
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 1

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 3:28 PM - MektOne on One: The pouring rain falls in droves past the canopy of leaves high above. Taking shelter beneath one of the sturdier trees, you look up towards the towering mound-like spires of the city you once lived in. You can see the faint outlines of figures moving to and fro, going about daily lives. Looking to your left, you see your older sister, Cegida'zha, or as everyone calls her, "Ida." She seems more focused on the forest, looking deep into the thicket of trees and beyond. She holds the family's heirloom sword in her hand, spinning it quietly as she scans the dark trees. She seems completely oblivious to the torrent or rain that pelts her as she stands out in the open.
  2. 3:30 PM - MektOne on One: The two of you are out here, beyond the city's limits, to hunt for your meal. Lacking in the money necessary to sustain yourselves ever since your family's shop was run out of business when the /spiders/ moved in on their great flying vessels, you've had to resort to savage methods such as this to search for food. Not that it much bothers Kunchoren like yourselves; the thrill of hunting is almost a bonus to getting food. It's always a competition between you and Ida to see who can find the biggest quarry first.
  3. 3:36 PM - Kari: The falling rain barely phases Kari as the two stand together. If anything, she seems more bored than inconvenienced. "Hey, Ida," she murmers. "How come I never get to hold the sword?" Her half lidded eyes cast a mock glare at Ida, and a knowing smirk is plastered on her face.
  4. 3:36 PM - MektOne on One: "Because you never find the biggest prey." She returns the smirk, gazing back at you from the corner of her eye.
  5. 3:37 PM - MektOne on One: She goes silent, giving the forest her full attention once more. You do the same.
  6. 3:38 PM - MektOne on One: Roll Awareness! That's an Intelligence skill, by the way, basically a spot/notice check skill. You can still roll even if you don't have the Skill, just obviously using your Int alone.
  7. 3:38 PM - MektOne on One: So in R20, type /r 1d10+[your Int score]
  8. 3:39 PM - MektOne on One: gg
  9. 3:39 PM - Kari: (;-;)
  10. 3:39 PM - MektOne on One: first roll of the game, and you critfail
  11. 3:39 PM - MektOne on One: Roll another 1d10 and subtract that from your score.
  12. 3:40 PM - Kari: (Subtract it from what score? My intelligence?)
  13. 3:40 PM - MektOne on One: No no, your roll. The 6 there.
  14. 3:40 PM - MektOne on One: Basically 6-1d10
  15. 3:40 PM - Kari: (oh, alright. -4)
  16. 3:40 PM - MektOne on One: No, that's a 2, silly
  17. 3:41 PM - MektOne on One: Your result is a 4.
  18. 3:41 PM - MektOne on One: 6 - 2 = 4.
  19. 3:41 PM - Kari: (Oooooh. Order of ops wrong, sorry.)
  20. 3:41 PM - MektOne on One: hehe
  21. 3:41 PM - Kari: (I thought 2-6)
  22. 3:41 PM - Kari: (my bad)
  23. 3:41 PM - MektOne on One: It's all good
  24. 3:43 PM - MektOne on One: You can't help but be distracted by your sister's intense gaze, and you turn your attention towards her. Her eyes waver, focusing more and more until she has tunnel vision, investigating the forest's every dark corner. Finally, she drops her intense posture, sheathing the sword. "There's nothing here. Let's keep moving."
  25. 3:45 PM - Kari: "You know, I'd find the biggest prey, but every time I think I see something large and imposing moving, it's your rack, little miss thunder tits." Snickering to herself, Kari ducks out of striking distance just in case Ida takes a swing at her.
  26. 3:46 PM - MektOne on One: "Large breasts are a sign of maturity. You're just jealous," she retorts angrily, taking a swing at where you were standing just a moment before.
  27. 3:48 PM - Kari: Giggling a little more, Kari hefts her still sizeable chest and chitters mockingly. "I've got plenty, thank you~. How mature do you have to be to be 'that' big, Sis?"
  28. 3:49 PM - MektOne on One: She folds her arms, turning away and walking. "More mature than you, it would seem." She hmphs loudly, making her way into the forest.
  29. 3:50 PM - Kari: With one hand over her mouth, Kari trots up to Ida's side and resumes scanning the forest. "Maybe so~. I can only hope to live up to your large examples one day, Sis."
  30. 3:53 PM - MektOne on One: "And it's right that you do." The two of you walk on in silence through the forest, quietly continuing your search for dinner.
  31. 3:53 PM - MektOne on One: Let's try another Awareness roll~
  32. 3:54 PM - Kari: (Much better~ =D)
  33. 3:54 PM - MektOne on One: Much much better.
  34. 3:55 PM - MektOne on One: You hold out a hand, stopping your sister in her tracks. The two of you drop to a crouch instantly as she whispers, "What is it? Do you see something?"
  35. 3:57 PM - MektOne on One: You gaze intently at the spot in question, where you can see the faint outline of movement ahead, stalking its way through the trees.
  36. 3:59 PM - Kari: "Yeah... Look there," Kari whispers back, pointing toward the sillohette. "Hand me the sword will ya?" Her body is tense, trembling slightly from the excitement.
  37. 4:00 PM - MektOne on One: "That looks like a Grey Hunter. Good eyes... for once." she smirks, but hands you the sword all the same. "You think you can handle it? It'll put up a fight."
  38. 4:02 PM - Kari: With a cocky smirk, Kari nods without turning her head. "Yeah, I got this. Lemme show you how it's done." Taking the sword with one hand, she slips forward, attempting to get closer without being spotted.
  39. 4:02 PM - MektOne on One: Roll Stealth and it seems you're already ahead of me
  40. 4:02 PM - Kari: (Yeah, but it's a shit roll, heh. at least for how high my reflex is.)
  41. 4:04 PM - Kari: (aaaahahahahahaha fuck)
  42. 4:04 PM - MektOne on One: Looks like it might spot you. You can elect to spend some Luck, if you wanted to.
  43. 4:05 PM - MektOne on One: Luck is spent to improve your roll on a 1:1 basis, and (in the manner of our houserules) can be used to force a critical hit, or avoid a critical failure, depending on the amount of Luck spent and the result of your d10.
  44. 4:05 PM - MektOne on One: In this case you can do neither, since you didn't critfail and don't have 6 luck to force that 4 into a 10.
  45. 4:05 PM - MektOne on One: But you can still spend 2 Luck to tie and have it be suspicious, or 3 to succeed and stay undetected.
  46. 4:06 PM - Kari: (hrm... if it spots me, is it more likely to attack or run?)
  47. 4:06 PM - MektOne on One: Gray Hunters are quite aggressive, and it's liable to fight back before running.
  48. 4:07 PM - Kari: (Well then fuck this, if I get the chance I'm gonna make a leap strike on this thing >:3)
  49. 4:07 PM - MektOne on One: So, spending 3 Luck to stay undetected?
  50. 4:08 PM - Kari: (hrmmm... sure~. Element of suprise and all that)
  51. 4:08 PM - MektOne on One: Luck refreshes every session, by the way, but always keep in mind that it might be more important in the future than the now, so manage it wisely~
  52. 4:08 PM - MektOne on One: (just like a real vidyagame tutorial would say)
  53. 4:09 PM - Kari: (Roger. I can't let my sis show me up this quickly~. I have to save face! Go big or go home!)
  54. 4:11 PM - MektOne on One: You watch your steps, taking each one with care as you focus on your prey. But, you've made a slip! You step on a twig, and the tiny branch snaps loudly. The Gray Hunter looks up from the rotting carcass that is its meal, sniffing its dog-like head in the air and looking around cautiously. You stand stock-still, unmoving behind a tree out of sight. Soon enough, the Gray Hunter returns to its meal.
  55. 4:13 PM - MektOne on One: You look the beast over, having seen your sister hunt them many a time. This is quite a sizable one, to be sure; perhaps one of the larger ones you've seen. Its two legs are bent in such a fasion that they're quite conducive towards running, allowing the beast to clear 30 meters distance in under 10 seconds. You recall seeing them in action, and it's quite frightening.
