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a guest
Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. Usage: rspec [options] [files or directories]
  2. -b, --backtrace Enable full backtrace
  3. -c, --[no-]color, --[no-]colour Enable color in the output
  4. -d, --debug Enable debugging
  5. -e, --example PATTERN Run examples whose full descriptions match this pattern
  6. (PATTERN is compiled into a Ruby regular expression)
  7. -f, --format FORMATTER Choose a formatter
  8. [p]rogress (default - dots)
  9. [d]ocumentation (group and example names)
  10. [h]tml
  11. [t]extmate
  12. custom formatter class name
  13. -o, --out FILE output to a file instead of STDOUT
  14. -I DIRECTORY specify $LOAD_PATH directory (may be used more than once)
  15. -l, --line_number LINE Specify the line number of a single example to run
  16. -p, --profile Enable profiling of examples with output of the top 10 slowest examples
  17. -r, --require PATH Require a file
  18. -v, --version Show version
  19. -X, --drb Run examples via DRb
  20. --configure COMMAND Generate configuration files
  21. --drb-port [PORT] Port to connect to on the DRb server
  22. --autotest
  23. -h, --help You're looking at it.
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