
Revenge is like a drug

Apr 15th, 2021
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  1. [18:59] Amaranth says, "..."
  2. [18:59] Amaranth says, "Oi.."
  3. [18:59] Adrian Ivanovich asks, "...?"
  4. [18:59] Amaranth looks to Adrian, hands shoved in pockets. Slouching. One would say slouching intensely, if one could believe that poor posture could HAVE an intensity. The ginger looks like she's been on a wild ride of sorts. An emotional rollercoaster, if not an actual one.
  6. "...y'ain't seen none of the Ebners about none, has yeh."
  8. The thought plainly doesn't occur to the ginger that Adrian may very well just not recognise her, considering that the amicable conversations she'd had with him previously had been whilst genderbent.
  9. (Amaranth)
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [18:59] An emotional rollercoaster indeed.
  14. Even now, Adrian plays back the events of the night before over in his head. From the news of Klaus's death, to the delicious blood that was delivered to him on a silver platter. It was a swirl of emotions, of anger and pleasure.
  16. And he could only imagine how Amaranth felt about it all.
  18. Adrian turns to face Amaranth, that ever present eerie smile on his face. The smile of a well practice façade. One that, if Amaranth didn't know any better, could easily be seen as genuine. And yet there is a brief pause, as she seems different than he remembered. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on...
  20. "One of the Ebners?" Adrian replies, before making a small shake of his head.
  22. "I'm afraid I haven't. I imagine they'll be appearing soon enough, however." After all, it had begun to grow later in the day, and soon many of Achyons denizens would soon be rising from their slumbers.
  24. Probably.
  25. (Adrian Ivanovich)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [18:59] Being relatively masculine presenting even as a woman meant that perhaps Amaranth didn't look too terribly different. Softer, perhaps. Shorter? Definitely.
  30. For once, Amaranth doesn't return Adrian's smile. Her silver-grey eyes meet Adrian's gaze, and she does nod. She'd heard him! Clearly the ginger isn't in a smiling mood, perhaps to nobody's surprise. Klaus Ebner's body rests on ice and it was going to fall on her to perform the autopsy.
  32. "Thanks." The tomboy says, gaze drifting from Adrian to look over towards where Ada and Leon lived. And back to her home.
  34. Unless she particularly wanted to wander over to Leon and Ada's apartment and to drum on their door, she wasn't going to really get a better result than that. So, that was that. And yet, Amaranth doesn't move away. She looks to Adrian. "Is there other news?" She asks, emphasis on the word news. There's a glimmer of something in the ginger's silver-dark gaze. Somehow, Amaranth is the very picture of someone clutching onto a burning ember of hatred. It scorches her hand, but she can't let go.
  36. Amaranth's out for blood.
  38. Exhale.
  40. "..this is supposed t' be my wedding day."
  42. Laugh.
  43. (Amaranth)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [18:59] There is a sort of understanding towards Amaranths unending anger. He had felt a similar sort of anger before, and towards the same group of people. A grudge towards Ariel and Xain, and both of them were taken before he could get revenge. It was a mixed feeling, to be certain.
  49. But at the mention of further news, Adrian simply shakes his head once more.
  51. "I'm afraid not. At least not that I have heard of."
  53. Adrian simply stares for a moment. He could feel Amaranths anger, as it was so potent it was practically palpable in the air around them. If it wasn't for the ice magic that constantly exuded from his own body, it was likely something nearby would've caught aflame in her anger.
  55. Or rather, someone.
  57. "Ah... Yes. Your wedding." Awkward. "Terrible timing, truly. But worry not, my dear Amaranth." Adrian speaks, as he slowly leans in.
  59. "We will ensure that the Mire gets their just rewards for their actions. They will pay for what they've done, and they will pay dearly."
  60. (Adrian Ivanovich)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [18:59] No news.
  65. Amaranth simply nods at that, silver-grey eyes fluttering closed as she exhales. It is only to be expected, but so very, very disappointing. The ginger's eyes remain closed for a moment, missing much of Adrian's staring.
  67. It's not a calm expression that Amaranth is wearing. Heat rolls from her, as she clenches and unclenches her fists. Her hatred and anger and pain curls within her, a super-heated ember that refused to be extinguished.
  69. Terrible timing, truthfully. That's enough to get Amaranth to open her eyes, dark eyelashes fluttering open. And another (bitter!) laugh rolls from soft lips as she looks up at Adrian. If she's aware of the oppressive cold pressing in on her personal space, she doesn't seem to make note of it.
  71. "I expect I won't feel any different afterwards," she drawls, speaking in a low volume to Adrian. "But when every last one of th' mutants is drawn and quartered I'll at least know that they have suffered too. That's something, isn't it?"