  56. 4:15 PM - MektOne on One: Its gray-furred body for which they get their name is matted and drab, though prickley and painful to the touch. It has no forelegs or arms, instead relying on its two legs, using its oddly curved body to keep balance. Its head is long, and its wide mouth full of many sharp fangs. Not something you want ripping into you, though your shell will likely help a little should it get a bite in.
  57. 4:15 PM - MektOne on One: You remain undetected, and it resumes eating.
  58. 4:16 PM - Kari: (Am I within pouncing distance? Can I leap strike this fucker?)
  59. 4:16 PM - MektOne on One: Yep yep. You're all good.
  60. 4:17 PM - MektOne on One: So in that case, you can roll your Blade skill. +2 from the flanking, and +2 more from being undetected.
  61. 4:18 PM - MektOne on One: You're right behind it, poised to strike.
  62. 4:18 PM - Kari: (sweet~!)
  63. 4:18 PM - Kari: (woops, forgot the additional +2 and +2)
  64. 4:19 PM - Kari: (So 19)
  65. 4:19 PM - MektOne on One: Boy are you lucky
  66. 4:19 PM - MektOne on One: 18
  67. 4:19 PM - MektOne on One: So that's a success!
  68. 4:20 PM - Kari: (Hot. Damn.)
  69. 4:20 PM - MektOne on One: this pup sure can roll, apparently
  70. 4:20 PM - Kari: (Apparently)
  71. 4:20 PM - MektOne on One: Waiting for the perfect moment, you hold the sword out before you, preparing yourself before pouncing, swinging the sword at... what are you aiming for? Left or right leg, torso, or head?
  72. 4:20 PM - MektOne on One: Melee gets free call shots, though I may change that later on. We're always tweaking the system.
  73. 4:21 PM - Kari: (Probably the head, since I want the meat and maybe the hide mostly intact.)
  74. 4:21 PM - MektOne on One: Right you are. Staight to the head it is.
  75. 4:22 PM - MektOne on One: Your blade connects solidly, striking the beast square in the head! Roll damage!
  76. 4:22 PM - MektOne on One: Your sword has a damage of 2d6
  77. 4:22 PM - Kari: (So it's 2d6 + AP. What is AP?)
  78. 4:22 PM - MektOne on One: Armor Piercing
  79. 4:22 PM - Kari: (I am going to kill myself.)
  80. 4:22 PM - MektOne on One: riiiiiip
  81. 4:23 PM - MektOne on One: we'll let you reroll that
  82. 4:23 PM - MektOne on One: because that's just painful to watch
  83. 4:23 PM - MektOne on One: you're keeping it if it happens again though
  84. 4:23 PM - MektOne on One: I mean this /is/ technically just a tutorial, sorta
  85. 4:24 PM - Kari: (I appreciate it. >_>)
  86. 4:24 PM - Kari: (Oh thank you dear sweet merciful fuck)
  87. 4:25 PM - MektOne on One: heh
  88. 4:25 PM - Kari: (Should I write my fluff then?)
  89. 4:26 PM - MektOne on One: Your call. I know some people are too lazy to fluff their actions and attacks, so I'm used to doing it to pick up slack
  90. 4:26 PM - MektOne on One: but if you wanna do it, I'm all for it
  91. 4:28 PM - Kari: Springing from the brush, Kari's wings buzz excitedly as she swings the blade above her head. "You're mine, foul beast!" she cries, with a murderous gleam in her eyes. "NYAHAHAHA!" As the beast turns from the initial noise, she cleaves downward the moment her feet touch the ground. The blade strikes true, catching the creature right in the head.
  92. 4:29 PM - Kari: (I love staying in character, so I tend to do my own fluffages~)
  93. 4:29 PM - MektOne on One: sounds good to me~
  94. 4:29 PM - MektOne on One: With a clean slice rivaling anything your sister can do, you lop the Gray Hunter's head clean off. It thunks to the leaf-padded floor quietly, rolling to the side as the body remains standing a moment longer before collapsing.
  95. 4:33 PM - Kari: Staring in slight disbelief at the seen, she blinks a couple times while the events process in her mind. Suddenly, a big, toothy grin shoots across her face, and with a pump of her sword hand into the air, she cries out. "YES! AHAHAHAHA! VICTORY!" Turning proudly to Ida, she rests the back of blade on her shoulder with the other hand on her hip. With a flip of scarlet hair, she gives Ida a wink before it slides back over her eye. "Whaddya think of 'that', Thunder Tits~!?"
  96. 4:33 PM - MektOne on One: "...I can't say it wasn't impressive," she reluctantly agrees, walking over to investigate your kill.
  97. 4:34 PM - MektOne on One: "And it's a large one, too. That was aknost as good as me. You win tonight, Kari, but the score is what... fifty to one?"
  98. 4:36 PM - MektOne on One: almost*
  99. 4:37 PM - Kari: "Are we comparing scores or the difference in cup sizes?" With a cocky grin still plastered on her face, she flicks the blade to remove some the blood. Whiping away the rest, her excited chittering manages to permeate the air despite the constant pattering of rain. "So what do you think? Is it big enough to net some money for the head and pelt?"
  100. 4:39 PM - MektOne on One: Her eye twitches at your titular comment, but she makes no remark on the matter. "It just might get a fair deal on the market. Gray Hunter fur is used a lot in that 'vel-kro' stuff the spiders introduced us to when they first arrived."
  101. 4:39 PM - MektOne on One: "Those damned web-weavers..." she mutters, cursing the species for having run you out of house and home.
  102. 4:43 PM - Kari: "Hey-hey, Sis. Business is competition like any other. We don't have to be sore losers about it." Resting her hand on Ida's shoulder, Kari's expression takes a turn for the sympathetic. "I know you're pissed, but there's plenty of things we do better than them. You think they woulda bagged this kill? How much you wanna bet they'd be perched up in a tree right now sipping fancy drinks and moping because nothing's wandering into their stupid trap?"
  103. 4:43 PM - MektOne on One: "Hm. You've a point there... maybe it's me that needs to mature a little, as well."
  104. 4:45 PM - Kari: Leaning down, Kari wraps her arms around Ida and gives her a big hug. "It's okay, Ida. You'll always be my big sister. You said it yourself, right? The score's 50-1. Heheh."
  105. 4:48 PM - MektOne on One: "Heh, of course. Now let's get this home and cooked, I'm sure everyone's hungry. And who knows? Maybe our sister Yuhiab'zah managed to scrounge some spices."
  106. 4:50 PM - Kari: "Yeah! She's gonna be so proud of us~!" With a big, dumb grin once again plastered on her face, she lets go of Ida. Securing the blade on her sash, she sets about helping Ida carry the remains, head and all.
  107. 4:55 PM - MektOne on One: You carefully take your kill back home, heading for the lower portions of the city where you've been attempting to eke out a meager living on the streets. Arriving back at the alley you've been calling home for the past month, you find that your older (but Ida's younger) sister Yuhiab (aka Yui) did indeed manage to find some thrown-out salt containers and other assorted spices, which still held a small portion of their contents. Skinning your prey, prepping the meat and salvaging everything usable from its body, you dispose of the rest.
  108. 4:59 PM - MektOne on One: Satisfied for the night, you begin to settle down, having devoured the entirety of your kill. It was the largest meal you've had in a good while, and for that both of your sisters were thankful. You curl up to sleep beside your sisters, clutching your favorite toy - the one thing you have left from the parents you never knew.
  109. 5:08 PM - MektOne on One: The next morning, you awaken to find the hide of the Gray Hunter tanned and prepared for sale. The spiny fur makes excellent patches or after a bit of working, as Ida said the other day, velcro. It was less than two years ago when the Dryder ship landed, turning all of the Kunchoren planet on its head. Sure, Kunchorens had plenty of advanced technology: meat cloning, highly advanced medical and science fields, electricity and a working infastructure, even walking vehicles called Mektons, but... space travel was something the Kunchoren had yet to accomplish themselves. While attempts were made, none ever made it off-planet. With the arrival of the Dryder, the entire Kunchoren economy was turned head-over-heels as trades were brokered with the cunning spider-like race. Though Kunchoren-model civilian spacecraft are still being properly developed and the galaxy as a whole hasn't officially recognized the planet and its denizens yet, a number of Kunchoren still go off-world to explore on the various traders coming in and out.
