
MCTweaks Config Hacks (Batch)

Dec 7th, 2019
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  1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  2. ::MCTweaks Via Batch ::
  3. ::Created by RU$$ [] ::
  4. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  5. @ECHO OFF
  6. @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  7. @title Tweaks For Minecraft
  8. @cd C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
  10. tasklist | find "javaw"
  11. IF [%errorlevel%] EQU [0] (GOTO :Found) ELSE (GOTO :MENU)
  13. :Found
  14. cls
  15. echo ERROR: Minecraft is open! Please close and try agian.
  16. echo(
  17. pause
  18. goto :EOF
  20. :Menu
  21. cls
  22. echo __ __ _____ _______ _
  23. echo ^| \/ ^|/ ____^|__ __^| ^| ^|
  24. echo ^| \ / ^| ^| ^| ^|_ _____ __ _^| ^| _____
  25. echo ^| ^|\/^| ^| ^| ^| \ \ /\ / / _ \/ _` ^| ^|/ / __^|
  26. echo ^| ^| ^| ^| ^|____ ^| ^|\ V V / __/ (_^| ^| ^<\__ \
  27. echo ^|_^| ^|_^|\_____^| ^|_^| \_/\_/ \___^|\__,_^|_^|\_\___/
  28. echo.
  29. echo INSTRUCTIONS:
  30. echo 1. Make sure game is CLOSED
  31. echo 2. Select an option from bellow
  32. echo.
  33. echo OPTIONS:
  34. echo 1. Render Overider.
  35. echo 2. FullBright.
  36. echo 3. Max-FPS Overider.
  37. echo 4. FoV Overider.
  38. echo 0. Delete main config.
  39. echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. echo.
  41. set /p optionselect=Select An Option:
  43. IF /I '%optionselect%'=='1' GOTO CustomRender
  44. IF /I '%optionselect%'=='2' GOTO FullBright
  45. IF /I '%optionselect%'=='3' GOTO FPSOveride
  46. IF /I '%optionselect%'=='4' GOTO FoVOveride
  47. IF /I '%optionselect%'=='0' GOTO RemoveConfig
  49. GOTO Menu
  51. :RemoveConfig
  52. cls
  53. DEL "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\options.txt"
  54. echo Config has been deleted!
  55. echo(
  56. pause
  57. goto Menu
  59. :CustomRender
  60. cls
  61. set /p "render=Enter a custom render: "
  62. powershell -Command "(gc options.txt) -replace '(renderDistance:)\d+', 'renderDistance:%render%' | sc options.txt"
  63. powershell -Command "$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = """Tweaks For Minecraft"""
  64. cls
  65. echo Render has been set: %render%
  66. echo(
  67. pause
  68. goto Menu
  70. :FullBright
  71. cls
  72. set /p "bright=Enable or Disable: "
  73. IF /I '%bright%'=='Enable' (
  75. powershell -Command "(gc options.txt) -replace '(gamma:)\d+\.\d+', 'gamma:100.00' | sc options.txt"
  76. powershell -Command "$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = """Tweaks For Minecraft"""
  77. cls
  78. echo FullBright was Enabled
  79. echo(
  80. pause
  81. goto Menu
  83. )
  84. IF /I "%bright%"=="Disable" (
  86. powershell -Command "(gc options.txt) -replace '(gamma:)\d+\.\d+', 'gamma:1.00' | sc options.txt"
  87. powershell -Command "$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = """Tweaks For Minecraft"""
  88. cls
  89. echo FullBright was Disabled
  90. echo(
  91. pause
  92. goto Menu
  94. )
  95. goto FullBright
  97. :FPSOveride
  98. cls
  99. set /p "fps=Enter a custom FPS Cap: "
  100. powershell -Command "(gc options.txt) -replace '(maxFps:)\d+', 'maxFps:%fps%' | sc options.txt"
  101. powershell -Command "$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = """Tweaks For Minecraft"""
  102. cls
  103. echo FPS Cap has been set: %fps%
  104. echo(
  105. pause
  106. goto Menu
  108. :FoVOveride
  109. cls
  110. set /p "fov=Enter a custom FoV: "
  111. powershell -Command "(gc options.txt) -replace '(fov:)\d+', 'fov:%fov%' | sc options.txt"
  112. powershell -Command "$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = """Tweaks For Minecraft"""
  113. cls
  114. echo FPS has been set: %fov%
  115. echo(
  116. pause
  117. goto Menu
  119. :RemoveConfig
  120. cls
  121. DEL "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\options.txt"
  122. echo Config has been deleted!
  123. echo(
  124. pause
  125. goto Menu
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