
Day 294 Dial Nine SilverScript Aug 12 2017

Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. Day 294 Dial Nine SilverScript Aug 12 2017
  3. Dial Nine For Pay To Play
  5. Transcript
  6. 0:00
  7. okay we're live so behind me you
  8. 0:04
  9. probably recognize this building now
  10. 0:06
  11. which is pay to play nine pay to play
  12. 0:10
  13. are we on nine pay to play this nine pay
  14. 0:14
  15. to play I'm trying to get to nine Oh big
  16. 0:19
  17. nine the big nine on nine pay to play
  18. 0:22
  19. big nine uh nine pay to play well
  20. 0:25
  21. actually this is 57th Street but that's
  22. 0:29
  23. that's pay to play building to pay to
  24. 0:31
  25. play building KKR with mr. Petraeus and
  26. 0:36
  27. the reason I'm having a little bit of
  28. 0:40
  29. cognitive dissonance today is I compared
  30. 0:45
  31. my case which I publicized so the whole
  32. 0:47
  33. world okay
  34. 0:48
  35. and we've went over all the legalities
  36. 0:50
  37. and published all the proceedings and
  38. 0:53
  39. all the motions and all the case files
  40. 0:56
  41. and all the officers testimony and that
  42. 1:00
  43. happened about a month or six weeks ago
  44. 1:04
  45. so I'm trying to compare that one brush
  46. 1:06
  47. I've ever had with the law in my life we
  48. 1:09
  49. have first defense for me for anything
  50. 1:11
  51. I've never been convicted of anything
  52. 1:13
  53. with with Imran it's just impossible not
  54. 1:18
  55. to with because of what I'm reporting on
  56. 1:21
  57. and and I feel may be targeted for
  58. 1:23
  59. reporting on not to compare my legal
  60. 1:26
  61. situation with em runs I'm not saying
  62. 1:28
  63. I'm not agreeing with MSM scenario that
  64. 1:31
  65. oh it's just about Imran because it's
  66. 1:33
  67. about all the brothers and the wives and
  68. 1:35
  69. the satellite stuff and all that but
  70. 1:37
  71. just just comparing him I just got a 62
  72. 1:40
  73. page document and three or four the
  74. 1:44
  75. pages was just aliases different
  76. 1:47
  77. birthdays different middle initials he
  78. 1:49
  79. likes s he likes a he likes W I guess
  80. 1:53
  81. that's because our shot and then
  82. 1:56
  83. and then Molly and she likes Em's so so
  84. 2:01
  85. that wheel we were talking about he
  86. 2:02
  87. certainly works that wheel pretty well
  88. 2:04
  89. we go by a little steam here from the
  90. 2:07
  91. subway you gotta let off a little steam
  92. 2:08
  93. now every once a while so I guess I'm
  94. 2:10
  95. letting off a little steam
  96. 2:12
  97. about Imran but it does kind of steam
  98. 2:16
  99. you a little bit when you see you know
  100. 2:20
  101. all these moving violations without a
  102. 2:22
  103. registration without a license
  104. 2:25
  105. nothing nothing nothing happens to him
  106. 2:28
  107. 17 different tickets without a
  108. 2:29
  109. registration and license a lot of them
  110. 2:32
  111. were alcohol-related a lot of them
  112. 2:33
  113. speeding up to 80 miles an hour
  114. 2:36
  115. did anybody ever pay him Ron did anybody
  116. 2:40
  117. ever pay him anybody ever you know
  118. 2:43
  119. listen in on his phone conversations
  120. 2:44
  121. like he listened in on the our senators
  122. 2:46
  123. our congressmen our people in the State
  124. 2:49
  125. Department our CENTCOM generals no did
  126. 2:52
  127. my mugshot you put out in the even
  128. 2:55
  129. though I was completely exonerated you
  130. 2:56
  131. get it put out on the Internet
  132. 2:58
  133. yeah did him Ron's was my proceeding
  134. 3:01
  135. public was my hearing public yeah I
  136. 3:04
  137. think a whole bunch of people came to it
  138. 3:05
  139. thank you very much for all the people
  140. 3:06
  141. who came to it where was Imran ok did
  142. 3:10
  143. was my was the brother just what was my
  144. 3:14
  145. brother the prosecutor I didn't see my
  146. 3:16
  147. brother there as the prosecutor Steven
  148. 3:20
  149. Wasserman is the prosecutor okay you
  150. 3:23
  151. know one of the people who work worked
  152. 3:27
  153. for my brother would have been there as
  154. 3:28
  155. the prosecutor no that didn't happen as
  156. 3:30
  157. a matter of fact she's a very good
  158. 3:32
  159. prosecutor she made the right decision
  160. 3:34
  161. but I never met her before in my life so
  162. 3:37
  163. that's how its kind of supposed to work
  164. 3:39
  165. it's an arm's length situation so I'm
  166. 3:41
  167. comparing that situation with all these
  168. 3:43
  169. aliases someone who has diplomatic
  170. 3:46
  171. immunity has big motorcade you know
  172. 3:49
  173. protective motorcade
  174. 3:51