  110. 5:10 PM - MektOne on One: Yui folds the tanned hide neatly, handing it to you as you get your bearings. "Your kill, your sale. Take this to the market whenever you're ready and see what you can get for it."
  111. 5:14 PM - Kari: Kari eyes the hide, taking it into her arms. Looking up to Yui with a big smile on her face, she gives her a highly confident thumbs up. "You got it, Sis! I'll get the best price I possibly can for it!" Giggling to herself, she clutches the prize to her chest, a sense of pride washing over her.
  112. 5:15 PM - MektOne on One: "I expect nothing less," Ida says walking up behind Yui and smiling at you, her arms folded. She chitters in approval, ushering you out into the streets proper.
  113. 5:17 PM - Kari: (Right, so shall I just abscond myself to the market? Or do you have other intentions?)
  114. 5:17 PM - MektOne on One: You can abscond to the market
  115. 5:18 PM - Kari: (roger~)
  116. 5:19 PM - Kari: With giddy giggles, Kari gives in to the insistant pushing and staggers out into the streets. She's practically skipping as she heads to the market, eyes wide as she considers her options.
  117. 5:23 PM - MektOne on One: You make your way to the market, eyeing up the various stands and wares available for sale and trade. While mostly run by Kunchoren keepers, you do spot the occasional Dryder or two dealing their own wares. Among the items available for sale are a number of weapons and armors - popular with Kunchoren of all kinds - clothing, food and spices, and general goods or parts, along with any number of other things. Kunchoren markets were always filled with the hustle and bustle of excitement and life, and this one is no different. People from all walks of life come down to see what's for sale on open markets; the higher levels of the Mounds usually have stricter regulations on such dealings.
  118. 5:25 PM - Kari: (Right. So is there a hunter's lodge type place that might pay for a good trophy or know where to get good prices for it?)
  119. 5:25 PM - MektOne on One: Sure, why not
  120. 5:27 PM - MektOne on One: Your sisters always told you of the Lodge, where they sell their kills and skins, but this is perhaps your first time ever coming here with your own kill. Working your way through the throngs of mantis and occasional spider, you find the out-of-the-way structure, whose emblem proudly displayed on a sign above the door showcases a Gray Hunter skull with crossed swords behind it.
  121. 5:30 PM - Kari: Practically beam, Kari bounces towards the door, chittering happily. Stopping in front of it, she stops to compose herself, attempting to brush off her girlish behavior for something more striking. Clearing her throat, she throws open the door with one hand, stepping in dramatically and exclaiming. "Ho there! I come bearing trophies! Who must I speak to!?"
  122. 5:32 PM - MektOne on One: Entering the hall, it almost resembles a bar, in a sense. Round tables surrounded by chairs dot the wide floorspace, and at the far back of the room is a counter, behind which were shelves stocked with alcohol of various kinds. Your shout draws the attention of the room's two occupants: the mantis behind the counter, and a spider who was apparently in talks with him.
  123. 5:33 PM - MektOne on One: The spider shakes the hand of the mantis, saying, "Seems you've got business, so I'll be going now. It was a pleasure to speak with you, and... do keep me posted on the matter we discussed."
  124. 5:34 PM - MektOne on One: The mantis returns the shake, nodding, "Of course, Mr. Silk."
  125. 5:35 PM - MektOne on One: The Dryder - Mr. Silk apparently - walks by you, tipping the tophat located on his head as he passes. "Beg your pardon." Scooching past you, his numerous legs click against the wooden flooring as he ducks down to fit under the small doorframe.
  126. 5:39 PM - Kari: "But of course, fine sir!" With a small spin, Kari moves aside and holds the door ajar for him, letting it go as his abdomen clears the archway. Turning her attention back to the mantis, and points dramatically at him. "You there! Do you seek the prize of a woman's burning passion!? The fruit of her soul's inferno!? The trophy cleft from the tree of life and lovingly tanned and treated by her own beloved sister!? Then do I have what you're looking for fine, sir! BEHOLD!" Finishing her dramatic gestures and sweeping movements, she glides her way to the counter, and holds the pelt aloft for his approval.
  127. 5:41 PM - MektOne on One: He laughs at your excitable florishing, looking the pelt over. "Well now, you must be Kari. Your sisters talk about you a lot, you know. Looks like you're growing up, if this is your own kill."
  128. 5:43 PM - MektOne on One: "They always want the best for you, and I can see why. You're a good kid."
  129. 5:43 PM - MektOne on One: "So then, this pelt. Hmm..." rubbing a hand over the fur, he nods. "A fine one, it is. Large, too..."
  130. 5:46 PM - Kari: A decent blush quickly spreads across her face, and her once confident pose quickly turns to a flattered grin. Rubbing the back of her head with one hand, she giggles through the toothy grin and bounces in place. "Ida said it's almost as big as her largest kill," she says quite proudly. "Got him in one swing!"
  131. 5:48 PM - MektOne on One: "One swing? Now that takes talent. You must be a natural!" He laughs boisterously, his large frame trembling as he does so. As he rubs another hand along the pelt, a look of confusion crosses his face, and be begins digging his fingers between the spines of the fur. "What's this, now...?"
  132. 5:50 PM - MektOne on One: From the fur, he pulls a small, blue-colored computer chip. You haven't the foggiest idea what it could be or what it does, but he, on the other hand, seems to recognize it, if only vaguely. A smile crosses his face as he places it on the counter and slides it towards you. "I'll take the pelt, but how would you like to make a little extra money?"
  133. 5:52 PM - Kari: Kari looks on in confusion, tilting her head and chittering out what could loosely approximate "que?" Stepping closer, she looks over the little chip before turning her eyes up to the man. A little smile crosses her face at her offer. "Yeah!" she proclaims in an excited whisper. "What do I gotta do?"
  134. 5:56 PM - MektOne on One: "Well, you came at the perfect time, it seems. That Dryder who just walked out, Mr. Silk? Apparently runs some big company up in space. Didn't ask the name, but he mentioned that one of his transports carrying some important things managed to lose a bit of cargo after an incident happened on board. Said cargo crashed here, on this planet. And these chips have something to do with it. He said he'd pay a tidy fee for any he gets back. Heck, might even be a job offer in it for you."
  135. 5:58 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes begin to practically sparkle as they open wide. She veritably stares into the man's soul with a look of awe. "Y-You mean it? You mean... I might have a way to get my sisters off the streets?"
  136. 6:00 PM - MektOne on One: "Just telling you what he told me. If you want more info, ask the man himself. You can probably find him at the spaceport; I think his is the only ship around at the moment, shouldn't be hard to find. Now for the pelt, I'll give you 100 credits."
  137. 6:02 PM - Kari: "O-Okay!" she stammers out, trembling with excitement. Her eyes fall down as the thoughts race through her head, only to turn them back up with an almost manic smile. "Th-thank you, Mister! I'll take it! Do you think he'll be here for a while? I wanna get the money to my sisters first before I go after him."
  138. 6:03 PM - MektOne on One: "I don't think he'll be leaving anytime soon, no. Didn't sound that way at least."
  139. 6:05 PM - Kari: "Alright then!" Kari pushes her hand out toward the mantis, striking a heroic pose. "What is your name fine sir? I wish to remember it for all the good you have done this day!"
  140. 6:06 PM - MektOne on One: "Name's Gelravkem'ner. Nice to finally meet you, Kari."
  141. 6:08 PM - Kari: Shaking his hand with a firm grip, she smiles as bright as she possibly can. "Nice to meet you too, Kem! Now!" Withdrawing her hand, she brings it to her other hip and turns to face the man. "I need to figure out how to get to the space port!" Kari tries to stifle some giggles as she does her best to maintain her "heroic" stance.
  142. 6:10 PM - MektOne on One: "That's an easy one. Head to the middle level of the Mound, follow the main road about a mile, hook a right, then keep left. You can't miss it, it'll be the biggest clearing in town."
