

Jun 18th, 2014
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  1. <Jana>: Anybody seen Theo?
  2. <Martong_Wese>: who
  3. <Jana>: You guys
  4. <Martong_Wese>: Who is Theo
  5. <Jana>: brb phone
  6. <Revan>: You don't know who Theo is...?
  7. <Revan>: Nah he's not been around
  8. <Martong_Wese>: nope not met him
  9. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Jana!
  10. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: theo was on a bit ago
  11. *** Revan is now known as Rev[a]n
  12. <Martong_Wese>: Redjon what faction you with?
  13. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Black Curs
  14. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: the only cool one
  15. <Martong_Wese_>: ok
  16. <Redjon_Mirrabel>:
  17. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Echuu and i btw
  18. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: are probably nothing alike
  19. <Martong_Wese_>: ok
  20. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: im sure it would help if i knew who he was though
  21. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: I'm just quiet cause i don't like anyone
  22. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: its nothing personal. i just hate every species and gender with an equal passion and few exceptions
  23. <Redjon_Mirrabel>:
  24. <Martong_Wese_>: no Echuu is great till you piss him off then he Rages and cuss you out for a few hrs
  25. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: I don't rage
  26. <Martong_Wese_>: So you dont know Sabo Magnus prolly
  27. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: nope
  28. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: i don't know a lot of people
  29. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: I hang with the Curs, and Jana
  30. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: otherwise i play Eve
  31. <Martong_Wese_>: eww eve
  32. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Is awesome
  33. <Martong_Wese_>: i betta tested it
  34. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: And brutal towards laziness or stupidity or wimps
  35. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Then its changed like 900% since you last played
  36. <Martong_Wese_>: perhaps
  37. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: really has
  38. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: for one its got roughly 300,000 more players no
  39. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: now
  40. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: lol
  41. <Martong_Wese_>: 2000 uf beta tested it
  42. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: uf?
  43. Martong_Wese Grabs a drink
  44. *** Rev[a]n is now known as Revan
  45. <Revan>: <.<
  46. <Revan>: Martong, where do you come from?
  47. <Martong_Wese>: meaning what
  48. <Martong_Wese>: What state
  49. <Martong_Wese>: AZ
  50. <Martong_Wese>: Why do you Care
  51. Martong_Wese Glares at Revan
  52. <Revan>: Why you so defensive about it? o.o
  53. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Because its a home state of incest and sodomy
  54. <Redjon_Mirrabel>:
  55. <Martong_Wese>: lol
  56. <Martong_Wese>: that would be Virginia
  57. <Martong_Wese>: not Arizona
  58. <Martong_Wese>: Home hot ass summers
  59. <Martong_Wese>: 110 outside
  60. <Martong_Wese>: im gonna go hang with some friends and face my friends death finnaly
  61. <Martong_Wese>: i been so upset i was not rdy
  62. <Martong_Wese>: a marine brother of mine died IED
  63. <Martong_Wese>: i we group together to
  64. <Martong_Wese>: i we grew up* together to
  65. <Martong_Wese>: Look if you choose to have issues take thenm to some one who cares
  66. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: um
  67. <Martong_Wese>: I for one stopped Caring what people thought of me
  68. Martong_Wese Glares
  69. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: I think you mistake me for either Dr. Phil or someone who gives a shit
  70. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Do you go inflicting your personal dramas on every random stranger you meet?
  71. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: you don't know me from Adam and now i'm being regaled with your real life issues
  72. <Martong_Wese>: must learn this children
  73. Martong_Wese goes back to reading his comms with a Glare
  74. <Redjon_Mirrabel>:
  75. <Martong_Wese>: go rotate on something
  76. <Martong_Wese>: feel better now lol
  77. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: I like it when you hit on me
  78. Martong_Wese relaxes and sips his drink
  79. Martong_Wese throws revan at redjon
  80. <Martong_Wese>: the perfect couple
  81. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: I'll take ya both on
  82. Redjon_Mirrabel rolls up his fishnets and winks
  83. <Martong_Wese>: nope im a 1 woman man
  84. <Martong_Wese>: i think we scared her
  85. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Scared who?
  86. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: oh Jana?
  87. <Martong_Wese>: Jana
  88. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: no
  89. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: You're not man enough to scare her and i've known her ages.
  90. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: shes got more balls then the both of you
  91. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: lol
  92. <Martong_Wese>: sure
  93. <Martong_Wese>: Redjon Shut the fuck up
  94. Martong_Wese calls for his target droids
  95. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: You're the one who's talking so much
  96. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: i've been quiet the past 10 minutes
  97. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Why don't you go drag your whiny little ass off to talk to someone who cares lol
  98. <Revan>: >.>
  99. <Revan>: <.<
  100. <Revan>: Children
  101. <Martong_Wese>: tell some one who cares
  102. +++ ChanServ has given owner to Jana
  103. +++ ChanServ has given op to Jana
  104. <Martong_Wese>: i do not
  105. <Martong_Wese>: i got bigger fish fry
  106. <Revan>: ...
  107. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Are you drunk dude?
  108. <Martong_Wese>: not yet
  109. <Revan>: This is the point where i'd groan in a sarcastic manner but i'm kinda tired...
  110. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Have you been drinking?
  111. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: are you on drugs?
  112. <Martong_Wese>: nope
  113. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Oh
  114. <Martong_Wese>: you are
  115. <Revan>: <.<
  116. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: So you're just an idiot
  117. <Revan>: Or a child...
  118. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: Yeah or that
  119. <Martong_Wese>: when i want to be
  120. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: annnnnyyywaaaaay
  121. <Martong_Wese>: Revan im gonna kill you
  122. <Redjon_Mirrabel>: seriously dude are you 12?
  123. Martong_Wese Glares hard at Revan and prepares to hunt
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