  175. every everything shut down on the street
  176. 3:54
  177. for him Ronald wah when it comes in to
  178. 3:55
  179. Punjab okay when it comes in to Pakistan
  180. 3:58
  181. all kinds of you know police motorcades
  182. 4:01
  183. and so forth but he doesn't have a
  184. 4:03
  185. diplomatic passport is that really what
  186. 4:05
  187. you're trying to say he can really get
  188. 4:08
  189. away with 17 different moving violations
  190. 4:10
  191. a lot of very high speed speeding a lot
  192. 4:13
  193. of them very high alcohol related and he
  194. 4:18
  195. gets away with all of them I get all my
  196. 4:21
  197. stuff pushed out I get pinged by the FBI
  198. 4:25
  199. I get set up by JTTF I have two
  200. 4:29
  201. reporters right there ready with a story
  202. 4:30
  203. from CNN over there and the Wall Street
  204. 4:33
  205. Journal over there to take me down one
  206. 4:38
  207. hour one hour after I meet with a
  208. 4:40
  209. confidential source
  210. 4:41
  211. well actually while I'm meeting with a
  212. 4:43
  213. confidential source and trying to meet
  214. 4:44
  215. with a second source okay so yeah I was
  216. 4:47
  217. a little steamed we're going to be
  218. 4:50
  219. walking down by the Clinton Foundation
  220. 4:51
  221. here pretty quick because none of the
  222. 4:56
  223. data none of the data that came up from
  224. 4:58
  225. Washington DC to this street right down
  226. 5:01
  227. here you can see 1271 down there a
  228. 5:03
  229. little bit
  230. 5:03
  231. we're walking toward it no reports no
  232. 5:08
  233. reports of data going back and forth
  234. 5:11
  235. between the Clinton Foundation and up
  236. 5:13
  237. there
  238. 5:14
  239. the KKR and all of the little war
  240. 5:17
  241. spin-offs the David Petraeus has got
  242. 5:18
  243. going right nothing where is
  244. 5:23
  245. we seem to be able to bring the whole
  246. 5:24
  247. state mechanism down on me all the JTTF
  248. 5:27
  249. resources down on me where's JT ffs
  250. 5:31
  251. resources now that we've been spending
  252. 5:32
  253. all this money for where is it now
  254. 5:35
  255. where is it now mr. sessions you brought
  256. 5:39
  257. down JTTF on me ten different DoD
  258. 5:43
  259. agencies 26 different federal agencies
  260. 5:46
  261. g4s private contractors all organized
  262. 5:50
  263. the diffusion center system of the Ohio
  264. 5:52
  265. State Police
  266. 5:53
  267. right now we've got cover law firms
  268. 5:57
  269. trying to you know obfuscate my ability
  270. 6:02
  271. to get discovery of what actually
  272. 6:04
  273. happened was it g4s was it a tower was
  274. 6:07
  275. it a stingray how much communication was
  276. 6:10
  277. there between field agent Pettijohn
  278. 6:12
  279. how did he get there so quickly after I
  280. 6:16
  281. was set up
  282. 6:18
  283. did they intercept my phone and get my
  284. 6:21
  285. contacts between me and the second agent
  286. 6:24
  287. did they get the contacts between myself
  288. 6:26
  289. my second source did they get my
  290. 6:30
  291. Parkersburg source with deep uranium did
  292. 6:33
  293. they get the uranium 5c it was real easy
  294. 6:37
  295. to pull every perfect coordination
  296. 6:40
  297. between all these different departments
  298. 6:41
  299. and agencies to come down on me for
  300. 6:45
  301. sleeping in my car which is not illegal
  302. 6:46
  303. to wait for waiting for a source which I
  304. 6:50
  305. hope the First Amendment's still free
  306. 6:52
  307. but M rod look at all these Social
  308. 6:55
  309. Security numbers look at all these two
  310. 6:57
  311. different dates of birth look at all
  312. 6:58
  313. these tickets look at all these aliases
  314. 7:01
  315. they're all these different checks he's
  316. 7:03
  317. getting from all these different
  318. 7:04
  319. companies a new business today nowand
  320. 7:07
  321. tech I just I don't even want to look
  322. 7:09
  323. anymore because it steams
  324. 7:12
  325. Steve Steve's me to see that it's hard
  326. 7:16
  327. not to if you live this personally and
  328. 7:19
  329. you do two nights in jail with false
  330. 7:21
  331. imprisonment with JTTF okay you do two
  332. 7:25
  333. nights in prison so the FBI can
  334. 7:28
  335. interrogate
  336. 7:31
  337. for me taking the rap for his for
  338. 7:33
  339. diplomatic containers with his D you and
  340. 7:36
  341. mr. McCabe's D you I took the rap of
  342. 7:40
  343. that Emraan and you're out there
  344. 7:44
  345. scot-free you didn't even spend one
  346. 7:45
  347. night in jail
  348. 7:46
  349. you had an ex president bring down his
  350. 7:49
  351. personal lawyer and bail you out you