  73. And for the first time today, Amaranth smiles. Oh, not a happy smile. Oh no. It has none of Amaranth's usual amicable easy-going charm.
  75. Amaranth isn't as good at Adrian at putting on a façade. One might think actually that the ginger was quite a straightforward person, an open book. This was the smile of someone who was very much wanting to beat the shit out of someone. The smile of someone who was hurting.
  77. (Amaranth)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [18:59] "But my dear, you will."
  82. Adrian's reply is blunt and without hesitation. He knows all too well how intoxicating the feeling of revenge is. To hear the screams of those who wronged you sing out in a cacophony is enjoyable beyond imagination. But that is likely due to Adrian's own upbringing. After all, he was the foreigner in these lands.
  84. "You might not at first, but when you see the one who murdered Klaus cry out in suffering, when you see them beg for forgiveness. That's when it creeps in. Revenge is a poison, my dear. And it is a poison that brings the greatest high one can ever experience." There is a brief pause, as his grin widens.
  86. "But I'm sure you'll find that out first hand soon enough."
  88. After all, with the entirety of Achyon hounding for the blood of the Mire, it was only a matter of time until Torgon and his underlings were cornered. And then, sweet revenge would behers.
  89. (Adrian Ivanovich)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [18:59] She would?
  94. Amaranth blinks. Again, another slow flutter of dark eyelashes, those eyelashes all but cuddling her cheeks before she finds herself staring up at Adrian.
  96. Amaranth listens. Not just passively, not just politely. The scruffy ginger hangs off of each of Adrian's words, finding it easily enough to accept Adrian's mastery over the topic of revenge. She listens as a student learning the art and theory, as a disciple hearing the gospel of revenge.
  98. Amaranth's jaw tenses, but there's truthfully no part of her without tension -- despite her slouching posture.
  100. ".. Perhaps.. in a way.. I don't know if I want t' feel better." Amaranth admits, her voice a low breathy rumble. She wrinkles her nose, finally looking away as she shakes her head. And gives the smallest shrug! "But.. y'know. As long as Torgon an' the mire suffers? I guess I can forgive myself if I live a little, then."
  102. Amaranth exhales. It's not quite a sigh, as she folds her arms in front of her chest, disturbing her cloak.
  104. "I guess I misspoke, earlier. It's still my wedding day, only just don't feel like much I thought it would." Amaranth tilts her head. "Can't say that there'll be much revelry, considering. But hey, maybe someone will bring me Torgon's head as a wedding gift."
  105. (Amaranth)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [18:59] "You might not feel better but it will feel good, even if fleeting." After all, the bliss of revenge was a fleeting sensation. A feeling that, for those who weren't prepared, was addictive and left one craving more. In some ways, it was a drug that even sylvanum could never compare.
  110. But that was something that depended on the individual.
  112. "Regardless. It IS your wedding. Klaus would've wanted you to be happy, wouldn't he?" That said, Adrian didn't actually know WHAT Klaus would've wanted; he didn't even know the man. But given how close he and Amaranth was, it was the only logical choice.
  114. "...And you realize Torgon is a Dullahan, yes? He... He doesn't have a head."
  116. At least he thinks so.
  118. A gaze is shot towards Alucard as the blind man wanders around, and he is promptly dismissed as he wanders away.
  120. "Speaking of. I believe you should be finishing preparations."
  121. (Adrian Ivanovich)
  122. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  124. [18:59] "Klaus hated weddings." Amaranth says with a shrug, but it's clear that she concedes the point with another shrug and a chuckle. Having Torgon's headless status pointed out to her is the closest Amaranth comes to 'normal' all day.
  126. "Don't they keep their head under their arm? Okay, m' phrasin' don't quite work for a Dullahan, but still." She shrugs, wrinkling her nose.
  128. And then she exhales, forced to release the tension within her with another shake of her head.
  130. And yet, the dull thrum of anger remains. A quiet drumbeat. Or was that her heart?
  132. "Yeah.. I's gotta go do that. See you around, Adrian."
  134. She gives a jaunty salute, despite the downcast edge to her gaze. One step onto the back foot, pivot. And then she moves to walk off.
  136. To walk home.
  137. (Amaranth)
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. [18:59] Aleron offered an idle wave towards the doctor as he saw her begin to leave. Though he hadn't been openly listening to their conversation, he could certainly feel the tense energy surrounding it. In turn, he said precious little, merely offering a short smile.
  141. (Aleron Delisle)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [[18:59] Adrian Ivanovich says, "Farewell, Amaranth."
  146. [18:59] Amaranth allows her gaze to rest on Aleron as he waves towards her. She gives the slightest nod of acknowledgement, but does not change course.
  148. The Doctor is out.
  149. (Amaranth)
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