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Jan 30th, 2014
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  1. Another book thudded atop the already-overwhelming pile, landing hard enough for the floor to reverberate under Spike's toes.
  3. "Are you planning on taking the entire library with you?"
  5. The newly-crowned princess ignored him, scanning the shelf for her next choice and tossing it on the pile. It landed just as loud and hard as the last one. Rolling his eyes, Spike walked up to the pile and straightened it out. If he couldn't stop her adding onto it, he could at least keep the stack from falling over. The next book came while he was in the middle of his task, almost whacking him in the face. He jerked back, blinking for a moment before frowning at her.
  7. "Careful!" He looked at the stack again. "You probably have enough. I'm sure you've memorized all these, anyways. You're being paranoid."
  9. Finally shifting her attention from the books, Twilight spun on her heel and wagged a finger at her assistant. "Spike, this is PRINCESS TRAINING we're talking about. I absolutely cannot fail Princess Celestia no matter what, and I don't want to be in Canterlot wishing I had one of these books when all could have been avoided by simply thinking ahead."
  11. "You'll be fine. Really. And, assuming you didn't already know these books cover to cover, don't you think it would be a learning experience to deal with any problems without them?"
  13. "The mere thought horrifies me. I can learn later. Right now, I need to be at my best for Princess Celestia!"
  15. Spike smacked a hand to his face. He needed to start recording Twilight so he could play back what she'd just said. But even then, it'd probably go over her head. He walked over to a nearby chair and plopped himself down. At least Celestia, in her infinite patience, knew how to deal with Twilight when she was like this. Maybe HE should be going to Canterlot for lessons.
  17. "Oh, I've gotten you a sitter for while I'm gone."
  19. Huh. Spike leaned forward, resting his chin on his palm. That might not--
  21. "Wait, what? A sitter?" He shot up from his chair. "I'm plenty old enough to look after myself!"
  23. Twilight set one last book on the pile before skimming over all the titles. "You're fine on your own during the day, and maybe for a day or two, but I'll be gone a whole week. Someone needs to make sure you're eating more than just snacks and keeping the place clean."
  25. "Are you serious? I can totally cook! And I know how to clean just fine!"
  27. She turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "And how often do you do that without me asking? What do you plan on doing all day besides sleeping and reading comics?"
  29. He was still frowning at her, but the last question brought out a blush. "P-plenty of stuff."
  31. Twilight closed her eyes, giving herself a moment. She then walked over to Spike and laid a hand on his shoulder. "It's not that I don't trust you Spike, but you haven't developed the proper routines and habits yet. There's plenty you could easily forget without even meaning to. All Pinkie's going to do is check up on you and keep you company."
  33. "P-pinkie?"
  35. On cue, a knock came at the door.
  37. "Coming!" said Twilight, giving Spike one last encouraging pat before walking to the door. She grabbed the knob, then turned back to Spike. "Try to keep an open mind about this." With that, the door opened and unleashed Pinkie on the library.
  39. She exploded through the doorway, wrapping Twilight up in a tight hug, swaying back and forth as she grinned.
  41. "I'm so happy for you! You're gonna learn all about being a princess with Celestia herself!"
  43. Spike unconsciously licked his lips, biting his lower one as he looked away. His annoyance had instantly shifted to nervousness the moment Twilight mentioned Pinkie, and standing in front of him, embracing the stunned Twilight, was every reason why.
  45. While a joy to be around, Pinkie had... assets the rest of her friends didn't and an alluring aura that peeked out from behind that bellowing image of vigor and eagerness. He wasn't sure if anyone else in their little group actually saw it, but Spike knew what to look for. The winks she gave men as they walked by, the placement of her hands when she'd give male friends a hug, how her walk shifted just a bit to emphasize her hips when certain men were nearby, and those stealthy whispers in unsuspecting ears. Spike may not have been proud of it, but he never stopped wishing she'd have one of those whispers for him.
  47. While thoughts of Rarity may have made his heart flutter, Pinkie brought out raw lust.
  49. Chest to chest, it was clear to see Pinkie's breasts spilling out the sides of the hug, soft and malleable, just like dough. Twilight herself was pretty tall for a girl, but Pinkie almost matched her height and was a good head over Spike. Lively hills of pink hair tumbled down her back, light like cotton. Slender arms enveloped Twilight, and a knit sweater the same color as her hair covered one shoulder, but left the other bare. Pushing against the sweater, Spike's favorite feature made themselves known. He wasn't surprised she needed to wear such a loose sweater with those things on her chest. He tried to look away, but he could help himself. His eyes drifted downward and his heart about stopped.
