Guest User


a guest
Mar 3rd, 2019
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  1. MySQL:
  2. Enabled: false
  3. Host: localhost
  4. Database: Base
  5. Username: root
  6. Password: Pasword***
  7. Port: 3306
  8. OnJoin:
  9. TeleportToLobby: true
  10. BungeeCord:
  11. Enabled: false
  12. RandomLobbyServer:
  13. Enabled: false
  14. Servers:
  15. - Hub
  16. - Hub-1
  17. - Hub-2
  18. LobbyServer: Hub
  19. RestartCommand: na31derestart
  20. RestartMessage: '&aThe server is going to restart in 10 seconds.'
  21. MOTD:
  22. Display: <gameState>,&a<inGame>/<maxPlayers>
  23. InGameState: '&cEN_JUEGO'
  24. InWaitingState: '&aEN_ESPERA'
  25. ArenaInventory:
  26. Name: '&7Menú de Arenas'
  27. Size: 54
  28. InWaiting:
  29. Name: '&8➤ <arenaName>'
  30. Lore:
  31. - ''
  32. - '&a➤ Max Players: <maxPlayers>'
  33. - '&a➤ Game Type: <gameType>'
  34. - '&a➤ In game: <inGamePlayers>'
  35. BlockedCommands:
  36. - fly
  37. - gm
  38. - gamemode
  39. - spawn
  40. - tp
  41. - vanish
  42. - clear
  43. PortalHologram:
  44. Enabled: true
  45. PlayerLines:
  46. - <teamColor>&lTu meta
  47. - '&7&oDefender!'
  48. OpponentLines:
  49. - <teamColor>&l<teamName> Anota
  50. - '&e&oSalta para anotar!'
  51. GoldenApple:
  52. DisplayName: '&bManzana Dorada'
  53. Lore:
  54. - '&7Te regenera la vida'
  55. - '&7al maximo.'
  56. Bow:
  57. DisplayName: '&6Arco'
  58. Lore:
  59. - '&7Las flecha se regenera en'
  60. - '&a3.5s&7. El maximo es 1'
  61. Arrow:
  62. DisplayName: '&6Flecha'
  63. Lore:
  64. - '&7Regenera cada &a3.5s&7!'
  65. CountdownTitle:
  66. Enabled: true
  67. Title: '&a<seconds>'
  68. SubTitle: ' '
  69. Stay: 20
  70. FadeIn: 20
  71. FadeOut: 20
  72. CagesOpenTitle:
  73. Enabled: true
  74. Title: '&7Abriendo en &a<seconds>s'
  75. SubTitle: ' '
  76. Stay: 20
  77. FadeIn: 20
  78. FadeOut: 20
  79. GoalScoredTitle:
  80. Enabled: true
  81. Title: '&e¡<player> anotó!'
  82. SubTitle: '&7Abriendo en &a<seconds>s'
  83. Stay: 20
  84. FadeIn: 20
  85. FadeOut: 20
  86. ArenaSign:
  87. FirstLine: '&5&lTheBridge'
  88. SecondLine: <mode>
  89. ThirdLine: <arenaName>
  90. FourthLine: '&7<inGame>/<maxPlayers>'
  91. InGameDisplay: '&cEn Juego'
  92. InWaitingDisplay: '&aEsperando'
  93. RestartingDisplay: '&cReiniciando...'
  94. ModifiedChat:
  95. InGame:
  96. Enabled: true
  97. Format: '<playerTeamColor>[<playerTeamNameUpperCase>] &7<playerName>: <message>'
  98. InWaiting:
  99. Enabled: true
  100. Format: '&7<playerName>: <message>'
  101. GoalCommands:
  102. Enabled: false
  103. Commands:
  104. - say <player> scored a goal.
  105. WinCommands:
  106. Enabled: false
  107. Commands:
  108. - say <player> won a match.
  109. KillCommands:
  110. Enabled: false
  111. Commands:
  112. - say <player> killed a player.
  113. LobbyLocation: LobbyNW,-106.47907740858459,67.0,-1148.533821532907,-89.549904,-1.9500104
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