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a guest
Dec 16th, 2019
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  1. }, GloboFilter.prototype.quickView = function(t) {
  2. return gF.ajax({
  3. url: t + "?view=gf_quickview",
  4. type: "get",
  5. dataType: "html",
  6. success: function(t) {
  7. gF("body").addClass("modal-open").append(t), gF("#product-images-product-quickview-template").owlCarousel({
  8. loop: !0,
  9. margin: 0,
  10. items: 1,
  11. dots: !0,
  12. navText: ['<i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>', '<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>'],
  13. nav: !0
  14. }), gF(".gfqv-close-modal").click(function() {
  15. return gF(".quick-view-modal").fadeOut(300, function() {
  16. gF(".quick-view-modal").remove()
  17. }), gF("body").removeClass("modal-open"), !1
  18. }), gF(".quantity .decrease").click(function() {
  19. if ((t = parseInt(gF(this).next("input").val()) - 1) < 1) var t = 1;
  20. gF(this).next().val(t)
  21. }), gF(".quantity .increase").click(function() {
  22. var t = parseInt(gF(this).prev("input").val());
  23. gF(this).prev().val(t + 1)
  24. }), gF("#gfqv-select").change(function() {
  25. var t = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("ProductJson-product-template").innerHTML),
  26. e = gF(this).val();
  27. gF.each(t.variants, function(t, i) {
  28. if ( == e)
  29. if (i && i.available) {
  30. gF("#gfqv-btn").removeAttr("disabled").removeClass("disabled");
  31. var n = GLiquid.parse("{{ price | money }}");
  32. if (gF("#product-quickview-price .money").html(n.render({
  33. price: i.price
  34. })), i.price < i.compare_at_price) {
  35. var r = GLiquid.parse("{{ price | money }}");
  36. gF("#product-quickview-oldprice .money").html(r.render({
  37. price: i.compare_at_price
  38. })).show()
  39. } else gF("#product-quickview-oldprice .money").hide()
  40. } else gF("#quickview-template-submit").addClass("disabled").attr("disabled", "disabled")
  41. })
  42. })
  43. }
  44. }), !1
  45. };
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