  51. She was wearing latex.
  53. Her long, sturdy, and flawless legs as well as her protruding hips were hugged tight by black, reflective latex. The surface looked so smooth and shiny he could've eaten off of it, and oh how he would've loved to. Latex in public was something only Pinkie could do. She'd walked through town in that ridiculous getup without a single reservation! And now she was going to babysit Spike while those wonderful pants left nothing to the imagination?
  55. He bit down on his lip so hard he thought it would bleed.
  57. Twilight was still recovering from the ambush hug, but eventually recollected herself and hugged back. She patted Pinkie on the back before breaking away, smiling at her friend. "Thanks, Pinkie. And thank you for looking after Spike. I know you're busy."
  59. "I'm never too busy for my friends!" She twirled away from Twilight, gliding across the room to Spike where her hand darted out and pinched his nose. "And I love spending time with Spikey, too!"
  61. The pinch immediately broke him out of his trance. He blinked, looking up at Pinkie, then the hand on his nose. Great. She'd be treating him like a kid the whole time. He tried to frown and tell her off, but it was impossible to do such a thing around Pinkie. He instead pulled her hand away and said, "Nice to see you too, Pinkie."
  63. "Oh my gosh!"
  65. Pinke and Spike both dropped what they were doing and stared at Twilight.
  67. "My train is leaving in ten minutes! I have to go!"
  69. In a whirlwind of luggage and clothing, Twilight zipped around the library, making sure everything was in order and she had all she needed. The monstrous stack of books went into several pieces of luggage, giving each a defining bulge and weight. Spike stepped forward to offer to help, but by some miracle Twilight's lithe frame bore it all.
  71. "Thanks again Pinkie! See you in a week, Spike! Don't sleep all day, make sure to take care of dusting, there's food in the--"
  73. "I know, I know!" he said, urging her out the door. "I'll be fine! You just worry about yourself. Good luck!"
  75. The front door slammed, and she was gone.
  77. Spike nearly collapsed on the spot, sighing and shaking his head. He really did worry about her sometimes.
  79. "Never fear, Spikey! I have a plan!"
  81. He slowly turned to her and rubbed some sweat off his neck. "Uhh, what kind of plan?"
  83. She reached under that baggy sweater, somehow pulling out a tray of cupcakes. "Ta-da! We're baking! I know you like it and Twilight said you needed to make something to eat!"
  85. He dismissed the cupcakes. Such was Pinkie. But the other part? "Do I have to do it right now?" he said, slumping his shoulders. He wanted to go back to sleep.
  87. "Now's the perfect time!" Spinning on a heel, she whizzed into the kitchen, then whizzed back out, a single cupcake extended toward Spike. "This should get you going!"
  89. His frown vanished, replaced by the hint of a smile as he took the cupcake and bit into it. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.
  92. ***
  95. A couple hours later and he was eating anything but his words. Pinkie was a cacophony of jokes, energy, and baking knowledge that made the time disappear as quick as that first cupcake he had. They had started with some sweets, then moved onto chili, then quesadillas, and finally cake. Between the two of them, they'd made enough food for Spike to be set for at least another four days... assuming he didn't go on a binge. He was pretty sure he could keep himself from doing that.
  97. One concern had been nagging at Spike though. Being at such close proximity to Pinkie, alone, and in his house, his thoughts couldn't help but wander to more sensual things. It started when she pulled out those gloves. Spike could hear his heart beat faster as she slipped them on: white, lithe latex that hugged her skin to form. Other things became more noticeable, like the way her fingers brushed across his shoulders when she walked behind him. The way she would do spontaneous stretches and other minor feats of acrobatics, showing of her fine legs and flexibility. The way her hair danced in the air, mixing with her toothy smile in a blur of beauty. At one point, she even took off his shirt, as he kept getting food debris on it.
  99. He was forced to stand right next to the counter the entire time to hide his raging erection.
  101. When the afternoon was finally winding to a close and Pinkie had taken their last creation, a cake, from the oven and set it down on the counter, Spike let out a sigh and leaned back, letting the counter carry his weight. Had it not been there, he'd likely have just fallen to the floor.
  103. "Whew," he said, wiping his forehead. "That was great. I need to invite you over more often for this, Pinkie."
  105. Yeah, if his libido could handle it.
  107. "I had a great time too!" She threw him a thumbs-up. "Did you learn something?"
