
nullification log 2

Feb 4th, 2019
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  1. Koume Bavmor whispers: In a moment. I'd like to see this.
  3. Kuso Hitoshi whispers: Understood.
  5. Ashera Ixis has emerged victorious!
  7. Koume Bavmor whispers: Mm. Come with me.
  10. Koume Bavmor asks, "What is it you wanted to speak about?"
  12. Kuso Hitoshi says, "irst off my name is Kuso Hitoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you again."
  14. Koume Bavmor says, "Koume Bavmor."
  16. Kuso Hitoshi says, "So recently I've been having a bit of trouble not much but some none the less."
  18. Koume Bavmor says, "You'll have to specify."
  19. Kuso coughs
  20. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  23. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Yes."
  25. Kuso Hitoshi says, "It's related ot my occult magic."
  27. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I've only know this city to deal with it one of two ways."
  28. Koume crossed one leg over the other, shifting the black silks and vibrant reds of her outfit.
  29. (Koume Bavmor)
  32. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Cleansing it, or getting rid of the user in a sense."
  34. Koume Bavmor says, "The letter of the law is clear. So long as you follow it, and do not succumb to the madness, you will be faced with nothing but an odd look."
  36. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I understand that much."
  38. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "My question, is there another way to go about dealing with occult magic?"
  40. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Yes it's a dark practice, but does one have to give into this "madness"?"
  42. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Can there be a way that you in a sense command the occult fully?"
  44. Kuso Hitoshi says, "My view on the subject is that the "madness" affects those with weak will and it fuels thier wordly desires."
  45. Kuso taps his staff on the ground
  46. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  49. Koume Bavmor says, "It is an inevitability, to fall into the madness. The Occult was not meant to be wielded by any other than demons, who are naturally mad, in a sense. I've met... those who have chosen to find a path to control it, and indefinitely stave off the madness."
  51. Koume Bavmor says, "They are all dead, however."
  53. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Hm, are you saying its impossible?"
  55. Koume Bavmor says, "I am not."
  56. Kuso takes out a few notes he written down from earlier today relating to the topic of madness, he held them out so that both of them maybe view it clearly.
  58. "I have seen times in my life where one could suggest I was "mad" from the occult energy. Another thing that people could hold against me was the fact I grew up in dawn and that fueled some of the madness. The whispers come and go though they aren't anything I haven't heard in the past before in my life.
  60. When the young woman for this city was jailed in dawn the whispers wanted me to attack her and help dawn keep her locked away. Though in my heart I knew the right thing was to help the poor woman which I did in the end.
  62. I have overcome the whispers more than one time of course, but this one is the one that stands out to me a bit more than the rest. All that to say this Occult is view as an evil magic art that much I understand and those that use the art fall into madness. I see another way and hoped I could get a better answer using the occult to my will alone and making the whisper leave for good.
  64. Is there is a way in which you know I can come to control this magic fully so that I may continue to be of use to this lovely city, I ask that you please share it with me and not hold anything back. Be as harsh as you like this will be needed if I'm to come to a conclusion in my research."
  65. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  67. The Lady Bavmor rolled her shoulders back, and settled into her bench, silent for awhile. Half-lidded golden hues looked out over the verdant greens-- past the temp agency, and the empty home of her deceased friend and his missing wife, past the lush forestry surrounding Huangzhou that had been replanted with the help of a dozen or so helpful dryads following a great expansion.
  69. She reached up, to touch plush fingertips to the line of her jaw, and allowed them to glide, up and up, until they rounded the shell of an ear, pulling soft golden curls behind.
  71. "I gave the same advice to those who came to me before. Those who met their end, either by succumbing to the madness and doing something insane-- like walking into Dawn alongside Deseti leadership and being slain on the spot. Or, by nearly achieving what you seek, but meeting a grisly end at the hands of an enemy."
  73. Koume took a deep lungful of breath. Her stomach churned every so subtly, as her exorcist magic, imbued within her very being sensed and repulsed, and was repulsed by, Kuso's occult. Still, she'd learned to lessen these feelings long ago. To the point where they meant little to nothing.
  75. "Desire. Passion. They fuel the fire that is the Occult. You should know this already. Your magic isn't inherently evil, Kuso, it's corruptive, and the further you go down that well of power, the less you'll be able to control going further down, until you find yourself lost, and mad."
  77. She held up two hands, pale palms held skyward.
  79. "The holy arts are the same, in a sense. The draw from a desire-- but it is very specific. A desire to protect, and cleanse. Similarly, if you draw from a well that does not shunt you further down the path to darkness, but is still able to fuel your fire...
  81. Emptiness. Despair. Disconnect yourself from the world and your desires, and as a result, the emptiness from doing so, and the numbing of your emotions in and of itself can become a fuel."
