
PSU Obfuscator

Sep 17th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. PSU Obfuscator is a Lua VM obfuscator designed to provide customizability to users to produce the best possible user experience. This obfuscator has the best balance of speed and security to make your scripts run smoothly and securely. Not only does PSU run faster than other obfuscators, but it also uses creative methods to keep your scripts secure.
  3. Unlike Luraph and Synapse Xen, we focus on performance as well as security and provide options to greatly accelerate performance to far superior levels. As for IB2, AztupBrew, and clvbrew, they have all been privately deobfuscated and suffer from major security vulnerabilities that PSU has fixed. PSU Obfuscator also has a range of features to use, far more than any other obfuscator.
  5. Other obfuscators have all had a past history of being insecure, some still suffer from weak methods. VM obfuscation is very tricky, and we think we've nailed it. PSU has the perfect combination of speed and security and allows for additional security or performance improvements based on what the user wants. Other obfuscators such as Luraph and Synapse Xen will slow down the entire script for security, causing lag where it shouldn't happen. IB2 and its many forks will run fast but can be easily reversed and disassembled. PSU allows the user to choose where to apply certain security or performance enhancements, meaning your script should never suffer and will always perform well while staying secure.
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