  143. 6:11 PM - Kari: (Should I just assume he gives me the money ((credit chit?)) and the chip so I can run on out the door?)
  144. 6:11 PM - MektOne on One: yep
  145. 6:11 PM - MektOne on One: You exchange the pelt for the money as you shake hands.
  146. 6:12 PM - Kari: (cool~)
  147. 6:14 PM - Kari: Unable to keep her pose much longer, she gives him a firm nod. "Thanks, Mister Kem~." Keeping both the money and the chip secure in one hand, she bounds over to the door. "I'll tell my sisters you say hello! Have a good one!" Racing outside, Kari has to give it her all not to just tear down the streets for fear of running into someone. Turning back down into the alley, she calls out to the other two girls. "Guys! Guuuuys! I did it!"
  148. 6:15 PM - MektOne on One: "Congratulations, Kari!" Yui clasps her hands together, looking at you with a smile as Ida nods. "Spoke to old Kem, did you?"
  149. 6:18 PM - Kari: "Uh-huh! He says hi!" Bounding up to Yui and Ida, she moves the money to her other hand and holds it outstretched to the two of them. "He gave me a hundred credits for the pelt! He said I must be a natural at it to kill it like I did!" Bursting to the brim with bubbly giggles, she beams with pride. "And there's something else!" It's at this moment though that she winces slightly, getting a little worried as she looks to Ida. "But... I don't think you're gonna like it..."
  150. 6:18 PM - MektOne on One: Ida raises an eyebrow. "A hundred credits is a good deal for that pelt. What is it I won't like?"
  151. 6:20 PM - Kari: A little nervously Kari holds the chip out for the two of them to see. "A ship lost a lot of cargo recently. Apparently it fell into the woods and got all scattered. Kem said there was a man looking for these, and that he might pay me or offer me a job for it. It was stuck in the fur that we sold."
  152. 6:21 PM - MektOne on One: "A ship... so am I to assume he's one of those web-weavers?" she says distastefully.
  153. 6:22 PM - Kari: "Yeah... a guy named 'Mr. Silk'. I saw him when I walked in." Kari closes her hand around the chip once more, and rubs her arm with the other, now free, hand.
  154. 6:24 PM - MektOne on One: "Well, you're right. I don't like it. ...but if it's a way to get money and a job, there might not be a choice in the matter. You just watch yourself around those spiders, or they'll chew you up worse than a Gray Hunter ever could. Understand?" Ida looks at you firmly, arms folded. Yui approaches from behind, putting a hand on Ida's shoulder and muttering "Ida, please..." but Ida offers no response.
  155. 6:26 PM - Kari: "I will, Sis. Business is just competition right? I won't let him beat me~." Lurching forward, Kari gives Ida a big hug. Her wings buzz intermittently, and seems to be squeezing rather tight. "I'll be okay, and if I have a chance of giving you two a home, I wanna take it!"
  156. 6:28 PM - MektOne on One: "That should be our job, you know... we /are/ the older ones." She hugs you back.
  157. 6:29 PM - Kari: "Someone's gotta help you carry those jugs," she says with a snicker.
  158. 6:29 PM - MektOne on One: She begins squeezing you veeery tightly after your comment.
  159. 6:31 PM - MektOne on One: "But... fine. Just be very, very careful. I don't trust those web-weavers as far as I can throw them."
  160. 6:32 PM - MektOne on One: Yui smiles, putting a hand on both your and Ida's shoulders. "It'll all be alright. If this is what she wants, Ida, we shouldn't stop her. You always say we should help her become more independent, and this is the perfect start. Right?"
  161. 6:33 PM - MektOne on One: Ida nods, finally letting go of you.
  162. 6:36 PM - Kari: Letting go of Ida, Kari smiles up at the two of them. With a much briefer hug for Yui, Kari slips away and takes a few steps back. "I better hurry before he decides he wraps up business for the day. The sooner I get the job, the sooner we can all sleep in a bed again!." With a little wave, and some last minute goodbyes, she hurries off to the middle level of the mound, and from there, the spaceport.
  163. 6:39 PM - MektOne on One: It takes about half an hour, but soon enough you arrive at the spaceport. And true to word, there is indeed only one ship parked there: large, rectangular, and mostly featureless. Its side displays the flat black logo of a Dryder with a red hourglass-shape in its center, and the angular, stylized words above and below it reading "Spyder Sylk Industries."
  164. 6:40 PM - MektOne on One: While mostly empty apart from the ship, there are a few trucks and long-hauls parked here and there, along with a stack of large metal shipping containers being loaded into the ship.
  165. 6:41 PM - MektOne on One: You stop, taking the scene in before spotting Mr. Silk, making his way up the open cargo ramp of the ship, stopping to inspect the various containers as they're loaded in.
  166. 6:43 PM - MektOne on One: The ship is fairly small, merely a Cruiser scale, about 100 meters in length and 30 in height.
  167. 6:45 PM - Kari: Kari overexcitedly calls out to the dryder. "Mister Silk! Hey!" Getting a running start, she bounds through the air, wings buzzing as she hops here and there around obstacles in her way. Waving her free hand, she calls out once more. "Mister Silk! I have to speak to you!"
  168. 6:46 PM - MektOne on One: Tilting his head in the direction of your shouts, he stops his check of the latest container and turns towards you. Recognizing you, he doffs his hat with a smile, bowing slightly. "Well now, if isn't the polite little Kunchoren from the Lodge. How might I help you?"
  169. 6:49 PM - Kari: Smiling bright and giggling girlishly, she starts to slow her approach, once more bouncing in place. "You remembered me~! Heehee! Nice to meet you, sir!" With a short bow, she stands up once more and puts both her hands out in front of her, the chip resting in the center. "Mister Kem told me that you were looking for this!"
  170. 6:51 PM - MektOne on One: His eight red, beady eyes widen momentarily before returning to normal. Reaching his spindly and long, black-carapaced fingers towards you, he grabs the chip and looks it over. Withdrawing a monacle from his tailcoat's front pocket, he gives it a closer inspection before nodding, pocketing both the monacle and chip. "I hadn't expected to find one so soon. Where did you pick this up?"
  171. 6:55 PM - Kari: "I found it on a gray hunter," she chirps. "When I sold the pelt to Mister Kem, he found it near one of the spines. He said if I brought it to you, I might make a little extra money..." Trailing off a little, she scratches her temple with a single finger. "And... he said you might even offer me a job..."
  172. 6:57 PM - MektOne on One: He scratches his chin thoughtfully, his eight eyes looking down at you and blinking in unison. "On one of those mongrels? Curious how it nestled itself there, but it must be fate. For you to have slain the beast yourself means you're also at least somewhat capable of holding your own, is that right?"
  173. 7:00 PM - Kari: Having been expecting disdain for being so forward, she immediately perks up with some surprise. Blinking a few times, she starts to beam once more. Puffing out her chest, with fists on her hips, and wings buzzing, she stands stoicly before the dryder. "That is correct, sir! I felled it with a single slice! My sisters were very proud of me! Mister Kem said I must be a natural!"
  174. 7:04 PM - MektOne on One: "It must be true then, for so many to agree." He smiles, clacking his long fingers together. "I am more than willing to give you a reward for delievering this to me, then we can both be on our merry way. Or, since you seemed so inclined, I can offer you a position on my web. I require someone who can handle sensitive delieveries, a courier if you will. One who can hold their own, who isn't afraid of a fight, and who can be trusted to not run off at the first opportunity. It would seem to me that you meet all of these criteria."
  175. 7:08 PM - Kari: As much as she tries to keep her cool, Kari's excitement continues to crack through her exterior. "You can count on me, sir! I'm not afraid of anything! I-...." Blinking her eyes a couple times, her thoughts reach a sudden snag as she thinks about what Ida said. "W-Wait. I'm not gonna be doing anything illegal am I? Sis told me to be careful and not just blunder into something if I don't know the details."
  176. 7:10 PM - MektOne on One: "Illegal?" he asks, before responding with a wave of his hand, chuckling. "No, no, of course not. My company is perfectly legitimate, and supported by the Galactic Federation."