  109. "Yeah. Quite a bit, actually."
  111. Then she made her move, bouncing across the kitchen next to Spike, her mouth inches from his ear when she whispered, "Would you like to learn something else?"
  113. Spike's brain took a moment to process the question, his eyes blank as he thought. He jerked his head back away from Pinkie, gaping at her. Was that the whisper in his ear he'd been hoping for? Was she really saying what he thought she was?
  115. "Uh, what's 'something else'?"
  117. She at up on the counter next to him. "I didn't wear these pants just for the heck of it, you know."
  119. Spike stared at her like she'd transformed into someone else, but his eyes told him the woman before him was definitely Pinkie. That bouncy, vibrant hair, those wide, shapely hips, that curvaceous body he'd so often admired--so much familiar. Alongside the familiar, however, there was a clear change. She wore a grin as she often did, but it wasn't the reckless glee he was used to. There was clear intention there. Slyness. Smugness, too. In an uncharacteristic gesture, she tossed her hair back, slowly running a hand through it.
  121. "My little Spikey, you almost seem scared."
  123. Goddess, that voice! Just like her smile, it had transformed into something else. It kept the high-pitched innocence he knew, but at the same time, she spoke with clarity and a sliver of darkness. His name rolled off her tongue like a lolipop she was slowly drawing from her mouth.
  125. Candy. That's what she was looking at him like. He was her candy.
  127. "Scared? I d-dunno what you're t-talking about!"
  129. She swung her legs up onto the counter, her eyes never leaving Spike. Those glorious, smooth tree trunks danced before his eyes. Pinkie crossed one over the other, then swapped them the other way, then planted her foot on the opposite leg, slowly drawing it upward, her calves kissing each other as it moved. Spike's heart could hardly take it. His knees began to buckle, but Pinkie wasn't done yet. Her legs intertwined, feet locking together, and bent at the knee. Her hands, encased in those white gloves, lightly gripped her ankles and started an agonizingly-slow journey up to her thighs.
  131. A bead of drool fell from Spike's mouth.
  133. This was undoubtedly sexual, and undoubtedly meant for him. There was no denying it any longer. But his throat had long since knotted itself into uselessness, so all he could do was gape and stare at the wanton sight before him.
  135. His eyes were torn away by the sound of a sweater hitting the ground. He looked not at Pinkie, but the bundle of knitted pink now lying on the kitchen floor. He knew what it meant, but he couldn't bring himself to behold. His brain had ceased to function normally. Dreams were not supposed to cross over into real life. Fantasies were fake. But somehow, someway, everything he wanted was happening all at once.
  137. A gloved hand drifted to his chin, fingertips gently laying against his skin.
  139. "C'mon, little Spikey. I don't mind if you look."
  141. He swallowed, wanting to stay staring at the sweater, unable to risk having everything fall apart when he looked. He couldn't bear this being a dream. But those fingertips drew him away, and his eyes could deny themselves their feast no longer. He looked, and his eyes grew to the size of bowling balls.
  143. Two unblemished, bountiful bosoms hung before him. Seeing them hide behind bras, sweaters, and shirts all this time had built up an anticipation that the full thing absolutely did not disappoint on. It wasn't just their size, but their perfect shape, a roundness that accentuated her body in the best way, and how Pinkie wore them. She stood confident, almost arrogant, like she'd shown them off a hundred times before and never once been shy about it. Spike stared harder than he ever had before, like if he watched them thoroughly enough, they'd never go away. The gloved hand left his chin as it was now petrified in place, and her arms crossed under her breasts to push them up. The two pillows of feminine beauty squished and tumbled together, just below eye level, enticing Spike to adore them.
  145. When Pinkie ended her show, Spike finally snapped back into reality, closed his mouth, and swallowed. He was vaguely aware of Pinkie reaching behind herself for something.
  147. His first rational thought was hesitance. He stepped back, shaking his head, trying to come to terms with what had just happened. What was STILL happening.
  149. "What are you worried about?" said Pinkie. She brushed that rebellious arch of hair out of her face, giving Spike a full view of the sultry look dripping from her eyes and directed solely at him. She stepped forward to close the distance Spike had created, but he took another backward in reaction.
  151. "I-I--uh, I just--uh, I'm not sure this is--"
  153. "This is what?" Her hips swayed as she set a powerful, latex-covered leg in front of her. Even her steps were raw sex. "I'm enjoying myself. You're enjoying yourself. What's to say we can't have fun?"
