[""§7§l簡単には手に入らない、とても珍しい代物"",""§7§l生首を集めている物好きな収集家もいるらしい""]},SkullOwner:{Id:""f66cb1ed-7bb8-47d3-82df-327443955be6"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWM5ZmRkNzlkMGE1ODAyOWY5NTljY2Y4NjQzYWVhZTFhMzRmNWE5ZjRkZmUzNTI2ZjZkMTRiZTUyMWQ4YzZlIn19fQ==""}]}}}}],HandItems:[{id:""minecraft:stone_sword"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{}],ArmorDropChances:[1.0F,0.0F,0.0F,0.2F],HandDropChances:[0.0F,0.085F],Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:20,Name:zombie.spawnReinforcements,Base:0.0F}],Health:20.0f,DeathLootTable:""a"",PersistenceRequired:1}"
  639. subtract 1 from {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  640. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 10:
  641. if {level.%attacker%} is 9:
  642. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  643. add 1 to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  644. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 16:
  645. if {level.%attacker%} is 19:
  646. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  647. add 1 to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  648. if name of victim contains "§a§l動く骸骨":
  649. execute console command "/execute @r[tag=mon2,type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ /summon skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:""§a§l動く骸骨"",CustomNameVisible:1,ArmorItems:[{id:""minecraft:emerald"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l緑碧石の欠片"",Lore:[""§7§l「天空島」で通貨として使われる宝石"",""§7§lとてもきれいな緑色をしている""]}}},{id:""minecraft:leather_leggings"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{id:""minecraft:leather_chestplate"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{id:""minecraft:skull"",Damage:3,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l動く骸骨の生首"",Lore:[""§7§l簡単には手に入らない、とても珍しい代物"",""§7§l生首を集めている物好きな収集家もいるらしい""]},SkullOwner:{Id:""05b9f5c4-fb70-40cd-a2c2-628bcd40e0e7"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWE2MzE0ZWFjMzQ0MTZjZTEwYWIyMmMyZTFjNGRjYjQ3MmEzZmViOThkNGUwNGQzZmJiYjg1YTlhNDcxYjE4In19fQ==""}]}}}}],HandItems:[{id:""minecraft:stone_sword"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{}],ArmorDropChances:[1.0F,0.0F,0.0F,0.2F],HandDropChances:[0.0F,0.085F],Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:20}],Health:20.0f,DeathLootTable:""a"",PersistenceRequired:1}"
  650. subtract 1 from {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  651. if {story.%attacker%} is 8:
  652. add 1 to {number.%attacker%}
  653. if {number.%attacker%} is greater than or equal to 10:
  654. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l昇格クエストを達成した、ミリアに報告しに行こう!" to attacker
  655. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  656. set {story.%attacker%} to 9
  657. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 10:
  658. if {level.%attacker%} is 9:
  659. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  660. add 1 to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  661. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 16:
  662. if {level.%attacker%} is 19:
  663. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  664. add 1 to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  665. if name of victim contains "§a§l火炎纏う蜘蛛":
  666. set {_item} to random integer between 2 and 3
  667. execute console command "/execute @r[tag=mon3,type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ /summon spider ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:""§a§l火炎纏う蜘蛛"",CustomNameVisible:1,ArmorItems:[{id:""minecraft:emerald"",Count:%{_item}%b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l緑碧石の欠片"",Lore:[""§7§l「天空島」で通貨として使われる宝石"",""§7§lとてもきれいな緑色をしている""]}}},{},{id:""minecraft:blaze_powder"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l炎纏う蜘蛛の牙"",Lore:[""§7§l噛むことで敵を燃やす魔物の牙"",""§7§lこれを使い作られた武器には火炎の力が宿る""]}}},{id:""minecraft:string"",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l炎纏う蜘蛛の糸"",Lore:[""§7§l火を扱う魔物の生成する糸"",""§7§l防火性に優れているため防具の材料となる""]}}}],HandItems:[{id:""minecraft:wooden_sword"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:20,lvl:2}]}},{}],ArmorDropChances:[1.0F,0.085F,0.2F,0.3F],HandDropChances:[0.0F,0.085F],Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:30}],Health:30.0f,DeathLootTable:""a"",PersistenceRequired:1}"