  177. 7:15 PM - Kari: Kari chitters curiously tilting her head and looking the man over. Her expression is one of genuine curiosity, and she still seems quite excited if a little confused. "I don't really know much about the Federation, but what about planetary law? Am I gonna get in trouble with Kunchoren authorities?"
  178. 7:20 PM - MektOne on One: "The Federation ensures that planetary law is kept local to said planet and its surrounding territory. Anything illegal in one locale's law that takes place outside of their territory can not, by Galactic Law, be held against you. But even so, there will be nothing that will put you into any sort of trouble with the authorities. What sort of webmaster would I be to allow a new charge of mine to befall a terrible fate, on any planet? Least of all their homeworld."
  179. 7:24 PM - Kari: "O-oh. Okay. Well when you put it like that, I guess that makes sense." She calms down just a bit and gives the dryder and appreciative nod. "My sisters mean a lot to me. They'd be really ashamed of me if I did anything like that. Thank you, Mister Silk." Smiling up at the man, she bounces a little in place once more. Extending her hand out to the large spider person, her other hand lays across her chest. "You can count on me, sir! I won't let you down!"
  180. 7:26 PM - MektOne on One: "Excellent. Then it's settled." He carefully grasps your hand, ensuring not to scratch your fleshy arms with his long, sharp nails. With a firm shake, he adds almost as an afterthought, "Have you ever piloted a Mekton? It's plain to see that Kunchoren civilization possesses them, at the very least."
  181. 7:27 PM - MektOne on One: Indeed, to punctuate his point, a Kunchoren Mekton stomps past the ship down on the tarmac, carrying a shipping container in its arms.
  182. 7:32 PM - Kari: As the Mekton stomps past, possibilities run through her mind. Her free hand goes up into her hair, mouth opening wide as she silently screams inside. "YES! YES YES YES! I m-mean... I think so, yeah! I've always wanted to! Wh-when I was in school, I always wanted to! It's been a fixation of mine since I was a little girl! Me and my friends made a make shift cockpit when we were younger, and we used to pretend to be pilots. I've never been in the real thing, but I've had some practice!"
  183. 7:35 PM - MektOne on One: "So you've a little experience, even if it was self-taught. I've some others in my web that can train you to handle a Mekton properly, so that won't be an issue then." He chuckles to himself. "Well now, this was a stroke of luck for both of us, wouldn't you agree?"
  184. 7:37 PM - Kari: "Yeah! Definitely!" Pulling her hand back, she runs it through her hair with the other, still bursting with excitement.
  185. 7:39 PM - MektOne on One: "We will be departing from the planet tomorrow. So if you've business to settle up, it would be wise to do so before then."
  186. 7:42 PM - Kari: "D-Departing?" Her excitement starts to wane and is swiftly replaced by worry. "W-Wait... what about my sisters?"
  187. 7:46 PM - MektOne on One: "Well, that is a problem, isn't it?" he scratches his chin again, seeming to think. "I can have a portion of your pay routed to a local branch of the Federation Bank, where your sisters may collect it at their leisure, if that would suit you."
  188. 7:48 PM - Kari: Kari lowers her eyes, thinking deeply on the subject as her gaze dances left and right. "B... But they would stay here then...?"
  189. 7:52 PM - Kari: Thinking a little more, she stands up straight and looks Mr. Silk right in the eyes. "S-Sir? Thank you. That would mean a lot to me. I think I need to talk it over with my family before I decide. When I accept, should I meet you here tomorrow with my things?"
  190. 7:53 PM - MektOne on One: "Of course. We'll be departing around this time, actually. I hope to see you then."
  191. 8:00 PM - Kari: "Thank you, sir. I'm sure you will." Snapping a smart salute, Kari turn on one foot and bounds off across the space dock once more. As she leaves through the bay doors and turns the corner, she gets just a little further before her pace starts to stagger. Slowing down to an average walk for once in her life, her head hangs low, mired in thoughts of leaving home. In the haze and rush of excitement, she had never considered having to leave her family behind to support them. One day's time is a very small window at that.
  193. Thoughts circle and swim through her mind, clouding her normally exciteable demeanor. When she finally makes some decisions for herself and pulls her head from the clouds, she makes the final jog to the alley. Turning the corner, she jaunts up at a suprisingly slower pace than her norm. Kari does her best to smile, but it's pretty clearly marred by her worries.
  194. 8:03 PM - MektOne on One: Yui is the first to notice. "Kari, is something the matter? Oh, did you not get the job? I'm sorry... you seemed very excited about it."
  195. 8:04 PM - Kari: "Heh.. hey, Yui.. Ida..." Kari tries to smile still, though it's clear something's off. "It went pretty well...! M... Mister Silk was really excited to see me. He even offered me a job."
  196. 8:05 PM - MektOne on One: "Then what's the problem?" Ida asks, walking up to you and putting a hand on your shoulder in a comforting gesture.
  197. 8:07 PM - Kari: Looking up at Ida, she winces slightly, expecting disapproval. "Well... He said I'd have a place on his web... but..." She trails off slightly, tears welling up in her eyes. "But I have to leave the planet."
  198. 8:10 PM - MektOne on One: "...should have figured as much. So he's not a local trader, then." Ida says, leading you to one of the chairs kept in the alley to sit. Yui walks up beside her, saying, "I think... I think, if you want to do it, you should, Kari. There's no reason you should stay stuck here, in this alley, for your whole life. There's an opportunity looking you right in the face, holding out its hands for you. You could do what so few Kunchorens can, go up and explore the stars!"
  199. 8:11 PM - MektOne on One: Ida, far more down-to-earth, says, "Don't try to romantacize it, Yui." She turns back to you. "But she's right. If it's something you want to do, you should do it... spider or no. Just be careful that 'on' his web doesn't become 'in' it."
  200. 8:16 PM - Kari: Kari fidgets in the seat, nervously brushing her hair aside only for it to fall back into place. "I... I mean...." Her expression constantly shifts, and it's hard to tell just what emotion is strongest right now. "I... I would get to pilot a Mekton...! I've always wanted to do that! Mister Silk says that he needs someone tough and brave like me. I wouldn't just have a job, I'd be valuable." Kari, trembling in her chair, takes both of her sisters' hands and squeezes them gently. Her armoured fingers run over the backs of their hands, and she swallows down a bout of fear. "And he agreed to help me set up a bank account here. I'd be able to send you both money. You could get off the street and into a home. Food... a private bath... just like we used to have..."
  201. 8:20 PM - MektOne on One: Ida seems to have her reservations, but Yui is apparently all for the idea, more for your happiness than her own. "That's wonderful! What's there to even worry about, then? Sure... we might not get to speak often, but, it's everything you ever wanted, isn't it? And I'm sure we'll be able to write to eachother somehow, or you could stop by and visit."
  202. 8:22 PM - Kari: Kari seems to calm down at Yui's approval, and even manages a genuine, if nervous, smile. "Y-Y'think? .... Y-Yeah...! Th-that's true. It's n-not like I wouldn't see you two again. And... it'll make the next time I see you both a lot happier. You'll both be happy again. For yourselves."
  203. 8:24 PM - MektOne on One: "Whatever you send us, it won't go to waste. I promise that. When we get work of our own, we'll be better than ever, just you wait, Kari." Ida nods, squeezing your hand.
  204. 8:28 PM - Kari: Kari gives Ida a nod right before she pulls the two into a big hug. "I love you two. Thank you so much, for everything."
  205. 8:28 PM - MektOne on One: They return the gesture in kind. Yui says, "We love you too, Kari. So much. And we're both very happy for you."
  206. 8:29 PM - MektOne on One: Ida seems to be biting back tears at the idea of your leaving, but manages to say, "Don't forget about us once you become a big name up there, alright?"
  207. 8:30 PM - Kari: "Never, Ida. You girls are my heroes~. And you'll still be them, even if I become one too." Kari's well past the point of holding back tears as they practically stream down her face like twin waterfalls.
  208. 8:32 PM - MektOne on One: "O-oh, right... I've got something for you, Kari," Ida says. Reluctantly letting go of you, she heads to a corner of your alley, rooting through her things before pulling something out, coming back to you. "Hold out your hands."