  82. (Koume Bavmor)
  85. Koume Bavmor says, "I've discussed this at length with a long gone friend, and have seen it, in a woman I respect."
  87. Koume Bavmor says, "It is possible."
  88. Kuso listened closely to the woman it was clear that her views on occult magic weren't pleasant. Though she did point out some interesting points and some worry some points as well. Kuso hazel hues diffed away as his long nails tapped against the bench, this was a lot to take in but he soon snapped back to reality.
  90. I have spent may fair share of time going insane, I feel it's something that can happen to anybody not just occult users. I don't know what the future holds for me nor do I have any idea of what might happen along this path I'm about to take. I'm sure about one thing though it's possible and that's all I wanted to hear, no matter if I die by an enemy in combat. I would die for what I believe in and protecting my home from them by any means.
  92. The kitsune had a fire in his eyes as he shifted his hues back to the woman, he looked at peace and not a worry in the world almost as if he accept the challenge that he was about to face.
  94. Desire. Passion. you say they can fuel my occult magic, and you're not wrong. Rage. hate. love. All these feelings have affect my occult in some way shape or form that is a given truth. But I have a desire and a burring passion to overcome what others have failed. My flame grow brighter no matte how dark they get, this will not defeat me by any means whatsoever. If I have to die to achieve such a thing then that's fine with me, so long as others with occult magic know that the madness isn't the only way.
  96. A smile now on the mans face, small flames could be seen coming from the man body.
  98. When I figure it out and come back in one piece, I promise that others with occult will not be left out. I will help them understand that there are other ways than to accept the madness, I will make it my business to succeed. That's where my desire comes from and this is what I'm truly passionate about, occult will no longer control my thoughts or influence my actions. I will control this magic and become somewhat whole with the magic bending to my will and not the other way around.
  99. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  101. You have 13 minutes left until your next check. You currently do not qualify for an RPP reward in the upcoming check.
  104. Koume Bavmor says, "Kuso, that isn't... how it works."
  106. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Seems i missed a rahter important detail."
  108. Koume Bavmor says, "The more passionate your desire to overcome, the stronger you will become, yes-- But you'll never control it that way."
  110. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "if not a desire and passion to overcome it, then what?"
  111. Kuso thought long and hard
  112. (Kuso Hitoshi)
  115. Kuso Hitoshi says, "<What could I be missing?>"
  117. Koume Bavmor says, "You must draw from -emptiness-, not even more passion. Meditate, clear your thoughts. From that well of nothingness, the -want- without -desire-, you will achieve what you seek."
  119. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Emptiness?"
  121. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "To clear the occult from my mind completely?"
  123. Koume Bavmor says, "That's the... downside."
  125. Koume Bavmor says, "No, no."
  127. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Hmm"
  129. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "The downside?"
  131. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "What will happen when I do this?"
  133. Koume Bavmor says, "Your desires, and connections to others. Your emotion. It must be subdued, so that you can draw from a despair within to power the occult, and not desire."
  135. Koume Bavmor says, "Well."
  137. Kuso Hitoshi says, "What will this -emptiness- do to me? "
  139. Koume Bavmor says, "From what I've seen, you will become... different. It will be difficult to connect with others."
  141. Kuso Hitoshi says, "So in a way, I would lose part of myself? "
  143. Koume Bavmor says, "Yes. You will be numbed."
  145. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Numbed to all feelings?"
  147. Kuso Hitoshi asks, "Even pain?"
  149. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Love."
  151. Koume Bavmor says, "I'm unsure. "
  153. Kuso Hitoshi says, "That's a huge risk."
  155. Kuso Hitoshi says, "But."
  157. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I think I'm willing to take it."
  159. Koume Bavmor asks, "It is. Why do you think so few have managed?"
  161. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Cutting ones emotions off is painful."
  163. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I can see your point."
  165. Kuso Hitoshi says, "But I have my mind set."
  167. Koume Bavmor says, "I wish you the best, then."
  169. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I have no family, no wife or kids, so this will be for me."
  171. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I thank you for your time."
  173. Koume Bavmor says, "Of course."
  175. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I will let you knwo how things go."
  177. Koume Bavmor says, "Yes, I'd like to be updated. Hopefully things go... better, this time."
  179. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I hope for the best, maybe I can give your more hope for the future."
  180. Koume tipped her chin to nod.
  181. (Koume Bavmor)
  184. Kuso Hitoshi says, "I wish you a good that, I need to ponder on this conversation."
  186. Koume Bavmor says, "I'll retire for now. Another time, Kuso."
  188. Kuso Hitoshi says, "Sleep well."
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