  668. set {_xp} to random integer between 2 and 3
  669. set {xpneeded.%attacker%} to {xpneeded.%attacker%}-{_xp}
  670. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 9:
  671. if {level.%attacker%} is 10:
  672. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  673. add {_xp} to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  674. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 16:
  675. if {level.%attacker%} is 19:
  676. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  677. add {_xp} to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  678. if name of victim contains "§a§l正体不明の亡霊":
  679. set {_item} to random integer between 3 and 4
  680. execute console command "/execute @r[tag=mon4,type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ /summon skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:""§a§l正体不明の亡霊"",CustomNameVisible:1,ArmorItems:[{id:""minecraft:emerald"",Count:%{_item}%,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l緑碧石の欠片"",Lore:[""§7§l「天空島」で通貨として使われる宝石"",""§7§lとてもきれいな緑色をしている""]}}},{id:""minecraft:leather_leggings"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{id:""minecraft:leather_chestplate"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{id:""minecraft:skull"",Damage:3,Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:""§6§l正体不明の亡霊の生首"",Lore:[""§7§l簡単には手に入らない、とても珍しい代物"",""§7§l生首を集めている物好きな収集家もいるらしい""]},SkullOwner:{Id:""fcd6614c-adb1-4cd8-8361-37eeeb99985c"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZWY3YTRmOTVlNWZlOTliNDViZTYxYmIzMzg4MmMxMmE5M2IyMmQyOTdmZDE3NjVhYjIxZTc3NDhkYzZiOGNmMyJ9fX0=""}]}}}}],HandItems:[{id:""minecraft:bow"",Count:1b,tag:{Unbreakable:1}},{}],ArmorDropChances:[1.0F,0.0F,0.0F,0.2F],HandDropChances:[0.0F,0.085F],Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:20}],Health:20.0f,DeathLootTable:""a"",PersistenceRequired:1}"
  681. set {_item} to random integer between 3 and 4
  682. set {xpneeded.%attacker%} to {xpneeded.%attacker%}-{_xp}
  683. if {story.%attacker%} is 8:
  684. add 1 to {number.%attacker%}
  685. if {number.%attacker%} is greater than or equal to 10:
  686. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l昇格クエストを達成した、ミリアに報告しに行こう!" to attacker
  687. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  688. set {story.%attacker%} to 9
  689. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 10:
  690. if {level.%attacker%} is 9:
  691. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  692. add {_xp} to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  693. if {story.%attacker%} is less than 16:
  694. if {level.%attacker%} is 19:
  695. send "§7§lクエストを進めないと経験値は取得できません!" to attacker
  696. add {_xp} to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  697. if {xpneeded.%attacker%} is less than or equal to 0:
  698. add 1 to {level.%attacker%}
  699. set {_power} to {level.%attacker%}/10
  700. set {_health} to {level.%attacker%}/10
  701. execute console command "/replaceitem entity %attacker% slot.armor.head minecraft:leather_helmet 1 0 {HideFlags:5,AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:""generic.maxHealth"",Name:""generic.maxHealth"",Amount:%{_health}%,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:2,Slot:""head""},{AttributeName:""generic.attackDamage"",Name:""generic.attackDamage"",Amount:%{_power}%,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:2,Slot:""head""}],Unbreakable:1,ench:[{id:10,lvl:1}],display:{Name:""§6§l旅人の帽子"",Lore:[""§7§l旅人さんの付けている帽子"",""§7§lそこには何か秘密が...ないかもしれない?""],color:3040510}}"
  702. set {xpneeded.%attacker%} to {level.%attacker%}*3
  703. set {xpneeded.%attacker%} to {level.%attacker%}/2
  704. add 1 to {xpneeded.%attacker%}
  705. execute console command "/tellraw %attacker% ["""",{""text"":""--------------------"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_green""},{""text"":""\n"",""bold"":true},{""text"":""レベルが"",""bold"":true,""color"":""gold""},{""text"":""「%{level.%attacker%}%」"",""bold"":true,""color"":""red""},{""text"":""に上がりました!"",""bold"":true,""color"":""gold""},{""text"":""\n"",""bold"":true},{""text"":""・"",""bold"":true,""color"":""blue""},{""text"":""現在の階級..."",""bold"":true,""color"":""green""},{""text"":""\n"",""bold"":true},{""text"":"" 》"",""bold"":true,""color"":""red""},{""text"":""「 R%{rank.%player%}% 」"",""bold"":true,""color"":""gray""},{""text"":""\n"",""bold"":true},{""text"":""・"",""bold"":true,""color"":""blue""},{""text"":""次のレベルまで..."",""bold"":true,""color"":""green""},{""text"":""\n "",""bold"":true},{""text"":""》"",""bold"":true,""color"":""red""},{""text"":""「%{xpneeded.%attacker%}%」"",""bold"":true,""color"":""gray""},{""text"":""\n"",""bold"":true},{""text"":""--------------------"",""bold"":true,""color"":""dark_green""}]"