  209. 8:34 PM - Kari: Kari does as she's bid, though her eyes follow Ida with great interest. With hands held out, her nervous chittering almost matches the quivering of the chair beneath her trembling bum. "Wh-what is it, Sis?"
  210. 8:37 PM - MektOne on One: "Well... I made this, with the teeth from that Gray Hunter you bagged. Don't worry, I made sure to clean them beforehand. Heh." Into your open hands, she drops a necklace, made with the teeth in question. In the middle of the rows of teeth is a small, silver heart inscribed with your name. She smiles self-depreciatingly. "I was never as good with my hands as Yui... I found the little heart in the street. Rubbed a nail down raw carving your name in it, but, there you go."
  211. 8:40 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes light up, staring at the gift with renewed tears welling up in her eyes. She lets out an indescernible chitter-like noise, and lurches forward once more. Giving Ida the tightest hug she can manage, Kari babbles her thanks. "Thank you, Sis! Thank you! It's wonderful! I'll keep it with me all the time! I promise!"
  212. 8:41 PM - MektOne on One: "H-hey! Relax... I'm glad you like it." She brushes back your hair, looking at you with a smile. "Just a little something to remember where you came from, is all."
  213. 8:44 PM - Kari: "Like I could forget the size of 'your' tits, Sis." Snickering once again, Kari gives Ida one last squeeze before smiling up at her. "Can you help me put it on?"
  214. 8:46 PM - MektOne on One: She isn't even mad at the jab towards her tits. Taking the necklace with a smile, she goes around to your back and laces it beneath your hair, clasping it shut and ensuring it was tight. "There we are... that should do it."
  215. 8:47 PM - MektOne on One: "Well... you're leaving tomorrow, right?" Yui asks hesitantly. "So how about the three of us go out for a hunt, together?"
  216. 8:50 PM - Kari: Kari smiles softly, closing her eyes and Ida attaches the necklaces. Breathing in deep, she takes a moment to collect herself. Bouncing up from the chair, she whips around gives the two of them a big thumbs up with an overconfidant grin. "You got it! One last hunt with the family! For the memories!"
  217. 8:51 PM - MektOne on One: Ida nods, holding up the family's sword. "For the past, and your future!"
  218. 8:54 PM - MektOne on One: The three of you cheer, heading out for the hunt. In the end, you acquire not only two Gray Hunters, but a Kregor and three small Gunfarks. Hours later you're back home, prepping, cooking and eating the lot of them. It really was a lucky break; most days you're barely able to catch a single beast, let alone a feast like this.
  219. 8:56 PM - MektOne on One: Thoroughly stuffed, you sleep soundly beside eachother for the last time. When morning comes, your sisters decide to come with you to the spaceport to see you off.
  220. 8:56 PM - MektOne on One: Anything to do before setting out on your grand quest?
  221. 8:57 PM - Kari: (Probably ask them to take care of some things like tell my friends what happened to me.)
  222. 8:57 PM - MektOne on One: Simple enough. Consider it done, then.
  223. 8:59 PM - MektOne on One: Standing before the open hatch of the ship, Mr. Silk stands at the top of the ramp, overseeing final departure preperations. Yui and Ida watch him a moment, before Ida sighs. "Before you go... take this. For protection, and for luck." She holds out to you the sheathed family sword you've shared and hunted with for so long.
  224. 9:03 PM - Kari: Kari turns to Ida, a rush of feelings still overwhelming her now that the time has come. "But, Sis... don't you need it? What will you hunt with?"
  225. 9:03 PM - MektOne on One: Yui backs her up, nodding. "We'll make due without it. We want you to take it with you, so you'll always be connected to us, no matter the distance."
  226. 9:05 PM - Kari: Kari nods to the both of them, taking the blade gingerly from Ida. "Thank you... I... I don't know what to say..."
  227. 9:07 PM - MektOne on One: Ida huffs a short laugh. "There's nothing /to/ say in a situation like this..." her wings twitch reluctantly, and it's clear she's having trouble letting you go.
  228. 9:09 PM - Kari: With her head seeming to nod continuinously as a million second guesses run through her mind, Kari springs forward to hug the two one last time. "How about... 'talk to you soon'...? Cause... I don't want to say 'goodbye'..."
  229. 9:11 PM - MektOne on One: They hug you back, harder than ever. Yui sniffles, nodding. "Right. Talk to you soon, then." Ida adds, "And... good luck. There's always a home waiting for you here."
  230. 9:14 PM - Kari: After a little more hugging, Kari finally manages to break away from the two of them. She grabs up what few posessions she has, stops to gaze longingly for just a bit longer. With a final nod, she turns to run off and up the loading ramp, trying to stay out of everyone's way. She looks on at the two still, unable to treat anything but the closing ramp as the final say.
  231. 9:16 PM - MektOne on One: And close the ramp does. With the final containers loaded into the ship, Mr. Silk stands by your side, a hand on your shoulder as the ramp slowly rises. "You'll do just fine, I trust."
  232. 9:18 PM - Kari: "Yeah... I've just never been away from home..." She still stares at the loading ramp, half hoping it would open again for just a little longer. "I think I just need some time to adjust."
  233. 9:20 PM - MektOne on One: "Of course. Most terrestrial-bound people do, when they first leave the planet. It will pass, in due time."
  234. 9:23 PM - MektOne on One: "In any event, one of my weblings will show you to your room. I look forward to seeing you work. Now please, if you would excuse me, I must tend the helm." Removing his hand from your shoulder, he turns about, clacking loudly against the metal floor towards the front of the ship.
  235. 9:28 PM - Kari: "Of course, sir," Kari says, her tone windy and distant. She continues to stare at the ramp for a little while longer, but eventually breathes a deep sigh as her thoughts and feeling return to her once more. For the first time, she looks around her surroundings on the alien vessel, her armoured limbs clacking softly against the deck as she shifts. "My room huh...? I... I wonder if I'll have my own shower."
  236. 9:31 PM - MektOne on One: "Your own shower, your own bed, your own little retreat," says a female voice. A smaller Dryder, about half Mr. Silk's height (and only a little taller than you by comparison) lowers herself from the ceiling. Hanging upside down from her silk only a few feet away from you, she smiles, her brown hair falling across her face due to her inverted position.
  237. 9:32 PM - MektOne on One: "I'm Widoia. Are you the new webling Mr. Silk mentioned?"
  238. 9:35 PM - Kari: Blinking from the unexpected voice, she looks up toward the source. Seeing the woman descending from the ceiling, Kari offers her a little smile and embarrassed laugh. "That's me. My name is Kharee'Zha," she says, pronouncing it in her native tongue. Offering the woman her hand, she giggles under her breath. "But most people call me Kari~. It's nice to meet you."
  239. 9:37 PM - MektOne on One: She takes your hand, smiling. "Same to you." Disengaging herself from the ceiling, she rights herself on the floor, shaking her hair back into shape. "I'm just here to get you settled, but first we'll need to take care of your translator. Speaking Kunchoren hurts my throat..."
  240. 9:39 PM - Kari: "Oh, of course. I'm sorry." Kari gives her a polite nod, standing at attention for whatever needs doing. "What do you need me to do, Ma'am?"
  241. 9:40 PM - MektOne on One: "Just hold still. It'll sting for a second, but that'll pass." Reaching into her tweed coat's pocket, she pulls out a small thimble-shaped object. "I'm just gonna put this in your ear, and you'll be able to understand anything any of the recognized races that keep their dictionaries up-to-date say. That's all there is to it!"
  242. 9:43 PM - MektOne on One: She walks over to you, balancing the device on the tip of her nail before gently pushing it into your ear. As she said, it did sting, but no worse than disinfectant on a small cut would. It passes as quickly as it came, but after that, you don't feel much different. Widoia seems relieved, however. She resumes speaking, in what you assume is the Dryder's native language, though you understand it perfectly well. "And there we go. Any problems? Check check, one two three?"
  243. 9:48 PM - Kari: Kari holds still except for her one hand she uses to pull her hair back. Using two fingers to part he hair around her audio receptor, she turns her head for Widoia's convenience. With but a twitch of one half of her face, the process is done. Quickly shaking her head, she does her best to ignore the weird lingering feeling. Nodding to the dyder girl, she says, "Seems good to me. Are you speaking your own language?"