  155. "Daaauuuhhh..." Spike's lips were useless for speaking. His trembling legs continued to carry him backwards and Pinkie's confident stride carried her ever closer.
  157. Once again, she tossed her hair back, one hand hidden behind her as she approached. "I know all about fun, Spikey. I can show you new kinds of fun you've never had before."
  159. He opened his mouth to reply, but the words were knocked out of him when he bumped into the counter behind him. Pinkie struck without a moment of hesitance. Those thick legs ate up the distance between them in half a second without making it look rushed. Her hands were so fast he couldn't even see them before they'd collected his arms and were wrapping something around them, binding his forearms together behind his back.
  161. Of course, Pinkie didn't miss this chance to use her taller stature to drown his face in her cleavage. It smelled of cotton candy and a wispy perfume.
  163. The scent of her bosom acted like a drug, relaxing Spike's body and draining his uncertainly like a valve. The slick latex touch of her gloves slid up his arms, grasping him just tight enough to send shivers down his spine. She pulled him in closer, undulating him further in her cleavage, clouding his mind with thoughts of nothing but her body. A smug grin lit up her face as she held him there, watching his eyes glaze over and all hints of resistance disappear.
  165. Spike gasped when her leg knocked his feet out from under him, but he didn't fall. Pinkie's grasp on his arms kept him up long enough for her to give him a slow, steady descent to the floor. It was cold against his bare skin. He arched his back in a moment of surprise, but Pinkie kept guiding him downward, keeping his face in her calming scent, and soon he was lying down.
  167. Her chest and hands left him. He tried to reach out and pull her back, but the bindings on his arms held. "Pinkie," he said, his voice a harsh whisper.
  169. "Can't have fun with these still on." Gloved hands descended to his crotch, one taking a good grope of his privates before undoing his button and zipper. His pants and underwear were gone in one fluid motion, leaving his throbbing and painfully-stiff cock exposed to more than just the air.
  171. Pinkie's grin darkened, her tongue darting out to trace those luscious lips as she stared. "You're definitely ready." Those eyes turned to his. "Now while this game involves two people, only one of them does the work. So don't try to move, just relax."
  173. Relax? Pinkie was asking the impossible! Blood feverishly pumped through Spike's veins, his muscles strained in every way, and his breathing was nothing less than a pant. He dared not voice a protest, though. Everything was already beyond what he'd dreamed about Pinkie, and from the way she effortlessly controlled the atmosphere, he bet whatever she had planned would be even better.
  175. She slipped a latex knee between his legs, drifting it up toward his crotch, allowing the latex to rub up against his thighs. He shuddered at the touch, but kept still as best he could in accordance with Pinkie's instruction. Finally, she stopped her knee where it just touched his wanting member, giving him a teasing touch of her body. He almost exploded right there.
  177. Still with that confident smile, she began lowering her rear until it was touching just below his knee. A few shifts of her hips and she was grinding that pompous ass and bulging camel toe into his leg. The latex effortlessly massaged his skin, smooth and slick as her own skin, but gripping so much better. His eyes bulged from his head, the sight of the act combined with the sensations almost overcoming his consciousness. But still, Pinkie was not done. Being sure to make an act of it, she pointed one arm upward, grasped the end of the glove on that arm, and pulled it down as far as she could, wiggling her fingers to show exactly how tight the latex had become. Spike's breath caught in his throat. She moved onto the other arm, pulling that glove just as tight as the other, watching Spike's reaction the entire time.
  179. Without realizing it, he'd pulled his upper body up to rest on his elbows, as awkward as the position was. Her show drew him into a trance he never wanted to leave.
  181. Extending an arm in a wide and smooth outward gesture, she brought one hand to his shaft, cupping it in a light grip, but nothing more, allowing his imagination to run wild with all that glove might do to him. Her thumb played up and down his shaft, rubbing the latex into his most sensitive skin, a touch he knew would remain in his memory forever. Another shift of her hips, and she grinded her crotch into his leg again. The movement made her enormous, hanging breasts sway back and forth just enough to grab Spike's attention.
  183. Just as he looked up to the closer nipple, the second glove ran through his hair, seizing the back of his head and compelling him forward. Pinkie said no words, her seductive smile all and nod all the communication he needed. He opened his mouth and latched onto her nipple, sealing his lips around it and lapping his tongue over it. Pinkie let out a soft moan, her grip on his manhood tightening as he played his tongue across her nipple. It grew harder with stimulation, Spike lost in another world as he devoted himself to it. Pinkie's moans grew more intense, as did her grip. With a light bite and his teeth scraping across her skin, the milk finally came forth.
