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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. Private Sub buttonOK_Click(ByVal A_0 As Object, ByVal A_1 As EventArgs)
  2. ' This item is obfuscated and can not be translated.
  3. Try
  4. Dim strArray As String()
  5. Dim str As String
  6. Dim str2 As String
  7. Dim str3 As String
  8. Dim num As Integer
  9. goto Label_005B
  10. Label_0002:
  11. Select Case num
  12. Case 0, 9
  13. goto Label_036C
  14. Case 1, &H12
  15. Try
  16. Dim key As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings", True)
  17. key.SetValue(("MachineCode" & Me.Field_10.ToString), Me.textBoxTypeDescription.Text.Trim, RegistryValueKind.String)
  18. key.SetValue(("KeyCode" & Me.Field_10.ToString), "", RegistryValueKind.String)
  19. key.Flush
  20. key.Close
  21. Catch obj1 As Object
  22. End Try
  23. goto Label_036C
  24. Case 2
  25. If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Me.textBox1.Text) Then
  26. goto Label_0143
  27. End If
  28. num = &H13
  29. goto Label_0002
  30. Case 3
  31. If Not (str2 = "zh-CN") Then
  32. goto Label_02E2
  33. End If
  34. num = &H10
  35. goto Label_0002
  36. Case 4
  37. goto Label_01AE
  38. Case 5
  39. If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(str3) Then
  40. goto Label_01AE
  41. End If
  42. num = 14
  43. goto Label_0002
  44. Case 6
  45. If (strArray.Length >= 4) Then
  46. goto Label_01DF
  47. End If
  48. num = 15
  49. goto Label_0002
  50. Case 7
  51. MessageBox.Show(ChrW(32593) & ChrW(32476) & ChrW(36830) & ChrW(25509) & ChrW(25110) & ChrW(27880) & ChrW(20876) & ChrW(30721) & ChrW(38169) & ChrW(35823) & "," & ChrW(27880) & ChrW(20876) & ChrW(22833) & ChrW(36133) & ChrW(65281), "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None)
  52. num = &H12
  53. goto Label_0002
  54. Case 8, 12, 13
  55. goto Label_0393
  56. Case 10
  57. str3 = Class_231.Method_02("KEY")
  58. num = 5
  59. goto Label_0002
  60. Case 11
  61. If Not (str2 = "zh-CN") Then
  62. goto Label_011E
  63. End If
  64. num = 7
  65. goto Label_0002
  66. Case 14
  67. Class_231.Method_06("KEY", str)
  68. num = 4
  69. goto Label_0002
  70. Case 15
  71. num = 12
  72. goto Label_0002
  73. Case &H10
  74. MessageBox.Show(ChrW(27880) & ChrW(20876) & ChrW(25104) & ChrW(21151) & "," & ChrW(35874) & ChrW(35874) & ChrW(24744) & ChrW(30340) & ChrW(25903) & ChrW(25345) & ChrW(65281), "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None)
  75. num = 9
  76. goto Label_0002
  77. Case &H11
  78. If Not Me.Method_05 Then
  79. goto Label_00A9
  80. End If
  81. num = 10
  82. goto Label_0002
  83. Case &H13
  84. num = 13
  85. goto Label_0002
  86. End Select
  87. Label_005B:
  88. Me.textBox1.Text = Me.textBox1.Text.Trim
  89. num = 2
  90. goto Label_0002
  91. Label_00A9:
  92. Class_231.Method_06("KEY", "")
  93. num = 11
  94. goto Label_0002
  95. Label_011E:
  96. MessageBox.Show("License incorrect, unsuccessful registration!", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None)
  97. num = 1
  98. goto Label_0002
  99. Label_0143:
  100. strArray = Me.textBox1.Text.Split(New Char() { " "c, "-"c, ChrW(8212), "_"c, ";"c, ","c, "."c, "/"c })
  101. num = 6
  102. goto Label_0002
  103. Label_01AE:
  104. num = 3
  105. goto Label_0002
  106. Label_01DF:
  107. str = String.Concat(New String() { strArray(0), "-", strArray(1), "-", strArray(2), "-", strArray(3) })
  108. Class_231.Method_06("KEY", str)
  109. str2 = Class_231.Method_02("ROBOTCulture")
  110. num = &H11
  111. goto Label_0002
  112. Label_02E2:
  113. MessageBox.Show("Registration successful, thank you for your support!", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None)
  114. num = 0
  115. goto Label_0002
  116. Label_036C:
  117. num = 8
  118. goto Label_0002
  119. Catch exception As Exception
  120. MessageBox.Show(exception.Message)
  121. End Try
  122. goto Label_0393
  123. If (1 <> 0) Then
  124. End If
  125. End Sub
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