  706. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.firework.launch master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 1.5"
  707. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.firework.blast master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.5"
  708. wait 1 second
  709. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.firework.twinkle master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 1.1"
  710. if {level.%attacker%} is greater than or equal to 10:
  711. if {story.%attacker%} is 6:
  712. set {story.%attacker%} to 7
  713. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l探索者ギルドで「R1」の昇格クエストを受注しよう!" to player
  714. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  715. if {level.%attacker%} is greater than or equal to 20:
  716. if {story.%attacker%} is 16:
  717. set {story.%attacker%} to 17
  718. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l探索者ギルドで「R2」の昇格クエストを受注しよう!" to player
  719. execute console command "/execute %attacker% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  720. on mine of coal ore:
  721. cancel the event
  722. set block at event-location to air
  723. set {_item} to random integer between 1 and 5
  724. if {_item} is between 1 and 2:
  725. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:iron_nugget 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l灰簾石"",Lore:[""§7§l灰色に輝く、下級魔鉱石の一種"",""§7§lこれを使った武器は攻撃力に少し補正がかかる""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  726. if {_item} is between 3 and 4:
  727. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:stained_glass_pane 1 5 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l透輝石"",Lore:[""§7§l薄緑色に輝く、下級魔鉱石の一種"",""§7§lこれを使った武器は攻撃速度に少し補正がかかる""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  728. if {_item} is 5:
  729. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:fermented_spider_eye 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l呪石"",Lore:[""§7§l様々な悪感情が石に溜まりできたもの"",""§7§l何かに使えるという噂を聞いたことがあるが....""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  730. wait 30 seconds
  731. set block at event-location to coal ore
  732. on mine of iron ore:
  733. cancel the event
  734. set block at event-location to air
  735. set {_item} to random integer between 1 and 7
  736. if {_item} is between 1 and 2:
  737. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:quartz 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l月長石"",Lore:[""§7§l白色に輝く、中級魔鉱石の一種"",""§7§lこれを使った武器は攻撃速度に補正がかかる""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  738. if {_item} is between 3 and 4:
  739. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:glowstone_dust 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l紅柱石"",Lore:[""§7§l金色に輝く、中級魔鉱石の一種"",""§7§lこれを使った武器は攻撃力に補正がかかる""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  740. if {_item} is between 5 and 6:
  741. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:iron_ingot 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l魔鋼鉄"",Lore:[""§7§l周りの魔力が鉄鉱石に溜まりできたもの"",""§7§lこれを使った武具は鉄を材料にした物よりも質が高い""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  742. if {_item} is 7:
  743. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:bone 1 0 {HideFlags:1,display:{Name:""§6§l少し汚れた化石"",Lore:[""§7§l少し汚れた、あまり質のよくない化石"",""§7§l鑑定すると武器や防具の材料になることがある.""]},ench:[{id:0,lvl:1}]}"
  744. if {story.%player%} is 13:
  745. send "§2§lクエスト通知§c§l 》 §6§l「鑑定おじさん」に化石を鑑定してもらおう!" to player
  746. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.experience_orb.pickup master @a ~ ~ ~ 100 0.8"
  747. set {story.%player%} to 14
  748. wait 30 seconds
  749. set block at event-location to iron ore
  750. on damage:
  751. if attacker is a player:
  752. if victim is a player:
  753. cancel the event
  754. on rightclick on anvil:
  755. cancel the event
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