  244. 9:49 PM - MektOne on One: "Yep! Kunchoren is tough, you know. All those squeaks and chitters... Dryders aren't meant for that."
  245. 9:51 PM - Kari: "I guess I never really thought much of it. You spoke it very well, even if it sounded a little strained."
  246. 9:51 PM - MektOne on One: "Mr. Silk does it so well, I don't know how. He's just a natural... well, anyways, let me show you your room! Once you drop your stuff, I can give you a quick tour of the ship."
  247. 9:53 PM - Kari: "I'd like that," Kari says, gesturing for her to take the lead. "I've... never been on a ship before."
  248. 9:54 PM - MektOne on One: "Well, the Kunchoren's don't even have any good working models of their own yet, so that's a given. It'll probably be at least a few years before they become commonplace for your people."
  249. 9:56 PM - MektOne on One: Clicking her long-legged way through the ship, you enter an area marked "Quarters." Passing several rooms, she stops at the last one in the hall. Swiping a keycard in a slot by the door, it slides upwards. She hands you the card with one hand, gesturing you inside with the other. "There we go. This is where you'll be staying. Feel free to make yourself at home, since this is where you'll be for a while."
  250. 10:01 PM - Kari: Stepping inside, Kari finds a safe place for her things. She sets down most of them off to the side, still carrying her blade and her toy. With one hand, she runs if over the sheets, feeling the fabric between her fingers and the yield of the mattress. Smiling softly, she gives the toy a little hug before setting it down on the pillow with a little pat. With sword secured on her belt, and with a quick stroke of her new necklace, she turns back to Widoia. Smiling a little brighter than before, Kari gives the spider girl a thumbs up and a more confident nod. "Alright. Let's have that tour!"
  251. 10:06 PM - MektOne on One: "That's the spirit! First we'll run you by the kitchens. You can cook whatever you want, it's usually stocked with stuff, but that doesn't mean you can't bring your own in too." She leads you through some twisting halls to an area full of various cooking utilities. Stoves and ovens, toasters and blenders and gadgets of all kinds. She opens the pantry, rooting through it and withdrawing a jar full of... dead flies. She shakes a few out and munches them before tilting the jar towards you questioningly. "Want some? Anything in here's good to use."
  252. 10:11 PM - Kari: "Hrmm..." Kari juts one side of her lip in contemplating, and even skews her fingers across her chin. "They look kinda chewy... I think I'm more of a crunchy snack foods kinda gal. I had leftovers this morning anyway, so I think I'm good. Thanks though."
  253. 10:13 PM - MektOne on One: Peeking in the pantry, you find some more... traditional ingredients, thankfully. Your standard sugars and spices, flour and whatnot. Widoia continues, "There's also a fridge in the back with meat and veggies and stuff, so help yourself whenever! There's a bunch of tables in the next room over, so you don't have to eat in your room if you didn't want to."
  254. 10:15 PM - MektOne on One: Leading you out and through the ship again, she brings you to a wide-open, plain white room with even fewer features than the other places. The main draw here are the assorted pods that line the walls. "This is the VR training area! It's mostly for practice with Mektons. Mr. Silk said we'll need to run you through some basic courses when you're all settled, but once you're ready you can use them whenever."
  255. 10:17 PM - Kari: "Aw, hell yeah!" Kari says, smiling a toothy grin. "I think this might be my first stop after getting cleaned up some."
  256. 10:19 PM - MektOne on One: "That's great to hear! Maybe I'll get to help you out with that, if Mr. Silk doesn't need me for anything else. I think I'll show you a real treat now, this way. We're going down a level." Once more clacking through the halls, you come to... an empty elevator shaft? Peering down, it seems like there's quite a drop, several meters at least.
  257. 10:20 PM - MektOne on One: Widoia turns around, firing a string of silk towards the ceiling before beginning to descend. She pauses, climbing back up to stare face-to-face with you while still upsidedown. "Heheh... whoops. You don't have silk, do you? That's a problem..."
  258. 10:22 PM - Kari: Kari follows along, looking at every little thing she passes and taking it all in. As Widoia descends her thread, she steps closer to the ledge and looks down curiously. With a wry grin, she replies, "No, I don't. I mean, I might be able to make it with my wings for now, but that doesn't really seem very safe. Can you give me a hand for now?"
  259. 10:23 PM - MektOne on One: She smiles. "Sure! Grab my hands." She holds out her hands expectantly.
  260. 10:24 PM - Kari: Kari lays her hands in the dryders, giving her a trusting smile. "Ready~."
  261. 10:26 PM - MektOne on One: "Down we gooooo~" lifting you bodily, she hugs your face close to her chest as she slides down the shaft. Several seconds later, you're released from her grip on the floor below. She dismounts and rights herself.
  262. 10:26 PM - MektOne on One: "I'll see if we can get rope or something installed for you. We don't have many non-Dryder visitors often!"
  263. 10:29 PM - Kari: Giggling the whole way down, Kari steps aside the moment she's able while still holding Widoia's hand. She shoots the spider girl a smile and a little nod before withdrawing her hands, still laughing to herself. "Yeah, that might be for the best. Unless you'd rather be my personal elevator service~."
  264. 10:33 PM - MektOne on One: "You're sure nice enough that I wouldn't mind, but I don't think I'll always be that available." She giggles. "And speaking of service, this special stop is just for you. Right through here." Stepping through a set of wide double doors, you enter a vast, open area. It's stacked with most of the containers that were loaded earlier on the left side, but to the right, standing among a network of catwalks and other machinery, is a Mekton. "This'll be your ride, once you learn to handle it properly."
  265. 10:35 PM - Kari: Kari follows along once more with great interest, curious as to just what the surprise could be. As she enters the room, her gaze sweeps the whole scene, right up until it fixates on her prize. Sticking with Widoia on peripheral vision alone, she looks on in awe. "Th... that's..."
  266. 10:39 PM - MektOne on One: "Yep! Our one, and only, Mekton right now. The last pilot ended up retiring, so you're her replacement... we may have to fix the cockpit up a little, unless you think you can grow about 6 more limbs before you start."
  267. 10:49 PM - Kari: "Nooo, I don't think I can manage that. Not without a lot of surgery." There is a practically permanent smile stretched across the entirety of her face. "That's a Kunchoren mek, right? You've done business with us before then?" She keeps walking, getting a look at it from every angle. "And you fitted it for your own kind? That's pretty crazy! Are our mektons really that good?... Oooor was it a convenience thing?"
  268. 10:52 PM - MektOne on One: "More of a convenience thing. We got it at a good deal, and it was cheaper to retrofit the cockpit for a Dryder than it was to just buy a Dryder Mekton. We've come to your planet before. We were some of the frontrunners on Kunchoren relations actually, helping with the translations for the translators. That's an old general-purpose military Mek. A little outdated, but it works! And since it's yours now, you're more than welcome to christen it whatever you want."
  269. 10:55 PM - Kari: "For real?" Cross her arms, Kari finally takes her eyes off the Mek to look at Widoia. "Seriously...?" She nods, mulling some things over, but it isn't long before she comes up with something. For the first time since stepping on board, she has the look in her eyes of someone who is more than 100% sure of themselves. "Yuida. I'm calling her Yuida."
  270. 10:56 PM - MektOne on One: "Well, that was fast." Widoia giggles.
  271. 11:01 PM - Kari: "Yui and Ida are my sisters," she says, thumbing her necklace idly. "They stuck by me... through thick and thin... I've never been away from them before. Hell... I even took this job to support them. I think it would honour them to name my Mekton after them. It'll help remind me that even with a galaxy between us, we're still looking out for each other."
  272. 11:02 PM - MektOne on One: "Aww... that's really sweet of you. I think Mr. Silk made a good choice, picking you up."
  273. 11:05 PM - Kari: Kari simply smiles at her, turning to observe the Mekton once more. After a little bit longer in silence, she steps toward Widoia once more, ready to follow. "So... what's Mr. Silk like anyway? He seems... polite but... I dunno. It's been all business up to this point. I've barely talk to him."
