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Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. \documentclass{jarticle}
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  6. \begin{document}
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  10. every node/.style={transform shape},
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  121. \path[->] (8) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=cyan] node{$\mathsf{6}$} (2);
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  130. \path[->] (9) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=lime] node{$\mathsf{4}$} (10);
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  132. \path[->] (9) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=cyan] node{$\mathsf{6}$} (0);
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  134. \path[->] (9) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=magenta] node{$\mathsf{8}$} (2);
  135. \path[->] (9) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=purple] node{$\mathsf{9}$} (3);
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  138. \path[->] (10) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=red] node{$\mathsf{1}$} (5);
  139. \path[->] (10) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=orange] node{$\mathsf{2}$} (6);
  140. \path[->] (10) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=yellow] node{$\mathsf{3}$} (7);
  141. \path[->] (10) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=lime] node{$\mathsf{4}$} (8);
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  151. \path[->] (11) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=yellow] node{$\mathsf{3}$} (5);
  152. \path[->] (11) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=lime] node{$\mathsf{4}$} (6);
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  156. \path[->] (11) edge [thick,pos=0.1,bend right = 5, color=magenta] node{$\mathsf{8}$} (10);
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  158. \end{tikzpicture}
  159. \end{document}
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