

Nov 12th, 2016
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  1. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo is (The Chat cool people use)
  2. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo is connecting from *@
  3. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo is a registered nick
  4. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo is on: ~#btirc[3e] &#bt[TWF].oper &#bT[TWF] &#btirc[3d].oper &#btirc[3z] &#btirc[3d] &#btzombie &#btcod #oper &#btirc[3b] ?&#btzombie.oper ~#btirc[3.7].oper ~#btirc[3.7] &#dragonandblack @#blackandlordz ~#btirc[3x].oper ~#btirc[3e].oper ~#btirc[3c].oper ~#btirc[3c] @#[3x]BTTDMAdmins &#theboss @#blackandalix ~#btirc[3b].oper
  5. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo using (
  6. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo is a Network Administrator
  7. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo is available for help.
  8. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo has been idle for 17 minutes 20 seconds (Logged on at 04/11/2016 03:21:26 Þ.Ù)
  9. [19:06] ->> [bT]BlackTurbo :End of /WHOIS list.
  10. [19:07] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> Hi Black :)
  11. [19:07] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> Good morning :)
  12. [19:07] <[bT]BlackTurbo> hi professor :)
  13. [19:07] <[bT]BlackTurbo> ty :)
  14. [19:12] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> Black, you have any news from candy?, is her health good? :)
  15. [19:14] <[bT]BlackTurbo> she is not feeling good these days
  16. [19:16] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> oh, I hope she will get well soon.
  17. [19:16] <[bT]BlackTurbo> me too :)
  18. [19:18] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> By the way, do you think it will be useful if we let our 3x irc channel bots [ hammerbot and blazebot ] give users temp voice if they ask for it in the channel :)?
  19. [19:20] <[bT]BlackTurbo> no cause i dont want to start doing that automatically
  20. [19:20] <[bT]BlackTurbo> i can make candybot do that too
  21. [19:20] <[bT]BlackTurbo> but its better for an admin to give them
  22. [19:22] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> there's a bot called coolbot around irc, servers heads setting him operator or admin in their server channel to give users temp / perm voice lol
  23. [19:22] <[bT]BlackTurbo> i know and i also see somewon else bot sometime
  24. [19:24] <[bT]BlackTurbo> i have to leave in awhile but might be back before you goto sleep
  25. [19:24] <[bT]BlackTurbo> :)
  26. [19:24] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> alright :)
  27. [19:25] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> by the way saad gave that bot rank in 3x channel too, so I told him if we use our channel bots to do this job it will be more secuired...
  28. [22:05] <[KOD]ProfessorTM[KH]> I'm going to sleep, good night :).
  29. [22:05] ->> Connection closed from
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