  274. 11:09 PM - MektOne on One: " 'All business' is definitely the best way to put it. He's very serious about his work. We were recently contracted by a new customer to purchase and ship some Pyhuaian tech to them, but the delievery is right in the middle of pirate territory, and since we lost our main pilot, Mr. Silk decided to make a pitstop on your planet to hopefully get a new one. Someone familiar with the Mekton we have. Though if you're so unexperienced, I'm not sure why he chose you..." she shrugs. "I'm sure he has his reasons. Mr. Silk's never failed a contract before."
  275. 11:13 PM - Kari: "Well... I 'have' practiced before, but I've never been in a real cockpit. He seemed pleased when I told him how I retrieved his missing cargo though. Maybe that had something to do with it?"
  276. 11:15 PM - MektOne on One: "Could be something like that. I guess we'll find out soon enough, if Mr. Silk has anything to say about it. So, ready to keep going? Or do you want to look the Yuida over a little more?"
  277. 11:15 PM - Kari: "Ready to go, Miss Widoia~."
  278. 11:21 PM - MektOne on One: "Okie dokes then, onwards to our next stop: the fitness center!" You make your way back to the "elevator", where Widoia once more clutches you to her cushy chest as you rise to the floor above. Clickity clack, you enter a room that smells strongly of sweat and strangely fresh silk, a strange combination of sour and a lingering sweetness. The interior is stocked with all manner of weights, machines and bars. Most of these seem the adjustable, universal kind at least. So even if the Kunchoren aren't an officially recognized race yet, you can at least make use of them. The room's empty, barring a brown-haired, muscular spider off to the back of the room, pulling himself up and down from a hanging bar using his silk.
  279. 11:22 PM - MektOne on One: "You seem the active type, if you don't mind my saying, so you can practice or work out all kinds of exercises and things here. There's a few training dummies off to the side if you wanted to work on your swordsmanship, too."
  280. 11:26 PM - Kari: Kari takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of a good workout. Uncrossing her arms, she flexes a bit, even if the armour on her arms robs her of some of the showboating. "Oh yeah? You noticed that, huh? Grade A, certified tomboy~." She can't mainting the show for long and bursts into a fit of giggles. When she finally recovers, she gives a thankful nod and finally quiets down. "Thank you. I'm sure I'll make good use of it... Or I will when you can pry me from the simulators anyway."
  281. 11:28 PM - MektOne on One: "Sounds like we'll have a lot to keep you busy during off-hours, then~. And don't mind the big guy in the back, that's Dematus. He works down in engineering. We mostly run a skeleton crew, maybe a couple more than that. Saves on cost when most things these days can be automated, Mr. Silk likes to say."
  282. 11:29 PM - Kari: "Alright. Maybe I'll introduce myself if I see him in the mess. I'd rather not interrupt his zen."
  283. 11:30 PM - MektOne on One: "Smart move. He can be a little grumpy, so don't take it personally. And let's see here... last stop would have to be the bridge! I mean, I /could/ show you every side closet and storage room if you wanted, but seeing a bunch of boxes probably isn't very fun."
  284. 11:31 PM - Kari: "Lead the way," Kari replies with a giggle.
  285. 11:33 PM - MektOne on One: She marches on, down the main cooridoor of the ship and towards the front end. The doors slide open automatically as you approach, and inside the spacious room full of beeping, blinking computers and mostly empty chairs you spot Mr. Silk, staring out of the large window. You turn your eyes towards the window as well, seeing for the first time in your life the stars as they are from space. It's nothing but a clear carpet of twinkling diamonds.
  286. 11:34 PM - MektOne on One: Mr. Silk turns around as you enter. "Welcome, welcome. I trust you enjoyed the tour?"
  287. 11:37 PM - Kari: Mesmerized by the sight, Kari steps forward, looking right past Mr. Silk. "Yes... thank you, Sir..." Transfixed on the twinkling points of light, she quivers a little. All at once, it hits her like being dipped headfirst into a pool of ice water. Her wings twitch slightly, but never enough for their usual buzzing. It's more like a minor tick caused the sudden realization that she feels very, very small.
  288. 11:39 PM - MektOne on One: Mr. Silk laughs quietly. "Yes, I've seen a similar reaction many times before. You will get used to it. Especially so once you start work, and you realize that while you may be small out there, in here you are an integral gear in the process of a smooth operation that delievers goods across the galaxy."
  289. 11:45 PM - Kari: She quietly turns her gaze towards Mr. Silk, and a gentle wave of calm starts to set in across her. "Thank you, Sir. I... Thank you for making me feel valuable. It'll take me a while, but... that helps me at least feel not so small. Even if I 'am' staring at a million points of light each possibly home to another world bigger or smaller than my own making the dinkey little alley I've been calling hom- and I think I better shut up before I break down into hysterics." A little facial tic reveals that as a distinct possibility, but she does her best not to think about it for the time being.
  290. 11:48 PM - MektOne on One: "Never you fear about that, all you need is time. Perhaps it'd be best to return to your quarters and rest for a while. I can only hope the room isn't too spacious for one like yourself, considering it was constructed with Dryders in mind. Should you need anything else, simply ask my weblings, like Widoia."
  291. 11:49 PM - MektOne on One: Widoia waves cutely as Mr. Silk says her name. She nods. "Yep, I'll be around! Maybe I'll give you another lift if you need it." She smiles.
  292. 11:52 PM - Kari: "I don't think you have to worry about the room. I think it's more spacious than I've ever had, and that's not a bad thing. Maybe I'll rethink that, but sometimes I missed having my own 'room', so to speak." Turning to Widoia, her wings flutter a little once more, signalling her return to a more normal state of mind. "I'd like that. You're really cuddly~. I might ask you for another ride anyway, even 'after' we figure out a way for me to do it on my own."
  293. 11:53 PM - MektOne on One: She giggles. "I'm glad you liked it. So, that concludes our tour! I'll walk you back to your quarters now, if you're ready to go."
  294. 11:57 PM - Kari: "Alright." With a short turn to Mr. Silk, Kari makes a formal bow. "Thank you again, Mr. Silk. Business or no, what you've done for me and my family means a lot to me. I hope I'm worth the investment and the risk. I'll see to it that I am." Stepping towards Widoia, she gives the spider girl a nod to signal that she's ready to go.
  295. Monday, October 26, 2015
  296. 12:00 AM - MektOne on One: Mr. Silk nods to you as you depart, returning his attention to the console before him. Widoia leads you out, back down the ship's length, and to your quarters. "There you have it. Welcome aboard the Spyder Sylk Industries family and carrier, Kari. It'll be fun to work with you, I think. I don't get to deal with a lot of non-Dryders."
  297. 12:02 AM - Kari: "I'm looking forward to it. You and Mr. Silk are really helping me feel at home here."
  298. 12:03 AM - MektOne on One: "It's only right, since you'll be with us for a while."
  299. 12:05 AM - MektOne on One: "Well, if you need anything else, I'll be around. So I'll talk to you later, Kari~"
  300. 12:08 AM - Kari: "Thanks, Widoia. I'll let you know." With a friendly smile, Kari gives her a wave before closing the door. Finally having some time to herself, she sits down on the bed and thinks things over for a time. The bed is huge, and she can't help but think that it's going to feel pretty empty. She cuddles her stuffed animal at the edge of the bed for a bit. There's just no way she can get relaxed enough yet to lay down. Eventually, she decides she's had enough of living like she has been, and decides to set her things down for a private shower. A long since deserved and earned one at that.
  301. 12:11 AM - MektOne on One: You spend a while getting acclimated to your new room. Showering, setting things up, poking around, the works. You're still not fully comfortable here, but that'll likely come in time. For now, you think it's probably a smart idea to get a little shut-eye, or at least try to. It's been a busy day.
  302. 12:11 AM - MektOne on One: aaaaand I think we'll call that a wrap for tonight
  303. 12:11 AM - MektOne on One: only been like, 9 hours :P
  304. 12:13 AM - Kari: Sounds good to me =3
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