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- #method 1:
- from math import gcd
- class Solution:
- def canMeasureWater(self, a: int, b: int, d: int) -> bool:
- if d>a+b:return False
- return d%gcd(a,b)==0
- #to find no of steps
- from math import gcd
- def minSteps( m, n, d):
- return mins(m,n,d)
- def find(m,n,d):
- x,y,c1=m,0,1
- while not(x==d or y==d ):
- val=min(x,n-y)
- x,y=x-val,y+val
- c1+=1
- if x==d or y==d:break
- if x==0:
- x=m
- c1+=1
- if y==n:
- y=0
- c1+=1
- return c1
- def mins(m,n,d):
- if m<d and d>n:return -1
- if d%gcd(m,n)!=0:return -1
- c1,c2=0,0
- x,y=m,0
- a=find(m,n,d)
- b=find(n,m,d)
- return min(a,b)
- return minSteps(m,n,d)
- #method 2:
- from collections import deque
- class Solution:
- def canMeasureWater(self, a: int, b: int, tar: int) -> bool:
- q=deque()
- q.append((0,0))
- vis=set()
- vis.add(0)
- while q:
- for _ in range(len(q)):
- #print(q)
- t,c=q.popleft()
- for i in (a,b,-a,-b):
- nt=t+i
- if nt==tar:return True
- if nt in vis:continue
- vis.add(nt)
- if 0<=nt<=a+b:q.append((nt,c+1))
- return False
- #method 3
- from collections import deque
- class Solution:
- def canMeasureWater(self, a: int, b: int, tar: int) -> bool:
- q=deque()
- q.append((0,0,0))
- vis=set()
- while q:
- for _ in range(len(q)):
- #print(q)
- i,j,c=q.popleft()
- if (i,j) in vis:continue
- vis.add((i,j))
- if not(0<=i<=a and 0<=j<=b):continue
- if i==tar or j==tar or i+j==tar:return True
- #pour water from jug2 to jug1
- q.append((min(i+j,a),max(j-(a-i),0),c+1))
- #pour water from jug1 to jug2
- q.append((max(i-(b-j),0),min(i+j,b),c+1))
- #empty jug1
- q.append((0,j,c+1))
- #empty jug2
- q.append((i,0,c+1))
- q.append((i,b,c+1))
- q.append((a,j,c+1))
- return False
- #method3:
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