
This is getting out of hand

Nov 4th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli followed up behind Bliss, giving her butt a light swat as they walked up the stairs. He got his key out to unlock the appartment door, while opening it up for her, "Home sweet home. Made even sweeter with you here." He said to Bliss all mushy like.
  2. Tsaaq: "Saying sweet things as usual." Bliss called out as she went to walk from the kitchen towards him. She ran up to him and threw her around around him as she kissed him.
  3. Covet: "Of course, always." He said then held onto her as she threw her arms around him and started to kiss him, "Well Hello there, this is unexpected, what's prompted this kind of attention tonight?" He asked her, kissing her back between words.
  4. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure... There's been something romantic in the air." Bliss answered. "And you're always so handsome in every instance in my mind." She laughed. "And last week... When we pretended to be different people... That was fun." She gave him a bashful look.
  5. Covet: "Oh really?" He said leaning back as he looked at her, "I did enjoy it quite a lot. I may have been imagining some other things we could play out when the guys and I were at the bachelor party. It felt a little rude to ignore the girls, just trying to do their job, but I couldn't help but think about you instead. "He told her kissing the pink on her cheeks away. " Though you are far more beautiful than any exotic dancer there, in my mind."
  6. Tsaaq: "Eli..." She trailed off with a pout. "I felt the same way about the male dancers! I saw them but I really just wanted to make love to you." She said dreamily. "Does that mean... You want me to pretend to be an exotic dancer?"
  7. Covet: "Whew," He said thinking he was going to get in a little bit of trouble. "I was thinking about you the entire night." He said with a chuckle, then looked at her, "Well, it's just pretend right? No harm in pretending...But only if you want to." He added.
  8. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded, honestly considering it. "I have to find clothes that fit the role but otherwise... I think I'm into it." She grinned up at him.
  9. Covet: "I will happily do my best to fufill any male dancer fantasies you might have as well, after all, it's only fair." He told her, leaning into kiss her neck.
  10. Tsaaq: "Should I get a wig?" Bliss asked. "Oh, I should think of my character now while I attempt to pick out some lingere... Or pasties." Bliss began to smile. "Well... That sounds like a good time for both of us. Are there any other fantasies you have?"
  11. Covet: "I will let you completely surprise me as to what kind of exotic dancer you would like to be." He said with a grin, "You have pasties?" He asked shooting her an unexpectedly shocked look. "Uh... I'm sure when I'm not thinking about you and pasties I could come up with a few, but my brain is kind of too focused right now..."
  12. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "No. But I can buy it when I get the wig." Bliss told him. "I'm so excited! I'll call myself... Cherry. A brunette." Bliss began to ponder.
  13. Covet: "Seeing you a a brunette would be different. Almost like an evil twin sister?" Eli suggested, "I like the name Cherry, sweet and juicy" He told her as he moved forward to lift her up onto the counter.
  14. Tsaaq: ((Polly.))
  15. Covet: [AHAHAHAHA]
  16. Tsaaq: Bliss stifled the smirk forming on her lips. "And she'll make your mouth wet when you sink her teeth into her." Bliss said coyly as she went to lean against Eli.
  17. Covet: "I can feel my mouth watering already..." He said in a strained whisper, before he gave her a playful bite along her collar bone, not soft, but not painful either.
  18. Tsaaq: She hissed as she clutched onto him tightly. "I'm so excited for this. Aren't you?" Bliss asked him, her hand lowering to the crotch of his jeans and felt around playfully for the peen.
  19. Covet: "Mhhm... the thought alone is getting me hot and bothered, which I'm sure you can tell." He said, "The question is, do I take you back to the bedroom, or just enjoy ourselves right here?"
  20. Tsaaq: "Eli..." She whispered, beginning to blush. "Where would I go? Where would you go?" She asked a little excitedly. "Where would we put our clothes?"
  21. Covet: "You would sit right here at the edge." He told her as he started to slip her jacket and her shirt off, "I would stand right here and your legs would wrap around me. And we'd just take off what we need to." he told her as he pulled his own shirt over his head. before he went back to kissing her lips and neck, and chest.
  22. Covet: [Did you forget to hit enter again?]
  23. Tsaaq: She pulled off her cardigan then her cute little shirt. Bliss tried to take off her jeans. "I want us both to be nude." Bliss said, or demanded rather.
  24. Tsaaq: ((Yes ughh.))
  25. Covet: "Then we'll shamelessly leave all our clothes on the floor until we're finished." He told her as he kicked offf his shoes, and slipped out of his pants, and boxers dropping them both, at her command.
  26. Tsaaq: Bliss was nervous but excited by this. She went to unsnap her bra then stepped out of her panties. She looked Eli up and down and got up on her tippy toes as she kissed him.
  27. Covet: Eli wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back as he held onto her hips and pulled her up against himself, resting against the edge of the counter as he put his peen in that honey pot. "How's this?" he asked her in a breathy voice.
  28. Tsaaq: ((NASTY.))
  29. Tsaaq: She threw her head back and let out a small moan. "Yes." She whispered as she scratched his back. "More." Bliss insisted cause they were horny nerds.
  30. Covet: Eli gave a slight gasp as she scratched his bag, but he did as she requested, getting into his groove, as his finger tips dug into her thighs and ass where he held onto her. He leaned forward and started to kiss on her neck roughly sucking, giving her a nice little hickey because he wasn't going to be the only one left marked tonight.
  31. Tsaaq: "Oh, oh my..." Bliss whispered. She winced from the pain but somehow it felt good. She began to gasp loudly as she held on tighter. "Oh Eli!" She shouted. She was practically screaming bro. Probably, arguably the loudest sexes they've ever made.
  32. Covet: Eli released her neck and pulled her closer his hands sliding up her hips as he put more into it, getting his manly grunt and groan on, "Bliss... My Love.. I'm...g-gonna go..." He told her because with all that screaming, dude can only hold on for so long, with a build up like that.
  33. Tsaaq: She put her hands on both sides of his face. "Don't make a mess my love." She said to him breathlessly. "Oh, keep going." Bliss moaned. She winced again but she was getting her pleasure on bro. Nice sextimes Eli.
  34. Covet: He paused what he was doing and looked at her letting himself come back down until she told him to keep going then he went back thrusting away as he held off his own, until she got hers. It was a struggle, but he was in it to hold out until they could both enjoy the end together, cause he's good like that. ;D
  35. Tsaaq: "Oh my goodness. Oh... Merlin's beard." Bliss practically shrieked as she climaxed as she dug her nails into his back as her legs began to spasm.
  36. Covet: Eli winced feeling her nails dig into his back again. He could feel her legs spasam as she got hers, and came right along with her trembling and shuddering with a little bit of growling as he pulled her close to himself, panting and breathing hard into her hair, before kissing her head, as they rested against the counter before he pulled out and slowly let her down to her feet again.
  37. Tsaaq: Bliss bit the inside of her cheek and wiggled as she went to kiss his cheek. "I have to... Clean myself up." She whispered, retreating from the kitchen and going into the bathroom because that sex was intense af, like last week bro.
  38. Covet: "I'll take care of our clothes and meet you in the bedroom" He told her, intending to flop out on that bed and let himself catch his breath.
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