  185. At that same moment, her hand began to pump.
  187. Spike missed his first swallow. Milk spilled from his mouth, dripping down to his chest, but bound as he was, he was unable to do anything about it. Now he knew where all that confidence came from. Her hand played across his member like a fiddle, graceful in its motions. She only pressed her fingertips onto his skin, creating five distinct points where the pleasure was most intense. He moaned into her breast, but continued to suck. He was driven.
  189. The hand at the back of his head pushed him further in, suffocating him in her intoxicating scent. He offered no complaint. The hand caressing his member shifted, such that her palm now cupped his head and her fingers ran parallel to his shaft. Her palm sucked on his tip, the latex creating an impossible grip and suction before she pulled up, her fingers tickling his shaft as they moved. She then reversed the motion, coaxing a moan from Spike, and began the pattern anew.
  191. He drank deep from her teat, savoring the sweet taste of her thick milk. It'd hardly been a minute since he'd started sucking, but his jaw had already begun to ache. Spike didn't give it a second thought. Pinkie's gloves on the back of his head and his member were more than enough encouragement.
  193. Her hand shifted again, this time moving four fingers to the underside of his cock. Her fingers slid across the underside as if she was wiping something onto his cock, devoting her attention to only that area. In reaction his teeth bit down harder than he wanted, but instead of cry of pain, a moan of pleasure louder than the rest rolled from her mouth. The latex playing across only part of his aching member drove him mad with desire. He was so close to the edge, that desperate release into pleasure. His hands pulled and pulled at the bonds, but Pinkie had been as thorough with the bindings as she was quick. There was no escape.
  195. As if sensing his need, her hand ceased its teasing, swallowing his shaft up in its latex grip and pumping with vigor. His hips thrust into her dexterous fingers, the end now within sight. All other needs were lost. His only desire was to come.
  197. Pinkie's hand was only too happy to help.
  199. One mighty thrust signaled the end of his resistance, the firestorm of pleasure lighting up Spike's entire body, starting at his cock. Generous gobs of cum spewed forth into the air. Most hit Pinkie's unattended breast, while the rest landed on her furiously-pumping arm or soiled her immaculately-smooth legs. Spike almost felt guilty for that. As his hips lowered and his breathing began to calm, he noticed Pinkie had never slowed and his cock hadn't yet softened. In fact, each stroke of her hand was more intense than before. He could make out every distinct touch of her hand: how her thumb would tease his glans on a downstroke, how her grip became tighter at the tip than the base, how her pinky would occasionally release to disrupt the tempo and keep him from becoming too familiar with her technique.
  201. The moan he uttered was helpless. Confused. Another gush of milk from Pinkie forced him to choke down a swallow.
  203. "I know how men can end up spent so easily, so I added something to the cupcake to help you out." That smug grin of hers deepened, the corners of her mouth curling ever upward. "Now we can have a lot more fun!"
  205. She was a demon of seduction. A goddess of sex. And he wanted a piece of her. With inhuman strength born from a raging lust, his arms broke free of their bonds. Pinkie would've jerked back in surprise, had Spike not taken her nipple in his teeth. She moaned and shuddered instead, giving Spike the opportunity to strike back. One hand went to her free nipple while the other slipped down her stomach, under the tight latex to her pulsing netherlips.
  207. The time for foreplay was long past. Spike found her clit and gave it a pinch, making it tighter until he got the reaction he wanted. Pinkie threw her head into the air, moaning to the ceiling, that vicious rhythm of her hand on his cock disrupted by the sudden pleasure. As regretful as it was to detach from her breast, Spike was no longer content to stay there. His hand wrapped around the back of Pinkie's head like she had done to him, and the moment she turned to him, dove in for a ravenous kiss.
  209. Her head gave no resistance. Their lips crashed together, tongues all too eager to meet. Spike had no idea how to kiss, but Pinkie guided him into it like a pro, her mouth holding his at an angle that let their tongues run wild. The intensity of their kiss transferred to their hands, Pinkie's glove remembering how to stroke with dexterity and confidence, while Spike's fingers slipped inside of Pinkie's pussy. They moaned together, their voices creating a vibration that rattled their teeth.
  211. Spike's fingers dove in, exploring where they could, looking for that spot that Pinkie responded best to. At the same time, he rolled his palm over her clit, never leaving her without stimulation. In turn, she removed her hand from the back of his head, and a second later, he felt it join her other on his member. Just the thought of it drove him further into lust.