  352. 7:53
  353. didn't spend one minute in jail we never
  354. 7:54
  355. saw a mug shot never saw any due process
  356. 7:58
  357. the state has a right here in an
  358. 8:00
  359. espionage case to see what was once
  360. 8:04
  361. taken this this could be Emraan this
  362. 8:07
  363. could be emerald in Ron's escort right
  364. 8:10
  365. here only meet you make each one of
  366. 8:12
  367. these kids make each one of these kids a
  368. 8:16
  369. motorized vehicle with a machine gun
  370. 8:18
  371. all these kids could be a motorized
  372. 8:20
  373. vehicle machine gun when M Ron goes to
  374. 8:23
  375. Punjab okay so the tendency I see is all
  376. 8:29
  377. this money spent for military technology
  378. 8:31
  379. like the Nano SATs for four nga for the
  380. 8:35
  381. stingrays to cut down journalists and
  382. 8:38
  383. it's being moved from the military
  384. 8:40
  385. sector to the private sector with all
  386. 8:42
  387. these private equity plays up there on
  388. 8:44
  389. nine pay to play Avenue oh wait I'm in
  390. 8:46
  391. nine 57th so anyway just to have a
  392. 8:52
  393. little an afternoon reflection I saw
  394. 8:54
  395. that steam coming out of subways I got
  396. 8:56
  397. Steve but anyway the if you haven't seen
  398. 9:00
  399. you haven't seen Jason Goodman's
  400. 9:04
  401. continent I mean constitutional law it's
  402. 9:08
  403. kind of half jokes but half serious with
  404. 9:11
  405. Lionel and it's just a beautiful piece
  406. 9:13
  407. of work if you haven't seen that crowd
  408. 9:14
  409. source of the truth
  410. 9:16
  411. go see it now stop run in front of
  412. 9:19
  413. traffic get a get a organize a a posse
  414. 9:24
  415. like that only make sure it's military
  416. 9:26
  417. vehicles with depleted uranium rounds in
  418. 9:28
  419. it but then stop traffic and then make
  420. 9:31
  421. sure that you go see that thing that he
  422. 9:34
  423. did with Lionel but here it is 1271 we
  424. 9:38
  425. have any metadata right here we have any
  426. 9:40
  427. metadata about data transfer of emails
  428. 9:44
  429. and pay-to-play PDFs from it up to the
  430. 9:46
  431. Clinton Foundation right here I'll hop
  432. 9:49
  433. out up there on pay-to-play Avenue so
  434. 9:55
  435. this thing's been this is orange just
  436. 9:58
  437. there's orange around this building
  438. 9:59
  439. Clinton Foundation and I keep thinking
  440. 10:02
  441. clock org orange pay to play in
  442. 10:05
  443. Clockwork Orange anyway I want to say
  444. 10:09
  445. thanks to everybody I'm gonna be live
  446. 10:11
  447. with Jason today at 6:00 he's got a
  448. 10:14
  449. great set of Tricia's done so much great
  450. 10:18
  451. work in Boston she's got some surprises
  452. 10:21
  453. for you on the Boston bomber case which
  454. 10:23
  455. is really gonna end up being the Waltham
  456. 10:24
  457. triple murder case which is really going
  458. 10:26
  459. to be the Whitey Bulger case and if you
  460. 10:28
  461. don't know who those people are Trish is
  462. 10:29
  463. going to be able to talk about it maybe
  464. 10:32
  465. I'm saying more than she's prepared to
  466. 10:34
  467. talk about it's all stopping I'll be
  468. 10:36
  469. able to talk about it but I think Trish
  470. 10:38
  471. has actually done quite a bit of work on
  472. 10:41
  473. the Whitey Bulger case already and she
  474. 10:43
  475. hasn't really had a chance to present so
  476. 10:46
  477. tonight we're gonna hear from that so
  478. 10:47
  479. look forward to it
  480. 10:49
  481. we're gonna be down in front of Fox here
  482. 10:50
  483. pretty quick so I saw
  484. 10:56
  485. oh I don't want to say boss box Jill
  486. 11:00
  487. ragga Jill Rocco and Nigel Burgess that
  488. 11:04
  489. story I haven't forgotten about that
  490. 11:05
  491. story this is nice you're gonna launder
  492. 11:08
  493. money through a bank you want a fountain
  494. 11:09
  495. in the front that's cash flow
  496. 11:11
  497. it's cash flow now I should be nice to
  498. 11:15
  499. chase I should be nice Jamie Dimon
  500. 11:18
  501. you're a good job I love it ok everybody
  502. 11:20
  503. just a last little walk and talk through
  504. 11:23
  505. New York City six o'clock crowdsource
  506. 11:27
  507. the truth don't miss it it's gonna be
  508. 11:29
  509. great
  510. 11:31
  511. last night on high can beat Bill Warner
  512. 11:33
  513. but we're gonna try and look forward to
  514. 11:35
  515. seeing you all there and check out the
  516. 11:37
  517. Lionel thing that Jason did beautiful
  518. 11:39
  519. work
  520. 11:43
  521. you
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