  213. While one hand cupped the underside of his manhood, rubbing him from tip to balls, the other made a ring with the thumb and pointer, stoking him up and down with while the other fingers grasped only as the ring stimulated his head. Her rhythm was crippling; a sure single of experience. Every time he though he might release, she slowed or stopped, shifting attention to his base and balls where the feeling wasn't so intense.
  215. He detect his own victory as well, however, as her walls began squeezing on his searching fingers. He found a spot where Pinkie gasped and her pussy clamped down on him when he rubbed it, so he would drift only a short ways off, coming back to hit that spot as often as he dared. Pinkie broke away from the kiss, her eyes closed and mouth hanging open, jaw bouncing up and down.
  217. With her in the throes of passion, however, her hands lost all sense of restraint. She stroked him mercilessly with a firm, constant grip while the other hand groped his balls. The second orgasm was approaching like a tsunami, and he only hoped he could bring Pinkie along with him.
  219. "C-coming!" he cried. Pinkie screamed at the ceiling alongside him. He thrusted into her working hands, over and over, as much as his body would allow, dirtying those wonderful white gloves with his seed. Pinkie's own body tensed up, clamping down on him like her life depended on it, the released everything like a cannonball shooting outward. Thick liquid burst from her pussy, soaking his hand and her latex. His fingers stayed committed to her pleasure as long as his strength would allow.
  221. Her gloves drained even more from him than the first time, cum as well as energy. His hand slipped from her nethers, arms now dead weight, and he fell onto his back, watching Pinkie's blissfully-smiling form above him.
  223. But by some impossible feat, he was still hard. No matter how much Pinkie had coaxed from him, he somehow had more. Whatever had been in that cupcake must've been industrial strength. He could hear his heart beating it was so loud.
  225. "W-wowie... p-powie! That was good for your first time with me!" She loomed over him, adoring his exhausted expression and laying an ear on his chest to check his breathing. Nodding to herself, she straightened her back, laying a cum-soaked glove over her heart. "You definitely deserve a reward."
  227. Spike was about to ask what that could possibly be when her gloves, slick with his seed, returned to his cock and began stroking again. He had just enough strength to lift his head. If anything, he finally had a chance to actually watch her work. Part of him was concerned with his state, but her skilled touch evaporated all thoughts but those of coming again.
  229. In a flurry of fingers, her gloves stroked, pulled, and pushed. She tickled his glans, squeezed his shaft and teased his tip. Spike laid back with an ever-growing smile on his face, wanting this to go forever. He didn't care how his body was still running or what she put in that cupcake. He didn't care how much of a mess he was. He didn't even care if he dirtied that slick latex on her legs again. He just wanted more.
  231. "Alright, here it comes!"
  233. With that ridiculous cheery expression of hers, Pinkie moved her hands to encompass the entirety of his cock and pumped them in sync. The latex, even slicker now covered in his cum, massaged and sucked at his member as if possessed. Her hands gave him a stroking like he thought impossible, giving attention to every inch of exposed skin simultaneously. Somehow his hips found the strength to thrust, and thrust they did, compelled by the power of Pinkie's handjob. He let out one last, long moan as he exploded again, this time shooting straight up into the air. Pinkie grinned with excitement as her hands drew more and more from him. It landed in her hair, on her chest, on her arms, but she didn't seem to care at all.
  235. The last of his strength spent, Spike slumped over, his eyes fighting to stay open. He wanted to embrace Pinkie, anything to show him how happy he was, but he could even utter a word.
  237. "Nighty-night, Spikey!"
  239. The last thing he felt before passing out was a pair of lips on his cheek.
  242. **
  245. In a daze, Spike rubbed his eyes, blinking until his vision came into focus. He stretched his arms and legs, but winced and grasped at his chest when his heart protested. What had he--
  247. Oh.
  249. He let his muscles relax again, smiling at the memory. But would Pinkie come back? Would they share that kind of encounter again? He still had another six days until Twilight came back, though they had gotten through so much baking yesterday that Pinkie really didn't need to help him out again. With a grumble, he swung his legs off the bed. Maybe he should visit her. It's not like someone was stopping him.
  251. But would she even want to?
  253. Looking up from the ground, he stopped something sitting on the end table next to his bed. A cupcake and a note. Furrowing his brow, Spike glanced at the cupcake, then opened the note.
  255. "You know what's in it. Let me know if you eat it!
  257. -Pinkie"
  259. He couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough.
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